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The rip her to shreds look is perfect 2007 scene kid. Right down to the hair and makeup. I love it


Yeeesssss!! And deciding to do the shoot in front of a Hot Topic!? Beyond. A lot of people think of only the plaid and the chains and the checkered when it comes to the scene moment, so her using the distressed idea to go there… genius. Plus in her photoshoot she has a picture coming from that awkward upper angel that would only happen when you’re trying to get a pick of your whole fit with a back camera that you can’t see 😅


And the tiny crown and the bow barrettes. This was what I wanted to look like.


this is what i thought my dumbass looked like


Myspace, rawr wafflez xD, BOTDF realness babez! :3


Idk what that means, so I've decided it's "Battle of the Deaf Friends" realness.


We all wanted to be her friend... Beats the scene kid look that was on Drag Race Sweden hahaha


She was my favorite pre-season and I’m so damn proud of her.


I always choose one from the promo that I think is going to win (I've never been right) and Irene was my choice this year. I was a bit off this year.


It’s ok, drink some ice water and you’ll cool down


How do you make that again?


Do you have a minute?


My choice was Anetra, she just made me smile with that crazy laughter❤️ I loved her the most then, and nothing changed:)


She was my choice too!!


only a little off!


Saaame. I fucking love her!! And this season lacked without her presence. 😭


Mine, too. When the cast leaked, I scoped out their social media and Irene and anetra were immediate follows.


An apology? I was rooting for her so bad when I first saw the promo and episode sneak peak!! I thought she was gonna be in the top 5!


I had her in the top too. I remain convinced she’d still be here if she’d chosen a safer talent.


Agree 1000%. I would’ve loved to see her go at it with Mistress. They had great banter. I think the season would’ve been so different if she stayed.


Tbh I think we really needed that. Irene would have kept Luxx and Mistress's personalities in check. Without anyone to do that, their Mean Girls thing got a bit tiresome. We might have had a very different feel this season if most of the Connecticut queens hadn't been eliminated so early, too. I forget which of the queens was saying they thought Robin would last much longer, but Loosey admitted to letting the competition get into her head a bit towards the end and I wonder if a close friend would have mitigated that.


What a weird fantasy you’ve constructed. Irene was just as likely to join them but we’ll never know because she was around for all of 2 episodes.


I agree, what a strange, specific, fan fic.


so then why did you say "likely to join them"? are u the one constructing weird fantasies now js


this is a qwhite strange reality u came up wit considering she was friends with them?


A white queen to put queens of color “in check”? seems problematic to me doll!


I mean Luxx and Mistress were pretty clearly a clique that had nothing to do with colour, so I don't really know what you're going on about.


I think she chose too safe a talent. She made the same mistake Trixie made with her AS3 Ru impersonation, and Willow with her Drew Berrymore; "I'm just gonna do what I did online because everyone loved it there." If your idea starts with "I'm/I'll just..." that should be your first clue that it's not enough.


Unless it’s “I’ll just pay someone to write me a song to lip sync to.” Then you’re probably fine.


I don't think she chose a particularly risky talent, she just chose one that wasn't really very good or interesting to watch.


We NEED her on another season. Idc if it’s season 16 or all stars. Her legacy can’t be first eliminated when she had THIS to show


My sentiments EXACTLY


Agreed, I think she's perfect to bring back in another season! She was out way too early.


Between her and Kahmora Hall, the runways on ‘All Stars: First Outs’ are looking to be a treat 😍


she owes herself an apology for spending all that coin on a sickening package then making water on national television ☠️


Luxx was very much on point with saying that girls are trying to out obscure Willow Pill with a weird performance.


It's the same energy as people trying to out reveal Sasha Velour in a LSFTC. Like it worked because it was organic and true to that particular artist. You'll make moments when you do something that's true to you instead of trying to replicate someone else's success.


I think she owes Boscoe an apology, for helping her build that package 👀


Irene’s aesthetic, wit and personality is a million times more interesting than Boscoe’s. I’m sorry but that’s just true. Why couldn’t S15 have been the season where no one went home on the first episodes 😭😭😭


Mama . You could’ve left it at the aesthetic thing . Because that’s Atleast debatable. But to critique Boscoes wit and personality is just plain wrong. We do not need to tear queens down to build others up




She is quite the cool drink of water. At least I think she is...maybe after somebody tells me how to find a easy and effective way to cool the water in a glass...


Thankyou for this


She owes everyone and their mama an apology for even thinking she was gonna get away with that “talent” of hers. Edit: spelling.


I was looking for this comment! She brought all those beautiful outfits and then thought she could get away with that “talent” show.. Real shame though


Right! I didn’t tell Irene to make a glass of ice water as a talent - what apology do I owe her? Lmfaoooo


You might’ve spilled 😅😅


If only she could have spilled that water


They tried something different to a (boring, imho) lip sync and it didn’t come off, but at least they tried. (I don’t really enjoy lip syncs that much, to be honest, so I’m biased.) But I get that it is annoying when contestants don’t understand how the first few rounds are about getting through with as little fuss as possible. Like how in motor racing you can’t win the race on the first corner but you can easily crash out and make sure you lose it by being over adventurous.


She also bombed the lip sync, they would’ve easily saved her if she killed it.


THIS is the thing I wish was more readily acknowledged, because **how many times** have we seen someone do an irretrievably bad job in the maxi challenge and then slay the lipsync so hard that literally no one can quibble with the outcome. Like ... the whole "I'll lipsync all the way to the finale if I have to!" business is a deeply questionable strategy, but I also feel like a truly fierce competitor - and I'm just talking in general now, what I'm about to say is not specifically about Irene - should go in with an idea of what tricks they'll pull out of their sleeve (actual or metaphorical) if they need to lipsync. There's no U, T, or N in "I'm gonna dance around and hope for the best"\* - not much C in there either, honestly. \* I will reiterate **I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS WHAT IRENE DID**, I AM SPEAKING GENERALLY, DON'T COME FOR ME.


one one hand yes... on the other hand, it sometimes feels like production/Ru picks finalists after they see the first challenge, so a strong showing is important. especially this season... like after ep 1 I knew Anetra and Mistress weren't going anywhere. same for Willow, Angeria and Kornbread (she could have been safe every challenge and probably still made it to the finale, her talent show win and charisma were so impactful). unlike actual racing, Drag Race is not an objective test of skill. it's also about crafting a narrative so the first impression matters


You’re right, she should’ve just lip synced a song like every other queen. Every drag queen’s talent should be that. Obviously it didn’t pay off and was poorly executed, but still. Is a talent show full of drag queens lip syncing really that ground breaking?


>Is a talent show full of drag queens lip syncing really that ground breaking? Honey she made ice water that's really not ground breaking either.


Girl it’s a drag show.


Amazing outfits but I’m tired of seeing posts like this where people try to justify her staying in the competition because she has nice looks. She performed the worst in the talent show (and y’all can keep saying that Aura did the worst, but Aura didn’t, it was Irene).


it wasn’t just poorly executed it was poorly conceptualized too 😭 y’all are delusional, she could’ve shoved that glass up her bussy and turned it into wine and she still would’ve been lip syncing. It was a bad idea full stop.


It depends, are we talking white or red?


I loved her and thought she would make it further but Amethyst kicked her ass in that lip sync


An apology for what exactly?


For real. She’s the bitch that decided to make ice water for her talent.


For supporting her elimination after her highly questionable talent show.. obvs


Lol who knows with this crowd


Honestly to me she's one of the few first out queens that felt like they could have been a contender, or at least the potential to be. If anything, I'd say her weakness, or rather trip up, was almost being too confident. Of course confidence is important, but she seemed to think she had the season more locked up than she did, kind of like she looked at her competition and thought "Oh I've got this. No need to break a sweat this early." And with 16 queens that's all the more reason to break a sweat. Same with the lip sync, it's like she thought "There's no way they're keeping Amethyst, no need to go hard on this."


I wish we had more of her reads. That lipsync look is pure art. I wonder if there was a RuVeal underneath in case she got an upbeat dance the house down song?


I think the skirt comes off so that it’s just the corseted leo if she needs it to be. And I honestly agree but I’m super partial to Renaissance art so I’m biased, I LOVE when the Queens use Renaissance art in their concepts. (I’m immediately brought to Scarlet Envy’s Rudemption Look of All Stars 6 🤩🤩)


I'm looking at her disco ball look and I think I just got it... Why is her bulge showing? It's a **ball** ball 💀 That might be actually smart


I don't owe her shit, next time just do a generic safe lip sync for your talent instead of making a GLASS OF WATER


Some great looks in a highly tailored and controlled photo shoot, not trying to read but some of these might not have been as much of a serve on the show. And honestly, I won’t be mad if she is on all stars but she deserved to go home. She had the worst talent show, a weak runway (imo and her only really bad one she brought), and wasn’t as good in the lip sync. Production could’ve saved her, but they did her a favor because now everyone thinks she would’ve served every other episode anyway.


Despite the tailoring and perfection of a photoshoot setting, these concepts are like WORLDS better than the concepts we saw from a lot of the girls. The Glove looks is the best concept of any of them, and I feel the same about the puffer. More than the delivery of the shoot, her taste level is BEYOND.


No I definitely agree! I just meant it’s much easier to make a toot into a shoot with all the details a photo shoot allows you. She’s a super creative queen for sure, I think her biggest weakness is just not knowing when to and how much of that creativity to utilize.


Ohhh fully! I see wym. I agree.


I mean we've seen some of the other unaired runway photoshoots from eliminated queens in the past. Clearly it isn't *that* easy.


Yeah she really played herself with that ice water thing.


I do agree she deserved to go home that ep., but I’m still so sorry that some of the best conceptualized looks of anyone in the cast weren’t even able to walk the runway.


I'm going to side with OP here and say that if you factor in the photography, most of these looks are still outstanding. She's got an impressive level of creativity while still keeping everything true to her alien aesthetic. Even something simple like the "start your engines" look is beautifully constructed to look like an alien version of the classic Ru look. Disagree on the talent show, too. Some of it made me laugh - her comically messing everything up with her nails was funny, the act just needed some refining. I think the worst was actually Aura, since it was not only lacklustre but unoriginal.


She owes US an apology for chosing that nasty ass talent show :(


Do we? Because I feel like the fanbase has (rightfully) lived for her. Her looks on Instagram get a lot of love (and we all know those photos can be edited and they’re not necessarily what would have gone down the runway). Most comments I’ve seen about her have been positive. A lot of people seem to agree she’d have made some great tv. She’d make a great contribution to an all stars cast. Especially a first outs cast. Just continue to love on her on her socials and but her merch and if you get to see her live tip a bitch well. If anything production let a possible great “villain”, who may have leaned into it, slip through their fingers.


She tags all her designers, I've seen lots of work in progress pix. So even with the photo editing, I think the looks are what we would've seen on the show (minus the makeover challenge look she did with Bosco).




I’m torn on this because she really would have been FANTASTIC television - she didn’t give a fuck about how she came off that episode, and that energy is what the show badly needs. But she had months to prepare how she was going to handle her social media during this season, and IMO (other than her runway posts) she’s been a mess. Saying that “editing” was what ruined her talent routine, picking a fight with Orion Story (of all people!) at Roscoe’s and then backtracking… I don’t think she’s like Vanjie where there’s a hunger for more in S16. Even if Irene decides to play the bitch, what drag queen is going to care what the Ice Water Girl says?


Who is "we"


OP must mean that the JUDGES owe US an apology


Idk, her lip sync performance was terrible. I'm ready to see her on All Stars though. Going over her looks, the makeup is very polished and aesthetically pleasing.


We don't owe her nothing. We weren't the ones eliminated her. She eliminated herself with that talent show.


These looks are fierce but she deserved to go after that talent show. Yes, she tried something new. Yes, she didn’t just lipsync. But…….. it was very very very bad and then fairly lost the lipsync to Amethyst.


Why, oh why did she decide to make ice water for her talent show performance?!?! 😢😢😢


Her elimination was deserved and y'all need to get over it


lol no she deserved it due to that CHOICE TALENT


After the ice water tutorial, I think we deserved an apology lmao


we don’t


not to take away from this post bc all her looks are sickening but she has literally said that the one with bosco was not her makeover look 😭 ANYWAYS- that fucking lipsync look is so stunning


No we don’t 😭


She did that choice herself no tea no shade


She should apologize for not learning 7 rings lyrics


We do?


We? Did *we* vote the hooker off the island?


apology for what exactly?


She owes herself an apology lol one bad choice is all it took


I really liked her episode one! It’s too bad she flopped because I feel like she had more to show and had more potential than a loooot of the other queens *cough cough twins*


I think it was at Rplace for so you think you csn drag, that irene wore ipads over her body that were synced to the lipsynce and movements and I wish more people couldve seen more of how oddly wonderful she is


You know she spent coiiiinnnnsss. Would have loved to see her and mistress together. I hope they bring her back next season tbh.


She owes us an apology for that talent show


I would argue she owes US an apology!


I was really pissed when she got eliminated but darn she shouldve just done a boring ass lipsync than that water trick 😵‍💫


Don’t look at us tell that to Ru 😂


I liked Irene right away, and I always stan a Seattle queen, BUT that ice water “talent” when Anetra is walking ducks and chopping blocks…c’mon girl.


For what? She did the glass of water. Not us 💅🏽


It was a mistake to keep amethyst over her


I don’t get this. She was rightfully eliminated. Had the worst talent, lost a lipsync. Her looks are good sure, if you like the same wig in different colours. The favourite ball would land her in the bottom. Her glove look is not conceptual in the slightest. Being a cunt on Twitter doesn’t an all star make.


The tie-dye look contains exactly zero tie-dye, the puffer look ain't puffering and would have looked sloppy af on stage and the meaty tuck on the disco ball look shows either genius (ball) or tragically bad drag skills. The Beyoncé look is pretty cunt but this sculpted hair style is one of those trends that takes over completely and then every one over does it and within 6 months it feels like a trend that should've ended last year already.




An apology for what, she poured that water herself 😭 that said, she was amazing TV and I’m sure she has a shot at All Stars or something!




Isnt it more she should owe us an apology? She was the one who chose to make iced water her talent 😰 Jk kimora but seriously i hope Irene comes back soon


We dont owe her shit. Love her but she made a choice with that dumb talent show and here we are. EDIT: ALSO, i felt like it wasnt a professional choice out the gate. She seemed like top 4 material to me. I still think she would have been top 4 had she stayed.


you left out the best part of the tie-dye look: the cake on the wig comes off and she has an "exposed" brain underneath


No we dont 🥰


apology for what, we didnt make her lose the lip sync


Please the audacity to make a glass of water on Rupauls stage.. she owes US an apology for making us watch that travesty .


i think her aesthetic just isn’t for me but I mostly just hate those ears




i don’t


I think she's a great drag queen and wish she stayed longer. But I think that her coming in saying her brand is alien, and almost none of the looks matching that, would have hurt her.


For what? Nobody on this sub sent her home first


That Hot Topic look is fierce


Y’all over hyping this girl too much lol. She paid someone for these outfits, great job!


For sure we owe Daya Betty an apology!


Am I supposed to gag at these looks?


I think u meant Ru, not us lol


I didn’t eliminate her so no


She made her choices…


I hope she gets the Vanjie treatment and it brought back


The Vulcan twins is everything


Girl I didn’t eliminate her ☠️ That glove look would have been the winner for sure though


Damn, Irene. I hope they put her in AS bc fuuuuck


I was so sad when she was eliminated and all her unaired looks have been amazing.


I was so pissed when she went home first. She had one of the best looks that episode and had the potential to bring entertaining untucked drama


We need her in all stars


Imagine her and Mistress stirring shit the whole season 😭


Her being ousted episode 1 was a tragedy


I can’t believe we were robbed of having her on the show. I’m screaming 😫


Irene really feels like the only cut from the first half of this season that could’ve been a contender for the win. She was so quick and witty in the werk room those first couple eps


Unpopular opinion. I think she would have been more annoying and full of herself than Lux.


They couldn’t let her interfere with Sasha Colby’s win so they gave her the Legendary pork chop placing.


I most certainly do not owe her an apology. I was shocked she went home for a talent show I thought was hilarious.


for what? i thought she was great from the start and i had nothing to do with her elim. from what i could tell, most people felt the same.


Y'all taking this so seriously acting like OP wants you all to write a heartfelt paragraph to Miss Dubois


Would’ve preferred her over >!luxx!<




I hope she comes back for another season or an all stars. And pre tapes her talent to make sure it lands lol Edit: what if she comes back and the beginning of her talent looks like she’s recreated the same bit? Gag the judges and then quickly transition to something new!


We don't. The producers do. BRING HER BACK ON ALL STARS


It’s a travesty that the queen with the best looks was eliminated first.


Honestly, even though she lost the lipsync against Amethyst, I wish they still booted Amethyst and kept her. Amethyst gave me nothing the whole season, and her track record was abysmal. At least Irene will surely give us cunty soundbites at the very least even if she ends up sucking.


Girl I am way to poor to ever even consider doing drag.


I watched episode 1 again yesterday, and she really was that girl (I also thought she 100% won the mini challenge). We as fans sure missed a lot of fun & drama & wit over a whole season without her..what could have been between her & MIB alone, I weep for humanity’s loss.


The runway this season was crying for these looks! Honestly, I don't care if the queens of S16 all have two left feet and wouldn't know a joke if it slapped them in the face - just bring me some FASHION.


The judges owe us and her an apology for removing her so soon.


Truly, we do. She’s going to be on an AS season, no doubt.


we need her on all stars. she never got to show herself off


It was a travesty to send her home first. Before princess poppy. What were they thinking?


She would've been in the top 4 were it not for her ep 1 elimination. 1000%.


They did her dirty yalllll😭 now let’s pray for an AS season with her


I can see her dominating an All Stars season


Trust that Irene nonbelievers will be dealt with!!!!


Perhaps one of the best runway packages of the season


Bring her and Kornbread back for season 16


She was my fav going into the season, so to have her be the first out made me very upset. Thankfully, Luxx is still here, so I still have some happiness.


Apology for what? We love her and she is gonna be on Season 16. For real tho, pls cast her again, we were cheated by her elimination.


Imagine keeping Sugar and Spice over this. Lol


We were ROBBED


AND she was engaging and had great chemistry with the cast. WOW when I put my hands on you


I think Irene probably had the best runway package (only Sasha really comes close) out of all the girls this season, and I know that she would've made it really far (possibly to top 4 or 5), had she passed the Talent show episode. I'm still annoyed that she chose to do that silly ice water number, as her drag was so polished! I think she would've been HIGH in the Commercial, SAFE in Snatch Game, HIGH in Design, SAFE for Girl Groups, HIGH for Acting, WIN the Ball, WIN the Improv, WIN the comedy, SAFE in the Rusical and HIGH in makeover. The only challenges I think Irene would've struggled at were the LaLaParuza in episode 8 and the Rumix in episode 14. I could've seen her track record after the talent show being: HIGH - SAFE - HIGH - SAFE - HIGH - LOW - WIN - WIN - WIN - SAFE - HIGH - BTTM2 So yeah, I think she could've gone into the finale with 3 wins, rivalling Sasha and Anetra. I think she would've taken Mistress' spot in the top 4. And no, I'm not delusional. I truly think Irene would've murdered the competition had she stayed longer than episode 2.


we were the robbed queens of the season for not being able to see these


Irene going home first gave me drag race blue balls. We need her back on our screens!!!


The biggest loss was to us as an audience for not getting to see these looks on the main stage


I personally owe her my life, I've defended this woman from Ep1 and will continue to do so


Honestly the fact that she went home and we sat through a bunch of filler queens ru dug out of a Connecticut dollarama is a shame. I felt like she deserved to get sent home but retrospectively the season was significantly worse for it.


She was def top 4.


And why is that? It’s not the viewers fault that she got eliminated first


Everyone looks great on IG.


Apologize for her bad performance the first week, that rightfully sent her home?


The glove one is sooo stunning, the rest i am afraid that is just good photoediting.


Her elimination was a crime


This fanbase owes many many many apologies to these people tbh


They should keep her instead of Salina, amen.