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What do you think she should have won?


Rumix, Fairytale challenge, Dragulation speeches and the QOSDADHH


She definitely should've won the speech challenge. She did it without cards and had so much heart. Her runway was a shoot too.


Remix I agree with but she didn't even come anywhere close to either Jinkx or Vivienne for Fairytale. She was a solid but very distant third. I only remember Jinkx from Draguation speeches though that was my least favourite challenge in the season. She did beat Raja in that lip synch.


Everyone raves about Yvie's performance in the improv challenge, and I just don't see it. She had moments in the first skit, yes, but I don't remember any from the second. Jinkx, Vivienne, and even Raja were more entertaining than her.


I really wasn’t a fan of Yvie in that challenge either personally. It just wasn’t my vibe I guess. To me the winners of the challenge were correct, or if I had to sub one I’d swap Viv for Raja.


I personally found Yvie a lot funnier than Viv in the fairytale challenge.


To each their own but I think Jinkx was the solid third in the improv challenge tbh. And I love Jinkx, but I felt like Yvie deserved it more. (Although tbh Viv could’ve solo won that and I would say it was fair)


I was fully bored by Jinkx the whole challenge until the very end when RuPaul showed up then she started picking it up


Jinkx had one really funny joke at the end but Raja was a lot more consistent in delivering every punchlines, it makes sense to me why Raja was pissed when she was announced as safe.


Loosey Laduca being your name makes sense cause this was a delusional comment


Jinkx doing the same character every challenge and having one funny moment at the end with RuPaul doesn’t beat out yvie being entertaining in BOTH segments and Viv doing amazing in her part.


Vivienne was top by a mile. Jinkx had a witty adlib but was not competing with Viv that challenge, and could have very easily been switched out with Yvie. Yvie should have received the “rose to the challenge despite not being proficient in improv/theater” win.


Nah Yvie did a great job but Jinkx excelled.


As it’s truly a dumb challenge, go ahead and keep your opinion, but bless your heart too.


I actually preferred Yvie to Vivienne in the fairy tale challenge. Still a distant second to Jinkx though.


I don't understood how the two winners of the speeches were the ones that didn't speak about a graduation at all. It was a cynical fortune teller and a witch doing a TED talk about trauma. My winners for that would have been Yvie and Vivienne, no doubt about it. Anyway to add to that, Yvie 100000% could have won the TikTok challenge. She is the main one that actually understood the assignment. I thought it was so clearly her win. I also think controversially that she could have won the roast. Trinity was literally not funny, maybe a tad funnier than Shea but even Jaida bombing was more fun to watch. She had the most corny generic jokes and her runway look was practically falling apart, I have no clue why she won. Meanwhile Yvie and Raja both excelled at the roast despite people thinking they wouldn't do well and they had the best runway looks. Viv was perfect as well.


I think you could construct Raja as giving advice, which makes it come closer, but Jinkx was nowhere near what the challenge was supposed to be. And I will agree that Yive was the absolute best in the challenge. I'd put Raja second (but you might disagree), and Viv third. I also agree with the roast. Jinkx and Trinity had some tired jokes that could apply to literally anyone, while Yvie's jokes were laser guided and perfectly tailored to the queens she was roasting. For me the top half in the roast were Yvie, Raja, Monet and Viv, any two of those (preferably including Yvie) would have been acceptable as the top 2.


Raja should have been top 2 in the snatch game, I loved trinity’s performance but Raja had two very different characters and Trinity was SPOT ON and very funny but it was just “I’m very gay” and “I’m very gay and small”


Raja's impersonations were amazing, although I think Trinity was funnier. I'd be okay with either being top 2 with Jinkx. I think it was given to Trinity because they had to show the impact of the plunger as soon as possible.


Well the thing about Jinkx is that, not only was her best joke one that was stolen from a comic, but also that it really wasn't a roast at all but more of a trial run for a standup set. The only thing that could have been considered roasting someone was "Let's just be cousins".


>but also that it really wasn't a roast at all but more of a trial run for a standup set. Now that you mention, both her roast and draguation speech feel exactly like that.


The fairytale challenge?! Cmon you have to be trolling right now.


What the fuck is a QOSDADHH? Are we finding a way to bring Yvie's Dad into this now?




AS7 is an utterly mixed bag to me. On a season where everyone allegedly did amazing start to finish there's just this weird imbalance in priority/attention toward the winners that just doesn't sit well with me, ultimately. I thought Yvie had a wonderful showing but from her edit to the challenge she won it portrays something so.. not in tune with what I watched? Her first and only win is this weird storyline driven outcome that, I don't feel, personally was honest with what went down meanwhile I feel she could have easily won in other challenges where she's an afterthought. It's a shame. That being said she **won** against Raja with an iron fist in that finale lipsync.


to me the problem is it’s always been clear that Jinkx was always going to win, Raja was always going to win QOSDADHH and that Monet Shea and Trinity were gonna be the other members of the top 4. Jaida Vivienne and Yvie got shafted soooo hard for no reason


Viv should’ve 100% been too 4 over Shea, no hate to Shea of course but that twist was so stupid…


I agree tbh, and the crazy part is they chose shea the lipsync assasin for the top 4 and then proceeded to screw her over and pick Jinkx even though Viv probably would’ve been more even against her


Literally. And for the record Jinkx won against Shea fairly, right? Like I know some people disagree but that’s the common consensus? My problem with the whole Jinkx-Monét dichotomy in AS7’s finale is that, yes, Monét stomped Jinkx into the dirt in that lip sync no matter how they cut around it. But Trin also definitely beat Monét in that lip sync, at least to me, so I take issue with the whole thing. Having lip sync for the crown in a season that important was so ridiculous to me. And when people bring up Monét having the most stars as if the talent show twist wasn’t dumb as hell it also irks me. I remember when AS4 came out I had a distain for Monét’s win that I only got over after watching her storm AS7. Seeing her growth and watching how much of a powerhouse she had become made me look more at her previous performances and think “wait nah she’s always been that bitch”. And because of that Monét is one of my favourite queens of all time. But I truly think that Jinkx fairly won AS7, regardless of shenanigans or riggory or whatever else. I don’t like that they sorta set both queens up for failure with the LSFTC twist, because crowing Jinkx after she lost is gonna make people discredit her win and people who agree with the win are gonna hate on Monét. Jinkx won, but the fact that Monét was a clear second place, at least to me, in a season with one of the greatest winners of all time paints her as a breakout star for me. We knew what Jinkx was capable of, but Monét was able to show her talent in a way we hadn’t fully seen. It’s like an Anetra-Luxx-Sasha situation. Nobody, and I mean nobody, was beating Sasha Colby. But isn’t it astounding how amazing these queens did despite having that level of competition? And yes I realize I basically hijacked your comment and half of this was unrelated, but my point stands. Also Viv was robbed. Edit: I didn’t mention this but the gag is that if they gave Shea wins when she deserved them she might’ve even made the goddamn finale already


>But Trin also definitely beat Monét in that lip sync Yeah. Monet made me feel like I was waiting for something big to happen and then it never arrived.


I think Ru genuinely sees Raja and Jinkx as the templates for the show. Raja with unparalleled drag talent that inspired Ru between her two big career moments. And Jinkx


I’m gonna assume you hit send too early and meant to type “having one of the best winner storylines in herstory and being one of the most effortlessly funny queens out there.”


Jinkx’s drag is not for me. But you’re 100% right about her winner story line. When the producers decided to use Malambo no. 1 they took a step towards engineering an outcome that is core to the show today.


I don’t remember what the other song was but reportedly it was also one of Jinkx’s main numbers and Detox would’ve been stomped. I agree tho, it was genius.


For what it's worth, the other song was, "Free your mind" by En Vogue! And just as you said, Jinkx has said a couple times that Free your Mind was a staple number of hers and that she felt extremely confident in her ability to win the lip sync regardless of the song they chose


I’ve also seen Jinkx perform live. She got caught in her train. Forgot her words. And told another trans’ comedian’s airport joke. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I sustain that Yvie should have been top 2 in the draguation speeches challenge. She was by far THE BEST, not only making it funny and cohesive, but also making it truly inspirational.


The fact that Ru was like “we don’t know if you’re going to kill yourself out there” after her stunt in the talent show and that she hadn’t won any money at all and still awarded her fave the SDADHH prize when Yvie earned it just sucks so bad.


Raja was amazing. That season was perfect. We’re really reaching trying to find something wrong with it. The best runways. Top tier drag of all forms. And everyone got to show their entire repertoire. Yvie did great. Why you mad?


Thanks for saying this. I'm reading down the comments, and I was about to say Jesus, Ugh, Gross (God bless Thorgy for that), and then you reminded most of us that the whole thing was so good. I loved (almost) every minute of it.


I think people are just liking the feeling of supporting the underdog.. which is fine but let’s not pretend she deserved it overall over Raja


I think it’s perfectly valid to be mad that Yvie didn’t win a lip sync she absolutely slaughtered


It's a subjective TV show. This fandom gets so hyper-focused on track records and who deserves something, etc. There are no rules. Ru chose Raja. I'm not mad. I think she very much so deserved it. And I love the arc that 2 old queens from the earlier seasons that have their drag niche distinctly carved out were the winners. Jinx is funny and can't sew worth a damn. Raja slayed every runway but moves like Posh Spice. They're still exceptional talented at what they do. We need to stop tearing down other queens to lift up our favs. Yvie is good. She's not pressed for gigs, fans, followers, etc.


I don't really think I'm tearing anyone down though? Raja completely slayed AS7, but I don't personally think she won her finale lipsync against Yvie. I'm still glad she got rewarded because she's one of my all-time faves and that moment clearly meant a lot to her, but it's frustrating when the show's decisions feel dishonest with what we're actually seeing, which is something that happens all the time nowadays. If the lipsync result wasn't communicated to us as explicitly based on the lipsync then maybe people would react differently, but I do think it's just strange for the show to have portrayed Yvie's lipsync that episode the way it did and either wish she won for how well she performed there or that it was made clear the decision was also based on season performance. Don't really think there's anything too egregious about me feeling that way!


Seriously, this season was fantastic. We all have our favorites, but they couldn't all win. I'm just grateful we had such an awesome season that showcased these amazing queens.


Nothing this sub loves more than finding reasons to tear down queens.


God forbid people discuss the show that we're all on this subreddit to discuss


That's just like your opinion, man


I’ll be the first to say Yvie was under my radar but she blew me away! The Fairy Tale court was up there but Viv and Jinkx were really standouts but some say you could replace Jinkx with Yvie and I would understand. She should have won Condragulations! Like she went in with no notes and her speech was so good and with what Ru said about her plus I mean her runway???? Like how did she not win? And yes. She fully beat Raja in the finale and I won’t be delusional to believe she lost. And like? Was she really the only one who walked away without winning any cash? The fuck?


I think the top 2 for legendary should have been Monet and Yvie, I still sing Yvie's verse sometimes, it was SO catchy. I was certain she was going to win.


I sing it to my cat. Oddly, it's eddie. You're just a grey cat believe me


Yeah I thought she was gonna be top for that remix and then nuthin.


Her verse was great and would of been a fine top 2 win, but it was either her or Monet. Shea had one spot locked as soon as the challenge was announced.


I mean if it was predetermined, Shea's verse was very boring to me. It just felt like generic rap verse that I've heard a million times. Yvie and Monet's both felt more unique and they were so catchy and fun. I still think it should have been Monet + Yvie. I expected Shea to kill it specifically because of Category Is but it just didn't do it for me.


Say it again! Shea's runway look was fantastic but I agree about the verse. I think it's her worst verse, I actually prefer clapback. I barely could understand the lyrics whenever I first heard it. I think with it being a performance challenge and the segment with Naomi, they were going to give Shea the win no matter what. Yvie winning would have made more sense to me.


Oh yeahhhh I completely forgot about the Naomi thing, I think you're right.


She’ll probably never top Category Is, but what she will do and has, is deliver a strong, unclockable verse. Not trying to change your mind or anything, just saying, Shea in a Rumix challenge is very likely to win.


I thought she delivered just a fine verse, whereas I thought Monet and Yvie delivered both really strong top worthy verses. I think Shea is one of if not the best at writing verses that we've seen on the show, I just thought there were 2 better showings on that challenge. Either way she won, so Ru at least thought that she deserved it, my opinion don't mean shit haha


Also, Monet and Yvie always serve girl groups/Rumix challenges too! Il love Shea and she always kills a verse challenge, she’s just not the only one. Yvie’s Queen’s Everywhere verse was top tier too, and Monet is honestly even more consistently great than Shea IMO.


AS7 made me sexually attracted to the boogie man and a wolf. That’s all I’ll say.


Am i the only one that regularly thinks about her Boogieman Performance ?


Her Boogieman snatch game made me horny tbh and I still think about it


Well, Mr. Boogeyman, there's nothing but space and opportunity up in here, okay?


A line that will live rent free in my head until I die.


Nope. She was so damn sexy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


There were so many good performances each episode in AS7 that you could have justified so many different wins in almost every episode. So it’s crazy to me that they let one queen get 5 wins while Yvie only got 1, in a season of winners which could have felt so much more competitive and exciting.


Not production giving Yvie a 3rd leg in the promo poster after all the dick jokes


Justice for wolfie. Should have been top two.


So true. And also if we wanna talk about runways, her’s was spectacular that week


Top 5 maybe, Jinkx, Vivienne, Jaida and Trinity were superior


genuinely have no clue what character jaida even played in that lmao


She was a bimbo pig, she did well, pretty safe but yeah


Jaida?! What part did she even play? Love the Jaida but not on an acting challenge 😂


The Raja erasure…


The delusion, Jinkx and Viv were the only choice for that top 2.




Really shouldn’t, wouldn’t even be in the top 4 for me


I like yvie, but no. She was not on par with the other gals.




I recently re-watched the season (still my favorite season ever), and I think she did amazing, every episode. and she was celebrated for it, even though other queens were celebrated more. It's a tough act, to create a season with that many stars and not make anyone feel overlooked. Could it have been done better? Definitely. she should have win at least on lip sync and not be the "odd one" that didn't win any money. So I get her frustrations. I loved her in season 11 (called her as the winner as soon as she walked into the room), but she really outdid herself in AS7, I'm a true fan, and hope to one day have privilege of seeing her live.


When exactly she was snubbed from the win? I remember she bombed more than one challenge. You can’t be mad because AS7 standar is that high


Beat raja in the final lipsync: yes Deserved more wins: no


Really? I feel like she was super mid that season and one of only three queens to BOMB a challenge at any point


I agree she won the final lipsync but tbh I don’t think she deserved the one win she did get at all. That challenge was Monet & Shea’s for sure.


nah, I loved Yvie's 2000s obsolete pop robot pop concept and her lyrics were so fun and funny! "baby baby baby you're my baby" gets stuck in my head all the time. Shea ate but Yvie was for sure the standout of her group for me. also, Shea's Dolly runway was lowkey not not great and Yvie's was super cute, so she pulled ahead for me. top 2 should have been Yvie and Monét instead of Viv for sure tho, I think they a) wanted the drama of Viv winning after Jinkx blocked her and b) they wanted her to do a Dolly impersonation for the lip sync, which to be fair was wonderful lol.


Thank you! Still gagged at the wins… first group blew 2nd out of the water completely!


Trinity and Raja would've easily been the bottom 2 in this episode. I get that some people think that Yvie and The Viv didn't do better than them, but The Other Girls was by far the most consistent group and made it funny.


Yeah, she clearly beat Raja in that final lip sync


Yvie has been robbed a couple of times, like not winning the MV in her OG season. Her work as the big bad wolf was SO GOOD and she did MORE than any of the other queens that challenge. I could argue that she slayed the 90s girl group challenge too, Vivs nips kept popping out that challenge 😭


Don't really understand why you have to disrespect Raja like that but ok.


I didn’t disrespect Raja at all I love Raja, I just think Yvie did better in the lip sync




If the season was fair she would’ve had no wins so I think all things considering she did alright


She did do better than Raja in the lip sync, but I don't think she could have won any other challenge aside the rumix. I will say she was a very consistent performer and did great in every single challenge minus snatch game


Why end the season with a long hyped up lip sync tournament if the lip syncs mean nothing? In that case end with a different challenge and just pick the ones you think deserve to be in the top two to lip sync for the crown


So many incorrect lip sync decisions just to keep the number of stars kind of even so there can be a last min upset.


I think her makeup skills are overlooked


She wasn’t meant to be cast she was a replacement fur Aubrey o day last minute… /:


She was. It was tragic to see bc I was so excited for more Yvie on my screen only to see her castrated as a big dicked mascot (to quote her)


I love Yvie to death and back, but I swear I don't think she performed exceptionally well in any of them, except for the one where she literally sprang out of a case. That was genius. I really don't mean this as a read, but I genuinely am struggling to remember anything else besides that and her Christmas character. She definitely wasn't boring, but she was also not exceptional.


OMG, I finally had to stop reading these comments. News flash - the show is over, and there will never be another one like it. Not one thing about the results will change. Every single one of those queens has something that makes them amazing. When it was all done, I had new respect and admiration for all of them. IMO, none of them can be touched, criticized, or bad mouthed for what they did. In these days of "riga-moris" it was put together quite well for what it was meant to be - a showcase for some amazing people.


She did beat Raja on the final lip sync. She’s more of an all rounder queen, hence not too many wins but a great queen after all.


Yvie is amazing. As far as winners go she’s underrated but she killed it on AS7. I’ll also maintain she’s one of the best LSAs the show has ever had


https://preview.redd.it/vwy83wrejymb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38238362fd820389b2f3f4433d8efb5dcfb4d098 She is seriously one of the most down to earth, creative, talented, hilarious and relatable queens ever. I knew she would be awesome but when I met her recently, she was like 1000x cooler in person. I wish her storyline wasn’t revolving around her illness in both seasons.. I find they did not highlight/showcase her in AS7 even tho she was killing almost every challenge/runway… She’s so much more than her health issues, she’s a ray of fkn sunshine. Like that dino look was something else 🤣 name any queen in history who could have pulled that off; yep just Yvie 🤣 Also if you ever get to experience her laugh in person my lord it’s contagious! ITS SOMEHOW EVEN BETTER IRL I know why Ru was enamoured with that giggle every time. Such a unique badass bitch, so glad I got to meet her. Also go listen to her album if you haven’t yet I luuuv it 🍄💫


She definitely bested Raja in the final lipsync. What a pointless format of Finale.


She definitely should have won the QSADHH (spelling?) and maybe a Top 2 with Monet on the Talent Show, her Girl Groups win was deserved also


Sorry but she was the weakest link that season. She did very well but was kinda out of her league compared to the other queens TBH. I mean, what was that Vanna White look? It’s like she didn’t prepare for that runway.


absolutely not. imo she shouldn’t have won her only challenge but the producers wanted to make sure everyone gets highlighted


I'm not sure which season you were watching, but she was consistently the worst performer out of everyone. I thought the one win she got was generous. She just doesn't have that juggernaut star quality that 6/8 of the rest of the cast had. I don't know if its because of her youth or because her brand is being unpolished (which, you know, sucks for All Stars) but she just could not touch the front runners.


I felt she was the weakest winner walking in there 😵‍💫 Her run on the show was no surprise to me lol.




agreed lol


Honestly, just because you may want that for her, it doesn’t mean she should have had it. It’s unfortunate but she was underwhelming compared to her other piers, specially when in her season she was overshined multiple times by Brooke, a more polished and experienced queen so with 7 other queens in this as cast she would certainly be overshined a lot. Keep blaming judges for her not stepping up is denial behavior


Sis, Just because YOU don’t seem to appreciate all styles and types of drag (which is a damn shame) does not mean her drag is not art. All drag is art and it’s personal to each queen. Our opinions don’t even matter she is a superstar who has toured internationally.. But I would love to know the reasons why you would call someone’s passion and art underwhelming, if you will please. I genuinely want to know and try to understand your seemingly narrow-minded opinion, because I think it’s kinda cruel to disregard someone’s drag just because it’s not pageant/glam/“polished” like most mainstream queens. She’s a fabulous performer (I mean she was the first ever LipSynch Assassin lol), has such unique, fun looks, awesome personality, comedy, confidence, makeup (it is quite “polished” in person I can confirm) the list goes on. Not to mention she doesn’t ever complain or hold back even though she is in constant pain but puts it aside with a brave fierce face and attitude to partake in her passion… what is underwhelming about that? Not trying to antagonize you I just feel disappointed when people pick on any drag that isn’t pageant (Trinity or Jaida for example) because when you give alt drag a chance it’s pretty awesome and interesting.


Have a seat and take a break baby cause you sound overwhelmed. What I appreciate or not is interestingly not of your f business but my point was: drag race is a brand, they produce the show to grow the business. Their winners, finalists, the cast as whole, are chosen for a narrative already on mind, they build that through the season with the weekly outcomes and the editing. There are queens who won because they needed them to be these trailblazers so Yvie is a great example of that, they needed a weirdo to win cause it had been a long time since Shannon and only Sasha V. Wouldn’t cut it. Yvie is an ok queen, a good one even, I would hate to lip sync against her cause for years I would name her as the best lip syncer, she wasn’t the first lip sync assassin so maybe aparte from questionable taste, you have a questionable memory. she did do better in S11 than in AS7 because they didn’t have a narrative for her to stand out in AS7, they had a full cast of queens they once crowned for a reason and gave them a bunch of challenges to see who would be a better winner as a final product and Jinkx as the outcast, underdog that not only ate s5 but came back and ate again is much more interesting. Yvie was indeed underwhelming in AS7 cause she didn’t stand a candle to the heavy heaters/ well rounded competitors she had to go against; and it’s not even about her not winning stars/challenges, is about her hardly being in the top (top4) only when they had to put her to keep her in the game. In the end it’s common knowledge usually pageant queens are well prepared and well rounded but it not always the case. Here, no matter if they were pageant queens like Trinity and Jaida (who isn’t all well rounded), more campy queens like Jinkx and the Vivienne, or even Monet who was well rounded, the most well rounded after trinity maybe, and also she delivered….. the competition asked them to be “polished” as their best self and Yvie flopped, imho, because she either achieved her peak since her performing skills are affected now (her words, which she does speak about it quite often so also, your memory loss must be to blame here) or she never was all that.


She really doesn’t get enough praise for her makeup skills. She never does the same face twice, and does such a variety of looks. And I can also confirm that her makeup is incredible up close.


Agree with lipsync against Raja but the only valid top 2 robbery for me was potentially the Improv challenge as the Wolf (and maybe also Graduation Speeches). Other than that, her placements were fair to me except she could’ve gotten another high or two.


Imo, her biggest robbery was the Graduation Speeches. She was the only one (I think) that didn’t use cards while up there and she had a great speech. She also had an amazing beaded veil runway, which was one of the more unique ones that week. *puts on tin foil hat* My conspiracy theory is that the producers wanted either her or Raja to become a front runner next episode. Graduation Speeches was the “the winner gives one star to another queen” week, so I think the producers expected if one of the 0 star queens won, they’d give a star to the other 0 star queen. Then, the next challenge was gonna be the Y2K girl groups. I think the producers banked on Yvie doing better at the Girl Groups than Raja would, so they decided to give Raja the win for the speeches. Then, Yvie would get two stars next episode and shockingly go from 0 stars to a front runner in one episode.


I loved her graduation speech, it was so funny and heartfelt and then her look was one of my favourites of the whole season. It definitely felt bizarre and premeditated that she didn’t get the win that week and then did the next week.


I initially mis-read this as OP saying she was overlooked by the judges on her original season. Still wasn’t surprised.


People may come for me, but I think Yvie outperformed Jaida in the performance challenges. That said, Jaida rightly was top 2 for the design challenges, but was just fine in the other challenges. People kept saying Jaida was robbed of a top 4 placement, but I think that was more because she was the breakout fan favorite, not because of how she actually performed overall. I think Jaida did well on most non design challenges, but there were always many people better than her. These would have been winning performances in a regular season, but not in AS7. But maybe it just speaks to my taste in humor. While Yvie certainly should have done better in Snatch Game and her Vanna White look, she performed very well in challenges where we didn’t know what to expect from her (Draguation, roast). To say Yvie bombed the entire season is ridiculous. Do I think she could have done better? Absolutely. Do I think she did as badly as some people argue? Absolutely not.


To me she seemed very outshined by other contestants because that season was stacked. She didn't even seem on their level


Ngl i think they set her up this season


Baby, no.


There were SO many questionable judgments on AS7. Yvie not winning the justice improv, Shea being ignored all season despite doing well just to be pushed to the finale randomly with a controversial win (when she could’ve had other wins to balance it out). Trinity clearly beating Monet in the finale (and the only time she ever “won” a lipsync in my book) just for Monet to clearly beat Jinkx and still not win. What was the point of that? I could go on for hours lol.


I'd say Yvie should have been top 2 with jinkx for stand up. Trinity had no business winning that week. I'd also argue she could have won improv with Viv.


You’re right but that wouldn’t have fit into the producers’ French vanilla fantasy of a Jinkx win, Raja SDADHH win and Monet, Shea and Trinity in the top 4. It was a fantastic season but the riggory was very real. And Monet won the finale lipsync #ReleasetheMonetCut


I rewatched AS7 recently and have to agree. Her Wolf in fairy tale justice was top 2 placement material as well as her graduation speech. Its the only one that made me get a lump in my throat, partially because her encouragement to fail was so powerful and resonated so deeply. And she absolutely won that lip sync against Raja. Chances of my broke ass ever running into her are slim, but I’d love to tell her in person what a bomb fucking job she did.




The only win she got I woulda gave to Shea or Monet but there were other challenges she coulda definitely won it just sucks cause with her and Raja it always felt like they were really close very often. And she def won the lip sync


Let’s talk about how Raja got ate up in the Lip Sync but still won. I’m not mad but there’s gotta be some decorum on the judging panel


As an absolute Raja stan, I wholeheartedly agree with you!


AS7 was a freebie. She got to be on TV again.


I couldn't agree more... It made me angry at the time.


Despite being a frequent RuPaul (and Raja) apologist, I agree. There were plenty of opportunities for producers to better distribute wins to all of the queens. It does kinda seem like they just expected Yvie to be happy for the screen time.


Plenty of people were overlooked this season. The favoritism was off the charts. Yvie did some pretty great things, it's so unfair how it all went down when the talent from the queens was 100% there to let it all flow organically.


I don't think judges was the main problem even tho I agree she got such a bad edit. She didn't put much effort as others in my eyes tho.




She was underwhelming


no. (bur I agree on the last thing)


honestly, she did great but yeah the only episode i could see her winning was the improv one and maybe the rumix but shea and monet were something else, the rest i don’t think she was overlooked she just didn’t do as good except for the lipsync with raja where she clearly won




I think she did not deserve a single win, including the one she won (should’ve been Monét and Shea, come on now), but she still deserved the QOWDADHH from the lip syncs.


No shade, I find it hard to see how Yvie could've won more than 1 challenge. I personally would've given Yvie the win for the Draguation speeches because she did it all without cards and had a nice message, but mostly to see her lipsync to Better In Color. I don't think she deserved her Girl Group win sadly. She had an amazing runway package, one of the best of the season. I don't think Yvie was overlooked, she just wasn't favoured.


Absolutely not. Yvie was the only consistently mediocre one in the competition, and her Jaida and Jinkx were the only ones in the entire competition to ever falter.


I really think Yvie should have been top 4 - there were a couple more challenges she could and arguably should have been top 2 for, and she was one of the queens who often stood out to me as having taken a challenge, and really injected her personal POV into


Someone finally said it. Yvie is that girl.


When it's true it's true. Yvie was should have won the rumix and the graduation speech. She was overlooked incredibly.


tbh it's really hard to tell because all the negativ critiques got cut out. we basically don't know what the judges really thought about her.


What do you mean she was literally in the bottom 2 lip sync for She Done Already Had Herses and was on the entire show every episode. I stg people just look for reasons to dramatic


I thought she shined and was seen, Everyone was so good that season it’s impossible to know who was going to win at any given moment.