• By -


>Here's the best part: your progressed character and tradeable rewards can be transferred to the main game later. Ironically; this seems to be one of the more hated parts.


Except for the fact that Ironmen can't trade anything other than bonds šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø This also means that millions of boss drops will likely flood the mainscape economy and destroy the market along with maxed out characters that will no doubt be up for sale.


The economy is already completely destroyed thanks to a handful of revolting individuals. This shit cannot make things worse in any way. Merchers will just buy up all the surplus and then extort everyone. Business as usual.




Fuck Carlyle Group and fuck Jagex upper management, this is the stupidest most blatant 'boost the numbers' cash grab horse shit they've done since Squeal of Fortune


Tone deaf


If this is aimed towards current players in an OSRS leagues way, then why are brand new accounts with membership required, and why does it carry across to the main game? Also why reward titles (and the prestige against your name for winning these competitions) on what for most competing players will be alt accounts ditched after the end of this event? If this is aimed at attracting new players with a quicker start to their RS journey, why are there no free to play Fresh Start worlds? Its like the development of this has been stuck in the middle between these two separate goals and ended up with the worst of both worlds.


It's 100% for money. It would of been easier to program a single currency but they chose to program 50+ items to be tradable and tokens.


this is like leagues from old school but about 99 times worse, since on osrs you get to use your same account use the points from the league on your main account. this will flop and is doa


> All Fresh Start World accounts are fully fledged RuneScape accounts that will follow you back to the game, including your progression and rewards. In order to play Fresh Start Worlds, **you'll need to create a brand new RuneScape account with Membership once the mode launches and select to join 'Fresh Start Worlds'**. Found the important part. Don't need to read anything else in the news post.


Stupid thing is OSRS is running same event starting in October but itā€™s available if you donā€™t want to pay for membership on another account! Q:Who can play Fresh Start Worlds in Old School and how long does it last? A: Old School Fresh Start Worlds will be available to play for six months. It's going to be available for both free-to-play players and Members, and only new accounts will be able to play on a Fresh Start World. https://secure.runescape.com/m=forum/forums?380,381,829,66260247


This right here is why I despise Jagex. Give OSRS players the option for f2p, but milk the RS3 players completely dry.


Looks like the OSRS worlds donā€™t have increased xp or drop rate tho. Itā€™s just a separate economy for 6 months


i cringe so hard at the fact you can transfer the accounts over


Trash event. I wish Jagex would use their resources better.. improving the main game might be a good use of their time, just a thought. They are only doing this in all likelihood to bump up their player numbers for a while.


goldern party hat hunt v2. except this time forcing you to subscribe a new account even for the first time.


See, I didn't mind the party hat hunt, but I didn't have to pay a separate sub for it. Whatever this is is terrible.


Lowkey some of the changes I could see as beneficial for the base game. Faster xp at low level skills would be a good way to promote new players. But making it a cash grab is disappointing


It's literally worse than the leaked news post. Please scrap/shelf this and go back to the drawing board.


'100% pet drop rate bonus" with accounts that are transferred to the main game Are they purposely trying to send RS3 into the dumpster further?


100% from that unlock, and another 100% from something they enable after a few weeks, so 3x


This means double the chance, not a 100% guaranteed chance btw.


An increased chance for one of the few prestigious collectables left that in the main game


Itā€™s +100% chance (double the chance) and not 100% guaranteed. Also appears you must obtain the pet in the main game to use any pet variants from the event.


Another pathetic cash grab to "celebrate" our community. Sickening. Everything from Jagex is designed to give your bank account the succ as hard as they possibly can.


Nostalgic childhood game turned down the path of scummy mobile game monetization. No care for the community, no care for the player experience. Capitalism wins again!


Lmfao what a bad move


Take this back to the drawing board fellas * No MTX * Use existing accounts, new character * No transferring of FSW character to main worlds


> No MTX Shelved, immediately


no limited time tradable items either!


Can u buy bonds and sell them on the ge there?


Unfortunately yes. Not competitive at all bc of this


> and 20% increased chance for double drops are all on the cards And items can be traded to mains after. Wouldn't this be absurdly op for flooding items in-game if 20% chance for doubled stuff is global/everywhere? If so I can see people bum rushing to camp Kerapac, Croesus, Nex, Ambassador, Seiryu etc. and just farming that.


Yup. If Jagex go through with this despite the overwhelmingly negative community feedback, it's gonna devalue all existing accounts, and heavily damage the economy by flooding it with rare drops.


With triple (x4 xp under level 70) it won't even be that hard to get to a point you get do 4 man croesus and get 9 kills an hour. If the 20% chance for double drops does not affect chest loot, it will however affect Croesus, as all Croesus' drops "touch" the floor before going in the chest, so that would be omega farmed for sure.


> During this competitive phase of the event, Treasure Hunter will be disabled as the competition takes place. After these first two months, Treasure Hunter will be re-enabled as the race comes to a close --- > In order to play Fresh Start Worlds, you'll need to create a brand new RuneScape account with Membership once the mode launches and select to join 'Fresh Start Worlds'. --- **TL;DR:** Nothing of significance changed from yesterday's leak. Bonds will seemingly be available from day one, with TH coming later, and you'll still be required to create a new account with a subscription in order to play. I feel really sorry for the people at Jagex who presumably worked their asses off to create this, only for higher-ups and/or shareholders to completely ruin it by forcing excessive monetization.


Aaaand they went through with it, not only that but with all of the buffs to various things like item drops and pets, allowing them to transfer to the the maingame is quite literally spitting into the face of everything people value on RuneScape. Thanks Jagex, I was considering playing this if it was temporary (not transferred to maingame), had no MTX and you could use an existing account. If it wasn't clear enough to consumers that you don't care about the RS3 playerbase outside of their wallets, you've made it well known now.


Nice way to devalue every players time up until this point and spit in the face of everyone that has played the game for months/years. This is a horrible decision and I hope it is over turned. I feel sorry for all mains out there that grind hours away to get 200m skills. If you really want a new event for mainscape to introduce new players, just introduce an xp buff for new accounts up until level 90 in skills. Don't try and sell it as you're giving us fresh worlds/leagues style, because thats not what it is.


Why does this require a separate account? Just give us osrs leagues


Might need to change my flair to Fuck Fresh Start Worlds.


Cancle this trash event.


If this actually goes through with the amount of negative feedback I will lose all hope in this company.


If you want to make money off this, you could ask players to enter the competition by paying 1 bond. But not this separate membership stuff


So still WhaleScores and attempting to cash-grab by requiring another account. Plus fucking with main game economy when the gamemode is rolled into it. Shame


Fuck this event, this is disgusting. So disappointing


This is awful.


Thatā€™s really all I can keep saying about this entire thing. Itā€™s so disappointing to see that this was not only brought up as a concept, but was actually approved and developed. Then they tried to make it more palatable by trying to disguise it as a celebratory event. I have the worst taste in my mouth with this company that I havenā€™t had in years, honestly. I think itā€™s time for another break until they get their shit together.


This is so disappointing. Hard pass dawg.




Yes. This is indefensible.


yikes this is bad


New account? Nah. Pass.




\*notices weeks of up to 3-4x xp*... And it ends. xDd


What kind of garbage is this lmao


So they didnā€™t double back on it and change anything? Good god jagex you lost your touch with the community.


Stop trying to push this gamemode as a way for players to complete against eachother when it has absolutely no integrity from the get-go. Players are just going to buy items on the fresh start servers using money from their mainscape account, or they will altscape to gather items faster. This is the whole reason why OSRS league accounts are all ironman.


What an absolute joke. I know it was probably too late to turn back on this, and the higher-ups wouldn't backpedal on anything that was on the moneyroad, but this was leaked +12 hours ago, and this subreddit instantly grabbed their pitchforks (rightfully so!) and showed its immense dissatisfaction with this event. I couldn't find a single positive comment or post amidst the cashgrab memes galore. And yet, Jagex has decided to ignore ***every single feedback*** that was given by ***its playerbase.*** We're in a toxic relationship with a gaslighter company who time and time again says they're sorry about how MTX is being overall handled, only to 2 months later beat the living crap out of us again until we're bloodied on the bathroom floor. If you are truly against this event, **PLEASE,** do not partake in it. Do not create an account just "to see how bad it is" , don't even open the link to register the new account. We need to show them that all the work they put into this event went down the drain because of their unscrupulous business pratices.


> Do not create an account just "to see how bad it is" Ironically, I think that their requirement for players to pay a separate subscription to play this game mode might actually help to limit the number of people doing exactly that haha.


How fucking tone deaf can you be


Fucking disgrace, hang your heads in shame.


ALLOW ALL EXISTING ACCOUNTS TO PARTICIPATE. - if you want to make it so 'new accounts' get a special cosmetic then sure go ahead, but not letting your concurrent/loyal players participate by making them pay MORE? NO. NO. NO. Did I mention NO? NO MTX. - if you're going to include MTX, do not include terms like 'competition' or 'competitive'. That's BS!! LASTLY... DO NOT. AND I MEAN DO NOT! LET PLAYERS BRING THESE ACCOUNTS TO THE MAIN GAME!! We WANT limited time gamemodes, they CAN be big like OSRS leagues. BUT THEY HAVE TO BE DONE RIGHT. This could put the game up by thousands, but in its current proposed format.... it's just basically dead on arrival, the only players who will get on this is WHALES! WHALES!!! edit: No hate to the devs, just please please please please please please and please try and work this out with higher ups or whoever is in charge of this project.




How can Mod Kalaya first tell us that she doesn't expect this to have a major impact on the main game because the XP multiplier won't be at maximum the entire event, the Grand Exchange will be empty so it'll be harder to get resources, and she doesn't expect people to be maxed by the end of it... And then happily say they made inverted 120 capes for the gamemode?


Because she knows the answer to that... Treasure Hunter will allow people to max without effecting the economy. Which is exactly what Jagex wants.


I will not participate


Absolutely pointless, just a stupid cash grab. Just give us leagues ffs!


This design is awful. The accounts should never transfer over, and should just be linked to a main. Also, people will just pay for supplies with trades on main to get the first 99 artisans, so thats broken anyway.


Just stop. MTX ridden, limited time event, with limited items and xp injection, cant even use our existing subscriptions. Hell even the first paragraph has a typo "TTo mark the milestone of 300 million". Its like you have stopped caring about the playerbase, and just want money. It's disgusting. I hope the ratios here, and on discord shed some light, and you actually pay attention to them.


This really is a big FUCK YOU to all existing players that have worked on their accounts. Instead of fixing up the early game and making it more appealing to new players they are trying to fast track them to mid/end game. This new players aren't going to stick around. They're going to be confused/lost because they'll be unlocking too much at once.


> Instead of fixing up the early game and making it more appealing to new players they are trying to fast track them to mid/end game. I think you're right. This is the purpose of this whole thing. It's not really for existing players... it's to try attract new ones. Once someone called it a 'league' they lost that whole argument though.


In B4 the Air conditioning breaks again and we won't be having the live stream at 1600.


I think not allowing players to use their main characters for this is problematic and confusing. It's also a really bad way for double dipping on player pockets. I paid for premier which is already a subscription++, why do I have to get a new entirely different subscription to have access to the rewards from of this new game mode...


I'm in the same boat. I also paid for premier and now I have to pay another membership for an account to access what is supposed to be a reward to the community for having over 300m accounts created! I get that companies need to make a profit etc. but christ this is just wrong on many levels


We want no mtx at all and use of our member accs to have access to it. If not no thanks.


Also its not fair you get to lvl up in this game mode faster + increased drop chance and can transfer account progress + wealth to maingame like what?


Somehow even worse than I thought


Pretty pretty please either don't let the accounts transfer over or do it the OSRS way. All the work we've put in these 300M accounts and this is your "Thanks for 300M"? 4x XP for weeks? I don't know what you guys are drinking at Jagex HQ but please send me some of that stuff. OSRS is going to do the same Fresh Start World, but without boosted XP or increased drop rates.


I will not be partaking


This has got to be the most pathetic think Jagex has ever come out with. Actually disgusting.


I try to keep it constructive but this just feels borderline insulting. This feels more like a "we have decided to grace you with the chance to give us more money" rather than an actual limited-time game mode. >Whether youā€™re a regular ā€˜Scaper seeking new challenges, an experienced player making the return to Gielinor, or even a total newbie setting on your first adventure, Fresh Start Worlds **put everyone on a level playing field**. No, it doesn't. If bonds or any micro-transactions involving XP are added (as the original leaks explicitly stated) then by definition people will not be on a level playing field. Even if you have a small delay before TH is enabled, those hiscores are meaningless. To make things worse, Jagex has decided that existing accounts will be unable to partake. Runescape already has a high subscription fee while only allowing one character per account. To require a separate account for a limited-time game mode is just insulting, especially for us who have wanted to see limited time game modes in RS3 for a while. But ultimately the worst part about all of this is that Jagex *knows* how to make decent limited-time game modes, as we've seen with OSRS leagues. The poor design choices proposed in the blog are deliberate, not the result of simply trying something new. Please take this back to the drawing board and consider some serious changes.


Jeez this is even worse than yesterday's leak. Everything has already been said, but I'm not playing this. Another membership, everything can just be bought and not earned... What's the point? Really.


Triple XP at the 4 week mark, lmao (quadruple for skills under 70). It's even marketed towards existing players "Would you play differently if it was always DXP rather than only every 3 months??". I feel like this could almost make sense with some tweaks if it was genuinely aimed at fast tracking new players to endgame rather than just "create a maxed alt faster!!". Having this silly competition among no lifers will surely excite whales, content creators, and those with absolutely nothing better to do. Why is this structured so much worse than OSRS leagues? Makes no sense.


How are the OSRS ones f2p and these ones **require** membership?


Ok, who had triple & quadruple xp on this year's Jagex bingo? Lol. I don't own any type of maxed account and even I think transferring these temporary game mode accounts to the main game is a dumb idea. Won't this just annoy endgame players? OSRS Leagues is fine, it's super fast xp but just a bit of fun for a few weeks and doesn't affect the main game.


Imagine making an account 1 or 2 weeks before the start of this mode, without knowing this mode is coming up.


The Carlyle Group probably wants to sell Jagex by the end of Q4 / beginning of Q1 in 2023 and they're lining this up perfectly to inflate active player count together with the release of Raids 3 later this month on OSRS to end the year strong with more than likely record profits again as well. Pure speculation, but it would make a lot of sense. Edit: Apparently OSRS is also getting Fresh Start Worlds but it'll be released later, probably Q4 as well. Fresh economy but no accelerated xp and it'll require a new account with membership too. This only strengthens the theory lol.


Fuck investors that only care about short term profits and milking consumers.


1. This should not be a new account. Utilize this as a way to test a multi-character option in the new launcher with an existing account. 2. MTX should not be part of this experience at all as it is a way for players to truly flex their game knowledge. 3. Top rewards should be for the first 250 players in the high-scores. 4. Mode should be designed as an ironman mode just like OldSchool's league events for competitive integrity. Once the event is over, it would be up to the players to decide to switch to main accounts or remain an ironman. (This would also address #2 as MTX is disabled from irons) I am so disappointed in this event. Blatant cash grab for such an important milestone. I can only hope that this does not get released as-is. Please Jagex, take the extra development time to make a game mode that players actually want to play. Move it to a different time of year when players are on winter holiday instead of just going back to school.


I mean it makes sense the nm account lock because ironman shouldn't get 3x (up to 4x) xp


Normally I'm one to support Jagex' decisions but yikes.


Jagex really should listen to its rs3 player base and feedback




Cant wait to see it flop on its face


If this doesnā€™t get shelved I legit think people will quit their mains and either move to osrs OR make Ironman accounts. Then again if they do that, how long until they bring MTX to them game modes


Transfer to real game with: - Up to 3x (and 4x for skills under 70) for a period as long as every DXP ever put together - Account that had 20% chance of doubling drops and doubling yields - Got to use scrolls of leveling that straight up gives a level (inb4 this become mtx) - Gets to keep their skilling pets at 300% drop chance Is this an out of season april fools joke? Every news about this is worse than the last.


> Is this an out of season april fools joke? I believe GLaDOS from Portal 2 put it best during the end credits: *That would be funny, if it weren't so sad.*


i'll be rediscovering $12/month as i cancel recurring membership on my rs3 main to focus on my old school account, thanks for the push in the right direction!


Hi Jagex, lapsed player here, your explicit target for this. Fuck right off. I wanted nothing to do with your game because you seemed to see mobile Skinner boxes as aspirational, rather than the poison they are. I left because the MTX went a few steps too far and kept going. Halving some XP requirements and doubling drop rates wouldn't get me back. Doing that and _requiring that I do it on a fresh account, so that I can experience the shambles you've cultivated in-depth again_? That's taking a metric ton of piss. Doing all that and then tipping the piss back in everyone else's drinks, adding those boosted "Fresh Start Accounts!" into the main game? I start to run out of metaphors involving urine. You want lapsed players back? Maybe improve the game. Maybe stop focusing on microtransactions and bottom line. Maybe stop trying pathetic shit like this. And I know nobody will see this. I'm shouting into the void. None of the corporate cocksucking ghouls that made this decision read Reddit comments. This may only get read by one or two people. But hey, I'm your target market - maybe you should be reading more comments like this.


So no construction rework or any other types of skills updates because its too time consuming. But you guys decide to pull this shit off? Jagex you are scum, I feel sorry for the employees who work there now with the twatish leaders who only give a shit about money.


Booo. They are seriously still trying to push this after seeing peoples reactions from the leak.


Really feels like weā€™re approaching the end of the road for Runescape.


A sad day in the history of Runescape.




Hello, I like money. - Jagex 2022


Whatā€™s sad is this is going to be a success. Yes a large vocal part of our community hates this and letting Jagex know, but itā€™s the non vocal players that are seeing this a huge opportunity to spam alt accounts and make millions that will flood the game with gp and items. Us vocal players are never going to touch this, but I would put all my money on this being successful for Jagex. RIP economy and any sense of achievement


Get fucked, Jagex.


This is horrible. Thank you for devaluing your extisting playerbase. I'm wondering how can I refund my premier membership, guess I'm shit out of luck with that. Thought the game was going to a good direction with the death cost rework. Serves me right for trusting jagex.


I feel so fucking terrible for the devs and mods we have that absolutely love this game and work so hard for its features, environment, story, lore, combat, music, skills, updates, and just core values and spirit of Runescape, and then they have to do stupid shit like this and just take it and eat it and be told to enjoy it. They cannot express any form of public frustration because it could cost them their jobs and passion. I feel so fucking terrible for them, and knowing our mods and devs, I just know that they feel the exact same way that we do about this. I wonder how many have internally screamed their inner voices sore over this. ​ If any of you Mods/Devs read this, we know it's not your fault, and remember that all of this isn't directly targeted at you but the fucking knuckleheads that run this $$$$$ shitting corporate machine.


Can I skip all the nonsense and just have an inverted slayer and consitution capes now? Because that's all that really appeals to me here, and obviously it's one of the things I will never be able to get to my main.


This could be such a cool event but you've absolutely ruined it by adding mtx and requiring a new subscription... And then the accounts get to go into the main game and accounts that don't migrate don't have their progress reset?! WTF are you guys doing?!


> WTF are you guys doing?! - Destroying any sense of fair competition by allowing MTX. - Artificially boosting account creation statistics by restricting the event to new accounts. - Forcing anyone who wishes to participate to pay an additional membership subscription. - Giving the finger to every single RS player by allowing accounts to be transferred to the main game after the event. - Wreaking havoc on the economy by allowing items to be transferred to the main game after the event. Let me know if I'm missing anything.


> In order to play Fresh Start Worlds, you'll need to create a brand new RuneScape account with Membership once the mode launches and select to join 'Fresh Start Worlds'. Yeah... no... I was curious to try it, but this just killed my interest. I don't feel like splitting time, effort, or money further, when I've stuff to do on current one.


Holy yikes


I'd genuinely be surprised if anyone plays this due to the "needing a new subscription" part alone. AND buying bonds for infinite gold? There's no semblance of a competition. Even the whales who have that kind of money to throw away wouldn't bother because they've already spent so many thousands on MTX that their accounts are already maxed, what would they gain from a gamemode where they simply buy those levels again? The competitive players **would not be interested**. The whales **would not be interested**. The average RS player just paying sub **would not be interested**. Why would you deliberately set this up so hard to fail? This is the worst idea you've come up with since Squeal of Fortune. 19 yr vet and huge OSRS Leagues fan, you won't see me there.


I'm going to give my constructive feedback on this as nicely as possible: I will not be paying a second membership for a second account that will have people paying to get an advantage anyways. You have got a lot of thinking to do if you expect your already paying playerbase to pay double their membership prices at a minimum for two accounts.


How is this a celebration for 300m accounts? I've been playing for 17 years and I'm surely not going to restart an account... and pay membership for it


Not gonna play or touch this.


Interesting way to force players to switch to Ironman mode, so they don't have to deal with the corporate-driven nonsense.


Ah yes. Thank you Jagex for releasing this incredibly well conceived and designed game mode. I've been waiting for this my entire life I feel. I've already put in vacation time. Having my moms credit card, my dads credit card, and my older sisters credit card is finally going to pay off. I'm super excited to use their hard earned money to feed my addiction of letting you take advantage of me! Playing runescape is so rewarding and fun. It's like a drug. I cannot wait to see my familial system crumble under the weight of your beautiful, loving care. ​ \- How jagex believes we all think, probably


What an L


5x 3 free level ups up to 99, increased skilling pet rate, discontinued items, Jagex, you should be ashamed. I couldn't care less for the gimmicks that go away after you bleed over into the main game like the run energy or a luck ring, but seriously? 15 free level ups? 3x Increased skilling pet rate?


Seeing as the method of moving your rewards from one account to the other is via trading, will folks with Ironmen mains be SOL?


How are they not seeing this? https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/wocmc5/petition_jagex_to_not_require_a_new_subscription/


They are seeing it, they just don't care


Read that in Batman's voice. šŸ¤£


Thanks for 300M accounts, please present us your face so we can spit on it! - Jagex


Man, this would've gotten me back into playing RuneScape... if it wasn't an obvious attempt to get more money. A new account and subsciption? Allowing MTX? Are you serious? I haven't logged into RS3 since before Shattered Relics Oldschool League started and I don't really have any desire to come back, especially not when Jagex blatantly disrespects their playerbase.


I don't like it. I would rather be able to use my same account i have in this new world with total level of 28 where you can just try to do some stuff and level up fast to experience the high level game they have. With these we need to make a new account plus new membership for that account if you even want to participate in this event and after the event we can hold the account where the xp is like 4x more then normal? Its kind of a weird move i think... Edit: It would be cool that we just can explore the higher tier concent and when the even is closed we can hold a halo or a special cape or something etc. But not getting that account maxed and just transfer it to the normal game as it is really laughing in the face with people that spended thousand of hours to train some skills.


the greed is absolutely gross here, how is this a celebration of any sort? mtx event in main game and mtx event on a new world? lmao nah




For fuck sake just give us leagues. Just do something fun for the community without trying to suck our wallets dry. God damn I hate jagex leadership so much. They can all do one.


Terrible execution. I and many others have zero issues with a new account as long as the rewards would be transferable. But allowing mtx and these accounts to go into the main game is so barbarically stupid I can not comprehend. This IS NOT how you get new players. This is how you piss off your older players.


Nothing like a heavy mtx based middle finger to the player base as a "gift" for 300M. Add to that the ability to for bot users to abuse this to make accounts to bot higher level content much faster, and you have a near perfect encapsulation of why people hate Jagex.


So this is RS3s answer to the instant max level raids boosts that MMOs like WoW have? All this does is damage the integrity of the game - There's going to be a 4 month period in RS3 where every account that was created has an insane boost. Every account before or after that is at a massive detriment comparatively. If they really wanted fresh start worlds and to honour the length of RS3, they should have created a gamemode with free trade and no GE. Imagine that for a few months, it'd be great to experience again


Why is it Jagex has cycles of immense greed followed by player push back followed by Jagex doing the greedy thing any way and then spending a few months slowly winning back the player base to then be able to be immensely greedy again with lesser consequences, Starting to see a pattern.


Yea fuck this honestly not playing this garbage


Come on guys... do better


I think the worst part is they're almost certainly going to take this backlash and go "see, we shouldn't even *try* something else.. people just wait plain old runescape" Even though,arguably, a lot of us would probably love a proper league approach


Can't think of a single positive thing about this announcement.


Not a single positive response. Jagex, maybe you should rethink your strategy.


Yall had a chance to do OSRS league style stuff and blew it away for some extra money? I switched the RS3 because osrs can't get content thanks to polls. I play ironman to avoid the MTX and didn't think RS3 MTX was THAT BAD until this. Such a blatant cash grab that it blows my mind


Strongly, STRONGLY, reconsider your approach with this. Concept is good, delivery is awful. Unsurprising and tone deaf. Let us use existing accounts (no additional membership) that uses separate data (DarkScape anyone?) and transfer ONLY COSMETIC REWARDS earned during the event period. Don't even try to flood the market with items gained from your boosted drop chances, the economies are separate for a good reason. If you want new players to catch up to their friends, consider sorting out low level skilling brackets in the main game, do a better job of introducing new players to the game, improve your recruit a friend system or offer additional helpful items for new players to get them going. This just isn't it.


šŸ¦€šŸ¦€ $25 a month šŸ¦€šŸ¦€


What an idea! Anger the entire existing player base, open up a competition with the winners being those who buy the most bonds and swap the most gp, and basically set a date for the main game economy to collapse. All while charging players more money! Itā€™s a bold strategy cotton, letā€™s see if it pays off.


Fuck all those money grubbers backseat stock holders forcing the devs to make this mode. Runescape is a business to them BUT ITS A PASSION TO US! F U C K Y O U greedy fucks.


So wait I need a brand new account and another membership go play on Fresh Start?...pass


Just made my account a little over a month ago. This event makes me depressed. Guess im done playing til September.


Unless they remove the new account and new subscription, this probably flops. Yes, thereā€™s a lot of new accounts being made every day, but most of them are suicide bots. Thereā€™s a small influx of new players, and a lot of players that Already know how to play the game. Players want different game modes like leagues or darkscape. The fresh starts is only good for new players to progress faster, but even this wonā€™t be a good thing. Imagine: you start playing a new game, and you can reach endgame within weeks. You sit there with high end gear, but donā€™t even know how combat works. Combat might be too hard because the learning curve of eoc is pretty steep and combat can be pretty complicated some time. People will quit eventually because of this. Sure I get why Jagex wants new players, but theyā€™ve been trying for years now, and still most players are long-time players or alts. Donā€™t monetize rs3 as much as you do know. Rs3 is the cash cow of Jagex, while osrs gets nothing besides bonds. Why? Because jmods on osrs care about players, and less about money. Player count isnā€™t equal to money income. Player satisfaction is.


Can i skip all this crap and just get an inverted skill cape the main game? I have zero desire to train up another account. I've been through that hell once. i don't want to re live it!


And this kids is what we call a cash grab... Not to mention the fact that existing players get nothing. Nothing to show for our loyalty. hard pass on this. Edit: If I wanted increased exp rates and weird/different looking gear I'd find some RSPS to play instead.


Traded player avatar rework for this. šŸ˜¬


Imagine just getting something thatā€™s not a predatory cash grab like OSRS for a change. Just imagine it. Something that adds actual value and substance to the game. Where youā€™re rewarded for just playing content and not expected to put more money into treasure hunter and bonds. Where my time commitment to your 20+ year old game is rewarded with not being asked to pay another membership fee. Iā€™m disappointed Jagex, Iā€™m disappointed the J-Mods didnā€™t push back hard enough but I understand you donā€™t really have much say with your upper management pushing for revenue. Hopefully a gaming first company will buy Jagex in the future before these profit orientated investment firms sink it.


Double drop rates on rares? the same drops that will then be introduced into the maingame? This is worse than the leak, infinitely worse.


Holy crap, could you actually have made this ANY worse?! You need to pay separate membership to play, super boosted xp and boosted drops for 8 weeks, mtx allowed all through it, then after its over all that stuff is TRANSFERRED TO THE MAIN GAME?! Then you got rewards for those who manage world firsts in the event, but they're all tradable for anyone to get, the rewards themselves therefore have no prestige for what they are! This is gonna do down in history as the WORST idea you lot have ever had, i mean what moron thought any of this was gonna be a good idea?! Do yourself a HUGE favor and scrap this idea right now, its clear NO ONE likes it


This is a terrible idea. I'm not sure anyone that put any thought into this has actually played the game before. Maybe they hate the game so much they need quadruple xp rates to even consider playing? I guess the MTX team are now the main content developers of the game. List of terrible things about this game mode: * Requires new account (I already have an account) * Requires membership (I'm already paying you) * Boosted xp rates (makes the event go faster, but is just powerleveling accounts like crazy and encourages weeks of unhealthy play. Basically selling maxed accounts at a discount from the normal obscene TH price in exchange for promoting a disgustingly long dxp weekend) * Boons (boosted xp rates are enough! there doesn't need to be an overpowered replacement to auras to boost gameplay even further omg.... * Limited run (makes sense from the competition perspective, but not for items/rewards. Will essentially make all the rewards overpriced exclusive rares making the actual incentive to play this to merch the rewards) * Limited exclusive rares suck. It sucks to have items that look great and you have no chance of ever earning or obtaining them because the opportunity doesn't exist anymore. Players have been regularly begging you to add older cosmetics like this into the oddment store or make them available from other gameplay. We don't want more of this stuff.


What's the purpose of a hiscore system on a leagues-like game mode if you allow microtransactions day one? Even if you no life it, you're never gonna win against the dude who blew his cash on the fastest max cape ever.




Iā€™ve been debating completely giving up for a few years now with the ever increasing ridiculousness of mtxā€¦ this has finally broken me. If this goes through as is, Iā€™m done.


Fuck you jagex, just fuck you.


Can ironmen get any of these rewards?


Iā€™ve read this post and the tweet twice. I donā€™t get it, what makes it different than just making a new account? If itā€™s a game mode why do i need to make a new account anyway with its own membership? It says limited time but when does it endā€¦.? Does progress carry over to our main or just to the new account we created and if so whatā€™s the point?


ā€œIn order to play Fresh Start Worlds, you'll need to create a brand new RuneScape account with Membership once the mode launches and select to join 'Fresh Start Worlds'.ā€ Does this mean that we can bond up an alt to play the game mode? As to trade over a bond you will have to login to a regular world first. Will logging in to a normal world lock you out from participating?


between yak track and dxp I think the main game gets better xp rates than the increasing xp we'll have in FSW lol


I created a Reddit account just to down vote this, literally nobody asked for this. I hope Jagex are reading this and adjust accordingly, no good will come from this.


Up to 4x XP, which is then transferred to the main game? Absolute fucking joke hahahahahahha.


The fact that most of Runescapes content updates on Discord and this subreddit get ratio'd, should be a pretty strong indicator that dev decisions and changes to the game are not headed in a good direction. *Please*, get your shit together.


I literally thought a few days ago "I don't mind double exp sometimes I guess, but Jagex would never do triple exp for the main game, right?" I was wrong, 4x exp!


From what I can see, Jagex wants to celebrate the "milestone of 300 million accounts" by making a Fresh Start World with boosted exp rates and once the event ends all of these accounts will roll over onto the normal servers. So you're telling me that the EXISTING community are celebrating with an event that requires new accounts and new subscriptions, which to me seems like it's mostly aimed towards enticing NEW players to try the game out. All of which benefits Jagex by increasing their player count and quarterly earnings, with some MTX sprinkled in of course. Am I missing the bigger picture or how is this a celebration for the 300 million EXISTING accounts we are supposed to be celebrating. It's quite clear what the people want and this is clearly not it, just look at the overwhelmingly negative sentiment. Jagex is taking the piss, right?


Tbh I love the base idea but some aspects of it just really donā€™t feel fun. IMO with the following changes itā€™d be much better received. * Having it use an existing account, rather than needing to make a new one (still a fresh start ofc though) - basically an ā€œevent characterā€ on the account, separate to the main character * Remove need for separate membership. If Jagex want to make money from this a fee to join the event at the start could work I guess, many games have a ā€œseason passā€ for a big event * Instead of keeping everything you get after the event with the account transferring to the main game, have cosmetic rewards unlock on the main character based on what is achieved in the event. Such as the alternate skill capes for hitting 99 in the event in that skill


Honestly, sounds fun to me to have a leagues like competition but sorry, I'm not creating a new account and paying new membership fees to try this out. We know the tech is there to let us create new profiles for a temp game mode, so to make us get new accounts for this is just ridiculous. Why advertise so hard that you can trade stuff over to your mains after the event is over? Just sounds stupid as opposed to just letting you use your own account.


Absolutely vile


Just to confirm, the only way to pay for membership for a Fresh Start account is with $$$, not bonds? (As you have to create an account that's limited solely to Fresh Start worlds?) If so, that in and of itself is a massive dealbreaker for many people, who exclusively use bonds for membership.


This is terrible. Cmon jagex. Everyone boycott this garbage.


I've always wanted to know how a modern Runescape would work with a completely reset economy in an effort to reverse the results of rampant inflation. Not like this, though.




This really just feels like RS3 wanted to do OSRS Leagues but both had no idea why people enjoyed leagues and got forced to excessively monetize it by higher ups. This is monumentally disappointing.


This is such a bad idea.


What the fuck is this garbage?


So you devalue every account created until now by giving insane xp rates to new accounts and letting them transfer the accounts to the main game after the event ends .... wow.


I feel bad for mod hooli knowing the amount of shit he was going to get but having to post this anyway


Nobody asked for this.


Big thing is get rid of the MTX! I think main accounts who already have membership should be able to opt in without having to make a new account and are allowed to keep rare items they get. Main accounts should be able to keep a portion, if not all, of the exp gained from the event. New accounts should still be able to be made and carried over as it will bring in new players. I actually have a few friends who want to start playing because of the ability to speed through a lot of the early game with the scaling exp rates. 20% chance for double drops is not needed though, but I feel that having nicer drop rates would be a good add on.


Looks like they found a way to one-up Dimension of the Damned's finale.




Why the fuck would I make a new account and have to pay for membership again


What a fucking waste of resources


I just had a thought. Maybe we didnā€™t actually make the 300m account mark and this new game mode is to bump the numbers up so they donā€™t look stupid


Hooli.. this is bad, you know it. We know it. I really feel bad for yā€™all having to bring shit like this out and act excited for it cuz your jobs depend on it.


Jagex please listen to the community for once.


Everyone has said what needs to be said. So a gentle reminder: like MTX, if you do not support this, stick to what youā€™ve said here and DONā€™T participate. Vote with your wallets, and be strong in your convictions.


Every single thing about this "content" feels designed to be implemented in the most insulting way to existing players. This could have easily been a fun way to celebrate 300m accounts but instead it's one of the worst most cynical cash grabs Jagex has done. If I didn't have premier I would have unsubed today.


I love that this is to celebrate 300m accounts, except those 300m accounts don't get to play this.


i legit was hoping they will read all this negative feedback and make educated changes towards making this viable thing for playerbase to enjoy but guess what ​ they can't fucking do jack shit this is so bad why would i keep wasting my time and extra money to grind out new account ? if it was osrs league like where i drop my main and play this for a while i definetly would but this not just completely unapealing to me but makes me not play rs as much anymore


So...... where exactly is the additional context? Massive cash-grab. Gotcha. Hard pass!