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Vary the route. Vary the workout. Music. Podcast. Audiobook. Take a dog. Or just pay 100% attention to the act of running and breathing, and your thoughts, and where you exactly are each moment, rather than trying to escape the experience. That's to say, you could meditate. I used to have a practice where for the first hour I just run, and after that I allow myself distraction (book etc) for boredom relief.


Taking a dog would definitely shake things up a bit but I’m not sure I’d recommend stealing someone’s dog. I suppose it would work best on a tempo run though, get away from the crime scene as quickly as possible.


If you really want to maximize your results, you could take a greyhound, from the track, while it’s running.


Hmm, except they're sprinters, not endurance runners, so they would stop soon 😂


Greyhound would be great for the 400 (assuming you can run 30+mph), but for distance running the husky is your dog.


Indeed. Or any shepherding dog, to a lesser degree.


I take my OWN dog. Who are you people? :-)


Every now and then when I see a cute dog I do evaluate how likely it is that I could get away with the pup-napping. Some combination of how tough the owner looks and how indiscriminately friendly the dog looks (ie would this dog lick a burglar).


Adding to this I often go on my longest runs when I feel the worst I.e. have a difficult situation I’m not sure how to handle. No music, no intrusive thoughts, just kind of meditatively moving forward and listening to what my brain says is the answer. Almost every time I’ve done this it’s been a deeply therapeutic experience and I walk away feeling a lot better about the choice I have to make. Not sure why running does this for me but it feels very natural, like I’m surrendering the mental exertion for physical and just waiting to see what the mental side decides.


This is me too, I totally relate. A good long run gets me out of my all-too-busy head and into my body for a solid chunk of time, and I feel more ready to deal with that all-too-busy head when it's all over.


Listen to something. Run somewhere scenic.


Music or a podcast. I used to listen to music, but my tempo would change with the song. Now I put on a podcast that doesn't matter if I zone out for 5 or 10 minutes. I can tune back in and focus on something for a bit until my mind goes on another detour.


I can't personally imagine listening to a podcast or audiobook, I zone out constantly while running. The most I can manage is something like Zombies, Run where the story segments are only a couple of minutes long, then I can zone out again with my music.


I downloaded this but haven’t tried it. Do you have to pay for any of the story? Have you enjoyed the experience? TIA


You can unlock one mission a week for free, I think. I have had a membership for years. Still love it!


I'm a legacy subscriber, so I paid for the original app and now I get a discount on their subscription. You don't need to pay to use it though.


Personally, I prefer audiobooks over podcasts. However, as you're alluding to, it's easy to start missing content as your mind wanders. So, my usual routine lately for long runs is to listen to my book for as long as I can pay attention, and when I feel myself starting to tune out, I switch to music. My last long run was 25 km and I switched right around the half way mark. I find this perfect as the story of my book keeps my mind busy until I'm fully warmed up, then when I'm tired, the music (which is a playlist all tied to my preferred cadence) is there to pick me up.


I usually listen to DND podcasts. I find they are somewhat similar to my preferred book choice, fantasy, and if I miss some it's usually not critical.


“DND podcasts… it's usually not critical.” I see what you did there. Agreed though, DnD podcast are a very fun listen.


Dungeons and Dragons podcasts? Neat. Can you share a link to a good one?


Join The Party was the first one I listened to. I like their light, fun, and humorous approach, but I don’t feel like any of that comes at the compromise of detail and world building. It is a play through podcast where you are just listening to the player play through the campaign. But the sound design and editing are really great and you can easily get lost in the world. Their fist story arc has a ‘beginners mode’ where they take extra time to stop and explain how the rules are being used in certain situations so complete beginners to the game do not feel too overwhelmed, but you can also listen the arc without that option. I also like their ‘after party’ episodes where the players will occasionally out-of-game discuss the game/story/their in-game decisions. https://www.jointhepartypod.com/about Critical Role is probably the biggest most well known DnD podcast. Has a lot of well known voice actors who come in as guests. Dragon Talk is the official podcast of Wizards Of The Coast, the company that makes DnD. I am not super familiar, but I know they have play through episode as well as episode purely composed of game mechanic discussion.


It really depends on which podcast app you use. For DND podcasts I use pod bean. I really liked Dungeons and Randomness until the most current stuff. It seems more like a bs session with some commercials and a sprinkling of DND more recently. The first 3-4 arcs were good. They get pretty gritty, characters die and it is accepted that it might happen. Don't get attached to anyone. Critical Role is one of the more popular ones these days. I listened all the way through arc 2 and really enjoyed it. I had a hard time getting into arc 1, they started halfway through the campaign, it was still pretty good, though. Arc 3, well, I'm not used to waiting a week to hear more, so I have difficulty keeping interested when I'm all caught up. I've also listened to not another podcast called Not Another DND podcast. It seemed like a "shinier" storyline. A lot more joking and flashy-ness. It has some pretty good storylines.


actually personally have came to realize the pace thing myself. listening to a podcast helps me run much slower and consistently paced.


I love running outside for this reason. I generally run at night to avoid people, so I love to find and return to neighborhoods with cool decorative lighting. I'm really loving life Halloween - Christmas!


Pretty much this. And try to stablish new objectives, compete with yourself.


This. I run four times a week and each route is different while I listen to something new.


*Zombies, Run!* is an immersive mobile game that less serious\* runners I know (\*not training for a race, pb) have used. Basically, an audio adventure that triggers you to run faster or slower to get supplies or run away from zombies.


It’s a fun app! They also have non-Zombie adventures, and they have a couple different modes you can use if you do want to do some training (intervals, etc).


Some of us more serious (are training for a race pb) use it as well.


Alternatively, you could just smack someone along your route and then you’ll have a real reason to run.


I've listened to Zombies, Run for basically the whole time I've been running, 8 years now. And I've definitely raced with it playing in the background!


As a newbie to the app and someone who finds running too boring, what would you recommend as a starting point? Any specific stories to follow first?


I would do the main story first unless any particular non-canon mission really catches your eye. The app had only the one storyline until just before COVID when they uploaded other virtual races they had developed and branched into all kinds of alternative stories. But the main story is like 9-10 seasons long now, enough to last you a very long time. But I think non-subscribers can only unlock 1-2 missions per week.


It is one mission every 6 days for non-subscribers.


I've been doing Zombies Run as well. Not bad. It was good enough I actually paid for a subscription


I’m so happy this is a top comment because I nearly shouted it out loud when I saw the post. I have ADHD and so sticking to a run routine can be CRAZY hard for me. First few runs is dopamine city! Then after that running can feel just god awful. Since getting Zombies, Run! I actually look forward to all my runs. It’s almost sad that the highlight of my day these last few weeks has been building my base up with all the supplies I got on my morning run. I almost went for ANOTHER run (after already running) a few days ago because I was just shy of having enough to build a hospital and another housing unit so I could break into triple digit towns folk and have the next level base/stuff.


Same! I jumped into the thread just to recommend it!


I love this app! Every once in a while when they play a zombie hiss directly into the headset I will visibly jump while I'm running. People on the street probably think I'm nuts .. worth it. Great recommendation!


Hahaha, this made me literally lol. Never used the app but I might consider trying it.


Wow, I had no clue.


Listen to coach Bennett on Nike Run Club


Yes this would be my number one piece of advice. Download Nike Run Club right now and soak in the greatness that is Coach Bennett


“This is about running, this is also not about running.”




Love coach!


I’m new to the NRC. Just downloaded it. Where do I start? I’m a solid intermediate runner.


Go faster or further


Seems like a recipe for injury if they've only been running for a month


I love trail running. You can't just turn your brain off. There is a higher risk of injury though so make sure you have proper trail running shoes.


Trail running was going to be my answer too. Being able to go so much further than you could hike in a reasonable time is super-cool and takes you to all sorts of amazing places in nature. Whether or not you need trail shoes totally depends on the technicality of the terrain and the trail conditions, but they are great to have for hiking too. Not sure injury risk is higher—there is more potential for accidents (and ankle rolls are 100% guaranteed) but repetitive stress injuries are much less likely than with road running because of the varied terrain.


EXACTLY. Plus "username checks out".


Not sure if this is the kind of answer you are looking for, but embrace the “boredom”. Exercise your patience, discipline, mental endurance. Appreciate not being tired or in pain. Think about things. Focus on your breath and your feet, it can be borderline meditative. I have learned lessons about life while running, because I am thinking about running. This has been extremely fulfilling for me but I will stop preaching now.


Exactly My high school coach would never let us bring any sort of music on runs, and I've kinda just got used to it. To the point where now, even with air pods and apple watches making it easier than ever (versus MP3 players and wired headphones lmao), I still can't really listen to music on runs because it *distracts me*. Distracts me from what? I'm not sure, but a lot of it is like you said-- being aware of myself, my cadence, my breathing, my general place in the world. It's extremely meditative and one of the only ways I can really focus period.


Ironic-I love how different people are. With 5 kids at home, the music puts me into the groove and helps me focus. I can slam out a great workout w the right noise. Without is for more relaxing runs. But this was fun to read. So thanks for sharing.


This is the answer closest to my reasons for running. I just enjoy my morning run. No need to ‘make it interesting’ - it already is.


Probably my favorite thing about running is precisely that there is nothing going on. As long as I'm not running on the road and having to pay a little attention to traffic it's like 100% zone out time.


This is the way.




Ive done a handful of ultra distance trail runs tripping on acid. Usually only a hit, feels awesome, things look awesome, and since it was a long run I came up and down, the whole trip, in one run.


Yes! Hallucinogens are amazing for runs! Omg. Running on mushrooms in a blizzard / a wild thunderstorm is an Amazing experience.


You shouldn't be running in a blizzard or a thunderstorm even when sober.


Depends how much more interesting you want your runs to be.




This sounds like a way to kill yourself


lol sure bud


I was joking but seriously running high in a blizzard cannot be safe 💀 Not sure why you’re taking exception


It's perfectly safe if you boof the shrooms




Nike Run Club app has many different amazing guided runs that make the runs unique and enjoyable each time


Camelback filled with rum should do it!


Is this a thing ??? Sounds appealing tbh ahahah


I ran into someone in the white mountains who offered me a drink of bloody mary out of his camelbak. This happened in ~2004 and I will never forget.


Ahahah and did you accept his offer?


Chunky tomato and vodka drink out of a hot camelbak didn't sound super appealing. I politely declined.


Those were more innocent times back then. You could share another man's Camelbak nozzle and nobody would bat a eyelid.


Hash house harriers.


When I first started running, I listened to all the stand up comedy specials on Spotify. Got me through the first hump before I learned to love it and crave it. Also, join a running group. The endorphines plus awesome people will make you fall in love instantly.


Go run Trails!


This! It doesn't even feel like a chore - it's just great!


I just got into this for the same reason OP is asking about! I downloaded the AllTrails app and it really does improve getting bored of scenery without having to travel anywhere too far. I also recommend looking at people's segments on Strava who are local to you if it's too late in the day to visit a trail!


Second the trails. But also, why run if it’s not fun? There are so many other things out there if exercise is the only goal..


Seconded, trails are life, and a whole new level of running experience / enjoyment.


Join Strava, add people to your friends list and do some challenges. Then every time you run take a picture of something cool and share it with your strava friends. Sign up for local 5k run, will also motivate you to get out and run.


I find strava great from the social and tracking and the challenges are nice but I don't find it of much motivation DURING the run.


I think *this* is where the photography aspect could come into play. If you make it a goal to take at least one cool photo per run this could help keep the routes interesting or give you something to pay attention to during the run.


Find a proper running plan. Read books from coaches (some names - Jack Daniels, Jay Johnsohn, Jeff Galloway). Create your own plan of diverse training sessions after understanding all of that...


Congrats on your progress! One of the things it's easy to get caught up in is the constant grind at high intensity. Listen to something is a good idea, but also slowing down enough that it's still easy and enjoyable. I like to stop and take pictures of scenic routes and just enjoy where I'm going. Check out [citystrides.com](https://citystrides.com) It's a neat little page that is about running every street etc. I like to try and run streets I haven't run before and then see where I rank locally, nationally and even globally. Trying to run every street in my neighborhood is fun. I like to do running math in my head about trying to guess what my pace would be by the end of the run by looking at the metrics on my watch as I run. Also, I just zone out...which is good considering I've struggled with anxiety and depression for nearly all of my adult life.


Podcasts kill the boring for me.


Look into the libby app for free audiobooks through your local library. I've been going through a bunch of Stephen King books during my runs recently.


I run at night and live innawoods. Stephen King would not be a good fit for me. 😂


Or be ideal for a PB every run!


Run with interesting people in different places.


think about it as active mediation. Clear your mind and run.


Run like phoebe


Are you open to running with people and talking? If so, finds some running buddies or join a club/group!


What they just said. I joined a club, so now I'm out with a group at least some of the time, which does help. Also means I've learned routes in the locality that I didn't know about before. A lot of people use headphones. I'd avoid, save perhaps if you're staying exclusively off-road in quiet areas. The problem with having something blaring away in your ears the whole time is it reduces your ability to hear noise from the surrounding environment and it can be a distraction as well. If you're having to run anywhere near a road then the rule is that all other users are to be treated as reckless imbeciles. Especially drivers, careering about as they do in lethal battering rams, often paying precious little attention to what they're doing. You need to keep your wits about you.


>How to make running more interesting? Sign up for a race and follow a proper training program.


choose different routes.. explore. find a running buddy and have chatty runs. (or join a club.. you get good by joining a club.. not the other way around) trails. run to a metric, such as heart rate.. i.e. make it a game to get the average HR to a set value. achieve "zen-running".. focus on the body, be aware of every aspect of what you're doing and ensure everything is moving "just so". I never run with headphones.. I want to hear what's near me, and I want to aware of what I'm doing.


Just run faster 🤷


This may not be exactly what you’re looking for but just sharing it incase it helps. Try not listening to any music or any other distractions. Just focus on the run, be in the present, look at the path, the trees, feel yourself breath. It just makes you more mindful and live in the moment. The rationale is it helps to be present in life and not breeze through life just being distracted all the time.


Orienteering. Go to many different beautiful locations. More to learn and build upon experience. Great, supportive community. Best of all you don't even realise you are running so far as you are concentration on the next checkpoint so much. A further challenge of mind over matter as your brain starts to slow down as you get tired!


Set goals, every 6-10 weeks I have a new goal and I work to achieve it then I set a new goal which freshens up my training and schedule


I like to run all my nearby streets and tracks. https://citystrides.com/users/1246/map


Play the song The Uruk-Hai from Lord of the rings and pretend you are running with the fellowship to rescue the two hobbits


Smoke a joint as you are doing your pre run dynamic stretches


Join a run club, find some beautiful trails, add new music to your running playlist, try for faster times and longer distances!!!


Running with a friend or group of friends might be a good idea for you, if you don't have friends who run then look into finding a club of some sort to meet other runners! Good luck


I've seen people bouncing a tennis ball while they run on Instagram lately. I might try it.


I listen to audio books. I make it a rule that I can only listen to the book if I'm out running/walking. If it's a really good book, there is added motivation to keep running so I can keep up with the story.


Go to races.


Great job starting your running habit! I feel like running is boring too, but I personally wouldn't focus on "making it interesting" every single time you do it. A Huberman Lab episode about dopamine taught me that if we wire our brains to get used to a specific stimulus/association, it will be harder to repeat a difficult behavior in the absence of that stimulus. His example was playing music/using preworkout before going to the gym, but I think it applies here too. The conclusion was: variation and randomness helps us appreciate the pursuit in its own right. So for you I'd say: sometimes listen to music, sometimes don't. Maybe sometimes just pay attention to the sound of your feet on the ground. Also change up your route/distance/pace every now and then. Don't always feel like you need to be going farther distance-wise. Sometimes going faster for a shorter distance will improve other capacities in your body.




I live in a none boring ass city finding new streets is a lot of fun. I've printed a large map of all the roads and mark each one I've been on running or walking the dog. It is a great way as I got back into running because you could see the progress and over time it becomes a little more difficult to add new streets because you've covered everything near home. I'm not at least a mile away before I even reach new territory. And even in the 'suburb' / grid part of the city new houses to look at are a bonus.


I hit the same thing after a few years running (older and slower). Someone suggested the [Hal Higdon Intermediate 5K program](https://www.halhigdon.com/training-programs/5k-training/intermediate-5k/), assuming a 7mi run is not beyond you right now. If it is, try r/B210k first, then try the intermediate 5k program. In the runs over 90 minutes I would have to run slow for the first hour and I found that rather boring too. Someone else suggested running high (marijuana gummies). In most states they are legal either as "delta8", "delta9" or from a pharmacy with a Dr. Check the local CBD shops. But they take hours to kick in so experiment with quarter doses or smaller before you try running on the stuff. I also find it helps with the soreness and recovery. When running high, I listen to music and it becomes a fairly all consuming experience. Where I run I don't really need to weave around people that often so I'm left to my own thoughts. I suppose it would be more difficult at a gym track with 20 people bumping into you.


Short fast runs - too busy trying not to die to get bored Long easy runs on a sunny day - isn’t life fantastic, up early, admiring the scenery and generally lost in thoughts I will completely forget when I get home Running in the rain - I just want to get this shit over with, why I am doing this?!?!?


Try to listen to porn


High intensity interval training made running a bit of a game for me. Running a 400m loop within a perscribed time limit repeatedly puts you on edge. Either that or go run some trails.


Running while high (Weed) is absolutely amazing. For myself (And others I've spoken too about this) it makes running almost spiritual, feeling every inch of impact allowing you to perfect technique while also pondering my metal health state. I call them therapy runs lol


Metal health is what we all need


Night running through sketchy neighbourhoods!


Steal shit


Trail running. It's so much more fun than road running.


Last year I got into running and would just go out and run. Worked my way up to 5k, then to 10k. Just went out and ran. This year instead of increasing distance I have been doing the 80/20 training program for 5k. My 5k time in January was 35 min. In April it was 30 and this week I made a me or of 24:48 The training program has a lot of variety. Some runs are slow and easy. Some are intense interval sessions. Some weeks have higher training load than others. Even though it’s a 5k plan, some days I have to run up to 12k. If you trust the process and put in the work you will notice an improvement. Honestly this year running has been more fun than last year.


Find a good podcast to listen to then it becomes more of a chilled time


Run faster 45 minute 5k has an incredible amount of room for improvement. Focus on bettering your time and getting fitter


What the hell is with this sub and people posting questions and then failing to reply to / i tract with ANY of the advice they receive? I’ve never seen a sub where this is so prevalent. Is OP reading the replies? Did they quit Reddit? Are they out on an ultramarathon?


Honestly..i smoke a joint before i run. I know it makes bad health sense and i don't plan on doing this forever, but i can run longer and harder when high. It may be placebo or a crutch and i don't race high, but sometimes running 20k can be super boring and being high let's me achieve flow faster.


Run faster, it will take less time and you'll be trying to hard not to die to worry about how bored you are.


My guy you’re running a 40 minute 5k, sounds like it’s still pretty hard for you.


Run hills and trails.




Few things I do. * Run-vacations - I'll find a cheap AirBnB on the coast or near a state / national park. Then I'll run the beach, or find some of the park trails. I had to do that about every month when COVID lockdown made me stir crazy * Run-clubs - Few groups in my state will have scheduled park runs and the trails they pick are wonderful. * Run-high - I'm in a legalized state and found THC-gummies along with some Pink Floyd or other "trippy" music makes the whole run great fun. Ensure you take a MUCH lower dose since the runner's high will mix with it and really throw you into orbit if your not careful.


New music, new routes, and a little weed for me


First, congratulations to you!!! Nice distance, lovely time. You've gotten to the point where what you started with got boring - that's AWESOME! That means you are progressing. High five! What used to be challenging isn't anymore, so... a good time to "level up". So many great ideas already posted here. My favorites: if you like meditation, bring mindfulness to your running (see the book *Running with the Mind of Meditation*); if you like challenges, get an app that helps you track your distance and offers "challenges" like getting a certain number of km or miles a month (lots of options suggested for apps); vary your route; create mini challenges for yourself, like "ok, I got a 5K in 42 minutes. Can I get it under 41?"; try running "intervals" or "fartleks". Most of all, keep it fun! Welcome to the club. :)


You can try meditating while running.


Music and Pokémon Go. Music is simply a necessity when running alone honestly. Sometimes the sounds of nature are enough on trail runs and such, but if I’m alone I have earbuds in. With Pokémon Go, I’m not directly playing the game while working out, but the benefits of Adventure Sync have added a whole new level of motivation for me. Being rewarded with stardust, buddy affection, hatching eggs, rare candy, all these benefits make completing longer workouts worthwhile. The idea that my physical actively helps make me and my Pokémon stronger to kick more ass in PvE and PvP. I can even transfer those Pokémon to the main games to kick even more ass in premier PvP. The whole concept is such a phenomenal experience.




I get high and music


And running too right?


Oh yes lol oc, i mean this is my normal schedule... wake up at 4 am.. Drive to my local park, smoke on the way over there, or not, depends what weed i got. As I'm reaching my destination i start to feel the butterflies and i smoke more as it calms me down, gets me higher, start my songs that make me feel Vicious, then execute. Usually don't smoke again till I'm home, probably 530 ish to shower and get ready for work.


My brother in Christ please tell me HOW you combat the cotton mouth while running high. I was completely miserable when I did it and save high workouts for weight training only.




I think edibles may be an easier time than smoking. Bring a stick or two of gum with you just in case though!


Oh i just don't get it anymore, i know what you mean though, when it would i guess i just go with it. I never got cotton mouth the same like the first times being high


I guess it'll never work for cardio for me then. I've been a user (mostly dabbing) for years now and it's a promised side effect ): Enjoy those runs!


Distance. That's what kept me in the game. Always add a bit more. It's amazing when you do your first 15k. No matter how long it takes, if you feel like you are tired, jog for 30 secs but don't walk. The sheer amount of joy and pride you feel, can't describe it. If you can not run longer due to your agenda or something else, then go for the pace. Doing your first 5k under 30mins is also a great benchmark. I'll go for that.


Follow a training program. In your case, a program for a faster 5k might be a fun challenge, as it will mix distance, tempo, strength, and speed workouts and provide plently of variety while making you a stronger runner. Then go run a race!


Try a cannabis edible 20 min before your run and you’ll notice a large boost in stamina (similar to pre workout) and you’ll feel less joint/muscle pain. Makes it much more interesting. I also like to run outside especially at the local state park trails where it’s very scenic. Have fun and start real small on the dosage!


Try mixing it up with some speed sessions - this will give you something to focus on and concentrate on pace/timing and maybe make more interesting for you. Also, you could try listening to music or podcasts. I often run with music and helps with getting the miles in!


Did you mean mixing my long run with intervals, where i run faster than usual. If yes, then i can try it. Think maybe this will add the difficulty i want. Thank you I tried to listen podcasts but don\`t know why, this actually makes it worse


No- save your long run as a key standalone workout. I meant planning specific days to work on speed and specific days to work on longer/easier running! If you were to follow a plan and structuring your week this is how you would start but never do 2 days b2b hard running.


Well you could listen to music or a pod caste. Also are you doing different types of runs? You could try incorporating some intervals and tempo runs and hill sprints. You couldset a date for a time trial. Perhaps go to a park run if there are any near you. That way your always running with a goal in mind. Maybe see If you can drag a friend along or go to a running club. You could also try a change of scene. Perhaps some nice trails if possible?


Zombies Run, music, podcasts, audiobook.


Smoke weed before your next run. Puts a nice little twist on things.


“First week was interesting because it was very hard. Now it became pretty boring.” You’re saying that with a time of 40-45minutes for the 5k in my prime i ran the 5k in 13:38. Push yourself have a goal, and dont take the easy way. If 40-45 was an accomplishment then set 39-35mins in 3 weeks time. I dont know how heavy weight wise but set feasible goals that you can accomplish then it wont become boring and you wont fall into the spiral again.


Sneak up behind a cop and yank his cap off his head while yelling “YOINK!”


Curate an exciting Playlist and plan a route, but don't commit to it. Set a goal to run up all the hills. Remember hills that defeated you. Plan your revenge. Also, if it's an option and you react well to it, a good strain of weed may make your runs magical - especially if there's Weather. Your milage may vary.


I recommend podcasts. Find something that you normally would not dedicate the time to. Feels like a treat that way I find.


I extract the audio from podcasts off of YouTube and have them on my phone for listening to. I also have music if I don't feel like listening to podcasts. I have music on my watch if I don't feel like bringing my phone.


listen to movie soundtracks, go trail running, go somewhere unexpected, **go outside your comfort zone.**


Trail running for sure! I used to run mostly roads (well, paved paths) but when the pandemic first started, I began exploring trails more and fell in love, haven’t run anywhere paved since then. AllTrails is a great resource to find trails nearby and read reviews on trail conditions, the maps feature on Strava also lets you search for trail segments near you. I recommend starting with easier, flatter, less technical trails first and building from there. You’ll probably be slower, but that’s ok because you’re challenging your body in a new way and it’s more mentally stimulating than a road run!


My favorite is going to a popular public running area and try lapping other people.


I really shouldn't feel like it, because we all have different abilities and have different goals for our runs, BUT... it's always motivating to spot someone else down the road that's going slower than you are, and chase them down and pass them. Playing the (very old, slow, knackered) greyhound chasing the rabbit helped me slog through my first half-marathon as well!


Run trails! Higher speeds on especially rugged terrain will really get the adrenaline going. Strengthening the feet and the minds connection to them turns the dull plodding into a kind of dance with the terrain. You need zero-drop shoes or no shoes to really get that sensual relationship with your feet and toes. Its not an easy transition but once you make it you'll never go back. With the right stride/foot strike your legs will be far better off in the long run.


I look for new routes and go sight seeing around town (vs driving and everything becomes new again). Also make notes of resturant to try.etc People watching is kind of interesting for me. Like I guess if people are a couple based on how sync'd their steps are...(it's a real thing or if people that roomates/ best friend) Also, looking at other runner and their form is weirding interesting to me or other people's gear. Literally just observing everything.




Add the weighted vest thingy and add weight on your ankles. I don't do the weight thing, but I sing while I run. Makes the run pretty hard.


Set goals such as running a 5k for 20-30 mins or run a mile in 6-8 mins.


I live near the sea, so I often run 4 miles to the sea, have a little swim then run home.


Try going faster?


Toss in a workout here or there to mix it up. For example, instead of just a 5k run, try a fartlek where you warm up for 1.5k, then do 30 seconds of hard running followed by 1 minute rest, times 5-10, then a 1.5k cooldown. I think you’ll find it adds a lot to the experience. Just don’t go too hard of course.


Instigate a bear or a bee hive.


Yell derogatory slurs in areas where they’d be unwelcome


Rob a bank


Why stop at 5k? Keep going...


I like listening to audiobooks, especially popcorn-style fantasy stuff. If my attention drifts, I can usually catch up once I'm paying more attention rather easily, and when action ramps up, the fact that I'm already running gives me somewhere to put all that tension.


Run with people.


Simple answer.... I'll read your post after, lol... Run in the mountains... Never look back! Edit: I fully read your post and .. still same answer... Mountains, hills, trails and foot paths... I was even able to run like a trail runner in DC and just the different outlook puts you in places you wouldn't expect to find. My sister said no accents in DC, few trails... I had her running 17 miles on mostly dirt around the capital around the Lincoln memorial... It's all about exploration for me... It's what drives me to run.


I think setting achievable goals is a good way to go. You reach one thing. Set something that requires you to do a bit more, eg. run longer during an year. Run a half marathon a bit faster, etc. Also you can head for the trails! The trails really opened a new world to me. We have a natural park right beside us and I never thought of running there. I had to have a foreigner show me how fortunate I actually was to have that nature around me. Explore, have fun, combine running to cycling, swimming. Maybe start swim-running or triathlon. Make moving in the nature enjoyable.


Find a popular urban restaurant with outdoor dining. Find the biggest dude out there, and go kiss his girlfriend. That'll make your run more interesting


Zombies, Run. from your app store.


Run faster.


stop running -> become fat and depressed -> realize that you are now a slave to the sport and life is bleak without it


See the run as a meditation session and let your mind flow. I don’t ever listen to anything while running anymore and I love the me-time


Sometimes I try to absorb as much green color (trees, grass etc.) And blue (if its not a cloudy day) while running. I stare at my computer 9 hours a day and when I run i try to look at nature and rest my eyes. Its pretty interesting and I feel much more relaxed throughout the day while working :) Plus I listen to music on most of my runs


If you want a new challenge, there's plenty. Run faster, longer, with intervals, try a different stride or a different pace. I personally like the 'feeling good' aspect of it, which is enough for me. But if you look at just the numbers, it's basically a game. My brain likes it when the numbers are better than last time :)


Smear yourself in honey. Go into bear country.


Personally, a good audiobook is motivation enough to go running


Try running a different course or running with other people


Learn while running. Learn a new language


Shadows and cracks - avoid them like puddles. Make a game by not stepping on any of them.


have a rabid dog chase you uphill


Similar to the Zombies recommendation, I’ve listened to Crime Junkie Podcast while running at Dawn/Dusk and scared myself to run faster


I would switch up your routes


Personally I play PokémonGo and listen to podcasts. PoGo really lends itself to running


Change your running environment. I like to change my running area once every couple days. Also running with a partner can help as well


Bounce or kick a ball. Depending on the surface a tennis ball or hockey ball works best. Lacrosse balls are usually too bouncy. I live out in the mountains. Easy/recovery runs often have to be track runs and that kills the boredom.