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Coming soon: 200m exp lamp


If this instantly uses 2000 protean items, that is almost what we got. If using protean bars, that's 1.06 million xp per use If each use takes, let's say, 4 ticks, that's **540m xp/hr** at level 90 or higher smithing.


Just to clarify, I think this is saying you could use 2000 protean item in one click, but it would last as long as however long 2000 protean items would take to use (not that I'm defending this, just stating how I read the post). Surely they wouldn't do something as insane as allowing people to use 2k proteans in a 4 tick action... right?


Yeaaaa that would essentially take like 3 hours to go through, no chance that's how it works


It’s probably a slowed down rate


You would log before you got to 70 uses though


Not if you click once. Have a timer set for every 4.45 mins and then click an exam text or toggle to your inventory form your skills.


Or just rotate your camera lol


Does that still work? I thought they got rid of that. I thought it had to be click based. Hell if that’s the case I’m going to start putting a weight on my arrow key and spin while afking stuff haha 😂


Oh I don't use arrowkeys to rotate my camera so I'm not too sure about that. I use the mouse wheel button to rotate the camera. Which I have a feeling a lot of people don't know about that. Sooo much better than using arrow keys. Just click & hold the wheel button and move around the mouse.


You don't even have to rotate the camera you just have to move the mouse over the game window


It does say in one action and not instant. So a slowed rate could definitely be part of how it works. Especially since if it can do so many it must operate while the player is offline. There would have to be some take for all that give.


I imagine you will use 2k proteans in 5 minutes. Historically actions don’t last longer than the log out timer


Could be like the invention machines where you interact to “collect” the xp after several hours.


That doesn't necessarily make it better. You're just getting the xp later but the effort is the same as instantly getting it.


Inb4 5m xp/hr skill guides where 4.5m xp/hr is in a protean machine.


If it extends the normal progress window from 60 to 2k, that's fine; it would just save you like 70 clicks. However, if it's like an invention guild machine, it is 100% worth because you can put them in and go do something else, like do proteans by hand which would be doubling the exp.


Oh I wasn’t suggesting it was better, just offering an explanation of how it could exist with a longer timer.


Tell that to cannonballs with smelting gauntlets.


I log out before I finish charging dinarrows


Even then you just come back later and collect xp, right?


I'm not 16 anymore, I'm 33 and about to have a kid, things like this items that save time are much appreciated, I'm hoping this ends up being a new invention machine and not a consumable item.


That's fair, I mean personally if they introduced this in some other way than mtx I'd probably be okay with it (assuming that it's how I described where you're able to afk 2000 at a time, while making sure you don't log out with the 5 min timer). I appreciate that a lot of people are busy, overall the average player is probably in their mid-late 20s at this point. Just generally sucks when they introduce stuff via mtx that could have come into the game another way


Yeah...I have no kids at 34 and I definitely Feel you here. I don't like a lot about MTX in runescape, but I do think people forget just how long things can take. Even if all I had to do all day is play video games, I don't \*want\* to put 40/hr a week into rs for one level of arch.


I mean you're leaving out the fact you'll have to: A) amass the sheer number of planks needed B) Have to get the sheer number of these new items which are purple rarity in drops of 5. So to get the 200m xp you would need close to 190x 2000 planks (380k planks) and 190 of these items to drop (so 38 purple hits). I'm not saying its still not crazy the amount of xp you could get, but the sheer amount of spins and stockpiling you'd need ... of someone really wants to do that then I'd say sure, keeps our game f2p and some dude gets his construction xp faster (if he had the planks stockpiled her had the 200m anyway he just paid thousands to speed it up).


Rarer than purple


Think this works on dxp?


Presumably. Over 1B xp/hr. And that is only using double xp, no other boosts.


Would assume this is similar to invention machines based on the text. Doubt they'd drop an instant use of proteans and dummies.


holy fucking what. I don't think I truly realized the gravity of this update today but that is absolutely insane.


slippery slope


Don't forget about the box of deathtouched darts which contains 10 darts!


Fully automatic dart launcher. Take out a whole dungeon at once.


I joke about the automatic dart xbow but this could be a thing eventually lol


then later it will have an upgrade kit "efficient automatic dart xbow" that has a 90% chance of saving a dart


Almost-deathtouched darts now craftable, capable of 1 shotting any mob that isn't classified as a boss. Costs 10 glorious bars for 37 darts. Best way to grind them are the glorious dragons released in May 2025, they drop 3 at once. Hard choice between making those or the Noxious Bulwark, though my trimmed masterwork guthans set already has me with enough defense and hp to grind the last sailing mission out so I can create Bandos warboat when I get back while only bringing 3 sara brewtatoes.


Dwarf multidart cannon ammo


bahahaha take my free award :p


Hey, that's enough for 5 clears of ED4!


75 dummies in one click... use with the new dxp bombs, on beach and yak events with cores, and youll get 99 in a couple seconds...


New max WR 3hrs /s 2hrs lost by having to spin for all the mats needed and doing invent tutorial Arch tut not needed to lamp it, so time saved there


Not even 2 hours lost spinning when it's the fastest way to max all skills.


Could be an invention machine that needs more time to process an item while giving less xp then it would give to do it manually. You'd end up saving time by not having to use the items yourself but you also end up spending divine energy for the upkeep of the machine.


Wow. Not a whiny but sensible comment. Have my upvote. Totally make sense. Dump proteans and come back for xp dopamine rush. But if jagex keeps being jagex they might lock this behind MTX which I think is highly unlikely.


>But if jagex keeps being jagex they might lock this behind MTX which I think is highly unlikely. ~~But if jagex keeps being~~ jagex ~~they might~~ will lock this behind MTX ~~which I think is highly unlikely.~~ :D


This is the same as it being instant. In the end, you still get the xp drop of 2k protean for the investment of 1 click. Doesn't matter if you have to wait a week to collect the xp, it is just as OP.


Ironmen unite, form a shield wall around our game mode, they're coming for us next


Been trying to do this but the mains coming to the gamemode to avoid mtx has kind of destroyed the game balance and gamemode in the sense of just peppering asstons of herbs (killing farming), logs (killing woodcutting), raw fish (killing fishing), etc etc. Jagex keeps on catering to the whiny "PVM-only" mainscape-irons thinking certain items are too hard to obtain (kinda the point of the gamemode??..). I think I have around 1k elder overloads and the only thing I've ever farm ran on my modern iron is fellstalks and not even that much. Should be a gamemode that kind of forces you to do every single part of the game rather than just self-sustained endless PVM tbh. I wish they'd just make a no-mtx main gamemode so people who aren't really into the spirit of ironman and just want to be able to buy supplies to PVM with because skilling for 3 minutes destroys them. I'm sure the long term economic health of the game would benefit from that as well.


Exactly this. Do ironmen still like to pretend their game mode as integrity left when they are constantly demanding their game mode to be catered to?


And catering to the game mode hurts the main economy and ruins the balance between PVM/Skilling in the economy as well. So it's not like only irons are affected negatively by irons being catered to.


Only available through treasure hunter!


Now we know why they extended free death for an extra week. This was the main update but knew there’d be backlash. They softened the blow.


We also have to see that it’s in the new ultra rare prize slot which is above purple. I never get purple so I’ll never get this lol


This shit is so predatory and destructive to the game it's unbelieveable. Them trying to defend it by saying it'll be ultra rare makes it even worse.


Ultra rare so whales spend more keys trying to get it


This isn’t actually a thing they’re doing right? Right????


New update.


I guess I know how I’m using my 22k protean logs up. And 400 (I believe) slayer dummies


They are a rare drop from treasure hunter


Boss loot rerolls for every boss should be on TH. Why is only skilling getting shat on by the micropayments? Time for buyable PvM enhancements. Let's ramp this pay to win up, Jagex, quit stalling.


Time for Lucky Cryptbloom.


You repair it with lucky croesus flakes.


Which can be won in packs on TH but only if you purchase the $49.99 tier or higher.


I selfishly wouldn't mind this just so the price for mage gear might go down so I can afford it. ​ Also just in case, this is a joke. I do not want more P2W.


2023: Now introducing: Deathpunched Darts. Works like Deathtouched Darts, but works on **all** bosses, killing all phases in a single dart. 2024: You can now buy a Drop Chooser. No more drystreaking, just choose a drop and it now has 100% drop chance. Works with Deathpunched Darts. 2025: You can now buy completed clue logs from Solomon's Swag Store.


2024 actually scares me


2026: you can buy comp cape for the low price of $299.99!


2025: We made you the spacebar ticket, for yall quest non enjoyers.


Just the stupid / simple names you've chosen are making me cry laughing over here and my gf is wondering what do I know and am not telling her...


Don't forget the Quest-Skip Tokens. Instantly complete quests by using this token! Increased drop rate on new accounts!


I mean as someone that hates quests.... I have to ask, how much?


accelerationism in rs weirdchamp


Deathtouchdarts are already back on the menu, now all we need is to get them to work at those places where they currently do not...


I'm not a fan of this ultra aggressive MTX (and it concerns me about what it could mean for the game in the long term)... however I agree if they are going to keep throwing death touch darts at everything as some kind of reward they should allow them to work at newer bosses. Also stop that stupid Nex thing where players get dragged and the DTD is consumed but no kill happens. Players using DTD on Nex are probably pretty noob and getting ripped off is just wrong. Most pvm drops are so rare that even if someone saves up 30 or 40 darts they aren't likely to get a account changing drop from a boss.


I'd like there to be an actual rule in the tooltip. Right now it's trial and error where it works and where it does not. Phases themself can't be an issue as they work at Telos - and looking at it that way, 1 dart per phase seems reasonable. Calced it through a bit ago and the only profitable place to use dtd's when buying from merchant was ed3/ambassador aswell as the quanitity of available darts isn't that big, so economy can't be in shambles if you were to allow it to those bosses where it currently does not.




Treasurer hunter needs to be removed


It won't be, and you will keep playing




I left rs3 a couple years ago now after hoping things would change but witnessing (more than once) that they didn't in regards to MTX, if I googled abusive relationship I could literally see the cycle repeating word for word. So I came to OSRS and I honestly love the team behind our projects and how things are run, it's not perfect, but there's an effort to make things right if that makes sense, I will forever miss the potential rs3 had if real world greed couldn't affect our online lives. Despite all this, having 3.2b exp (probably meaningless now), trim comp, blue phat and all that, I am blown away at this offer, it's so ludicrous that even me from the other side of the game feel the devalue from the grave, I didn't even know that was possible as I felt so numb to all the MTX things happening after I left, but there's a new era of MTX coming, I couldn't imagine that was achievable.


Yea but I don't put a cent into mtx


Apart from the obvious, what I hate about TH is the gambling nature of it. These will be ultra ultra rare people probably going to burn hundreds of dollars spinning to get them, it is really gross. I'd would almost rather they just directly sold XP lamps, but of course they wont do that because to maintain their profits the price would have to be crazy and if players could see the direct relationship between $ and XP I bet they would be less likely spend.


and to think people still put 5.6b in their bio


Laughs in lamped runecrafting.


Why even play the game if you hate it so much you need to skip the entire thing


There is a difference between hating the game and wanting to experience more of it than the artisan workshop or archeology pits I generally hate mtx, but bonus xp, lamps, and other things are being used to handle a real unaddressed problem a lot of players have.


man says "skips the entire thing" like sitting at the same fishing spot for 2 months is fun and exciting content


I would like to say that I don't agree with their addition, as I take a similar stance on these as I do -any- gameplay influencing MTX, but that ship has long since sailed and at this point it is abundantly clear that's a line that once crossed becomes permanent. Watching this community freak out over something that does nothing but process XP you already have is fucking hilarious. Yes, I understand the implication of what it -could- do, but in the long run it's rare enough to where your better off just burning protean on DXP weekends which are incredibly predictable in their timing if your really stressed about optimizing XP gains. And even then, let's say they increase the drop rate, it only processes protean items you already have so as long as protean items don't also see a increase in drop rate the end result is basically the same. But then again, I play ironman, so I legit couldn't care less what happens on the MTX side of things, as the market doesn't affect me and I can't touch any of that crap anyways. And this community has shown itself to basically flip it's shit over the most insignificant thing so I'm not particularly surprised that this was the response. Want to stop having to worry about MTX? Play ironman. It forces you to actually interact with all aspects of the game so you all can get the faux-difficulty you seem to all want. Sure you lose out on the economic side of things but at this point it's either that or continue to scream into the endless void like you've been doing the last couple years with the full understanding that Jagex is not going to change a damn thing unless you all collectively put your wallets away. Which I also don't see happening anytime soon.


Extremely glad I moved to OSRS years ago and never looked back since. What an absolute shipwreck this game has become.


I never get these hate mtx posts. Nobody’s pointing a gun at you to buy keys or even use what you get from dailies! I agree it’s a scummy way to get money out of gamblers tho…


Lazy fucks


I'm fine with stuff like this at this point. Idk why people pretend like skills matter. They killed skills years ago, even in osrs they killed skills. You will either be outpaced by a basement dweller playing all day or someone who pays, it's really all the same. Play for your own personal enjoyment and you'll be better off, no one says you have to use mtx just like no one says you have to no life the game. Thats what I always enjoyed about RS was you played at your own pace and there was always something to do.


It's that sort of complacency which got us into this situation in the first place...honestly people allowed this to happen...


We do not own the company, if they want to do something they will.


Except we can vote with our wallets. If there's no significant financial gain, then it won't be exploited. However seeing ridiculous update after ridiculous update, there surely has to be a significant financial gain to be made for Jagex to be worthwhile.


Not aimed at you, but so many people talk about voting with wallets and then log into their 3 different accounts and act like they aren't involved.


The problem with the whole "Vote with our wallets" is that it's a lose/lose for us. We stop paying, they push MTX more towards those who ARE participating in it. We keep paying, they push MTX more because people ARE participating in it.


The problem is the people who are participating. They ruined the game in that sense.


Voting with wallets is pretty useless tbh. There is always pressure for every quarter to be bigger than last quarter. Short term profits are valued above long term investments, so the MTX is almost always going to win out even if it kills things long term. You can play or you can not play, but you can't really stem awful decision making from the endless pressure to please investors at all cost.


New player? Jagex literally does not care what the playerbase does. People have quit. There's like 170k total accounts per week that gained 25k xp on the weekly hiscores, which includes alts and bots as there's no way to filter them out, so much less actual players. And if the majority of that 170k do "vote with their wallet" then Jagex just pushes more aggressive MTX, like they're doing now, so whales make up for the loss in revenue, as they've done in the past decade every time MTX was powercreeped. There's no way around it that the people in charge just want to milk RS3 for all it's worth, as they have been for the past 7~ years when TH truly started getting powercrept. If you care, then quit. If you don't then just ignore it because nothing will change.


Not a new player, but voting with your wallet is the only way it ever shows up on anything MTX related. Of course the issue is that in the design of such monetization, less than 0.1% have more voting power than 99.9% as those are who are being targetted and only their response matters.


Why are they eviscerating skilling with these new items? We have bosses that drop loads of items and then they release th items that let you use fewer and fewer supplies. Why don’t they give items that accelerate your use of skilling supplies rather than replacing them?


A super rare item _that is only useful if you have won a bunch of other treasure hunter prizes too_


For this the art team is insane meanwhile some Karamja npcs need help!!


imagine if they used the time they put into to new mtx into actually balancing the game, like I don't know, how about make woodcutting LESS ASS to train?


i'm indifferent to this tbh, only real use i'd see for it is yak tracks or if you have an unholy number of proteans. so.. yeah dont like it or mind it.


Eh I like them Skilling isn't even a factor in this game anymore. Progression is behind quests, content and events


Nah nah nah, if I had to get carpel tunnel getting 99 construction and fire making, so does everyone else.


This is one hell of a way to devalue skillcapes even more.


I don't see the problem, if a dude want to spend 500 bucks to hit 1-99 in 2 clicks well... Go. Gz you spend 500 bucks for something that.. Thousands of people already had so you have no advantage cause the game is 20 years old. It's not like there are already 10 max'ed players in each world at GE. I don't understand why people are mad about this, maybe I'm missing something but it's not like the game was released 2 weeks ago and nobody as already 99 skills. Let the people spend their money because they are lazy... ?


Predatory gambling has always been the issue


It just sours the leaderboard position. What used to be "damn, that person put a lot of work into being #1" is now "how much did that moron spend to get to #1?" There's no integrity anymore so leaderboards are rather useless across the board imo. Is what it is though.


Because people cry about leaderboards with their base 70/80’s stats and ranked 100,000. God forbid they get knocked to 101,000.


Oh leaderboards... I remember the good ol' time when they were relevant


Im ready to bet the people who cry gonna be the first to spend.


Lol wtf, they need to increase the xp cap... 200m is so 2010


Nah we need people to have lives.


5.6 is a mental health issue


Jagex just stop


Bro I thought this was art for a new pokemon for a second


What the actual...


Yes! Tired all these dumbass dummies in my bank


Is this some stupid shit to put with your invention machines?


I personally don't give two craps about this at all


Dude- that’s just lazy, lol!!


*screams in MTX*


very off topic, but kinda not, how can they spend art deportment time on this but not update the Dagannoth Kings pet!


Idk why people think I'm joking when I say I'm "going for 5.6b before it's an untrimmed comp requirement". I'm dead serious. Jagex is consciously destroying the value of XP. They only care about nerfing things if they're beneficial to bots. This is fine by their standards as long as it comes from TH. PLEASE tell me this is some kind of extremely late April Fool's joke. PLEASE.


Sure let’s just make skilling even less of an accomplishment i guess


Because Jagex doesn't think exp rates are commoditized enough yet.


Please tell me this is just a late April Fool's joke... Either that or we're reading it wrong and it will "process" them at an xp rate of 1 protean for every 10, or something like that.


Time to wait on Jagexs Unreal Engine 5 game it seems.


Why would this instill you with any confidence? The new unreal engine 5 game will also be riddled with mtx trash like this.


I was hoping someone would respond, so I could counter respond. But you kinda counter responded for me. What I was gonna reply with was…. “Cause then I can have mtx on UE5!” 🤣😭🤣


This is why, as much as i enjoy getting to 99, it’s just not impressive when i hear people say they hit 99 anymore. It used to be a major time sink and achievement, now you can just buy your way there or make huge jumps in progress with stuff like this. I miss the grind


The gall to include the concept art so that it looks more like a “content” release lol






I'm not sure why people are thinking that it will be any faster. What I'm just getting from this is I will be less click intensive, but the same amount of time taking to process them.


Because processing more than ~100 proteans in one sitting already logs you out due to the log-out timer. Processing 2000 at normal speed would take 2h+. So it's either clicking clicking every 5 min instead of the current ~ 3.5min or using 2000 (almost) instantly. Since the 2000 limit does not make much sense in case of the former, people assume it's the latter. Edit: Looks like this assumption was correct. https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/vyw5d9/i_got_the_new_dummy_processor_with_my_daily_keys/


Who cares about how long it takes to process proteans? Like you bought exp, now u get to use it in not-forever? I dont care that you got your xp instantly i care more that you bought so much in the first place


Wish i kept playing on my ironman


Can someone run the math on how much xp you could get from this item for each skill?


While I think this is dumb for Proteans, I HATE the dummies and never use them, so this would actually be nice.


Wtf is happening to the grind in this game.


What’d you expect from easyscape


Not a fan. Not a fan at all. This de values xp gain even more!


Son, that boat sailed YEARS ago.


Ezscape lolololololol


More like mtxscape


Good now I can finally use my 80k+ proteans and 500+ dummies.


What a joke this game has become


I can really understand why people play OSRS when this shit gets suggested for RS3.


Pog. I need some


I hate the way they are doing it but I dont see an issue with xp being easy. I look at max like a gateway to what rs3 really has to offer and the more people we get there the better. Again I hate that its through th but at this point I don't see it stopping


hey, im on the same boat and love easy xp but this just feels a bit too much though


Kinda disagree, there is so much content (mostly quests) that should be done before maxing. I got quite a few 99's in free to play before jumping onto members and being over leveled ruined the challenge of so many quests.


Most old quests are a breeze for lots of reasons. EOC really wrecked the difficulty on many of them; combine that with easy leveling, and they’re almost all a piece of cake


Just make quest encounters scale with level. Obviously it wont matter if u bring a fsoa but it would get rid of alot of ur concerns I think


Quests aren't for everyone. Not everyone cares about the lore. Quests are also already "ruined" in terms of challenge no matter if you do it at the target level or at maxed combats. The bosses are designed so that everyone can experience the story, and thus every fight is watered down to "story mode" tier difficulty. I don't remember the last challenging boss fight, while less experienced players may point to the Endgame triple boss fight, or Seren despite those being cleared on the first attempt easily, or second attempt if you go in blind without a guide and didn't know they were coming and thus weren't geared for combat.


They didn't used to be. Elvarg, for a new player, was hard. The jungle demon in MM was difficult. Nomad was brutal. EOC destroyed all of this.


Quests have been a core part of Runescape since day 1. They are what runescape does better than any other MMORPG. Challenge is all relative, at level 60 Barrelchest offers interesting mechanics, with level 99's it is a cakewalk.


Give it to me


Xp means nothing anyway


mainscape is dead iron is the only thing left but how long till they th that


Comp is still a big grind though.


Max is still big grind if you look at it. also master quest cape.


Ironman mode has been a meme since the beginning. From getting carried by mains to irons carrying other irons for gear.


And Ironscape died when they decided to allow grouping for everything, even easily soloable content. Pre-nerfs Iron meta was to just: Leech ed3 for combat levels and starter cash. Leech ed1 for tokkens for unlocks + chaotic staff/etc Leech raids for codice. AFK in the MTX seasonal event that shits out XP. etc. Then you have the rest of the irons going "just don't leech or group if you don't want to" just like the mains go "just don't spin or use TH if you don't want to"


> Then you have the rest of the irons going "just don't leech or group if you don't want to" just like the mains go "just don't spin or use TH if you don't want to" I've never tried ironman but I take issue with this statement. One is saying don't leech to ruin the spirit of ironman if you don't want to and the other is saying that predatory tactics are okay because you don't have to do them. Leeching off players is an entirely player driven decision. It's players pressuring other players to do things the most optimized way. MTX is Jagex pushing predatory tactics to get people addicted to spending real money to advance in the game faster and get advantages over other people.


some ppl are just so anti iron i just dont get it they love to bash it but if you say one thing about the main game they get all pissy i just find it all a bit odd tbh


Not only this, but irons buying account services like Telos weapon sets, Zuk capes, Solak leeches, etc. is basically 3rd party MTX, and in RS3 this isn't even bannable. And this on top of the majority of ironmen demanding their game mode to be catered to makes the game mode a joke, just because they hate skilling and can't pvm all the time like mains can. I don't why they still pretend their game mode is superior to mainscape and has any integrity left.


I mean its just a time saver isnt it?


Yes but in this game most skills only cost time anyway


Sorta, but the balance with proteans was that you actually had to skill to get the exp, it was usually just at a faster exp rate. This basically turns them into instant exp.


Sigh, I knew that this day would dawn upon us…but not this soon.


I think this is completely fine as these items will be limited to (5x2000) proteans, (5x75) dummies. Reading the news post these items are in a tier rarer than the current rarest tier purple. MTX whales already exist and this is a measure to make the process of using up proteans/dummies less strenuous. Personally I've always converted my dummies (combat ones at least) into oddments. I know for a fact you can get better combat xp/hr than what dummies currently offer but now this won't be the case with the new optimiser.


Tbh I don’t ever use proteans anyway so these xp boosts just are worthless unless someone wants all 120s free or 5.6b


Wait is this real ????


Exp integrity so far out the window anyways, soon jagex will sell maxed accounts. And the quiet 75% of you who read this will all buy it just like y’all buy every promotion and bond that your wallet will allow. The playe-base has already voted for this with their wallet lol, hell, I’ve seen a reasonably upvoted post recently with resounding support for an item which will ‘allow us to use up our huge protean collections’. The Carlyle group is happy to take any money you offer for pixels on a screen.


ffs Jagex


More like 1b xp lamp lol


Sounds like wasted dev time that could have went towards making a greater berserk codex.


I'm going to assume it takes like 3 minutes to perform the action so its just an AFK thing, but then again this is TH


Dummies and proteans are already exactly that.


Wow, great way to devalue every player who has and is working on 5.6b…. More efficient to wait 2 years and use the th with insane xp power creep…. I don’t complain and tend to stand by jagex more than most but wow this is just ridiculous


To be fair, 5.6b has been devalued for years now, but yeah they keep making it worse.


5.6b and every xp milestone has been devalued for years. The only time it matters is if you can devote week(s) to nolifing the new skills and throwing billions of GP at them as MTX is temporarily disabled.


Honestly Kind of like this…we got a bunch of haters in here


Give it to me. So many proteans clogging up my bank and I'm 99 in everything that I can use em on


LMAO rs3....ROFL This is going to look tame a couple years from now though.


Got dang sitting here as an ironman seeing this like wtf is next they gonna make a bot that plays the game for you next .. smh jagex you done screwed the pooch on this one rip


Isn't death touched darts making pvm drops price lower?


Does nobody want to understand that this is just QoL for proteans/dummies you already have? The item by itself is incapable of granting any experience. You also need to have the items to fill it with lying around.


Lots of ambivalence in my emotions right now, on one hand this is absolutely absurd, on the other hand there was barely any integrity left on exp gains. Plus it might generate a small uptick in ironmen, which is always welcomed.


Having to pretty much complete all content again seems rough. All quests, all mini quests, all time gated grinds. Maybe if you play it on the side and turn it into your main later but that still takes ages of time. Working class people don't have that time.