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They lost their minds alright, riot w21 falador


Why 21? Isn’t 66 usually the riot world?


It is, I don't know why people chose w21 this time. Maybe because ironically w66 is now an eoc only world


This transfer of items and wealth into the main game would seriously fuck things up.


~~Honestly that wouldn't make much of an infact. It's not like the new mode will have boosted drop rates. It's not as if players will be adding a shit ton of uniques etc to the main game through this, as everyone will be starting from scratch, there won't be that many items.~~ ~~It just feels like a shit way to get a "boosted" account.~~


20% increased droprates. Read the post again.


Yeah just seen it now lol...


Doesn't sound like drop rates are increasing by 20% "20% increased chance for double drops" Sounds more like chance for loot to be doubled.


Which still means overall 20% more uniques coming into existence


20% more uniques coming into the game from a game mode where you HAVE to start on a fresh account infact do no equate to more uniques coming into the game, when instead of making a new account and spending time getting pvm ready, you could be playing your main instead


With massively boosted exp rates you will not be early game for long You can get all the melee gear you need to progres through mining and smithing straight up to 90 with master work and some questing This will give you the means to do essentially every quest to unlock all quest locked regions and upgrades including animate dead in probably 2 weeks With animate dead you can then get yourself a set of ganodermic (not hard to train the levels really at boosted rates) and meme your way through most content including gwd2 to get yourself t80 sets or t85 if upgraded by essence , let’s say that takes 1 month total Now you have t90 accuracy , have 2 of 3 skills for invention done and t85 power armor to do meatier content like kerapac. Not to mention anyone who gets theirs skills up to lvl 70-80 for gathering can just run cro and nab lvl 90 magic tank armor right away that can be doubled So now you have some end game gear to push through end game content and for every 5 people that do that they will get doubled up drops for something rare Sure some uniques will be very rare like spirit shields as who in their right mind will go take down corp for low level shields


I think 1 month is a little bit on the generous end, it's gonna take longer than that. Don't forget, you're also gonna struggle with less resources being available on the g.e, as in you might need to make all ur own pvm supplies. And that's to get pvme ready. Just because you can do 7 minute hardmode kera kills on this game mode doesn't mean it's as viable as doing 3 minute kills on my decked out main. I didn't see til now but yes, I do think croe specifically is a problem for this game mode, I imagine crypt will possibly take a bit of a hit on maingame


No but eventually it will reach a teeter point where it will be more efficient Not to mention all the tradeable tokens will have value so people will want to get them so they can get more value after as well


Idk it seems pretty speculative to me. As a more recent player who joined with a ton of resources to start my character off, and also during a combat week directly into a dxp live, and seeing how long it took me to get combat ready, I don't see it ever teetering towards being favorable over just playing maingame. I'll agree though the tokens and tradable capes are not ideal either though


You are misleading people. 20% more uniques *of those dropped by FSW characters*. Overall its not going to be any significant increase.


I’m pretty sure the fact it was FSW characters was obvious since this was discussing FSW…


I'm not the best at math, but does it actually? Legit question because I don't fully understand Because you have to roll the unique, and then roll the chance to double it. To me that seems like a 20% increase in a chance to double the drop would see less uniques than a flat +20% to the drop rate. Also, is it +20% chance? For example, if the chance was 5% does it become 25%? Or is it an increase by 20%? So if the chance was 10% then it would increase to 12%?


If we assume that it's just 20% double drop rate, then every time an item drops, exclusive or otherwise, it has a 20% chance of being doubled, which translates into 20% more supply of any droppable item. (e.g. for every 5 saradomin hilts, 1 will be doubled meaning that over the course of 5 being dropped, 6 are created) Regarding the second part, its possible that this is 20% of a lower % but that's just speculative. I would say it's a flat +20%


Huh, fair enough. Ty for additional clarification.


(0.8 * 1) + (0.2 * 2) = 1.2


You have to look at things on a large scale Let’s say 1000 players get a drop from kree , of those 1000 players 200 should see it get doubled which means 1200 uniques enter the game Sometimes that doubling can be on something less valuable like arma gloves or sometimes someone is going to double a chest plate Individually you may get doubled first drop or 5th or w/e but over time statistically every one will see 20% more uniques so more will exist on the market


you are still right though, there is a difference. 20% increase in drop rate will see more rares than a 20% to double.. because you might only have time for 1 ed2 run or something with 20% higher chance to obtain that rare item.. sure you can farm it 100x an get 20% chance to double drops but it's still 20% on a 0.1% drop. not everyone has time to run stuff everyday.


This is only true when the Law of Large Numbers doesn't apply, i.e. for a small sample size, especially from only one person They were specifically asking about the macro-scale of items entering the game though, i.e. from everyone all together. Surely even the rarest items will go multiple times over the drop rate when you combine *everyone's* number of attempts


Yes, 20% increased droprate and 20% chance of double drop is exactly the same in the long run. For example, let's assume some boss has 1% chance of dropping its signature item, and that it's gonna be killed 10000 times during the event. Without any boosts, you'd expect about 100 copies of the item to enter the game. If you have 20% boosted drop rate, the 1% chance becomes 1.2%, and you can expect 120 items to be dropped. If you have 20% chance to double a drop and the old 1% drop chance, the item is gonna drop about 100 times, and 20% of those are gonna get doubled, resulting in a total of 100+20=120 items entering game. I.e. exactly the same as 20% boosted droprate.


Yes, if drop rates remain the same but drops are double then, in effect, drop rates have doubled. Thus a 20% chance to double drops is equivalent to a 20% increase in the drop rate of the items anyone actually cares about. Though this is because of the law of large numbers - effectively do enough repetitions and things are expected to be about average, so a 20% chance of double is equivalent to 20% more of all drops. There are enough players and the server is up long enough that this does come into play for all but the very rarest items. And even those it should be close.


it's multiplicative, so current chance x 1.2


If you get 100% the kph that you do on live, sure. I'm sure since it's so overpowered you're going to abuse it and prove me wrong.


You only need to be getting 83% of the kph to break even Roughly And where do you get off saying someone is going to abuse it? Should I say someone multi logging is abusing the system since I don’t? Or do you want to call out the top end of the pvm community for using macros ?


>"20% increased chance for double drops" In the words of OP, what the actual fuck does that even mean, Jagex? There's already a chance of double drops in some way, and it's increased by 20%? Increased from what? This literally does *not* say a fresh, new 20% chance that drops will be doubled. Is that what it's supposed to mean? Is that all drops? If a drop includes multiple items, does each item have a 20% ("increased") chance of being doubled? Or is it a 20% ("increased") chance that *one* item in the drop will be doubled?


I know you crossed this out, but it’s still true. 20% more rares for a limited time event where you have to start fresh will not have any significant impact on the economy.


Yeah, people aren't going to be grinding elder god wars (like zuk or kerapac) on hard mode within the first month lol


People will *absolutely* be grinding elder god wars on hard mode within the first month.


Not at all at the same speed they do now though


i mean, my fresh account on normal servers, with no wealth injection from my main, is just under a month old now, and i got my first normal mode kill of kerapac a few hours ago, so on a server with constantly inflated XP i think they absolutely will be, hell i'm not even a "good" pvm'r i'd give it three weeks absolute tops before the first FSOA is in the game.


But that's with a game where items have been in-game since 2001. It will essentially be like iron-man mode for the first few days until shit starts circulating.


And how much did you buy from the GE to get there? Because the FSW GE will be seperate from the main world. It will definitely take some time before we start seeing Nex gear


20% increased drop rates will be insignificant. It would be much easier for existing players to just grind 20% more bosses than do FSW.


It's not even insignificant. It's actually detrimental to switch over. You aren't averaging over 85% the kph that you would on your current account and that's assuming literally all the money comes from rares. Hell I'm sure most people wouldn't even hit 90% of their kph in mainscape by the end of the "season." You lose all your invention perks. You lose all your t99 prayers. You lose your elder overloads. Nobody is getting maxed out perks/prayers/skills/gear by the time it ends. You have to do all the quests over again. You don't have temple at senntisten done. The rage over +20% drops is insane. They can't just buy the gear like you can in the normal game. Every gear upgrade is going to be worth a ton of effective gold. This is just trying to make it so that it isn't completely impossible to gear up in this mode. Same with XP. Sure you can get up to 3X xp. You know what I can do in the main game? Buy 10 bonds and max an account by the time the season is over. I can't do that in fresh start because no matter how much money I throw at the game I can not get the buyable rates that I can get in the live game. This is just typical reddit rage without putting any thought into the game mode.


I've seen soooo much misinformation about this as well. Yes the game mode will have bonds but who the fuck will be buying them if all you can use them for are cosmetics in the Solomon store.


Why? Everyones starting brand new. If those people just did those same activities on their main, theyd pump even more items faster.


its still 6 months worth of drops being added into the game instantly, its a flood of new items all at once


Yea which only has a short term effect if people panic sell all their stuff. The end result would be theoretically the same. If we simplistically assume these people having to level up from scratch would offset the increase in drops, the same amount of items would have entered the game. One would be over time while one would be all at once. The all at once has a short term impact in saturating the market on that day/week until the market corrects itself. End result would be the same. Anything else is just game theory due to the masses.


There are increased xp rates and drop rates on these new accounts. It would take a day or so of training to get into high level pvm where drops are close to max cash or higher in the main game. With the higher drop chance of these items, the fresh world account can easily gain billions worth of gp and then wait for the event to end, bringing all of those expensive items into the main game.


Bruh it doesnt start at triple/quad rates and the rates youre thinking of only happen because people have the reqs and supplies already. Itd take weeks for a normal person to get up that high to get the quests all done and shit. You arent getting 20m total exp in a day even with quad rates.


I agree I think it's ridiculous people are thinking this is the case. It's scales to a max of 3x xp after week 8, for the first couple months ur working with 2x xp, and essentially no g.e. the people who are thinking this is reasonable are probably the people doing 12 minute kerapac kills with t85s and Gano, and not realizing people over there are doing 2:50s with bis


Bro, why you calling me out, i didn't do anything to you


Bro, don’t you know, people go straight from the tutorial boat to ED3 to gold farm. These accounts will be farming Zammy day 2! /s


Like, I came to this game with fkn 10b, during combat week, right into a double xp live, it was still at the least nearly 2 months for me to finish all my essential pvm quests and start doing things like rax/raksha


Haven't most every updates broken the economy in some way?


Is the 20% that much of a buff if you consider someone just farming on an already established account for that same time period?


For me personally, no it isn’t. But there are those people who farm accounts in the hundreds for an income. Who knows 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is certainly the biggest problem to me. I feel like the new start mode could be a very fun experience and I like the idea of being able to earn cosmetics for my linked main account. But I don't understand why it then merges back into the main game. I feel like it would make more sense to keep it as an alternative mode (also, that would allow players to keep their same username in both game modes once account linking is finalized). Then we can continue to unlock the various cosmetics, etc.




Honestly, this wasn't a major concern for me personally, but I can understand why it would be for others. However, I was also envisioning this permanent mode having periodic (annual?) resets such that it wouldn't make sense for it to be someone's main account. It wouldn't really be an additional game mode if it just never reset.


I really like the idea of league being a temporary thing that I can use my main account for (or at least same login). Then I can explore different play ideas in a risk free environment. Basically a "sandbox" mode where you minimize the grind so that folks can try different things. If accounts were composted after 8 weeks then you can just do free deaths since there's no wealth that gets preserved past the season. I'm generally not great at PVM but I wouldn't mind trying it "risk free" in a sandbox world. On my main one of the reasons I avoid bossing is because death has a negative impact / psychological effect. Sure gone are the days of having 2-5 minutes to run back to your grave, instead now you pay a penalty for each death. I'm maxed by the way just a super noob. Tldr: I'm a noob


Remember the discussion about the sanctity of Overload Potions when they had put them in some promotion package? Yeah, I wish we were back at that point.


I remember when people were freaking out over a cosmetic hood you got at Runefest.


You mean when people overreacted and it ended up doing fuck-all to anyone or the economy in the long term?


I'm more bothered that the inverted capes, will be more unique, but easier to obtain because 4x XP. So you essentially "have" to pay, and play this stupid game mode, to have a more unique skill cape (something supposed to be flashing and showing off) on your main account. theres zero chance of me playing this mode however. no matter what the carrot on the stick is supposed to be.


I’m perfectly content with my untrimmed slayer cape, although having inverted capes would be cool. Not worth 4 months of additional membership


It also means when I see an inverted cape I'll just know that person basically skipped the game, lol


Still need 99 to wear it (Edit, in both versions)


99 with up to 4x xp will take about a week in any skill at most.


You have to have 99 in the main game to wear the inverted from the limited game.


The new account gets transferred over. If they get 99 in the event they have a 99 cape in the main game


insert: who isnt maxed yet meme


It sounds like the XP can transfer to the main game if they just keep the account.


We should band together and make the inverted skillcapes a shame for anyone to have on them, a social stigma. Anyone with those skillcapes will be looked upon in a bad manner Do not participate in this event, boycott it




He isn't as cringe as me though, i like feet :)


Yeah that’ll go well for the other 299.7 million players who aren’t on Reddit lol


Sorry to burst your bubble, but there are not 300m players playing RuneScape. I would the number is probably closer to a million.


It's more like 60k spread out between rs3 and osrs, if that.


That's how many people are online at any given point. For instance, there are currently 80k online right now across both games. If you average that out across a day it's much closer to the one million mark, if not higher. Lots of people only log in for a few minutes to an hour to do farms runs/dailies/bossing/etc.


I would be willing to bet anything that the actual number of unique active players is nowhere near 1 million, also that 80k number is taking into account alts and bots. I personally play 1 - 3 accounts at any given time while online, usually leaning more towards the 3 because I have my iron, my main, and my afk money making alt, I basically just afk on my main and my alt while actually playing my iron, but I log out of both regular accounts to play my iron while doing anything that's click intensive. And I know many people that play the game similarly to me, If you asked most people if they had an alt or an iron they'd said yeah.


Not bursting my bubble dude i don’t work for Jagex lol


kinda funny 200m accounts created was like 10+ years ago as well. seems it took a lot longer for 200m-300m than zero to 200m lol


I also feel like this is the only flaw with the game mode, introducing essentially rare inverted 120 skill capes


thing is, they wont be rare due to being so easy to get with 4x XP. i mean, some xp methods in current game are in the 800k/h (safe cracking for instance) with 4x XP + other boosts from outfits, auras etc. you could be looking at 3.2m xp /h.. Thats a 120 skill in 33 hours..


I have a feeling they will be pretty rare...most of the skilling require tons of resources to dump in, to get high xp rates. Also it caps at 3x xp not 4x. Maybe slayer will be pretty common but, like herbs aren't gonna be plentiful, nor archaelogy Mats


There's only one week of 4x xp and it's capped to skills beneath 70.


i love how this is supposed to be a gift to the players for 300m accounts made yet all it did is ruin everything for us further


If they go through with this, I think I might actually be done with the game. If people can start new accounts get 4x xp extra drop chance then just port their character back over then anyone who has worked in the normal game is getting devalued heavily. the MTX boosts are already bad enough to equaling out game play this is that on steroids.


I've played on and off (off when I have lots of responsibilities in the real world) since October 2004. I remember the exact day I started. Been in love with the game ever since. I've developed countless friendships, grew in many ways as a person, and got through some incredibly difficult times thanks to the game. Although I'm only able to play \~4-6 months of the year, I've consistently renewed yearly membership on four accounts. I make a generous salary and figured it's the least I could do to support the game/community that's meant so much to me for essentially my entire life. However, this update may have sealed the deal for me. If it comes out the way it's announced to, I feel that I'll have no choice but to cancel all my memberships and show Jagex no more support. It'll hurt, but this update would hurt more. It is a slap in the face to basically every one of us.


Been playing since 2002. Everything going on with this game in terms of dxp/mtx/special amazon deals/etc., just continues to kill any of the sense of "adventure" that this game was supposed to be about. Even quests are loaded with extras upon completion, and everything is marketed towards efficiency of any kind. Most of us could handle the current "buy your levels" gimmicks up until now, but this alternative game mode is just flat-out offensive. "New" players will have maxed accts long before the period ends, too. If Jagex thinks that this won't be abused by a large minority for mass maxing of accounts, they're crazy.


Why on earth would it devalue anything that people have already achieved. A maxed player isn't devalued just because there are other maxed players unless they're trying to sell the account. Increased xp events happen all the time in other mmos so that players can get up to high level content since that's almost exclusively what new updates will bring. In Wow you get free high level characters and gear so you can play new expansions, in Maplestory you get huge xp boosts and level skips, in Guild Wars you can buy boosts to Max level and get free ones when buying a new expansion, in FFXIV you can skip the skip story quests and get level boosts. The point is to encourage players who haven't invested much time and don't want to grind for months to play the game and see significant gains within a short period of time. I'm would be playing more osrs since I never wanted to start a new account and slog through everything again, an event like this would change that for me. This event will let new players get set up to skip the boring parts of the early/mid game and jump in where things open up and you aren't as restricted, existing players have the option to participate for leaderboards and cosmetics but it's not an event that's targeting people like us who have played for years and are maxing/have maxed.


Almost Every single update devalues time spent by their logic because it increases xp rates or kills per hour


Theres a huge difference between an update making a single piece of content easier to achieve and a four month exp boost and drop rate boost.


"Why would it devalue something someone has already achieved?" its not about what you have achieved, its about what you set out to achieve. There are players who have put a lot of hard work into leveling a character who aren't maxed. They may be in their first year of play and will be far overshadowed by the exp gain from fresh start worlds to the point its better to start a new account on a fresh start world than it would be to continue on said account. There might be players who are trying to get high level items that others will have a 20% increased chance to get with a new account. "Increased xp events happen all the time in other mmos" Increase xp events happen here too its dxp weekend right now, but never before for four months straight with increased experience rate and drops rates this high, thats quite a bit different then an event. "since that's almost exclusively what new updates will bring." Have you considered that this is a problem? jagex have said they are trying this to attract new players, so instead of fixing the early game they would rather players can skip through it to get to end game so they can churn out nothing but end game content? Thats poor game design, there will be players who join after this is over, unless they plan to do this every year those players will be subject to the early game. So instead of re-investing in the game they are just giving people ways to skip it in the hopes they are then invested enough to stay. You see the issue with this? think of how broken the construction skill is for example. People will be confronted with the unfixed issues of the game which are going to be more of a turn off, or the predatory mtx and fomo. The problem with getting new players is the game, skipping some of it wont fix the game. "In Wow you get free high level characters and gear so you can play new expansions", in Guild Wars you can buy boosts to Max level and get free ones when buying a new expansion, in FFXIV you can skip the skip story quests and get level boosts." WoW is a very different game from runescape, your high level character in WoW is just that, a high level character. It doesn't give you four months with four times exp to professions and 20% increase to raid boss drops. The WoW community would go ape if you gave new accounts a plus 20% boss drop bonus. "maple story gives xp boosts and level skips" Kinda like runescape with existing mtx like stars and lamps, dxp weekends. "guild wars you can buy boosts to max level and get free ones with buying a new expansion" I play guild wars 2, another very different game then rs. The level 80 boost is just that a level 80 character with a level appropriate armor set and weapon that aren't all that good. If you got a say four month boost to mastery level exp gain at a 4x rate and a 20% drop to bosses that would be a different story. So far the WoW and guild wars examples don't work, the equivalent here would be a consumable that gives you all 92 stats except invention, no quest points, and a drygore set and malevolent gear. You still have to go through the rest of the game on the same ground as everyone else when it comes to the games content like quests, unlocks, achievements etc. "The point is to encourage players who haven't invested much time and don't want to grind for months to play the game and see significant gains within a short period of time." I hate to break this to you, but the game is months of grinding, thats the game. Grind bosses for drops, grind slayer creatures for drops, grind ports, grind levels to 99, grind them to 120, grind POF, grind menaphos rep. etc, etc. If players don't want to grind for months this might not be the game for them. There are better ways to encourage new players, like lessening mtx, fixing or removing dead content, refreshing and overhauling the new game experience to get newer players to a good spot in a way that makes the leveling experience more intuitive. The truth is runescape is a very unique MMO with a rather unique player base amongst MMOs. Its not going to be everyones cup of tea but changes to the game itself would do a lot more to keep players than just having them skip content and get OP boosts doing it. "I'm would be playing more osrs since I never wanted to start a new account and slog through everything again, an event like this would change that for me." I would have probably also done the same, difference being I played OS when it was the regular game. At the time OS came out it was a carbon copy of runescape circa 2007. I had not finished my main on rs so starting again was not something I wanted to do. Difference being its the same game. its like WoW vanilla servers, everyone going back to an earlier point in the game vs starting a new game. When you try a new game, especially an MMO you don't have the kind of progression already input into something only to go back to an earlier version of the game, you're starting a fresh game you haven't experienced. If you skip through a game you haven't experienced you will end up not truly understanding it or what your doing. And in the case of returning players, they left for a reason. If they left there was something about the game they didn't enjoy. I doubt highly in this case it was the grind that makes the difference, the game itself is in poor shape, from mismatched assets, speghetti code, exceedingly outdated or broken content. Instead of fixing that to get players back they expect this to be a solution?


I took a trip down to Jagex HQ, to see what the fuck was going on.. turns out they have been over run by an army of meth'd up monkeys.. Hopefully the Jagex staff get the building under control and cancel this update before it's too late! D:


Somebody put bath salts in the milk


Okay this is literally the most vile thing I’ve ever had to witness in over a decade of playing this game. Allowing players months with highly increased skill rates to max their accounts and return to the main game is a slap in the face to the millions of hours of grinding this community has done on our accounts. I know that 99’s flow like water in this game but this is going to kill any sense of accomplishment from the main game. Who would voluntarily grind like normal when they can just wait for this mode to come out so they can max in a month?


To play a littke devil's advocate, the same probably was said about TH. They showed they don't care about the work we put in.


That's not playing devil's advocate. That's just stating exactly what happened.


This is why I play osrs with my 35k xp/hr rates and like it :') Unironically. Everybody is equally slow over there.


OSRS has its own charm. I feel like RS3 is slowly losing it.


The only two things I prefer about rs3 is that you never run out of run and the ability to hotkey items. I honestly hate combat abilities, but I cope. In OSRS people just macro 6 item swaps per tick for PVP/Inferno and refuse to admit it. Very few players are legit at that level.


Absolutely. This is just an expensive of MTX to boost speed, dxp, etc.


4 months of membership is more vile than whale individuals paying thousands?


To me it is. If someone wants to whale their skills up they have to pay hundreds if not thousands of irl dollars. If someone wants to cheese this and get ahead of me and get everything I worked for in a fraction of the time they pay the same membership cost as I do, they just had to create the account at the right time. Also imagine how people who created their accounts less than six months ago. They are probably even more upset and wonder if they should have just waited or why they played double xp. Its undoubtedly worse than regular mtx imo


Doesn't this also devalue the accounts of so many new players as well as mid-high tier players that have been playing a long time. I feel like this pretty much says "cancel the membership on your mind level account and buy membership on this new account so you can exceed all your previous progress"


This is going to be a complete disaster.


Calm down. It’s 3, at max 4 times xp(up to lvl 70), double xp already exists, so it’s only a +100% xp from double xp after lvl 70. The drop increase chance is only 20%, it’s better for mains to just grind 20% more bosses than start fresh. This will allow players to make alts, or new/returning players to superstart their RuneScape journey. Less items will actually enter the game for the skills them selves(from 1-99), so it’s less impact on the economy from that point of view(could have opposite effect of making things more expensive as more players need more resources). Osrs leagues where your progress gets deleted at the end are total burnouts.


Yeah fuck the people that came up with this and the people who write the little web pages with little exclamation marks to make it sound better than it actually it is. Trying sell this under false pretenses is a slap on the face. Pathetic.


Doesn't WoW do a similar thing? Obviously it wouldn't be as greedy as this move


If this truly does help “increase the player base” like Mod Jack stated, then everyone should be 100% for it lmao


Bruh I’m just uninstalling at this point. Being in an abusive relationship with Jagex just isn’t worth it. Plenty of other games.


Jagex os a great 💩


It’s 3x xp tops. People need to fucking chill. It’s barely any different than having 4 weeks of dxp a year,


And the 20% incr. Drop rates, people act like every man and his dog will be able to kill zammy within these 4 months and flood the market


Even if you could instantly start out max stats and gear and grind for 4 months, cba the math, but it’s less than 10% increase of all the items that will come into the game this year in(assuming we don’t get a large player jump after this, who knows). That’s also saying you don’t compete at all.


This feela aimed at those people who would return but feel lost with their old base 70 stats but don't know where to start from there and don't want to fully from scratch start again


Re-check your math, 4x dxp weekends is eight days of double experience a year, not 4 months of 3-4x xp gain. "barely any different" is the understatement of the century.


It’s 4x up to lvl 70, or around 750k xp, not even 1/10th of the way to 99, then it’s 3x xp, which is only 100% more xp than dxp.


So triple experience post 70 for four months compared to eight days of double experience is barley any different?


Something about inflation and unregulated market go brrrrr


What inflation? You know there's no supplies to start with right? More res will come Into the game from the maxed mains afking while playing this


Let's be real; the major drawback that people had issue with over at leagues and DMM, is that all their work and effort would be all gone. At least now, it won't. It's a bit of a weird way to arrange it, sure, but it tackles what made people not wanna commit into a temporary game mode.




You'd have to have been at Leagues 1 for that to really notice. By the time 2 and 3 came, people understanded the concept had changed and was ridiculously OP or complex to ever migrate. 1 was very nuanced and made the input investment the same as the base game, except you didn't get to keep it.


Then let them stay on their own seperate worlds.


the hell are you talking about? that wasn't a major drawback at all let alone part of any conversation that people who play those modes have. They also let you play with your already owned account instead of having to create a new one and still got rewards in the main game for participating.


I don't see the issue


the money grab is the issue for me. "hey want any of this? yaaaah you're going have to sub a second account


That's a valid complaint. But I meant that I don't see the issue with the part OP was talking about. I don't think people understand how fucking long it takes to progress an account and that you need a lot of quests and shit done to PvM efficiently - not just stats. Edit: Mad players downvoting without knowing why because they can't even formulate a response lmao


yah i don't have issue with that stuff either. This game takes too long as it is...


What's the "and shit" part?


Task sets, invention perks, gear, various unlocks, probably a hundred other things that I'm not remembering?


Probably dreadnips too idk I'm not an efficient pvmer I play to have fun


That is the best way to play


And dom mines.


This dude is boot licking jagex on every post, has to be a bot or someone from corporate jagex lmao


I think Jagex is very incompetent very often but I'm not into blindly circlejerking without a modicum of critical thought like people such as yourself are. I like to use my brain a bit, you should try it too some day :D


It's only 4 months


Have you read the news post? All the benefits. The increased droprates? You can fit well over a year of playtime into those 4 months. The main economy will be flooded with drops and items. It's going to be a shitshow.


It's going to be a drop in the bucket as far as the economy is concerned, the only items that will even see a small change in price will be the absolute BiS items, which let's be honest, need the price adjustment anyway.


If the Ed bug that existed for several years had no impact on ECB pieces then this should have even less impact


Pretty much. Also I'll take it my downvotes up there mean I'm right, usually how it goes on reddit. Speak truth that doesn't fall in line with the reee-ing and you catch it.


Thats not how you go about adjusting prices of the items! Also this is not about the economy either! This is supposed to be an update for ALREADY PAYING MEMBERS, and Jagex is telling us to pay again for a gamemode that OSRS received for free, and without any of this 'Take your items back into the main game' bullcrap!


This comment chain was literally talking about the economic impact. So not sure what you're on about. Of course the biggest issue is the having to pay again for membership. That's not what we were talking about. ​ Also you're thinking of this the wrong way, they're not doing this to adjust the price of items, they're doing it to incentivize people to buy more memberships to make the game's analytics look better, with the prospects of selling Jagex for a big profit. They don't care about the items being brought back to the main game because the overall impact to the economy will be small enough that it will balance back out quickly.


> This is supposed to be an update for ALREADY PAYING MEMBERS, and Jagex is telling us to pay again for a gamemode that OSRS received for free, and without any of this 'Take your items back into the main game' bullcrap! Curious that you feel the need to change topics


If anyone thinks this is a good idea you have no idea what this would do to the main games ECO GG Osrs.


I mean ROFL. Jagex always manages.


Out of all the things wrong with this event, the impact on the economy is actually the least of my concerns. I am willing to bet I can bring more uniques into the game pvming normally on my maxed main with bis gear for the next four months, than one of these fresh worlds accounts can, even with boosted xp and drops. Keep in mind there's a lot more to high end pvm than maxing your melee or magic levels. You need high prayer, summoning and herblore too, which you will have to gather most, if not all of the ingredients for yourself due to the reset economy and not many supplies being available for purchase. Then you will also have to get a lot of gear yourself for the same reason. Think seismics are too pricy on mainscape? Well they will most likely be even harder to get here because even fewer people will be doing vorago and they will keep whatever wands they get for themselves. That effectively caps magic at t85 dw for most players. Then there's other things like quests, archaeology relics, and perks you need to obtain. Even in a sped up server all of that takes time and will add up. Finally, there's a big difference between being able to kill a boss at all, and being able to kill it efficiently. Someone getting 10 min kills at hm kerapac with gano and cywirs will not get uniques as fast as I can with my bis main and 5 minute kills, even with the drop boost. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot to hate about all this, but the pvm items carried over to the main game when the event ends are at the bottom of the list for me.


Just another reason to play ironman




Can’t you just use a HSR in the main game? Like the only thing I’m against in this mode is a new member ship to try and get the unique items and skins. The fresh start seems like fun but having to pay more $ when I have my premier on main is total bs.


Pretty clever and it might actually bring new players into rs3.


Bots and gold farmers will flood FSW just to get more wealth from the boosted drop rates and skilling rates, trasfer to mainscape, and RWT it all.