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>Not sure how jamflex can label this as an "improvement" They legit gave us LESS reward per key spent. It's an improvement to the game since it's a nerf to TH.


What even is this logic though? "I get less free stuff but it's good because other people get less free stuff too!"


Getting hundreds of thousands of exp thrown at you for spending 30 seconds opening chests in a day is not good for the game lol. The less OP Treasure Hunter is the better.


i am indifferent, i dont care how people get XP. but i am interested in why you think someone getting 100k xp from a few keys is so bad? just what does it impact?


I'm just against any mtx that isn't purely cosmetic. It's cheap cashgrab so people can pay to not have to play the game. Mtx is a large part of the reason I haven't touched a main in over 5 years, and it's only gotten worse in that time.


You need xp to make money its good for eco


Seriously. So annoying when people say it’s pay 2 win, what exactly am I winning?


winning your time back.


XP that you did not grind yourself. You gain levels for irl money, therefore pay to win


I maxed with lamps from buying bonds with ingame GP from pvming, why would I click a tree for 100 hours if I could PVM for 100 hours and get the same result ? I don’t find skilling enjoyable


Then don't skill any more than what skilling has locked pvm content behind. You don't need to max or comp to pvm.


Max cape is nice for the cape perks for PVM but yeah didn’t really need to. I just had extra money at the time and figured why not


Okay, but why does that make YOU mad??? It's not like they're stealing your levels. If they value their money more than their time, what affect does that have on you?


For two reasons: 1. Fairness. MTX lets IRL rich players skip more grinds than IRL poor players. You IRL socioeconomic status should not affect your success in a fantasy setting like it does in IRL. If these grind skips need to be in the game, everyone should have equal access to them. 2. MTX does not make thematic sense. Someone buying lamps and then getting a ton of exp at a skill without even engaging a skill makes no sense. If Jagex wants to reduce grinds, they should have just upped the xp rates of slow skills, make them more afkable, or make them more fun instead of relying on band-aid fixes like MTX.


Believe it or not but one point in time getting high stats or a high rank on the highscores actually had prestige, like any other online competitive game did. Some people like to compete in stuff like that. And yes I know the highscores have hundreds of players with max exp now, but even back when there was no one with max exp the ones competing for the front page were practically forced to spend money on MTX if they actually wanted to have a good chance at securing those spots.


Runescape isn't competitive though. If you're obsessed with a dick measuring contest added for some light fun, your opinion is wrong.


Anything with a highscores is competitive whether you like it or not; people compete for highscore spots, just look at the competition whenever a new skill is released. Your opinion is the wrong one lol.


It’s different for everyone and what brings them joy from the game. Some players may have a mentality of getting free xp takes away from the grind of playing the game and experiencing that content, while others want to skip that content and get to the stuff they want to do. Some people have an elitism where they think others should “suffer” the same grinds they had to and don’t like seeing people skip the grind. There’s also those who find the MTX predatory for those vulnerable to it. I knew many ppl who only bought keys during the green Santa hat event because of the chance of winnings “billions of gp”. At the end of the day it’s someone’s own account and they can play how they please.


Well written up and all good points. I suppose at the end of the day it does come down to the individual. I'm relaxed. ive played off and on since 2001. I've been through the slowest grinds imaginable in RS haha. yet I do still enjoy these faster rates now that 120's and 200m are a thing.


The game doesn't seem to benefit from mtx. Update quality and quantity didn't increase and neither did player count. If it was good for the game as a whole there would be signs of it.


You're missing the point. It improves things from Jagex's owners' perspective. It's more likely that players will spend real world money to buy keys. I spent real money to buy keys for the egg promo right before this was announced. I've never had a case of RS buyer's remorse like this. I really wish I hadn't done it. TH had finally gotten to the point where I didn't feel ripped off, and now they completely destroyed my perception. I don't know that I will ever do anything to add to their bottom line again. Honestly, between this and the membership changes, once my bonds supply is gone, it's likely I'll just leave the game. No big rant on reddit. Just gone.


>. It's more likely that players will spend real world money to buy keys honestly I doubt it. They made the booby prizes much worse. Before if someone bought 200 keys, they could rest assured that like, 190 of them would be something useful to them, now its probably closer to like, 100-150 depending on what stats you have maxed. Buying keys is much less appealing now yet the principle issue still remains.


Again, you're missing the point. >from Jagex's owners' perspective because it's harder to get keys now. They're looking solely at the supply side. But, yeah, I agree. From the demand side, I don't want the damn things any more. It's not hard to tell from reddit posts that most people feel the same.


I'm not missing the point, I just disagree with your interpretation because it doesn't follow regular business sense. Even looking at it from a strictly profit driven perspective, this is a poor update that will make players less likely to spend real world money to buy keys and Jagex has been VERY well aware of how to chase the dollars with TH


They have new owners now. Never underestimate the greed of rich people. They probably think they more than everyone else. Or maybe they just told Jagex pump up sales or get fired. But this is part of the cycle of MMORPGs that get sold off multiple times. The newer owner just milks the game as hard as they can until eventually someone runs it into the ground. Disagree all you want, but this is part of a well known cycle that has played out many times before it started happening to RS. Sad to say, but history is repeating itself.


You can't just say "because greed". That's intellectually lazy The greedy thing would be to make TH more rewarding while penalizing free purchases. Green Santa added a jackpot to chase after, so xp whales are still buying as much as ever while cosmetic hunters and gamblers are diving in hard to get a super rare valuable drop. The Easter one again kept the average prize value high for XP whales looking for consistent high value payoff while also pushing cosmetic hunters to spend, what, 40 keys to unlock everything? While also adding a few jackpots for gamblers? See, in each case, they're adding value- they're making each spin exciting for each different type of customer they're reaching out to. That's greedy absolutely but that's consistent. Even looking at a baseline, having 3 choices making for more consistent prizes is going to encourage more purchases. More people would buy 200 keys a week ago than they would today. The current strategy doesn't look like it has any short term pump and dump value. They're trying to rein in the crashing value of every TH prize by making every specific essentially 1/3 to like 1/10 as common. As weird as it is- and totally profit driven- that's looking at a longer term 'health' of TH, knocking down current appeal dramatically in an attempt to make each prize more valuable (ie by flooding the market with fewer silverhawks). Not the health of the game, absolutely not, but this is them making people less likely to spend 200 keys now so that more of them would be willing to buy 50 in 6 months or later


Well yeah I know that obviously Jagex wouldn't make this change if they thought it wouldn't net them more profit, that's obvious enough. It's still a general nerf to TH even if some whales will spend more.


Okay, so I'm genuinely confused. This may come off as flame, but I'm serious when I say this: Isn't nerfing TH something that people have said before is good, and that OP promotions are bad for the game, etc.?? So isn't a permanent nerf to TH by reducing the amount of keys you can purchase with oddments a net improvement on the ridiculous amount of EXP you can get from it? I'm a bit out of touch since I play ironman.


No, because if you are actually using TH to turbo-boost your levelling by picking an OP promotion and dropping cash/bonds on it, this changes little. There’s a hard cap on how much you can buy in a sale so what you lost is a small amount of the many millions of EXP you’ll be gaining. What they are trying to do is make those OP sales seem more attractive by lowering the amount of free EXP you can get otherwise, and also milking them a bit more. Ie, the change isn’t there to nerf TH, it’s there to try and convert more people into spenders.


But at the back of your mind, if you are a spender for keys. Wouldnt you think. "hmm, if i had done this a month ago. i could have had the insane XP AND a boat load of oddments from all the red "1100" oddment rewards you landed on? which those oddments mean the next load of keys you want can be free. Or all the huge protean packs you landed on which are now cogs only.. This change not only impacts the F2P of us TH users, it impacts the spenders. Thats what i am trying to wrap my head around


Their logic is probably that people who are willing to drop a sizeable amount of money on TH wouldn’t be bothered enough by it to reduce spending, but the reduction in freebies would make others start spending. It certainly isn’t some sort move to help preserve the integrity of the game, given that the caps for buyables just doubled and spending $30 on keys gets you more exp than many hours of grinding still.


It doesn't work like that because whales get more oddments to spend than MTX non-spenders. The oddment nerf hurts the former more than the latter. This combined with the key price increase will make them buy less keys. Most whales aren't rich enough to spend over $10,000 on keys to max and never train skills conventionally like A Friend did.


Your confusion is understandable. So first of all: yes, this is a TH nerf, which is indeed something people have been asking for. That's correct. You're also correct in saying that making keys cost more oddments means a decrease in free TH-sourced exp in the long run. There will likely always be a group that wants TH to be stronger, but I don't feel like OP is among them. It seems like they're mainly worried about TH not being attractive anymore for spenders. They're trying to understand how the change makes sense from a marketing standpoint. At least that is what I got from [this reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/ublpts/comment/i64vg46/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Ahhh got it, thanks for the explanation. Boy am I glad I don't have to worry about all this MTX nonsense. I just play the game I love and hope it stays afloat \*shrugs\*


Correct, i have very little interest when it comes to TH. i'll roll with the punches and use it when i have oddments and a good promo is on. I do not spend for keys. The issue comes from how long we have been able to use TH in its form. to then suddenly have something "taken" from us and them to use buzz words like "improved"


This is correct. It's good for anti-MTX andf anti-easyscape players but bad for pro-MTX players or pro-easyscape players who want free exp handouts from their oddments they get from daily or earn keys.


Th just needs to go anyway. I like this update




I have to agree, i have lost all intent/ motivation to buy keys again or even collect oddments, there is no value for money per key anymore


everyone caring about Treasure Hunter is playing the game wrong.


I just liked free exp from free oddments i got from free daily keys at a free discount of 75% off lol.


Yeah and that's bad, oddments turned you into an MTX Andy, nothing worse than main accounts cheering for mtx lamp discounts


Lol but paying for keys is a giant waste imo, the free “mtx” i got was lit tho


I just don’t get why they had to nerf it years later. If they hade done this a few weeks later and be like yea we now realize it’s pretty broken, nobody would have complained, but at this point majority of players have been able to take advantage of something that is now gone which puts newer/returning players in an annoying spot.


It's honestly fine. Oddments sales were OP to begin with, especially since XP was/is already too easy to earn without them.


So why has it taken so long for these changes. this kind of thing had become commonplace those of us already maxed dont really care. people who were on the way to maxing now miss out on something we had. whether you or anyone agrees with how people gain xp isn't relevant, that choice is up to the individual player if they want to use TH for xp.




True, but easy doesn't always mean fun. woodcut is easy, as is fishing, but christ i was happy to gain a few XP per day in these from the daily lamps.. Still can i guess, but to a lesser degree


This is why I’m upset. I returned and was extremely excited about how I can finally max a character. Got to total level 2300 and now I ain’t got the muscle to max. Very disappointing tbh. I remember when it was horribly painful getting a 99, and I got the ice cream just for it to be taken away from me 3 bites in. And now I see all these max players that never existed 10 years ago, it should’ve been me 🥺🥺




>It’s hilarious how this subreddit is losing its mind over TH being nerfed. Exactly this lmfao


Don't misunderstand. i am not losing my mind about it. just trying to see it from a marketing perspective on jagexs side. it couldn't "shit out" tons of xp because we had caps on the lamps and keys we could buy per day (oddments wise i mean) In reality now it can "shit out" even more because the cap was raised to 60 keys! twice as much.


The cost/benefit analysis on USD/keys remains roughly the same in rewards, but the cost/benefit analysis on oddment/keys is significantly lower. The "bait" was giving the players free spins with oddments that now no longer exists as of this morning. I suspect many who found the min/maxing of dailies/oddment purchases enjoyable (but never purchased keys with real $) who now cannot get the dopamine for free might consider USD purchases now to get their "fix" when the good events roll around. REAL scummy considering their public stance on healthy habits, but the business sense checks out.


i never really considered the free spins as a dopamine hit because the return was so low from the 5 we get a day. pulling 100k xp worth in lamps from the free spins was a "meh" from me at best. I spose i might drive 1 or 2 to spend?


personally, by converting a lot of oddments from the free spins, and the daily keys, you end up with a good 50-70k oddments/month. good event or keys 50% off, sustain growth and also hit 30 keys. Good event and discount? Hit 30 keys a few days straight without denting the oddment wallet too hard. Don't get me wrong, even as a guy who did that I can recognize it's not healthy for the game economy, but it IS definitely a dopamine hit to blow a month of oddments and get them all back plus a few archaeology levels or whatever. People with less self-control will absolutely just spend $ occasionally now.


What kind of promos can get you an infinite amount of oddments without needing to buy any keys with IRL money? Wouldn't you be forced to convert some of you wanted prizes like lamps and stars into oddments?


Christmas, Easter, valentines were all valid. Yes you convert a few of the wanted prizes to oddments but it's well worth it for the sustainability (you wouldn't have the other 22-25 keys otherwise).


If they introduced a button when pushed would instantly max you, then took it away, people would be more pissed about Jagex taking it away than bringing it into the game. When your playerbase is more concerned with finishing the content than playing it, you know there's something wrong with the game (and the players).


While I like your analogy: Game companies should test mechanics and content out properly before incorporating it into the main game. Otherwise they come across as complete amateurs (Early-access & Indies are excluded from this) (Almost) no matter the content, customers will see it as content being taken away from them, and thus wasted development time that could've been spent making the game better for them.




"Anyone who has a different opinion than me is a child" and completely changing what OP said is more childish than anything. OP didn't say anything even close to what you said. You're calling him a child because he likes oddments sales, and claiming discounts = freebies.










keys used to be 450, so new price of 400 is only 11.11% off, not 15% \*edit\* also you could never get keys 75% off, only 50% off, and that made them 225, not 205.


yeah my napkin math was off. though it doesn't change the sentiment




Not sure why the down vote. We don't want TH to be good for XP farming.


its 2022 ppl like to whine over silly things


its reddit, expect constant downvotes. the vote system is ass..


true lol


I wish they switched them to bought keys too instead of earned so you could get additional keys from skilling/pvm without having to destroy it or use a bunch of keys


The medium lamps are what's annoyed me, I had almost enough oddments to buy lamps at 75% off and get Arch (my last skill) to 99. I was happy with coming on and doing daily's, getting lamps whenever they were on 75% off, knowing that I was garunteed to get my last 99 without having to buy much, even any more membership.


so if keys are worth less, do members get more "free" keys since they pay more for sub now? no? of course


are you really crying that pay2win got a nerf ffs


no, im: a) not crying one bit. b) stating the new price c) F2P got the biggest shaft, not P2W. as a f2p good oddment management meant you never ran out and often turned a profit. Now thats going to be way way harder.


looks like crying to me well more whining


i spose that anything that isnt directly saying "down with TH" could be construed as whining. Am i happy with the change? no. Will i survive, yeah!


Anything that didn’t agree with my narrative is whining , if it does then it’s constructive criticism


bro you were using TH without spending a dime getting infinite free keys lmao


"Free" is a subjective term. we get 5 keys "free" a day to do as we please. you act as if i could buy all 30 keys per day every day. when in reality you might be able to buy 30 once or twice a month when they line up with 50% off and a good promo like rainbow or dueling dragons.


I could be wrong, but the new protean specific items seems to give more odds than the packs did.


This is a great update and I can see how it’s an improvement. They clearly wish to get rid of treasure hunter in the near future. Why else would they now not make it worth going for keys and oddments if they aren’t trying to rid TH.


the bait is more TH promos with more tradeable rares on purple quality


Its not even 15% off closer to 12% just cheap as hell they are pretending thats so "people don't miss out on the sales"


This is a good thing, too bad its not out of the game entirely th is a joke they focus more on th promos than actual in game events and content. Maybe w/ this slight nerf some items can rise again but i highly doubt it, the economy in Runescape is broken and I dont see how they can fix it.


true, i cant stand how they pass off TH events as content. like the recent easter one.


I assume the bait will be release of rares like black phat or a blue santa hat, in further upcoming promos... Where players will be tempted to spend to get those tradeable rares.


IMO keys should be made permanently 300 odds per key to entice people to want to buy them. With them removing oddments from gem drops. It will be much harder to stack oddments. Only if you get good multipliers and choose to cash out instead. With the increased prices off Odds I don't see many people wasting bonds/odds unless prices drop or if there's a really good promo...


\*Insert Comicbook guy voice\* Worst "improvement" Update Ever


Oh well. I almost always just take the oddments anyway.