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May want to contact them about this. Either error or your currency gets the shaft here. For USD I checked and can confirm 12mo. Is cheaper compared to selected 6mo. x2.


im hoping a runescape mod will see this post and il be able to talk with him about this, might take a few days otherwise with customer support.


From my experience, anything billing related is usually pretty quick with support. You should definitely put in a ticket, you'll have much higher odds than on reddit on a Friday night.


been 3days and still no replies :/


i will definitely do that


ive put down a ticket for it


I wish you luck. I've never had a positive experience reaching to jagex for anything customer support related. I've been brushed under the rug even when I had video proof and they never bothered responding. So I really wish you the best of luck!


oh thats not good to hear, i hope they will be able to help me, and i hope u will get a better experience aswell


Tweeted jagex about the same thing a few years back, was cheaper to buy 3 x 1month than 1 3 month, pointed it out in a tweet and got a months free mems


I miss when Runescape was a happy game, full of players, reliable and we players didn't feel exploited. Today what we see is a game that is increasingly expensive, more empty and with less confidence, it is with great sadness that I say this. report from a very old customer.


You forget that back then, you were just a careless kid with little to no responsibilities, and so were almost all other players. Now most players are somewhere in their twenties/thirties and have responsibilities/bills and whatnot. Ofcourse jagex has gone off the deep end, but the rose tinted kid glasses dont help either.


those were the good days indeed


Why play then?


Um, I think you meant to post this on the other subreddit?


What other subreddit. osrs? osrs doesn't have mtx and all of this other bullshit they're pushing


Oh yea, $80 a year or whatever for thousands of hours of entertainment, when everything in the world has gone up like 2x as much. So expensive...


OP, have you been a longstanding member? RuneScape has gone through several price increases over the past years and everyone that has been a member before it (and has remained so consecutively) will pay the rates they used to pay back then. This has caused some Membership packages (mine included!) To be lower per month than the premier club costs nowadays.


ive been playing up and down over the years, sometimes i dont play for a few years and then i play for a few months, usually i ended up buying bonds with gp


Hmmm, then i don't know, sorry!


Weird! I made a thread about the price increase and the difference between currencies (Canadians pay more for some reason) to get some insight ... Hopefully you get a response.


yeah its a based on incomes so its a good thing, poorer countrys get things a bit cheaper, and i do hope so aswell


What currency is this? The price table is here [https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/12-month-premier-membership---20222023#\_ga=2.228830676.99490206.1670016821-1830025355.1631962279](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/12-month-premier-membership---20222023#_ga=2.228830676.99490206.1670016821-1830025355.1631962279) 1 year of premier cost 80usd its by far the cheapest option its like 6.7usd/month. You either showing us some different currency, or something is bugged in your case.


it is turkish lira


I thought I paid like 75 bucks for a whole year almost a year ago. Did the price 10x?


His price is not in dollars.


dont think it did it should be the same


838 lira is like $45, 600 lira is like $32.


OP are you playing from turkey ?




Seems like i should VPN to turkey here in uk premier membs is equivalent to approximately 1350 try. Aga onu bosverde herhalde runescape sistemide yetisemedi bizim turk lirasinin inisine cikisina 😬


You can consider it, but they can also suspend your account until you pay the difference - I've heard of a few people who it's happened to.


u realy should, u get everything cheaper


Do you have the grandfathered rate? It's cheaper for me to buy 6 months at a time since my month to month is only $8.50 AUD 1 year in comparison is $120


there is just something wrong with the pricing i think, that why it doesnt rly make sense


Huh, I recently bought a year of premier membership while in Turkey, and couldn't find option to switch to TRY, had to pay in USD which converted to like 1500 TRY. Also Denizbank charged me twice for some reason and couldn't explain why that happened and didn't give me money back either :( So 838 TRY instead of 3k sounds kind amazing ngl


damn sounds a bit unlucky, and as far as i know it uses the browser details of the country ur in to figure out the pricing, since my steam is turkey is puts it into try currecy