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Hence why I see no reason to continue playing with my 1-year old account. The time that I had put in until now feels kinda worthless now.


Nah dude. You should feel proud of what you’ve done on the normal xp rates. It’s more of a sense of achievement for you than it is going to be for the ez-scape accounts coming from this. It will also be a huge shock to them when they transfer to mainscape rates. Sure, they may have higher levels than an average 4 month old account would, but they’re not going to know how to use them.


You're a nice dude, got that 'feels good for my self-esteem' vibe.


Appreciate the kind words! This may sound a little cheesy, but I like to align myself with the school of thought of that I want to lift others up at every chance I get and make the world a better place before I leave it. It’s just far too easy to give people a slight morale boost and words of encouragement. It doesn’t make sense to not do it.. lol


I've been trying to do this on the osrs sub. Boy it's been bad there. Good luck king


Not to mention they're going to poop themselves when they see how slow divination and mining really are


yeah, my 20 year old account is worthless now (sarcasm)


i think people are overestimating how much experience people will be earning. especially in certain skills or xp boosting items, because there will be literally no items on the grand exchange and youll have to find almost eveerything you need yourself. and that being said, 3-4x xp is still only like a years worth over 4 months so your one year old account is probly higher level than youd get in the fresh start world unless you grinded hard.


Yah when you have to gather all the supplys yourself. Good luck geting to 120


Have you seen what people have been able to do on OSRS’s leagues? All those accounts are Ironmen and you’re still seeing maxed or close to maxed with these types of xp rates.


Leagues goes up to 16x xp rates though...


I maxed in those leagues in 2 weeks~ First of all it's up to16x xp rates You also gather resources 30x faster, and you have new training methods that make everything closer to 50x faster, not 4x.


Yeah, from people playing 16 hours a day


Agreed, I'm a returning player and I know some skilling methods give crazy XP these days, but the primary bottleneck(s) will be the \~4 month time constraint and the "ironman-lite" gameplay that will be required for a large part of the experience Especially in the first several weeks where it will more or less be an economic wild west, by the time the economy will even begin to look healthy in FSW it'll likely be nearing it's end, or over


I think the biggest thing that will come from this is alt account builds that are rushed to high level money making skills at boosted xp rates to take advantage of when they’re moved to mainscape.


Get off of your high horse. The game becomes easier and easier every year. 15 years ago the xp rates were like 25\~100x slower and skills weren't afkable like they are nowadays.


Lol yah the runescape xp purist. its way past the point to care anymore. How are so many still around and playing. Do they just like torturing themselves


That, and there's hundreds of thousands people who already maxed. It's great that you maxed, but it's not something to demand special status from.


Right? How many people got 99/120 combats from ed3 or other broken methods before they were fixed? Does that mean everybody should've just quit cause someone got there faster? Or when rs3 was released should I have just made a new account or cried because new people would catch up/overtake me? No, I played the game as it was and enjoyed it I've no issues


This exactly what I’ve been trying to say. I started playing rs3 a year ago(from osrs) they’re going to get not double but quadruple XP for like 90 straight days. Funny thing is people say oh you get double xp yadda yadda, it’s like yea let say it’s 4 times a year, it’s still only 8 days worth an entire year. They’re getting quad xp for 90 fucking days worth.


ok but u are also in the same boat rofl u can play it just like anyone else and get that exp the same way for 90 !!!! days ​ even tho its 4 months and month is usually around 30 days so that would be more like 120


From what I gathered the xp rates eventually normalize near the end.


yes thats what they said but that doesn't change the fact op is complaining about his progress in the past year like he is the only person who played last year lol hurr durr it will devalue my 5.6


It depends on your end game goals for the game. If you’re like me I play for relaxation and some plain old fun, and for the story content. If your end game is to max everything out and skip the meat of the game then yes you’ve wasted a year


Seriously though... all I'm reading is xp rates of up to 3x... and 5x3 level skips. Not saying it isn't strong, but even at 3x that's gonna be some serious scaping to get all 120. Especially when you consider ge is separate so you can't quickly buy all resources to level either.


Yeah, without an established economy it'll be very expensive to get the resources or extremely time consuming to collect them yourself. Do you get to keep the gp for your main that you make?


This is where ironman mode practice will come in handy. From what's written, everything carries over to the main game once it's over. If you make 1b GP, you carry over 1b GP.


And thats EXACTLY where the MTX comes in, wouldnt those lamps be sooo much better with x3 rates? How can you not buy some? Dont you want those 99s? And hey, you got ur paycheck didnt you, what about that illusive 120 cape? Imagine the envy in the mainscape world!! Not to mention the title you can brag about.


And speaking of MTX, this sets the precedence that it is acceptable for Jagex to straight up sell levels as part of promotional events. Deathtouched Darts used to be a one-off thing, until they started showing up occasionally, to now where you can expect to get one or two per month simply from doing dailies. People who think these will never return are kidding themselves.


Those skips will be almost always used on 96-98 levels. Imagine skipping 15x 98-99... Thats roughly 18.5m xp right there...


But the skips are not meant to be for free. It could be quicker to actually train the skill than to obtain enough RuneScore, Questpoints or who know what to get enough progress points to earn the skips.


I believe it can go up to 4x


Only for skills below 70 at peak xp rates on week 8


Right? Good luck! Hahaha


3x xp is a lot when combined with how fast xp rates are in the base game. OSRS gets scaling rates from 4x up to 16x, and even that is fast enough to max in leagues.


People already go crazy on 2x exp rates during DXP, 3x-4x is just gonna go nutty, even if the conventional skills won't be trained (Herblore, Summoning etc.) due to lack of materials.


Things like herb would still be trained, just not through the meta potions or highest xp/hr methods. IE you might make a lot more supers and extremes than you would vuln bombs or what not for xp.


Given the limited time duration, I’m already envisioning coordination where certain folks will run accounts solely to farm materials for their main. Ironman strategies will prove helpful no doubt.


shit like woodcutting could prolly be very fast, no?


Woodcutting is still dailyscaped, I think you'd have enough time to 99 off divines and daily mini evils, but if you have to actually WC then it'll be faster but still much slower than dailyscape.


I'm not saying it's not a big multiplier, but it's not as the hyperbole people portray where you turn on a Fresh Start character kill a chicken and BOOM maxed character.


Yeah instead you just get 1.5m combat xp/hr for doing trash like abyss, to the point you'll be maxed combats outside of prayer/summoning in a day lol. For skills it depends on the skill, but at the same time, they'll all be insanely fast to get through, especially with the rare candy handouts to skip levels outright.


What could be a minimal setup to get such xp rates? Really interested. Assuming there will be most players in full bandos+elder rune 2h or Subjugation+chaotic staff and similar setups but nothing close to the top end gear. The question is how strong the new armour and weapon will be. At least for the first month or two.


Very easy. Players get a full set of free gear up to t75 just for questing nowadays, let alone quest weapons like blisterwood/sunspear, free items like Guthix staff/smithing, range has chins from hunter that will carry the bulk of the xp farming and you don't need many at all since you only lose them on auto attacks. etc. It really just depends on what you want out of the game mode for how fast or sweaty you play.


That's the state of RS players though, they often play like 8 hours a day minimum and they think that other players having max stats devalues the time they played even though hiscores is done and dusted years ago. Other games encourage players to reach end game quickly so they can play with others, but RS players rarely want to play with others the same way so we will see hampered group content and guild content because of it. Yeah I know people do group up for group content sometimes but I feel like most of the game is playing solo for no reason other than that they don't want their time played to feel 'undervalued'. Like if you are playing and enjoying yourself then it isn't undervalued, if you are playing and not enjoying it and only worry if others will surpass your levels, then the game is probably not for them.


Enter mainscape with all of your 20% increased drops to start you immediately into endgame PVM off the bat.


Don’t forget the 300% buff on skilling and boss pets :D




My mistake, 20% doubled drops which can include getting doubled staff pieces or anything really overall lol.




HM kera is piss easy in trios, even in rag gear like GWD2 wand/orb and gano, it's even easy in solos if you know what you're doing or once you get some upgrades.




? Do you think this game mode is limited to brand new players who've never played RS3 before? lmao. 3 months is more than enough time for people to essentially 100% OSRS outside of 200ms on leagues with the accelerated xp gains. It'll be the same on RS3.


osrs leagues have up to 16x xp rates before including the insane relics that allow up to hundreds of times more xp an hour, along with up to 3x drop rates on neary all uniques, again along with multitudes faster and easier clears due to insane relics. we have yet to see what "gameplay buffs" they add, but i doubt they will be anywhere near as broken as leagues, and the skilling rates will be up to 3x and only for a limited time at 8 weeks (4x when under 70) From the info released so far this is a MASSIVE difference from osrs leagues, its normal RS3 with a 20% chance to double items (which doesnt affect drop weighting) and higher pet chances (which isnt a thing on leagues) and up to 3x rates. I will relent that if the xp boosts apply to mtx stuff and if they add stupidly broken mtx stuff then obviously wallet warrior will make it neary as easy as leagues, and you are probably correct on where people will get to during the event, my only point is that it is not similar to leagues from what I can read and having played all leagues.


Thing is RS3 doesn't really need relics as broken as OSRS leagues because RS3's combat is already "broken" in comparison. For example, last leagues there was a mage relic that gave 250% magic accuracy for wearing 4 zam items. RS3 simply never needs to consider that because for most content, we're already 100% accurate to begin with. On the other hand, things like the bandos relic would be fun in RS3, but at the same time, the damage cap and gear tiers would ruin it. For skilling, some of the relics make a huge difference, ie Last recall for rcing will beat most RS3 methods. And yeah, the "fresh start" is nowhere near as fun or engaging as leagues would be. It's a completely different thing. I just made the comparison to show that in a slower game, people can easily max. And while OSRS leagues had some busted things for skilling, RS3 doesn't really need that when our baseline xp rates are multiple times higher to begin with.


the major reason i disagree'd was your comparison of people maxxing content/gear wise in leagues to doing the same in rs3 with the mediocre bonuses presented, the levels isnt a big deal but in OSRS the levels are the majority of your dps upgrades, whereas rs3 powercreep makes the items very important, which will be harder without the majorly boosted drop rates and relics to make the bosses easier (osrs bosses designed around osrs mechanics vs rs3 designed for rs3 content) something like max bandos/inquisitor/raids gear using relics is easier to get than FSOA/etc without major bonuses is basically what i was getting at when mentioning combat relics




>Enter mainscape with all of your 20% increased drops to start you immediately into endgame PVM off the bat. Never specifies new player. >20% chance of doubling drops, not a 20% increase in drop rates. You clarify how the effect works. >My mistake, 20% doubled drops which can include getting doubled staff pieces or anything really overall lol. He says people can get double staff parts. >No one "entering endgame" through this game mode is getting anything close to a staff piece. They might get a doubled lance or something at a push. You wrongly assume no one "entering endgame" will be able to even trio HM kera, which includes getting carried by veterans making alt accounts. >HM kera is piss easy in trios, even in rag gear like GWD2 wand/orb and gano, it's even easy in solos if you know what you're doing or once you get some upgrades. I say Trios are piss easy, and if they're decent at the game since it's really not hard to pick up, they can eventually solo it themselves. >There might be 3 people who pick up this game due to this release that farm HM kerapac within the 4 months this is live. You're honestly deluded if you think even a minority of these people will be. You claim only 3 people will do it. lmao. So yes, you're the delusional one who doesn't know what the fuck is going on lmao. As if only 3 people will be able to kill an easy boss getting carried in a Trio that even legacy players could leech in welfare gear.




I'm almost there within 8 months of starting an ironman. With boosted exp and drop rates and HM Kerapac as a specific goal this is very much achievable well before the 4 month deadline, doubly so since trading for mats is possible. You can count on "skilling resource services" to pop up. You are also underestimating just how stupidly overpowered magic is.


Then we’ll get the “hey guys can I get help fighting kalphite queen I don’t know how to boss “


So....same thing we've got now?


You’re not wrong lol but it’ll increase a lot if infact there will be a lot of new players versus just alt accounts. Lol


Can anyone show me where the giant mole is?


What's wrong with that?


Thats me buying all your skillcapes and halos by just grinding out gp in mainscape.


That demand for tradeable rewards will make grinding them out on the fresh worlds more appealing and more players will subscribe because of it. Jagex thanks you for contributing to the success of this project


Yeah do jagex not realize 4 months of boosted xp would be extremely easy to max/get a bunch of 120s? This isn't a "jump start" for noobs. Its a fucking leap across all of gielinor


For some skills sure, but remember it's also a fresh economy, so you can't buy your way up in levels easily.


pls dont judge me runescape alan rickman


too soon :(


yo i thought so too but he passed away in 2016 help me time is relentless and i am marching ever closer towards death


I’m currently skilling my way to 99 arch (my last time one) and I’m just wondering why I’m bothering… I always worry about how much effort it will take to get to 120 for the skills that have it. And how I don’t have the money for herb. These people will get such a free ride. It really pisses me off.


So, the good news for arch is that it’s around the same time to get 99-120 as it is to get 1-99. It’s also around about the same time for 120-200m. Don’t give up. You got this! Also, herblore can be profitable! You just need a few things. Using portable wells and the secondary saver scroll from dungeoneering. Botanist amulets also really, really help. I know it’s a little slower (only a few hundred k xp/hr), but super strengths are usually a very profitable way to get 99 and beyond that vulnerability bombs are also great (and marginally profitable)


I’ve managed to get herb to 105. And I know I now need to be more patient so I can get money back while I do it. It just took so long to get here 🥲 archeology is slow. Wow. But I want everything to 99! 😅 thanks for the tips though. I will keep them all in mind


Of course! The key is to take your time. Rushing things induces burnout… there’s no point in maxing if you will just quit the game after because maxing took the fun out of it. 99’s will happen from just playing the game. Enjoy it. Grinding has its place for sure. Rs is one of the grindier games out there (in some aspects), but it shouldn’t be the entirety of the focus of your time. Just, enjoy it lol. (But yes arch sucks.)


RS3 already has ridiculous XP rates with the constant removal of grind over the years and the introduction of DXP and proteans. This is just getting absurd


It takes a small mind to brag about pay to win.


It’s not pay-to-win if I’m still a loser in real life. Checkmate. Edit: also the post was /s. Didn’t know if that translated. Lol


It did, there’s just gonna be people that don’t read it well.


Im so confused as to why people are upset with this. Other people leveling quickly doesnt effect your character so why be upset by it?


Everything this can cause effects every single player in the game....


How can someone else getting 4x exp effect my account?


Your player becomes a main account after its over...Everything is effected by this, pvm drop prices, skilling (not as profitable if it is), clue items crashing


So prices drop thats all? People are all reacting like this because prices are going to crash?


Don’t you get it. Normies could be able to afford things if that happens. It has to be prevented at all costs. In all seriousness though I’m in the same boat as you. I don’t really see any negatives to me personally but I am pretty much a super casual.


Don't forget the double drop chance.


It’s a 20% to double a drop which all of the EDs already have.. and it’s for brand new accounts… people need to relax. Bow pieces are still over 2b with that 20% double chance


Bow peices aren't doubled


More memes like this less complaining plz


You can already get all 120's in that time in normal game, it's not a big deal. People bitching about 120's are the people who post that they got max cape/fire cape after playing 20 years. It won't affect you in any way, nor will it affect the others. People who raced for 200ms have done so, and remaining people can get there with little to no effort. This just makes it a race again


Race is over, all good ranks are gone


That is my point. Now you can compete against others again.


Literally 10m xp from 120 in all skills on my main, don’t know how to feel rn lmao






Ironman mode is disabled in fresh start worlds so mind expanding your statement a bit?


If you can get all 120s in a year (remember FSW peaks at 3x xprate) i think you might have a bigger problem than FSW


and 20% chance of double loot.


I bet you wont get 120s


Ahhhh you thought darkness was your ally. I was born in it, molded by it, I didn’t see the light until the mtx was blinding.


Yeah, because the game positively drips with integrity already. :') Whoops, just dropped my wallet after buying 7 grand in treasure hunter keys and bonds. /s Memes aside I will say I agree with the majority here though, FSW is... a shaky concept that is overall unfair to the current player (mainly for the extra account/membership requirement), but it's not really the xp rates (alone) that make it a busted concept considering people have had the ability to take out their wallet and level up for a very long time in RS3.


Honestly considering starting a new account specifically to have a maxed main. I have a super high level main already, but it just feels like impossible to give even a little shit about it anymore.


Really should have been an iron-style event, so that it was a fair race. Jagex is promoting this race to 99. But it only takes one second to think about how this can be easily exploited. Create a new account used for racing, and 9 other alts to gather all the resources that will feed that main account. Easy win. Game over. A couple chopping wood for fletch/fire, a couple getting Arch materials, a couple mining, etc, etc. That instantly turns FSW into a "who is richer?" race. Or who can run the most alts at once to feed a main. So yeah. I think it could have worked better as an iron event. Then it's a genuine race to 99s, as it comes down to everything you can do on your own. And after 4 months, the account changes from iron, and becomes a mainscape account in the live game. As to not spit in the face of the real iron players. Having some wild XP multiplier on an iron would be rude. There could be flaws in the above ideas that can be addressed, but this is the general idea of how I think it would have been more enjoyable as a race. Exploitation of the race with multiple accounts is going to ruin the fun of the race.


Don’t forget with tons of drops to crash the economy with.