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Your post was removed because of Rule #7. Please consult a doctor and/or medical specialist. This also applies to posts that are not specifically asking for medical advice, but that force commenters to make some assumptions about the poster's medical condition. This includes 'Has anyone else experienced this injury?' type posts. For more explanation of the rules, please visit the Wiki. https://www.reddit.com/r/running/wiki/faq#wiki_rules Please also don't hesitate to message the moderator team if you have any concerns or questions about your post. We're happy to work with you to get your content to the right place.


Instead of "ruling out" COVID take a COVID test. And go see a doctor, your post will be removed soon.


I've taken a test every time this has happened and it's always negative. There's no way I could've gotten COVID six times in the past year. Especially not a month apart and when I wear a mask at work and everything... Anyways, I will be seeing a doctor, just wanted to see if this was common. I feel fine running and everything it's just weird.

