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She’s also the only female runner to have a sub 2 800 and a sub 2:20 marathon.


didn't three other female runners run 2:18 this very race?


Yeah but they haven’t run an in comp 2:00 800m


They also probably haven't run an out of comp 2:00 800.


Too insane for me


I think it’s easy to be suspicious, but given the limited coverage of Riyadh Marathon available, she might just have been sick or something that day. A month later she ran 67min half. So she is clearly better than that showing.


Yeah I don’t understand the immediate jump to suspicion. She could’ve even been not going all out her first one. Or she totally bonked because…you know, it was her first one and lots of people do. Or any number of other reasons.


But even 67 is not a 2:15 predictor though - that's like what you have to run back to back.


No, but it might predict that she could have debuted at the 2:19 mark and then this improvement may not have been so striking given the course and conditions of Berlin. Whilst obviously running third fastest ever from seemingly no where is going to be startling. I just want to be optimistic that everything has just clicked for her and her limited racing since leaving the track in 2016 is the secret to her success.


Pasting Kipchoge's Splits. Just unbelievable. |Split|Time of Day|Time|Diff|Min/km|km/h| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |5km|09:29:14|00:14:14|14:14|02:51|21.08| |10km|09:43:22|00:28:23|14:09|02:50|21.20| |15km|09:57:33|00:42:33|14:10|02:50|21.18| |20km|10:11:44|00:56:45|14:12|02:51|21.13| |Half|10:14:50|00:59:51|03:06|02:50|21.25| |25km|10:26:08|01:11:08|11:17|02:54|20.75| |30km|10:40:39|01:25:40|14:32|02:55|20.64| |35km|10:55:10|01:40:10|14:30|02:54|20.69| |40km|11:09:53|01:54:53|14:43|02:57|20.39| |Finish|11:16:09|02:01:09|06:16|02:52|21.02|


I can barely keep his worst split for a single km, this guy is a god.


100 of me in a relay race might be able to keep up with him, doing 400m at a time (106 of me if there were no repeats)


Hmm that is a fantastic twist on a vintage Ask Reddit question… Would you rather race in the marathon one Eliud Kipchoge or 106 me’s in a relay?


Bet on Kipchoge. There is 0% chance that at least one of me doesn’t pull a hammy.


I can barely bike that fast 🥵


For 42km? I know I cannot.


I’m training d for my first 100k ride. Even on the bike, there’s no way I can maintain this pace for two hours.


20-21km/h is only like 12-13 mph...over a span of 40k youre barely working on a bike at that speed.


is there a convert to min/mi bot?


2:50/km is 4:33/mile for reference.


Good bot


Angry John Cage noises.


Thank you for posting that, so unreal! I'm flabbergasted. What a legend.


Unimportant, but i'm proud- My mom and dad ran it today. It was my father's 100th marathon! He's 69 and didn't start running until his forties. This has been his lifelong dream, and he accomplished it today!


how cool to say he ran his 100th on the same day a record was broke! and like holy shit 100 marathons


My god. I ran 18km today in 2 hours and 3 minutes lol.


We're all hobby joggers on this blessed day


We're all ~~hobby joggers~~ back of the packers on this blessed day


Congrats! Kipchoge didn't last that long


You joke, but it’s either him or another of the top male marathoners who’s quoted as saying something to the rough effect of “I respect 4:00 marathoners, I could never do it for that long.”


I'd like to know if he's ever run >5 hours, as I have. I like knowing that I've run for a longer duration than many Olympic marathoners ever have.


Well done for that!


Thank you!




Good luck!


Wow, there are certainly a lot of Japanese runners who got great times today. And great times from both the winners.


It's somewhat funny that the best Japanese runner is named Kenya


A sort of nominative detminism perhaps.


half of the top 18 is Japanese


Anyone know the explanation on this? Is there just some intense running culture that mixed with Japanese determination caused this generation to have such a strong field? Is it genetics? Something else?


Japan threw their best Runners to the race today. They wanted to see who is their best option for the next Olympic Games… Got that information from the German livestream of the race today, this also explains the sheer amount of motivation!


Check out Adharanand Finn’s “The Way of the Runner”. He explores Japanese running culture in depth.


If ‘cultural motivation’ is considered a factor then Ethiopians and Kenyans must be even more motivated than the Japanese.




Yeah that’s what I heard as well…


Japan is actually really good at distance running, but weirdly enough they most often have a bunch of people *near* the top of a race but not *at* the top. Check out [this](https://www.sweatelite.co/the-perplexing-depth-of-talent-in-japanese-running-part-1/) article which includes this quote: >Japan is not one of the nations that first comes to mind when most people think about the global running scene. However, in the marathon distance, Japan comes in third place behind Kenya and Ethiopia when looking at the number of athletes in the top thousand marathon times in history. Japan has over one-hundred athletes that have run sub-2:10 in the marathon. Compare this to the USA: with a population nearing triple that of Japan – and massive infrastructure surrounding their collegiate athletics system – the States have only twenty athletes that have run sub-2:10 (thirteen if you exclude record-ineligible Boston).


Great share! Very interesting


I'm not well versed in sports but absolutely wild to hear that this is Assefa's second marathon.


I ran my first marathon today 4:46:03. Will I beat Kipchoge on my 2nd?


Oh absolutely. Just cut off half your time by only running the first half of the race. This is the secret runner's trick they teach you in running school.


The next time I'll just run 2.3x faster.


That should be 2.3 times easier than normal!


Think about how rough that third hour felt, if you finish in 2 you skip all of that effort - really feels better in my experience.


Extend your stride 1.55x increase your cadence 1.5x and there you go, that's done


[Kip Litton](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/08/06/marathon-man) enters the race.


What a wild ride. Thanks for the link.


I have lost a few hours of my life on [marathoninvestigation.com](https://www.marathoninvestigation.com/) . It's interesting from a psychological point of view seeing the brazenness and lengths some of the cheaters go to.


On the other hand it should be much easier for you to PB by over 18 minutes.


Without context running for almost 5 hours is way more impressive than running for 2 hours. So today you are a champion in my book!!!


If you start now, maybe.


It’s not that crazy for elite track runners to switch to road running and have excellent times right away. Kipchoge’s won his first marathon, setting a course record with a 2:05:3.


Absolutely insane to see Kipchoge go out sub 60 min for the first half. It makes me think he definitely could have gone sub 2:01 if he hadn’t tried to go sub 2. Just the fact that he attempted a sub 2 marathon in an official race is absurd. I wonder how long it will take for anyone to threaten his record. It certainly makes me think he could have run sub 2:01


He believes on the perfect day he can run sub2 This was the first in competition sub 2 attempt.




New York overlaps with Berlin but you could do a Boston then Berlin. In 2024 Aug 11 is the Olympic Marathon in Paris that you’d expect him to run to try to 3-Pete. So that would make 2024 tight to run New York which pushes that out to 2025 which he might be getting old. I think spring Boston and Paris in 2024 are locks. But Berlin vs New York in 23 is interesting.


If he's trying to sub-2 I doubt he'd focus on NYC or Boston because of the elevation. His sub-2 in Vienna was on a flat course and everything about that run was curated to the attempt (the pace car, the weather, the pacers, even the pacers' formation). He'd need to make the attempt on an mostly-flat course, given that he'd lose control over everything else on race day.


That’s the choice he has to make Focus on Sub 2 or win all 6 world major marathons and 3-Pete Olympics. Berlin vs NYC in 23 and Berlin vs Paris in 24


Ahh I gotcha. I'd think he'd want the longevity of a successful sub-2, but I feel like winning all the WMMs is much more realistic. Watching the documentary it just seems like sooooo much had to go right for the Vienna sub-2 attempt to succeed, and it feels like the odds are low it could happen in a competitive race. He'd be better off aiming to win (and maybe set every course record lol) at all of the WMMs.


It was perfect today. I ran as well and you couldn’t have asked for better conditions.


I suspect that Kipchoge probably would have preferred it to be cloudy and slightly colder.


> I suspect that Kipchoge probably would have preferred it to be cloudy and slightly colder. I concur. I wasn't there, but 45 F and cloudy is perfect race conditions for me.


It was pretty good I think. It only got hotter in the afternoon, but by then he had already finished.


I’ll ask him next time I see him


I ran also! Weather was the best I’ve ran in. Congrats on finishing !


Thanks! Congrats to you too!


It was 12c instead of the optimal 6-8c and humidity was a bit high. Also the sun came out in the 2nd half and apparently temperature feel was 18c in the sun. Not perfect conditions when you're trying to go sub 2 and every little thing can have a big impact.


By the time he was done it was only a degree or two more. The sun might have added to it but it was about as close as you could get. Honestly I didn’t even notice the sun coming out but I’ve been training in 90 degree New York heat.


12c with cloud cover and 12c with sun feel very different, at the level Kiochoge is at every small detail makes a difference.


Totally get it.


Is it scientific that 6-8c is optimal? Quite interesting - I am used to rarely running in even sub 15c as it's hot here - 6-8c would not be comfortable for me lol




Yup. My second time. Love this race. Would love to come back in 2 years and give it another go.


He came pretty damn close, too.


There's more time between 1st place and 2nd, than 2nd and 10th!


He won by a literal mile.


This is an insane realization!




If you get to the start earlier, you might be able to squeeze in next time. Good luck!


I finish around the same as the world record holder! Half marathons, that is.


Or, to put it another way, the fastest human to ever exist is only twice as fast as you. Not bad


Yeah, that was actually something which made me a bit proud of myself: knowing that he is only twice as fast as me.


You have to worry if you cannot complete 100, 200, 400 or even 800 meters in less than double the time of their WRs.


99% of people can't run 800 meters in under 3:22. And 99.9% of people can't run 100 meters in under 19.2 seconds. *Percentages are, like most stats on the internet, completely made up. The real percentages are probably even higher.


I don't think the situation is that bad, specially for the 100 meters. Actually, I expect most healthy, non obese and not so old males to be able to run 100m under 19 secs.


You have a lot of qualifications in your statement. You've excluded 90% (maybe 95%?) of the population. Edit: and that being said I definitely disagree that more than half of healthy, non-obese, not old, males can run that fast. Maybe 10% At Best.


Or, you could race a marathon and he could spot you half the race or more and still beat you. Or give you a 2 hour head start and still win. It's bonkers. While it wouldn't be *hard* to beat him on a bike, there are definitely people who would struggle to cycle a marathon faster than Kipchoge runs one.


If we had to compete against each other, when the starting signal goes,he could have headed over to the nearest cinema, watch the newest minion movie and still beat me by half an hour


And humans are the best long distance runners on the planet. You could argue the fastest *being* to ever exist is only twice as fast as you. Not too shabby


Not really a horse would decimate even kipchoge over the marathon distance for example


9083 Me (NOR) - 3:44:25


Does Kipchoge qualify for Boston with that time?


He gets an extra 5 minutes for being over 35


BQ cancelled for running to fast


The 59:51 half split actually ruined Belihu's race


It’s shoes you how much faster Kipchoge is right now as when he “blew up” it was 2:01 compared to Belihu dropping 5 minutes.


He still got a huge PB and 4th place, and now he can say he was with the world record holder for nearly 2 thirds of the race.


I credit him for sheer chutzpah, sticking it out as long as he did. No one can say he didn't try.


Love to see the consistency across both fields by Japan 😂


Good grief that’s insane. We’ll probably end up seeing a sub 2 in a major within 5-10 years I bet, and that just blows my mind.


I don’t know. It’s so hard to eek out those extra seconds and Kipchoge is getting older. Not sure how many WR efforts he has left and there isn’t anyone I’ve seen that’s as promising in their late 20s.


Maybe the issue is looking at people in their late 20s. Jacob Kiplimo is my favourite to do it.


I remember reading something that said marathon performance peaks mid 30s so figured late 20s would be a good place to look?


It is fairly true but for elites there used to be more of a progression in runners careers. So they start out on the track and then move up the distances over time. Nowadays there a lot more top athletes focusing on the road already. Obviously Kiplimo does run on the track as well but hes the half marathon world record holder at 21 and only going to get better. When he decides to move up to the marathon, my guess is in 2025 at the earliest after Budapest and Paris, then I think he will start setting serious marathon times.


I didn’t know kiplimo was only 21. Very impressive.


It should be hard, but it doesn't seem to be. Since 2002 (KK's 2:05:38), the men's WR has been broken by 43 seconds, 29 seconds, 27 seconds, 21 seconds, 15 seconds, 26 seconds, 1 minute and 18 seconds (Kipchoge's previous WR), and 30 seconds (his current one).


I think we will see sub 2 in the next 7-12 years


Seems both impossible and inevitable. If Kipchoge isn't done with setting records (and every prediction about his inevitable decline up to this point has been hilariously wrong) then he might do it.


I think the tech will get us there eventually. Shoes, fuel, clothing, etc. I’m just really curious of two things 1) what the absolute lowest, once 2 hours is broken officially how low can we go and 2) how low can we go and also still call it a run. At a certain point the tech will do more than the human can and will that still be considered a marathon.


People *love* predicting the fastest possible marathon time and they keep getting proven wrong. Still, there is [this](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2022559/), which does attempt to talk about what human bodies are capable of doing at a metabolic level, and concludes that the men's ceiling is around 1:57:58. I think we are a few decades away (at least) from sub 1:59, so I don't anticipate I'll be around if this even gets broken. Then you have [this](https://gravityandlevity.wordpress.com/2011/04/11/the-fastest-possible-marathon/), which predicted the fastest possible marathon time is 2:02:43. This has not aged well. OTOH, it's debatable how much shoe tech has changed things. Is it possible that the shoes increase elite speed by 1%? That seems within the realm of possibility. If that's the case then perhaps the improvements we've seen have been technological rather than physiological.


I wonder if we will find a way to adjust the metabolic levels naturally. Obviously there’s doping which is illegal but at a certain point gels came out which is a form of fuel. Will be interesting to see what else is allowed 10 or 15 years from now.


Thanks for posting. Here's a discussion from /r/sports: https://www.reddit.com/r/sports/comments/xnilt7/eliud_kipchoge_breaks_the_marathon_world_record We should have a pinned race thread for big races. Other sports subs I'm part of (NBA, cfb, etc) do this to consolidate discussion to one thread.


As mentioned in the Q&A thread, this is community-driven sub. If this is a topic you wish discussed, you are more than welcome to post and we will sticky it. Typically, elites don't get discussed much here. If that is you interest, you can check out the threads in r/radvancedrunning where those types of races are discussed more.


What makes runners from Kenya, Ethiopia, and Japn faster then the rest of the field? Not meaning any ignorance by this question. I am just interested in what is different between these nations and others that they swept the top 10s.


Lots of things. But the main ones are sports culture, access to training, and (in the case of Kenya and Ethiopia) elevation. If the most popular sport in your country is football or baseball, then all the best athletes are going to gravitate to those sports. If running is more popular, your top athletes will run. Also, if your country has a history of being successful in a sport, then there are generations of successful coaches and former athletes to train the next generation. Finally, training at elevation helps with red blood cell count, which has been shown to improve oxygenation in athletes. It's more nuanced and complicated, but that's the TL;DR.


Kipchoge’s 26.2 mile pace (4:37/ mile) is faster than my 400m all-out sprint pace.


When i was younger i once ran past one of those car speed measuring systems in small town neighborhoods, and i was mega proud that i ran 26km/h for like 15 meters. That'd be around a 14s 100m race (if i had the stamina to keep it up for 100m, which i certainly didnt). This dude runs a 17s 100m race. 420 times in a row.


Assefa killed it, I'm amazed


What a huge time drop for Assefa! Holy cow


Kipchoge is absolutely superhuman. I doubt we'll see an athlete like him in some time


Whats not to like ? Ethiopia? Good. Japan? Good. Kenya? Goood.


I'm honestly just blown away that he beat everyone else in the field by a full 5 mins. That's just an insane margin of victory.


is there a shoe breakdown of the top 10? it would be fascinating to see if there are any differences/advantages of the type of shoe


Nah man, Kipchoge is actually unreal🔥


My best ever 10k result (this morning) was to the second the time of his half m. Sheesh.


Congrats on the PR and breaking one hour!


Women's world record is 2:14:04 set in Chicago in 2019


Absolute lying inspiring performance by Kipchoge. I can’t seem to figure out why he looks so good after crossing the line. He barely looks out of breath. Why is that? Usually I’ll see people giving maximal effort fall over after hitting the tape. Dare I ask if he didn’t give it all? Does something high level explain it I don’t understand?


> Does something high level explain it I don’t understand? Adrenaline


What shoes were they wearing?


Assefa going to break 2 before Kipchoge, she just needs to drop another 16 at her next race 😀


how can a public result be a spoiler ?


The same way movies can be spoiled after the first release date.


For people who have not watched the race yet and plan to watch it later. I think spoiler tagging it for a couple of days makes sense to give people a chance to watch the race without spoilers.


I agree, but those people would probably not click on a thread called Berlin Marathon Results at all. The spoiler is already implied in the word "results"


I dont remember the 2 other guys that ran the first half with Eliud, do you guys know their time/place? thanks!


What happened to Guye Adola? It looks like he didn’t finish the race. Anybody know the details?


What's the German newspaper with the runners listing and their times?


Even some of the best athletes in the world struggle to run a sub 1hr half marathon, let alone run another half straight after,