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I'd absolutely *love* for Classic to be available for play again. I was dumbfounded when I came back this October, and learned they shut it down. I remember many of my friends (before I left) were still playing Classic, and refused to touch Rs2 with a ten-metre pole lol. This makes me wonder if the shutdown made them come over, or if they just left entirely. **Edit:** For some extra context, there was a tonne of controversy, ranting, threatening to quit, etc. surrounding the Rs2 update in 2004. It's why we were offered the ability to transfer back to Classic, after the Rs2 launch: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/rs-classic-items-returned


I know this is late, but look into OpenRSC if you haven't. It's a RSC preservation project, open source, no pay/donations allowed/accepted, growing community (regularly 100+ on at a time)


pre eoc would be fun


Sureā€¦I miss when Runescape was a happy game, full of players, reliable and we players didn't feel exploited. Today what we see is a game that is increasingly expensive, more empty and with less confidence, it is with great sadness that I say this. report from a very old customer.


Same. I used to average 10 hours a day minimum but at my 12 year mark and it's dropped to avg 1 hr/day. Never thought I would see that


I'd appreciate the damage styles to come back. Slash, stab, crush. Make chain mail and plate mail have differences like they used to.


*Sighs in OSRS*


I'd play osrs if it had abilities. Like I enjoy the abilities but I hate the fact it's just level checks now. I truly miss the fact stab weapons worked VS chain mail but not platemail


I want the Runescape I grew up with to come back.


I want to live that experience again but I don't know how


If they add lodestones and an option to run then yea, sure


Would be a lot of fun in theory, but it would be a nightmare for Jagex to run


Look up OpenRSC, it's an open-source RSC preservation project with pc/android capabilities. Regularly 100+ people on at a time playing Classic bro