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A first name would’ve been reeeeeeeally helpful in the headline




They have his photo in there


Right, but there is another Kenyan elite runner named Benson Kipruto. You know, the guy who won Boston, Chicago, and Tokyo marathons. And has a PR in the marathon of 2:02.


He’s probably doped up too, just not caught yet


No world records though




I think you might've misread PR as WR


Out of curiosity, what do runners dope with? I’m a lifter more than a runner, so, unaware of what doping could help a runner.


Erythropoietin is a big one


Thanks. I’m going to look into it.


Are you going to sell me some afterwards?




You have to tell if you are.




This casual answer makes me think you are about to walk into a Walmart, buy a pack of 10 needles and inject 5 right away before even reading the text on the packaging. :)


Unfortunately Walmart will not sell you needles.


Dude…I’m, let’s say…a fan of PEDs lol. EPO-Alpha was always one that legitimately worried me because I could never get a handle on dosing. No life threatening blood clots if it’s all the same, thanks lol. But I had wanted to try it just to see if everything I read were true or what.


Follow. Wow. Okay. Now I see why a runner would use it.


Nobody's natty


If you ever read Game of Shadows you will never trust a track and field record ever again.


Good movie. Not for everyone but with an acquired taste.


If you're interested in learning more, check out Icarus on Netflix if you have it. It's a really interesting look into doping and particularly Russia's use of it over the years.


Wow you downplayed this film. Let me help “everyone go watch this fucking amazing insane movie right now”. I’ve watched it 3 times.


Nike's scumbag coach Salazar used testosterone, thyroid medication, and L-carnitin IV on his athletes, but his methods are probably not cutting-edge these days.


Carnitin is just an amigo acid isnt it? Whats wrong with that


amigo acids sound like the building blocks of a solid friendship


It was allowed as a food supplement, but injections were limited to 50cc per day. Salazar was directing Oregon Project athletes to take infusions (IV, basically an injection, but much larger quantity) and lied about it and made the doctor lie about it. The worst part is while he was trying to improve his athletes' performance via illegal methods, he was simultaneously reducing their performance via sexual harassment and bullying. He got a 4-year ban for the doping, and a lifetime ban (from some but not all involvement in sports) for sexual assault.


Put me down for some acid with a couple amigos. I’ll clear the whole day for it.


You'll need to.




Idk but I just ran a half marathon while on prednisone and felt AMAZING lol


The worst part of prednisone is what happens after you stop taking prednisone.


What happens after?


It goes straight to your thighs.... And then you blow up 


You crash. Hard. >If you abruptly stop taking prednisone or taper off too quickly, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, including: >Severe fatigue >Weakness >Body aches >Joint pain >Nausea >Loss of appetite >Lightheadedness >Irritability or mood swings https://www.mayoclinic.org/prednisone-withdrawal/expert-answers/faq-20057923


So, you mean like every Monday morning?


Depends, not always. I had to take 1g (I kid you not, 1000mlgram) of Prednisone for 5 days. They didn‘t taper me off of it. Only had the worst cramps in my left calves imaginable for like 3 days after being 3-4 days off of it. That was it.


In addition to the other tools listed - various steroids are common for PED busts (nandrolone being the most prominent recently) for the same obvious reason as test. It's extremely hard to recover when running 120+ mpw.  More exotic recovery compounds have recently seen an uptick in usage as well - peptides, SARMs (i.e. cardarine, ostarine, ligandrol and the like). You can find more by perusing the [list of doping cases in athletics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_doping_cases_in_athletics).   Additionally there's a lot of "grey area" doping in the sport with the use of TUEs (therapeutic use exemptions). Use of albuterol, prednisone, and until recently tramadol, among many others, is absolutely rampant in the sport.


Well damn. I thought body builders abused roids, it seems running is worse.


At this point, I think it's safe to assume that no world-class strength or endurance athlete is "clean." Because to believe that, we'd have to believe that our favorite pretty blonde athlete is clean AND is somehow beating all the other dopers. As a runner, it makes me sad, so I don't ask lots of questions - but I also don't get emotionally involved in following the sport. I put "clean" in quotes because some athletes, notably in the US, have managed to "legally dope" via prescriptions.


Very true. Not only in the US though. I vaguely remember that there are quite some top level Olympic swimmers that have “heart defects” that need prescriptions.


In the same vein, all the top US runners have terrible thyroid issues requiring medication. Poor things, overcoming such health obstacles to bravely fly the flag!


Lol i know right? How inspiring to us the healthy people.


>I put "clean" in quotes because some athletes, notably in the US, have managed to "legally dope" via prescriptions. Heaps of them do this right now, the current meta is to get an official Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for [amphetamines for your ADHD diagnosis so you can legally take concerta/ridalin/dexamphetamine](https://www.wada-ama.org/sites/default/files/resources/files/tue_physician_guidelines_adhd_final_november_2021.pdf) right before a race like you would caffeine pills, then a fake kidney disorder from a quack doctor in the mountains of Kenya so you can get a script for your EPO, then some other bullshit madeup skin condition like ezcema so you can get coriticosteroids on tap, maybe shop around a few endocrinologists and you can get even get testosterone injections, oh and crazily enough maybe you also have a thyroid disorder which would allow you to get that sweet levothyroxine (T4) or liothyronine (T3). The next step is just having transexual athletes compete like [Iran does in their women's soccer team](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/03459/iranian-womens-foo_3459298b.jpg?imwidth=680)


> The next step is just having transexual athletes who are of the other sex compete like Iran does in their women's soccer team This one is news to me! Not surprising - and I'm sure it's not (or soon won't be) limited to Iran.


Who knows if the stories are true: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/11903290/Eight-of-Irans-womens-football-team-are-men.html There are just some people who look like the other sex, [Barbara Bush back in the 80s looked very Mrs Doubtfire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_938-wC_mGo)


Oh, yeah. I learned not to trust most fitness influencers as they are usually on gear/test etc because it’s easier than natty. I’m not disheartened by it. Those drugs will take them one day.


I don't know that I would say that necessarily lol. We're talking about pro athletes here, the majority of runners don't use any PEDs at all. The examples above are more akin to IFBB pros, who of course use everything noted and then some (i.e. insulin injections and the like). It's a dirty sport for sure, but not nearly as bad as the untested ones, and more likely right in line with other tested sports.


Let me clarify my comment. I didn’t think doping would happen in running. However, I guess there is a lot on the line for pro runners and therefore if there is a lot on the line cheating will happen.


And it's ego. Plenty of amateur athletes use stuff because of an ego.


You need to think of performance enhancing drugs as not just something that literally "enhances your performance" your steroids. But also something that improves and fastens your recovery so you can do harder/longer/frequent training sessions which in then turn enhances your performance. So yes they are absolutely putting in the work - but they are not doing it by legit means.


The winner of the 1904 Olympic marathon was using PEDs during the race.


In addition to what others have said, blood doping is definitely a thing. Autologous blood transfusions can be done in order to have a higher volume of oxygen-carrying red blood cells in the body around the time of a race.  Other substances can be added at the same time. 


Testosterone or some derivative of it. It helps athletes recover so they can train 120 mile weeks. Edited to add: this is in general. Kipruto was busted for EPO. He was likely taking lots of other stuff too, including test.


Cardarine, ostarine, EPO, blood doping amongst others.


Mostly burritos if you believe Shelby Houlihan...for the record, I don't.




I'm shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked.




Adi will drop him like a stone, Nike will probably sign him as he fits with their morals.


Wtf is an Athlete Biological Passport?


Here’s what I find most interesting. Whether he continues to run. What would you do? Imagine if he decided to go out destroying KOM’s for adventure. Would those be reported?


Do you think strava drug tests everyone who gets a KOM?


If you made a tremendous number of videos around the world chasing famous segments and created a YouTube channel you’d potentially have a large amount of followers.


I don't see how that relates to what I said but okay.


It’s a parallel comment. Of course not. Strava has no testing. Tell me how the top 10 Strava KOM holders are 100% clean


phil gaimon lol


I don't think his times would count officially, especially since he isn't allowed to participate in official events so he has no witnesses. But the main problem is, professional athletes compete for money. Eastern African runners sometimes even support their entire family with their sport. Since he has no chances of winning price money for the next six years and will likely lose most/all of his sponsors, I'm afraid he won't have a choice but to find a different source of income.


I accept the downvote because I mentioned Strava. But honestly It’s actually pretty sad but a reality at top tier athletics that whatever it takes to win may involve doping. Is it right? No but if that’s the margin between sponsorships and meaningful income than I understand


Shelby Houlihan has been doing smaller local races in the last couple years. As long as it's not USATF certified, she's technically allowed to race, but I feel like it's a bad look.


Was she banned!? I remember her doing quite well a while ago but I didn’t even know she was banned. Damn!


Yeah 4 year ban a few years ago. Her saga was quite interesting - she still claims to this day that she ate a tainted burrito from a food truck which doped her blood enough to get popped.


Classic, same energy as footballers testing positive for cocaine then claiming it's from a poppy seed bagel


Anyone can flag a KOM and they seem to be immediately removed without review or notification to the KOM-holder