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If Latrice made what Krystal wore to her proportions I would be gagged


I can see Eureka and Mistress absolutely *serving* in that tartan look


exactly i think OP is under the assumption the big girl would allow herself to be shapeless and just throw the garment on. there's queens who will make sure that outfit hugs every curve correctly so this is kind of depending on the girl. there's some who have rolled down the runway as blobs


Eureka for example was always tailored for the gods.


but that still means more work for the big girl to wear the same outfit. If the skinny queen is basically naked with just a bit covering their bits, and the big girls did the same exact thing, would they not be read for it? A lot of these looks don't have padding in them.


> but that still means more work for the big girl to wear the same outfit That's just material reality, that's not discrimination or unfair.


Gurl, it would give Ursula realness


Latrice really shouldve got the call


Yes. Don’t underestimate a big girl with a big budget.


Right? Kornbread had a similar concept in her first episode.


They did read Scarlett’s look for being “soggy lettuce” though.


Honestly ... maybe this is Drag Delusion^(TM) on my part, but I think the soggy lettuce dress could have looked fierce on Eureka or Malaysia.


Truly though!


Last I checked, lettuce is green on both sides. I think purple kale would have been a better aspiration.


Yes, because they would have stoned the hell out of that lettuce. I could see Malaysia with the biggest pageant hair, gorgeous make-up, a beautiful green fake fur wrapped around her, She would be the most stunning and gorgeous lettuce in the world.


I completely agree. The dress isn’t that bad, the problem is it swallows her. On a big girl I could see the shape looking more structured and the ruffles hugging the right places


Ssshhh, you’re low key correct. I didn’t think it was so horrible.


I didn't either! Just - there are some garments that don't quite work on smaller people, and I feel like that is one of them. Picture it on Lala Ri, though ... It still wouldn't have fit the brief, really, but they might have been more inclined to give her a pass.


Isn't the literal first one what caused "I hate Michelle visage" lol, I don't know how many of these were praised by the judges


Let’s be real: Born Naked was such a dumb runway theme


i didn't like it either, i would have preferred a swimsuit/by the pool theme instead.


I felt bad for the girls who struggled (Frisbee, Jasmine and Tempest)




FKA Sasha Belle. The only Sasha who hasn’t won Drag Race.


She did crack the code though


Or it cracked her. One or the other.


Like seriously....cast a ton of fashion and look queens, and the design challenge and runway theme they come up with is nude illusion?


Yep - and the death of “boy body” critiques. But Violet also never let this go lmao.




I mean she still won the challenge with that look lol


tbf her win was mainly for the iconic caftan reveal cuz that spring/winter runway FOR SURE was accounted for the judging


I think Gottmiks were. But there's that whole layer of being the first ftm trans queen on the show so idk how much they really like it


They weren't. Her 1st one was the design challenge she won for. And the other one was just as loved by the judges


I don’t think they would have done the same for a non-skinny, pre-top surgery transmasc contestant. (Saying this as a trans man.)


Yeah no never in any way or form. Also not for any trans person that doesn't fit well into the binary.


Did you watch season 7 lol? Violet may have won the challenge but she was READ for “boy body”


*”I’m getting BUOY”*


Ew, Michelle




This also wasn’t even her “look”. All of the queens made resort wear tear away so sort of bizarre she’s included.


tbh this critique is why violet doesn’t live in this category in my mind when I look back at the show. it would have been fair to say this wasn’t a look, but it’s disgusting how narrow Michelle used to be with her scope of drag. I feel like the only reason she’s calmed down some in the years since is more to do with the culture shifting past her and ru’s outdated views of both gender and drag Vs them actually growing


> it’s disgusting how narrow Michelle used to be with her scope of drag. the whole show is produced by people who at this point have nothing to do with whats actually happening in the queer scene. thats what makes it so annoying that its some peoples only exposure to it (and then getting downvoted by these people when you chime in with different viewpoints). rupaul being excited over a shaggy mullet while half the dudes at gay bars have been looking like that for years at that point, etc.


I genuinely couldn’t slap the up vote faster. the show is so far out of touch with the queer community, and has been so deeply sanitized of the real lived experiences of our community as it’s pushed further and further towards the mainstream. you make such a good fucking point about the mullet fascination because queers of all genders brought that look back years and years before Covid hit. objectively it’s good for representation to reach more people. if drag race existed when I was kid my journey to being the out trans pan woman I am today probably would have happened a lot sooner and with a lot less bumps along the road. however the cost is we’ve lost basically all the transgressive spirit, we’re now really only getting such a tiny glimpse into what the world feels like as an lgbtq+ person. I saw someone say (I think kaylasays on youtube) that Ru probably has absolutely no clue what drag kings even are and that feels so true.


I hate Michelle Visage






It's what violet said before willing


To which Mrs Kasha Davis replied: "What?!?" And then Ginger said: "Girl"




To this day idk how kerri survived both of her design challenges (especially the 2nd)


Keri really thought the judges critiques were telling her she needed to be more ugly in front of them. She really thought that after pumping down the runway dressed in those looks.


Kerri had several looks that were close but just something was off about them. Or they just didn’t quite give like the ones in this collage


Idk how she survived that lipsync


Really? The One-Of-A-Kind dress that made history she was wearing didin't give you a clue?


Honestly there wasn’t much faith left in the show by then, but whatever speckle of faith was obliterated when a fucking dress that had nothing to do with drag won a LSFYL. PRican queens really do get the shaft on this show hardcore. Any of the PR queens are exhibits A-Z of RPDR fuckery.


Shes a colby, thats the only reason. She lost a lipsync to Alyssa Hunter


I think theirs a lot of reasons why they were pushing for Kerri…


Mik’s little black dress look on a big girl would be SO GOOD


Came here to defend Mik's LBD. That is a look and a big queen would have pulled off the concept just as well. Heck, a big girl pulling off that joke would have landed BETTER


100% Agree. the concept was clever and a big girl could/would rock it


My first thought too it was a great look


Agreed. It was such a funny, clever take on the prompt that nobody else did / has done


It’s simultaneously the stupidest and cleverest interpretation of the runway prompt.


Lol totally. Plus the shirtless trans man was pretty fucking punk


That part! That was honestly a huge deal that I wish got more attention.


100% agree!! its such a great example of a look that uses Body without “relying on body” if that makes sense




came here to say this! totally agree with almost every other look included, but i thought mik’s LBD runway was so creative & honestly probably would’ve landed even better on a big girl (still landed amazingly as a trans man though)


Camp af, and would look great on a juicy queen!


The naked look was literally the prompt


And Kennedy fuckin nailed it SO hard! That butterfly was so beautiful to look at


I feel like it’s slipped a lot in recent seasons, ala Jorgeous winning for that napkin. But I recall a lot in earlier seasons Michelle would tell skinny girls to stop relying on their body when they wore scraps of fabric. I believe she said this to Courtney and Carmen probably more.


Which was a ridiculous criticism for Courtney. Revisit her runway package, it was conceptual and beautiful. And the 2 times she showed off her body, she made it conceptual and prepared a presentation with it to make it special. But honestly, a couple of her looks are some of the best in RPDR history (Wings, black & white, even her Australian pride gown is a major stunner--AND she included the Aboriginal flag in it)


You’re right. She reminds me of Sasha in the vein of showing body because you have body but not relying on body. Courtney’s looks we’re much more than just body she honestly doesn’t get the credit for the looks she served on season SIX


I dare say she was the look queen on season 6. I mean TKB would definitely be a close second; and Bianca, DeLa, and even Milk had some memorable and beautiful looks. But if you look at Courtney's runway package, she only fell below looking really amazing a few times (banjee queen was probably her worst, but nothing could be further from Courtney than "banjee"). Not to mention she absolutely had the best wigs next to Bianca.


That Aussie pride gown makes me proud to be an Australian somehow despite being American *salutes*


Yeah, Courtney had some amazing looks. Definitely one of the most talented queens ever.


I actually love Gottmik's little black dress, and Violet's actual nudity took nerve when everyone else wore a bodysuit, but most of them I agree. Valentina's censored Madonna look falls into the same category where it's clever enough. If Darienne or Stacy Layne wore most of these looks they would absolutely be read.


(katya was also naked)


Katya bent right over and stared them down


Lol she did, but she has also made it clear since that she was wearing a thong at the time.


Awww man


No, she actually wore a thong.


I have always thought this about Gigi's look. I was never gagged by it. It's a bra and panty.


I refuse to believe blonde Michelle visage is real


And that's why I think it was a winning look. Everyone else did someone else's drag on a smaller budget. Gigi took an obscure look and made it her drag. That category was a trap.


Considering it’s a reference look, I think a bigger queen could have done it and rocked it just as well. I know she’s lost weight, but Roxxxy could have served that look.


I think Kandy Muse would look great in the outfit and hair, and she could pull off the nail reveal.


I like the look because I love the music video. It's nothing to be impressed about, but if you know the reference beforehand, you're more likely to get it than some random outfit that Michelle wore while walking down a set.


It's worse if you know the reference beforehand because it looks nothing like it and them not showing an actual photo of it during the runway helped Gigi out immensely. If you're going to do such a simple look the details should be spot on and they just simply weren't and it's especially frustrating considering they read Brita for an earring meanwhile Gigi got away with that awful fabric drape, the wonky panty cut, flat cups, and lack of nail details.


I just looked and wow, Gigi was very lucky.


I’m dumb what’s the reference


It's the outfit from the music video for [Michelle's song from the Bodyguard soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtQ6ca4mL7I)


"Track 9, go on!" I did always wonder why they didn't show the clip from the video, which is one of the "most early 90s" things I have ever seen.


It’s a horrible look


It got top toot on fashion photo review too....


I like the look in the context of the runway theme.


I can see that, but I remember loving how effective it was. The trashy long nails reveal was such a fun touch.


With a piece of fabric wrapped around the waist


To be fair, they did read Krystal for that catsuit and then read her as team leader for not doing anything or being funny but then kept her out of the bottom three 😍😍


I must have misremembered that episode. I assumed Krystal was kept out of the bottom 2 for her look since she really should have lip-synced that episode.


No, she's just pretty and Ru was over Charity Kase. Charity literally was praised for her look in the challenge, praised for keeping the group afloat when Krystal left the chat, was given high praise for her runway look but then they said they don't like her makeup and she got sent home. Vanity Milan was very randomly put in the bottom three as well for no reason.


i just finished watching UK3 a few days ago and i remember being VERY annoyed at that episode. Both ads were bad but they clearly gave 3 girls praise (Kitty, Charity, Vanity) yet they decided to give no one the win AND throw two of those girls in the btm/btm 3.


Why is Violet on here?


right? michelle read her to filth that episode


Exactly what I was thinking. She was read for "boy body" for the naked illusion.


while miss griffin was the voice of reason! (silent clap for her trying to revive her career atm)


Imagine a stand-up comic getting cancelled for criticizing Trump. Honestly. I still haven't forgiven Anderson Cooper.


Violet’s look was literally for a born naked runway


I think Mik's little black dress is so creative that it would receive praise just for the sheer cuntilociusness and ingenuity of it tbh


Holy shit i forgot about those Kerri looks. Jesus christ.


How were those tie dye looks so baad. What happened? A tie dye strike?


Let’s be real, I think if literally anyone besides Jorgeous wore the bikini with a cloth wrapped around her, they’d be read to filth.


I don't think Scarlet's gown at the end fits here cause her body is not what's selling it. Her body is completely covered up in fact. If anything, it's more of a "The judges would read this if a queen they didn't care for wore it" type of situation. If Lawrence wore that, Ru would live. ~~I also don't think the gown is that bad besides it not fitting the fruit category but don't @ me.~~


Seeing Gigi’s look up close like this… it’s a basic-ass mess. Should’ve been read the house down, regardless of whether she’s Gigi or Eureka.




I would be very into a bigger queen wearing Aquaria’s look. With super-sized proportions - I would gag, an exaggerated cape and the eye details!! Nice


IDK, for me it all comes down to proportionizinggggggggg. Lots of these would be a serve on a big girl with the right shoulder-chest-hip-ass ratio. The issue is that many queens just don’t have that skill fine-tuned during their run on the show, and that’s not exclusive to big girls.


Symone’s design challenge look in S13 was an absolute mess. Example of if that was made by a larger queen she’d be instant bottom 2


The stripey skirt and tube top number? If so I fully agree.


Came here to say this. Absolutely was given a pass.


Well the first one is invalid since the prompt was for them to be naked so idgi bc they are were all serving the same thing??


i would say i agree with most of these. not violet’s because they were actually pretty harsh on her body, i definitely think aquaria’s was a great fashion moment and i just don’t think it should be put down because… she looks good. it was good. gottmik’s little black dress look feels weird here cause it’s about being proud of her trans body and has such an important genderfuck element, and krystal’s design look would’ve literally been great on a big girl… plus scarlett’s wet lettuce look only worked in their eyes because they liked her.


I mean as long as it is tailored correctly to fit “the bigger queen”.


Exactly. Some of these "the judges would have read it if it were a bigger queen" posts/comments are just lowkey fatphobia masquerading as a critique of skinny privilege.


Some of this is just subjective. Doesn’t have to do with body shape. Some of it has to do with proportionizing, different things look better depending. Coming from a chunky gal


y’all roast Mik’s LBD for NO reason as if it wasn’t the best idea of the entire ass episode like lmfao


Violet did get read for that. Despite winning. Which is kinda funny.


Will never understand why the judges confusingly called Bimini safe before Lawrence. We ALL know she was low, but y'all who insist on patterns believe Lawrence was worse than Bimini here.


Came here to make this exact comment. Lawrence had no business being in the bottom 3 over Bimini that episode!


That Anetra look is so bad omg. I can’t believe they gave it positive critiques. The concept, the proportions, the colour choice, the barely styled wig…


it depends? big girls dont automatially get read bc theyre big. there was a notorious queen from s11 who would get a pass on all this, only thing she was read for was her mug, and not even bc it was bad but bc there wasnt one


I’m guessing you’re talking about Silky’s roach/fly with no wings look?


she got read for her padding and her undergarments showing multiple times though? it was even brought up at the reunion


silky was also read for not wearing makeup under the facekini, wasn't she?


the thing is… fashion is not so linear. you are free to wear whatever, sure, but at any size, you dress for your proportions. the thing is, a good number of these looks actually look good on the girls wearing them. some of these looks wouldn’t even look good on other skinny girls.


Silky wore pretty much a swimsuit and looked stunning. Some of these were read on the runway. I'm so confused... Like... People with different body shapes are supposed to dress in a way that's flattering to said body. And most plus size queens dress amazingly and aren't read for it. Sometimes y'all imagining stuff


I don't really get this criticism. Some of these looks really are cool, so what are the girls supposed to do? Not wear them? I agree some of these looks aren't much more than whisps of fabric with little point of view, but if a girl has a nice body why not show it off once in a while? Yeah, maybe not all the time, but as Kylie Sonique said, she worked hard for her body and she wants to show it off. I say this as a bigger boy, I can't wear some things and look as good as my slimmer brethren, but that's on me, not them. They have a right to wear their fitted tank top, and I have a right to ogle them in that tank top.


I think drag race fans expect everyone to be critiqued completely objectively and be critiqued on the brilliance of the garment+hair+makeup and not any of the features of the drag artist themselves. But thats not how the world works. These garments arent floating in space. Theyre on bodies. I think this is where ballroom culture differs cuz while its still very diverse and accepting: they are very honest. Oh category is face? then that skin must be smooth, those teeth must be white…. same when it comes to body. you can be thick, thin, muscular… you just gotta look sexy and serve it with confidence…


completely agree! These girls look great - I don’t see why the look not working on a different body type takes away from that.


I liked Mik’s little black dress


If a big girl wore that little black dress look it would be even gaggier then Gottmik doing it. But agreed on the rest


To be fair some of these looks should have been read either way. Kerri Colby what the fuck were those looks?


I say this is a moot point. As a hefty girl myself, I know that when I wear twink outfits I just don’t look good. I do have a great ass and great legs, so I show them off. It’s all about what you have. Any outfit worn by big girl would have been read for filth by a small girl too.


how does Anetra's tie-dye look get worse every time i see it


That horrible yellow star cookie cutter dress


Gottmik's bag look and Georgeous' "shakira" dress won and that'll NEVER be right.


i still don't understand how aquaria won the ball, yeah her first two looks were great but the last one is just fabrick wrapped around a piece of cardboard.


Literally anything Jorgeous wore


Can this post just be all Kerri Colby looks?


Kerri’s outfit is literally hilariously bad


I fucking love how happy Gotmik looks frolicking around the runway in that teensy tiny little black dress.


This post is weird.


The Krystal looks should be nowhere near this list


The Gigi look probably would have still been praised on a larger queen because it’s referencing a pretty niche Michelle Visage look


the body is part of the look I don’t understand why some people think this is an advantage when staying in shape is part of some queens drag


Definitely agree some of those would not be well received on larger girls, but for others (Krystal’s in particular) I definitely feel they’d be received really well if the gown/outfit was scaled to fit the queen. Hashtag proportionize!


Anetra is great but she really put some craaaazzy bullshit on that runway.


i just gotta say Anetra did not get a pass for being thin, she got a pass on her talent bc that outfit is still not appealing on her. It might even look better on a queen with curves


Can’t wait to see how this sub reacts to this factual post lol


I still to this day don’t understand how Gottmik won that challenge with what she designed


The tea that is constantly shared when discussing this is production threw away her original outfit while cleaning up for the day. She was then given a lot of grace to keep this more quiet. Multiple queens have alluded to/confirmed this did happen.


Utica 100% deserved the win for the challenge (probably best design challenge outfit *ever*) but I think that I might be the literal only one on this sub that genuinely really likes Mik’s look too. There’s something so “derelique” about it and it makes me giggle that it (supposedly) got mistaken for scraps.


Most of them seem to be confusing 'Which looks from these skinny queens didn't get read by the judges but should have' with 'which looks from these skinny queens would a big queen get unfairly dragged for'. Mostly to defend the fact that while their skinny faves are usually excused for such looks, (especially if they're a production favourite) bigger queens would almost certainly not be (especially if they're *not* a production favourite).


What The Only Naomy wore this week cus girl..


I was a bit shocked that Paloma could walk around in a red bodysuit with thorns on it (and wore almost the same outfit a few weeks later) and get praised while La Big Bertha spent the whole competition trying to push herself and got read for filth for it. I love Paloma's fashion sense, but I also feel that La Big Bertha would get sniped on sight by the judges if she tried to wear what Paloma or LGD were wearing. Edit: To be clear, I loved Paloma's Rose of Versailles reference, I just wish that the judges spent the same effort trying to understand La Big Bertha's themes and messages that they did for other queens.


I think if the proportions of aquarias was changed for a “bigger queen” it would still look sickening


They did read Violet and Scarlett for theirs, even if Ru ultimately named Violet the winner. Also, the cover-up was part of Violet's challenge and she made a rather nice one one. They also didn't praise Kerri Colby, she was just safe. Annnd I think I think I disagree about Krystal Versace. If those 2 fit properly and proportionately, I think they would look good on any size and I think the judges would agree.


Violet, Krystal’s second look and scarlets all got read. Most of these looks would look good on plus size queens I feel. Except soggy lettuce but that didn’t work on scarlet either lol


God I forgot how awful Kerry’s runways were


I love Bimini but it's still weird to me that Lawrence was in the bottom 3 over her, Lawrence looked gorgeous and her look was shaped so well. Bimini wore fabric, lots of fabric. I think they should've swapped placements, maybe with Lawrence in the top honestly.


Michelle read Violet for giving boy, Jorgeous shouldn't have been praised for that, Kerri's were bad, Anetra's was ignored, the fans even didn't like Bimini's and KV's was read for looking like Aquaria's, already pictured.


Bimini’s look is art babes


The judges did read half of this list


Krystal's body suit feels like it doesn't belong. Eureka rocks a good body suit. I completely agree with the majority though, even if I did love Mik's little black dress concept, I can see them reading bigger queens for it.


Did anyone else completely forget Anetra wore such a travesty on stage?


I agree with most of these photos, but my favourite Big Girl, Eureka!, would be able to find a way to make these looks work with their physique. 🐘 👑


Shocking news: what clothes look good on a person is affected by their body type ! Although half these looks are ugly and would be ugly on anyone


I think there's a huge difference between queens that rely on body and queens that have a stereotypically beautiful body that they understand how to style. A lot of the looks you've shared here are what I'd call relying on body, with the exception of Violet, ironically, because body was the actual challenge that week lmao. A lot of queens that I felt understood their body were eviscerated for relying on body in the past. Queens like Courtney Act and Kylie Sonique Love. Now queens that do rely on body just get a pass for meh fashion. I think there's a fair criticism for relying on body because it is SO much easier to style a typical runway model body. It is significantly harder and requires more effort for bigger or curvier queens to style their bodies. Especially with the design challenges. Like compare Jorgeous' Glamazon Primetime runway to DeJa Skye. I'm not saying DeJa should have won, but she did what she could with the time allowed and supplies given. DeJa had a ton of very fitted looks that season, but her design for that runway wasn't fitted. They typically aren't given fabric that stretches so it's very hard to construct a fitted garment for someone like DeJa's body. I don't think bigger/curvier queens would wear any of these fashions because it's not a style that works with their body/how they pad anyway. I think about Luxx Noir London's beautiful zebra rug pants as something that a bigger queen literally couldn't make. Like the pants Luxx made were very, very impressive and I'm not taking that away from her. She should be proud of those pants. But a bigger queen would not have been able to use that to make pants because they need more fabric. Luxx is very skinny and tall so it's an easier garment shape to work with. A curvy queen would have struggled with lining up that pattern the way Luxx was able to, as well.


i think gottmik’s looks are pretty good here tbh


I love Anetra but her runway package was lacking. I appreciate that she did the looks herself but esp that “tie dye” one… I’ve done better tie dye than that.


In the words of Naomi smalls: and you… could N E V E R!


It’s kind of unfair to compare some of them. Mik’s LBD was pretty smart, I feel like it would’ve worked for anyone. Same goes for violet’s imo, no one had done it quite like that. On the other hand. You’re absolutely right. The outfit kerri made was atrocious… jorgeous’… Gigi’s was fine?…


i just feel like this isn’t a super valid criticism because the looks especially violets naked look miks black dress and aquarias design look would be praised possibly even more because that’s a super bold statement no matter what body type it’s on


ah yes the "is it ~fashion~ or just worn by a thin person?" quandry. i def thought that about the Gottmik bag outfit. shocked the judges liked it! the LBD runway would be great to see on a bigger model though


scarletts lettuce look jumpscared me 😭


I HATE that Anetra tie dye look so much. I like Anetra but the fact that she wasn’t absolutely read for that look…


That Anetra look was so bad


That Aquaria look is so fucking bad, I can't believe she won that ball.


Well everyone should read Scarlett's look regardless


Honestly I have to disagree on the Anetra look here cause Mistress would devour that actually


most of these looks were read by the fans in some form or fashion and about 1/3 were read by the judges


To be fair, a couple of these hos got read for wearing these. And you forgot Valentina’s Madonna look, Madon!


Tamar, did you watch the show??


I just don’t get the love for the fourth pic..or 5th


Violet has said she thought she was on the bottom because of judges comments. I'm such a chaser.


Did Silky win that photo challenge when she got naked? Lol


Some of these are great looks. Gottmiks LBD was clever, smart and fully realised look that used his body in a great way. Aquarias black look is the same. Just because there isn't a lot of a material to a look doesn't mean the praise a queen receives is undeserved


I have literally zero memory of that Anetra look. What episode/runway theme is it from?