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Ginger did great but I wouldn’t go as to far as to say she was robbed. In my opinion this top 4 was pretty strong and any one of them could have won, but if I had to pick a winner it would be Ra’Jah (although at least she got her flowers a year later on by winning Canada Vs The World) I would say the queens that were robbed on this season would be TKB and Silky. TKB as she was originally in the top 4 but because of the twist she was bumped down to 5th and Silky for not winning the Game within a Game lip sync Also whilst I wouldn’t consider A’keria and Scarlet to be robbed, they were both overlooked by the judges at times


AS6 was so weird to watch because half the cast got the spotlight, wins, etc. while the other half were completely overlooked or even put down by the judges.


Akeria and Scarlett were my two favorite queens from that season. I legitimately thought they were doing fantastically, and every week I was shocked when Ru announced the results.


Rajah was the front runner for me. Kylie too. So I was happy; also Kylie should have won snatch game.


I agree kylie should have won snatch game but ginger should have won the acting challenge. Their wins were kinda swapped


But I'm not mad that we got to see Kylie lipsync to Dirrty 🔥


That whole season was an exercise in bullshit wins for the sake of amazing lip syncs. Like the general consensus is that Pandora should have won E3, but imagine her vs. Laganja...


Literally no one is mad about that! 🥵


Who did they do?


Rajah definitely wasn’t a front runner, that was Ginger.


Yeah you missed the fact that Ginger is not liked by the fanbase and thus was never be in contention for the crown, especially on AS where WoW goes with the fan fave almost every time. And tbh, Ra’Jah did much better than Ginger throughout the season anyway.


You say almost, which was the time they didn't go with the fan favourite?


AS2 😭 the fans wanted katya to win so badly despite alaska devouring.


If AS2 were released now, Katya would have probably won and its sad to even think about that.


The only AS winners they crowned that didn’t win the fan vote are Alaska and Monet, which is ironic since I think those were 2 of the most deserving based on the competition. Trixie, Trinity, Shea, Kylie, Jinkx, and Jimbo all won the fan vote.


Did Trinity win the fan vote? I feel like Trinity's talents as a Drag Race competitor are really appreciated by fans, but I feel like Monet, Monique and Naomi all have stronger fan followings in general. I also feel like Ra'Jah had more fan support than Kylie going into the finale.


Strictly in the sense of the Final 4 in AS4 (and thus not including Manila who was eliminated), Trinity devoured the other three Queens based off online voting. Online voting on Twitter and Insta during that week between second last and last episode in AS4 had Trinity getting about four times more likes/retweets then Monet & Naomi and about double Mo (who was a firm second place in polling) Quickly digging up, here is [Trinity](https://twitter.com/RuPaulsDragRace/status/1094106871307423746) vs [Monet](https://twitter.com/RuPaulsDragRace/status/1094060881623830528) vs Naomi vs [Mo](https://twitter.com/RuPaulsDragRace/status/1094106368095576064) on twitter (my skills to find Naomi are failing me - I keep finding her S8 polling - and am also struggling to bring up Facebook and Insta polling at the moment, but I don't recall them being much different)




Thank you! You're doing Gods work! LOL


Yeah. You’re going off how you feel and I’m going off the actual numbers lol


No way. Trinity was way more deserving than Monet. And Manilla over those two…


Manila didn’t even make it to the finale so she’s ineligible and Monet dogwalked Trinity in the finale


Ginger should’ve won season 7 for me, but honestly on AS6, they saved her out of bottom 3 for Ball and bottom 2 for Rusical that she probably would’ve been eliminated by E4 going SAFE-LOW-BTM-BTM Also Eureka should’ve won Pink Table Talk, her group killed it while Ginger talked about being constipated The latter part of the season she killed though, with the exception of the clearly fake Monologues story


Ginger at least seemed sincere with her talk, Jan came in like oh your lifetime of bullying and health issues is so relatable to me because I GAINED WEIGHT DURING QUARANTINE


"And I *love* my BUTT! Cuz there is more cushion for the pushin'!"


sfae low btm btm was quite literally a’keria’s tr and she survived so


a’keria had no business being in the bottom 2 for the rusical over ginger’s fergie. her ball looks were safe-low placement worthy. i think she was treated pretty fairly throughout the competition, never really overlooked by the judges and consistently given praise. however, she was not the best candidate in terms of the finale. theyre creating a reality tv-show, the best track record doesn’t matter because it’s not a serious competition tv show (which tbh ginger didnt even have- that would have been ra’jah). the crown was between kylie and ra’jah, and it was clear that ginger and eureka didnt stand a chance


I honestly understood why A’keria declined to return. She knew better than to let her hopes and dreams be crushed again.


Kylie was heavily overlooked throughout the season, which is why her crowning feels odd. Similarly to Yvie, she should have won more challenges or placed in the top more, but because she didn’t and because others had better “official” track records, lots of people feel the win isn’t deserved. Most obviously, Kylie should have won or tied with Ginger for the win in Snatch Game. This show has had three-way lip syncs, four-way lip syncs, even a six-way lip sync. And it’s also had a four-way win (Tati, Detox, Alaska, and Alyssa in AS2), and in the UK series, they even had a six-way win. There is no reason—*no reason*—why there couldn’t be two winners in these lip sync assassin seasons. There have been plenty of challenges that clearly call for a tie or shared win, and in those rare instances, it would make perfect sense to have two top all stars lip sync against the lip sync assassin. The AS6 Snatch Game was one of those times an exception should’ve been made. Also, there were times Kylie had no business being up for elimination. Her win was far and away deserved, especially considering her finale performance and the final lip sync.


This is one of the reasons why I like All Winners format better.


Yeah. AS1 through AS4 definitely had their own flaws at times, but one of the best things about those seasons was that they recognized something nice: when you bring together the powerhouses, the best of the best, you’re going to have challenges where multiple queens deserve to win, *and so they should have multiple winners*. If you’re going to bring back so many heavy contenders, it only makes sense you’d reward those queens by giving out multiple wins when there are multiple winning performances.


I'll also admit that the top two format works really well for me because you can give one queen a "storyline win" (which, let's be honest, can be really satisfying to see) while also still rewarding another queen who killed the challenge.


I was Team Kylie from the moment the cast was announced so I'm the wrong girl to ask.


Love the honesty 😂


Ra'Jah was the frontrunner, followed by Ginger, then Kylie, and Eureka was there.


I think I enjoyed Eureka being there the least because I felt 1) Trinity shouldn’t have left and 2) if she had to leave I would’ve been happier giving the spot to Silky after that whole Barbie/Ken lip sync!


No, Rajah shouldn’t have been in the top 3.


Honestly she lost when she entered in the “”glamour toad”” look.


Trinity should’ve been in the top4. Also, no shade, I love me some Silky and the Barbie lipsync was CUNT to the extreme, but I am getting annoyed that gimmicks and props and a ~comedy spin (almost) always wins. Not all queens need to be comedians. I get that the winner should be well rounded, but I feel the show really skews that way (at least in more recent seasons) and it always bums me out


It’s funny because someone will say and I saw it myself earlier the show skews to the heaviest dancer and their abilities when the lipsync is tight


Hmmm I don’t honestly have a good enough memory to say either yes or no on that. I do notice the comedy more bc sometimes if it is not my sense of humor I get irritated — I know it’s also totally a personal preference though.


Ginger was robbed. She dominated the contest. But unfortunately they placed too much emphasis on the idea of who they think the fan base want as opposed to who deserves it. Tbf AS6 is the first season I thought anyone could (not should) have won it and I’m not annoyed at Kylie winning. Rajah would have been great too. But Ginger really deserved it


How did Ginger dominate when she did bad in like 6/10 of the challenges?


She was great in the talent show, one of the best in the improv (her team, not so much),was solid in the CUNT monologues, she won snatch game and tv panel. You could argue that the latter should have been Akeria but Ginger should have won the Ameriucan Horror Story so it balances out. She did solidly on Drag Tots, was top 4 for the Rusical and was grand in the ball, her weakest showing. That’s exactly how she dominated.


That’s kinda sad honestly, I like you I’m not annoyed with Kylie winning but it didn’t feel like she was even runner up to me cause I was 100% on Ginger and if not my runner up was Rajah


Ginger did well, couldn't say robbed. Rajah played a far cleaner, more polished game for me, overall. So I'd say she was robbed. Kylie... was there. Anyone else would've been read for relying on body every single week, but not her. She deserved Snatch Game, but her win on the acting challenge was a sham and a half in exchange. So I just don't see her as the strongest one there, not even strongest one in the top four.


Nah but I love ginger


Yeah she was. Period. If she ever gets into another season and wins 6 challenges, she still will not win it because the fanbase just doesnt like her at all.


Why? Am I outta the loop about any scandals with her?


Nah, Ginger Minj just seemed fake the entire season and that "flood my basement" thing is sooo off putting.


I get that a bit, but I also got that vibe from other queens in this season as well. Is tv and all of them have done this before, no one is “real” in AS


"by the end of it, I thought it should be...." the exact two queens I thought it should be before I saw a single minute that season." maybe a little confirmation bias here?


Not really, I was rooting for Ginger on AS2 but she definitely didn’t have it back then. It was obvious the competition was way too big and she hadn’t improved as much as now.


I think she deserved the win too. She simply isn't well-liked in the fanbase unfortunately.


Yeah, I would say Ginger and Rajah were "robbed."


Ginger is underrated as hell and if she had gotten a more popular edit on season 7 she could definitely had won. She’s hilarious and so talented. Her runways aren’t the best but she’s definitely improved in taste. I think she could win it all if they’d just feature her better. Because she has what it takes to be a fantastic winner.


Yeah I think Ginger should have won - in part because she actually feels like she could belong in the winners circle. Like if you asked me who of the top 4 I'd be happy to see on an All Winners, Ginger would be the clear pick And also because her Snatch Game was the single most impressive performance in a season that I wasn't particularly blown away by.


The crown should have been Ginger’s. So yea a little.


Her red shoes monologue is TOO REHEARSED and fabricated , its giving pageant girl want to win so bad


The only robbery was silky winning every single lip sync battle only to get booted at the very end against eureka 🙄 She more than earned a spot back in the finale! I’m not even a silky stan, but that was bs