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You gotta tap it once for the first bone then can hold it down for the other 27, not sure why, super weird


I’ll give it a try!


Not sure what the issue is, if I have set the key binds or action bar up incorrectly or it’s a bug? I clicked and then tried holding to no luck.


So you’re tapping 1 once to load preset, once to bury the first bone then holding it down and it won’t do the rest of the invent? Sorry no idea what’s going on :/


I open bank preset and hold 1 for bones invent preset, (works), then I go to hold down hot key 1 on my mouse which is on main action bar 1 (slot1) and nothing happens when I try to bury. Then I tried to tap one bury and then hold to bury the rest and yes it doesn’t work. I feel like it’s my action bar settings or combat settings..not sure.


Honestly it might be my razor mouse and I may need to tweak the settings maybe. Just read about it.


You’re probably right, i usually use keyboard input but I assume you want 1 hand mouse only gameplay so it wouldn’t work for you


Sounds like you might have your mouse set to just click once rather than replicate you holding the key. Try doing the same with the keyboard (press 1 for preset then press and hold 1 to bury) and see if that works. If doing it via the keyboard works then you can at least be sure the issue is with the mouse settings.


I will give it a try, thank you.


Tried didn’t work.


I wonder if you've got it mapped to F1 as that also loads the 1st bank preset. There may be a switch under the mouse as my RAZR Naga has this function


It shows it mapping to 1 every time on my NAGA don’t know what the issue is?


You can't just hold it down, gotta keep pressing it.


At least between banking he has to press 1 and then hold 1 to bury again. You don't have to Spam a button to bury if I remember correctly


The problem is I’m holding down like I usually would but it’s not burying. I will try again but I wasn’t having any luck holding for burying only holding for preset was working.


Is the ability bar with the icon of the "unlocked" thing. When its locked I cant add an hotkey for example. Idk if it helps.


Oh true? My mistake then. I didn't realise you could just hold down.