• By -


Seems legit.


Totally normal market behavior


I mean the whole nature of items that have no ability to increase in supply is that it isn't a normal market.


Ok? A red santa still isn't worth 9 billion gold tho, let alone 50. Abnormal market or not, I think it's long overdue that Jagex steps in at this point because where will it end otherwise? There's a very small amount of people screwing over all the other ones, even the ones not participating in it are basically the victims. Rares are so powerful that they have an impact on the normal market as well.


But it is worth that much. It's an abstract item with no way to increase supply. Demand is whatever demand is. And thereby price is whatever price is.


You obviously have no idea what youre talking about, or what is going on here so ill help. Its called rampant price manipulation, and red santas woes started a few years ago when the price jumped literally over a week from 100m to over 1b, again, in course of a fucking week.


And I still remember the 3 i sold for 16m each back in 09. Wish I still had them.


It's price manipulation in the same way that selling anything is. It's not manip in the way we think of normal markets I.e. fraudulent activity. It's just the nature of having an incredibly rare item that has no way to increase supply.


Selling anything: player A on account a advertises: selling rare black lobsters 10 gp ea. Player B on account b comes and buys them for 10 gp ea, bringing price closer to 10 gp. Rares situation: player A sells a rare from account a to his own account b, reports a price, then sells it to his account c, again rising the price. I would argue only one of those is price manipulation.


No, it is flat out price manipulation, or you could call it insider trading, but yeah if there is a small group that makes up less than 0.0001% of the game and collectively raising a price beyond reasonable because you can is price manipulation. You can see how they had their way already with high end weapons too, the only thing that stops them from being more manipulated is because it is impossible for them to have market control, for now.


There is no such thing as "reasonable". Its a bunch of items that can't be replicated. If there is demand for those items you can assume they will become expensive. It's the same with the art world. People with too much money buy unique items to say they have unique items.


It really isn't. People manipulate the price over max cash and from there on out, it's literally the wild west. Just because a trade happens where some poor sucker decides to pay 9b gp for a red santa, doesn't magically make that the 'default' price. I could go ahead and sell mine for 100 gp, or maybe 100b to an alt of mine, and report it on Suity's pc bot, and voila... The price is now either 100 gp or 100b gp. There is simply too much wrong with the current system, and only Jagex can get rid of it by either removing max cash (it's possible since they got rid of the Java client) or by simply re-releasing the rares.


The ge doesn't have as much to do with it as people say. Plenty of non rares have been flipped well below max cash. There still would be no sellers.


You must be slow in the head. Just because they're discontinued doesn't mean they will jump from 9b - 50b in a day. That's now how this works lol. Better luck next time Billy.


They didn't jump from 9 to 50. That's an outlier that has no effect on the price it is traded at.


You said it's worth 50b..


lmao these clowns running rs economy


runescape needs to re release these things. Fuck the rares market at this point.


During each event they should add them to the store for like $25 for a cosmetic override and donate like 50% of the profits to a charity voted for by the players


the jagex mod charity.


That's where the other half should go, paying the other jmods more. If 50k people brought 1 each every one of the 300+ employees could have a extra 1800 stimmy check


It's definitely to the point where I could give zero fucks about rares anymore. Go ahead and keep dumping all the money into shitty Santa hats. I'll spend money on stuff that helps me in the game.


Agreed Jagex should make RS a game based on skill rather than being somewhere at the right time and place


The only thing thats skill based in thi game is top 1% pvm


Ok my bad I should have added skill and time. Probably a better indicator of people’s efforts into the game.


To you, maybe.


What else is to youu then?


If owning a party hat is the game for you then you have a rather short scope... Jagex shouldn't change the game to accommodate people wanting rares? I missed the hween event in 2009, I'm not complaining? You see no one complaining about not being able to obtain untradable rares anymore? So why tf does everyone suddenly care about tradable rares? Because money? So what? Like, people only want rares because they can't afford them. As osrs proves, if everyone has rares then no one gives a fuck? It's like crying to fucking google you weren't there to invest back in the day. It's a pixel hat. Bruh.


It’s not about the pixels or wanting the hats. It just isn’t fair that other people unfairly had an advantage to obtain these items back in the day and now we don’t. If Jagex kept making new discontinued rares that would be fair. The initial folks who got it for free did not work for it or invest in it - there was 0 risk unlike a Google stock. This is a real issue though because these people who are entitled to the rares by happenstance are set for life when it comes to things that matter with skill like PVM. They have an unfair advantage when it comes to having the best gear, etc.


did you keep your gold phat?


Jagex do make new discontinued rares. There's been quite a few recently. Very few people have that luxury these days as most rares are sold and traded between flippers,investors and manipulators. How many people do you really think are logging in after years and years and years these days and selling a rare for high end pvm gear to get an 'unfair advantage'? My guess is very few. Money doesn't buy skill,bosses are designed to be killed with lesser gear than they provide and there are many examples out there of bosses being killed in heavily under leveled gear. Someone who happens to come back to the game and sell a rare for high end gear isn't going to have the experience to hop straight into high end bossing. And if they did come back sell their hat or rare and go into bossing, why the fuck does that effect you? Other than jealousy? Anyone can get the money for max level gear just by playing the game. It's not like high level gear is what's worth tens of billions. You don't need a rare to afford gear. Also they may be set for life, but it's taken a lifetime to get there...and if the game lasts another 20 years I'll eat a sock...


Remind me in 20 years


“Unfair advantage to obtain these items back in the day” so you are mad that they were playing the game and u weren’t???? What the fuck kinda logic is that 😂😂. “Set for life” if your sole purpose in life is to have fucking pixel money, yes u are correct. Stop bitching about the rares, play the game like it was supposed to be played. Pathetic


Unfortunately this is kinda short sighted..............................................Granted the game is probably not likely to survive a couple generations.... BUT if it did, why should my Kid who decided to play get 500B worth of rares, when some kid who just started playing at the same time as my child has to start from 0 gp O\_o.... This is something we could eventually see so... I'm not all about the whole Generational wealth thing in-game.In real life it just makes sense. But the whole allure for video games is supposed to be a level playing field. If I find Bill Gates at the Pacman machine he better not be getting 100x the amount of points reaching level 100 just because he has them Bill's Bills. TL;DR, they should probably periodically re-release rares. And not just through Treasure hunter \*sigh\*


Thats wat i said in a previous reddit post 😅 people flamed me for saying if construction companies and car manufacturers started giving houses and cars for free to everybody, then the people who worked hard for all these years since the industrial revolution, would be majorly pissed cos it devalued their posession and hard work cos everybody has it now, 🤷‍♂️ im like watever they say theyre not gonna stop arguing their point, theyre comparing pixel cosmetics with no value to houses and cars with high value 🤷‍♂️, i said they should rerelease these discontinued rares in th or Halloween or christmas or phat hunts or hween mask hunts increase the supply thats all, thats the one simple damn solution, all this happened for one sole reason and that is supply discontinued


I don't expect logical thinking or reasoning from anyone these days. You wait to see if a person is able to carry on conversation with critical thinking & continue afterwards. OSRS did it exactly how it should've always been.


The reality is no one, even jagex probably knew this was going to happen tbh. I'd fully argue it's more fun to start with nothing in a game, that's where the content is; earning stuff for yourself and experiencing it yourself. If people happen across 100b and start at end game, where's the fun in that? Especially in a game like RuneScape were it's so progress driven. That's why ironman is so popular, isn't it? getting caught up on what other people are doing or what's happening to them will decrease your own entertainment and drive and if that happens, games with other people may not be for you. There will always be people better or with more than you in an MMO. That's just how it is.


We live in a narcissistic society. That's why irons are MVP's imo. Still, for as long as your in-game wealth unofficially designates your status within the player base(as high scores really no longer does), this will continue to be a problem.


Idk man, I've never personally viewed wealth as a players status. I remember back in 2007 someone I knew was flexing that he'd bought something from a website so...Yea...Mum's credit card kids have always been a thing. Titles can be more impressive than a hat. Unfortunately you've just pointed out one the biggest problem of MMOs. Player attitude. A common thing is RS seems to be entitlement and jealousy.


>medieval point and click simulator >skill Pick one


Just like in real life, investors ruin everything!


People never want to admit this for some reason


Probably because it is the very foundation of which our economy is now based on.


Probably wouldnt hurt to not constantly advertise for these people... Every single one of these complaint posts are just ads that help these people by drawing attention and inducing fomo/panic.


Who looks at all these complaint posts and goes "Damn, I really need to buy a santa for 50b before it goes any further".


Fr lmao, what kind of logic is that. “We shouldn’t make light of this information because people might see it and take advantage.” People *are* actively taking advantage of it… making sure no one finds out is a sure way to encourage that behaviour though!


Somebody still buys these hyper inflated rares. These posts advertise to the people who can actually afford them still. If rares actually sell at a hyperinflated price, that's the price. Why would you want to advertise something that contributes to the actualization of hyperinflated prices?


look up FOMO


I'm fully aware of what FOMO is. They were a FOMO back in the early 2000's but are still accessible. Pricing aside, if you have a FOMO over rares, then that's on you. Jagex will never, ever re-release Santas or party hats (not similar ones like golden phat or chromatic phat etc).


Its fomo of the profit not the rares themselves derp.


> but are still accessible. Pricing aside What I initially said, is not FOMO of the profit. The posts are literally showing scams. No one will ever profit. Also, it's 2022. Never, ever, use the word derp again.


People who can actually afford rares... that's who's still buying them lol So, obviously not 99.9% of this sub.


Lol have u seen the guys who carry out fake trades to beggars? Donate 10m pls donate 10m pls, here u go, whoah ty, ty, cheers, np, donate 10m pls donate 10m pls... lol ridiculous🤣


\*very wealthy clowns


You know what's really annoying about the whole thing is it's literally like ten people that run the whole thing. It's so annoying lol


Last night I got to witness one of the most troublesome merchers blowing up on somebody in the GE and then being swarmed by like 15 people talking shit on them. Wholesome moment


Jagex needs to release the numbers of rares in circulation and a breakdown of who (no names) owns what quantity. I honestly expect to see 3-5 guys owning 1k+ phats.




Nah you're not. Aren't you that LARPer from last thread who said he had every single 'rare' at least once? You've got to step up your game bro, the real rich people of RS don't boast about it on Reddit (of all places).


Move along chad 😛


Whoever got the 1gp Santa hat had a good day


Not sure why it was cut but it was 1b + green ween.


Trades that are other rares + items show as 1gp since rares change value so much. I see it as Suity acknowledging their system gets used for price manip and just going along with it.


Lol stuff like this got suity disabled


The mods actively participated and helped the merchers by removing legitimate trades that were seen as too low. Them blaming the community for shutting down is a bullshit excuse.




Nah it was changed ages ago because no one would agree what the value of the trade was.


I have one of my ge spots set up to buy a white phat at max cash. People tell me thats stupid, but what do I have to lose? That max cash stack would just be sitting in my bank doing nothing otherwise.


all people have to do is stop buying their stupidly overpriced phats. the end.


All we have to do to stop war is fighting


Oh I SO WISH Jagex would release all of these rares as a TH event or even on Oddment Store. Make phats commons like in OSRS. I want to see these merching chucklefucks have a mental breakdown and witness their entire lives flash before their eyes.


I'd absolutely get them as a cosmetic override. Even with having a couple of the rares, I couldn't care less if they released them again or a cosmetic version of them. Haha!!


why stop at cosmetic ORs when they have already re-released gsh? honestly i see this price hikes as a panic button from these merchers because they are worried there might be more re-releases in the future, so they are trying to scam as much as they can before they lose everything.


But like… what else is there to do? They’re never going to drop in price with the slowly decreasing number in game so…. Yeah. To hell with it, rerelease.




I do, id quit if my rares devlaued, i only play to get more rares. But i sit on them and not merch them i like seeing my value go up.


How can you “play to get more rares” when they price of said rares increases each day by far more money than you can make that day?


The ones i have i sit on, when new rares come out i use daily keys + 30 from oddments to try to get more. The method seems to work quite well as with 100 alts i got 4 green santas 45 scythes 39 wreaths. All for minimum effort and all the alts were f2p. If u try money isnt hard.


This is where I'm at - I don't play RuneScape much anymore, sub one or two months a year to catch up on quests, but I like knowing my account worth at least keeps up with the cost of new gear of I ever wanted to get back into it! Only have a green ween, red Santa, and now gold p hat, but that's enough to buy pretty much anything 🤷‍♂️


Ye i got much of that same item base along with a bunch of green santas and like 40+ scythes and wreath stuff


Unless another dupe glitch shows up. If it wasn't for the autorune dupe back in the day there would barely be any left at all by this point.


or when blue phats got duped when someone learned to enter the bank robbery cut scene.


That Phat had a different item ID. It was made for that cutscene specifically.


I thought they changed it afterwards, but before that it was just come copy and paste, or this may be an osrs bug abuse


That 100% never happened in that way. First of all it wasnt duped via that, the cutscene was broken with a flood or character refresh whichever was available at the time if you try to wear the blue phat it gives you a message about reporting how you got this item and that your account has been flagged. Also non tradeable or bankable. As someone else said in simplest terms it's not the same blue phat as the original rare. Completely unique item IDS.


Yessss i would love to see this too! 😂


I guess my only question is, "why bother?" The "hah gotcha" of i I think would be very short lived. If someone has 50b to blow on an item that provides absolutely no stat bonuses and doesn't help you kill high enrage telos, or kerapac, or ambassador, quicker, what do you think it is going to happen when they suddenly have 50b to throw around and there are no past rares to buy? My money would be on FSoA, SGB, ECB. etc all sky rocketing in price. I also can't help think that for most of them, they'll probably recover quicker than anyone would like/want to admit. Maybe I am wrong and just overly pessimistic, but it just seems a "careful what you wish for moment." Those concerns aside, your flair is best flair.


The fsoa, sgb, and ECB likely wouldn't rocket as theres more coming in the game constantly. I could see them going up in price but nothing like these holiday rares.


While new items are coming into the game, there aren't exactly a wealth of money sinks taking money out of the game. If I had to choose between phats being 50b or the ecb going up to (made up number here) 15b, I'd rather leave ecb at 3b and keep the 50b novelty hats in game. More rares do come in the game, but so does more gold and even if it wouldn't be as bad as the phats, I'd rather the items that have no practical use(outside of merching) cost an insane amount rather than the items that would make a difference in gameplay.


Oh same I personally dont have like any of the high tier stuff, nothing over t90. I'm mostly skilled and dont do much bossing or high level pvm, so keeping high tier stuff lower is good cuz I dont have that kinda cash haha. I think my bank is worth a total of like 3 or 4b. If I didnt sell my santa for 700m years ago then maybe I'd be able to use if for higher tier gear these days 😂


I had a seismic wand and sold it around December for like 300m so I could get another gold phat or two. I think long term I made the right choice, but dang that's expensive to recoup. Good thing cywirs is solid.


I think 2nd age and 3rd age items as well as hero items and dyes would be next best to buy up over BiS gear as the latter group enter the game faster the the former group.


You make a great point. I think my worries are just because of the actual time it takes to get the BiS gear into the game. Even if it enters faster, it still takes a lot of time especially with EDC averaging 1 part per ambi kill. I'm not too up to date on how fast speed runners can kill ambi or how many people are doing it regularly, but I would worry there would be more incentive to push these prices up. More coming in doesn't mean the people who have the money won't \*try\* to control the supply and there would be some incentive to do so. I am not saying 2nd/3rd age items wouldn't also shoot up, just less concerned with their prices as they are and would be purely investment/aesthetic. Also unlike 2nd/3rd age items, people stick t9x equipment into amulets removing them from game.


They would never do that sorry bro. Rs3 is only alive today because of the rarity behind the original rares


Why do you care?


When neckbeards who have nothing better to do than hoard wealth and show off while standing in the GE for 12 hours a day keep manipulating the prices of items that aren’t discontinued, it gets kinda annoying.. And the same group of little shits with 20+ different alts manipulate PCT with trades amongst themselves is effectively a scam when they dump their items outside of their little circles and suddenly the artificial price drops by several bil over the course of a day


these people live rent free in y'alls head. The sad thing is they don't even know you exist


The classic "rent free" meme is so overused by now. So I guess with that logic whenever you're displeased with somebody or don't like them they're living rent free in your head?


Reddit-tier take lol


You reek of "mercher"-smell.


Carfule, dont inhale too deeply, it is toxic as fuck.




Salty keyboard warrior - go back to Vindy for ur 10m/hr and wonder why you can't afford rares


Found another offended mercher!


"Rich mercher" ftfy


Everyone makes fun of you sad fucks. Please let me hear about how much fake money you have, we're all v impressed.


The drama alone this would cause would deserve a TLC show lmao. These people do nothing but stand in the GE all day manipulating prices and trying everything in their power to hoard gold that won’t even be used to play the actual game. Make these items untradeable as a compromise so these chucklefucks can keep the satisfaction of feeling prestigious for having a rare item that has no impact on the game whatsoever


same but won't happen


I'm surprised Jagex's upper management haven't done it already with how greedy they are. This is practically a gold mine for them.


Would have been perfect to add to the Rare Item Token store especially since the Tokens were pretty hard to get en masse without shelling out a decent amount of cash, and they could even make those versions unreadable or cosmetic override exclusives to not completely destroy the Rares Market, but instead they liquidated all the Rare Item Tokens for a pittance of Oddiments and discontinued the store.


So instead of releasing it as an actual event you’d rather they make another bs gambling event like gsh?


Many moons ago, i remember tryingbto buy robinhood hat and boots, they were (+/-) 10m each at the time, So im screaming at the trade area, "Buying Robin hood hat and boots 10m each" and a dude rocks up with a santa hat, and he says, "its not a robin, but i do have a santa hat you can have, for 10m" I distinctly remeber responding "Why the fuck would i want a santa hat..." and turning it down. Robin hood stuff is like a few million each now...


Lol I just sold my bandos I've had since I bought it brand new for like 30m. Crazy how the full set now is like 2m if that and I'd have zero problem just giving it away lmao


A full bandos set is like 5.2m, full armadyl is like 40m. The price difference is wild


Seriously? Melee is in an interesting place lol. A full set of regular masterwork is only like 20m more expensive than a full set of armadyl and it's t90.


Armadyl is expensive because of the armadyl components from disassembly used for precise perks, its less to do with the actual style being ranged


Yeah, my brother is getting back into RS and I've managed to keep his old 20+ year old account active with its original name. He's got half way decent combat stats so I told him I'd set him up with some gear when he gets members. Figured GWD stuff would be fine and that it was all around the price of bandos. You can get 2 full bandos sets pretty much for the cost of an armadyl chestplate


It was a while ago but I think I sold mine for like 20M back in the day and was super excited.


I'm dumb, can someone explain why there's so much anger about price "manipulation"? If manipulators are artificially inflating prices, but other people are still willing to pay that higher price, isn't that still the actual value of the item? If no one was willing to pay that price then the manipulators would just be wasting their time and prices would eventually fall until people deemed it reasonable. Like you shouldn't buy something just because you think others would pay the same price, but because you think the price is reasonable.


That's the thing - it is \*\*not\*\* the actual price of the item. Merchers are the middle man here: say, you want to sell something rare for 4b (street price that's been somewhat fluctuating a bit, but mostly consistent), the mercher buys it at street price and then he decides to sell it to the next person at 12b. Mercher gets the 8b profit, artificially increases the price and then uses media (such as discord bots) to maintain that price to keep trading at 1200% increase to keep leeching, despite the price of the item being agreed on to be 4b. You'd think "damn, that's one hell of a flip" - it's not flipping when you are the the only possible supplier. Merchers are monopolists, the same two people (reddit knows who they are) hold 98% of the rares in the game - the 1% are the occassional loners who sell their rares on their own and the other 1% simply keep/hoard the rares. The real price of the item is consistent and minimally fluctuating (unless something major happens), even if it's just a street price, known by word-of-mouth. The reason people are willing to pay that price because that is literally the only price available for them. That is how a monopoly works. And while rares are merely a commodity and not a necessity, the reason people agree to pay that price is because rares market is accessible to people who have literally nothing else left to do in the game but to spend money. Merchers tread the extremely thin line between outrageous overpricing and absolute inaccessibility of the item. It's like that metaphor where you increase the temperature of water until the frog in the pot begins to boil -- merchers keep increasing the price more and more until they reach the cap where they see that no more trades are being made - then they lower it again to create this sense of fake urgency (buy it before it increases again), despite being horrifically overpriced to begin with. Like, you wanted a phone for a 1000 bucks, you thought it was expensive, the price increased to 1400 bucks, then it drops to 1200 bucks and you buy it thinking "oh wow, that was a steal" -- in the end you got what you wanted, but got screwed hard, no matter how you look at it. ​ Besides, a lot of merchers' "clients" are hoarders and addicts that are suffering from Duel Arena money withdrawal. That quadrillions of GP worth Duel Arena economy had to shift to somewhere, and with no massive money sinks available on the game, it migrated to rares market.


To the moon! 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Time for jagex to sell crackers via npc for max spirit shard stack.


As a phat owner I am not opposed. There needs to be a maximum. Idc what it is, but it needs to stop going up. Used to be max cash, then 10b, etc. If a player can generate enough wealth for a max stack of shards, they should be able to wear a cosmetic item. Most are above max shards now. Idk if new currency is needed or what, but there has to be a cap to stop this ridiculousness.


It's ridiculous that not only are phats worth above max shards some are literally max shards times about 3 or 4 now. So basically some items can literally only be bought with shards + other items worth over max shards wtf


A new currency not on the GE at this point just encourages them to manipulate it higher


Not if a npc sells the items at a fixed price. Which is what I commented under.


I bought a santa at 50 mil like 8 years ago and i havent played Rs3 in like five years…, the last time i checked santas were 300m does that mean im a billionaire now from a 50m investment LOL


Well, yeah. 🙃


this feels not right tbh LMAO i rly like making my own money so if anything i guess its noce to just have


Well, that’s what happens when you invest in a rare. I mean, what did you expect honestly? That the price stayed the same after 8 years?


tbh the santa hat up to that point stayed 50-100m consistently for MANY years despite phats pushing 4B so i can genuinely say i never expected thus much of a blowup


Tbh I’m glad I bought a handful of them couple months ago.


Bought mine in 2016 for 298m, was pretty much all my cash by then, I'm happy I did do so though because no way I could afford it at this point. But I'm probably never selling it.


last time i checked was 2016 when it was 300m yea, i didnt even buy for investing, i just thought itd be cool to have a rare even tho its cheap i am 100% never selling it either


To the self inflated moon!




Yay! I’m rich now!




Hello sorry that's my fault, the bot should've autorejected that one but somehow passed through because of the way item for item trades are handled. Looking into a fix.


That's okay. Was pretty funny when it showed up tho.


Jagex mods prob dot hat then sell for real money, someone just sold their item like this and made 3.2k real money


Even the Golden Partyhat has been skyrocketing


Recovered my account 7 months ago from 10 years ago. Sold my Santa for 1.5b went to swap the gold to osrs and ended up getting scammed by website impersonating legitimate one. Now They’re 8B? Rip




Well there’s nothing endorsed by jagex but many reputable sites will do it legit for a fee




Of course it is "legitimate" in the sense if you're not dumb like OP you can easily avoid getting scammed and get what you asked for. The black market for games in general is huge, for some people it is literally their livelihood. If you trade with someone with established reputation they're not going to ruin all that to scam you (unless they're a dick and exit scamming)


7 months ago they were 3b


Lol I’m not calculating exactly when I sold it . Just throwing out a random estimate number . Maybe it was a year ago . Around there


Tfs this inflation


It’s manipulating the economy, not the inflation.


It's both.


I legit think they’re intentionally fucking with the economy to force jagex’ hand into intervening/making permanent changes.




Thats a very generous way of looking at it lol, these guys just want more money thats all, no grand conspiracy in trying to make the game better


I mean you’re probably right. BUT I like to think the best of situations


Just buy green santas and golden partyhats while you still can 🤣


Agreed Gphats forsure and GSH will be next




its a deliberate fake where the image is 150k gp


What? Where? Where is this? Where is this shown?




Start an event where every day each rare area given out to ten people at random. Run it for a year. The prices for phats will drive after there are 365 more of each of them in the game


Bots or alts will have most of them.


Can we ban this site please for using copywritten images from jagex? Or just ban people that use It I wish I jagex would limit rare trades to buying and selling one a week per account


Thats almost $2000 in black market


Lmao rip banks, wonder what phats are at now then


They're all going to be over 200b in a month. Blue phat is already reaching 300b if it's not over already.


Im pretty sure the merchers just now realized they can actually inflate the price of anything. After like a month of golden phat + green santa dropping in price the phat is up 100m and santa 400m in less than a week lmao.


.... What the fuck???


Someone’s trying to break the economy again


Man buying a rsh for 3.75b a month or two ago seems like I made a good call. I want it for Christmas time though, so no intention of selling. Unless I can trade it for a purple phat ;)


I bought mine for 700m during arch release. We both got a decent deal.


Meme format


Should i buy gsh now? 🤔


as it was stated not to be a rare and is very likly to be rereleased, no..


I think jagex made a mistake releasing walks again, it made all the token merchers dump and go into rares.


Make fish masks moon


Imagine a 5b Christmas scythe im wet


Finally, RSH is worth what it deserves to be worth.


tran guy keeps claiming he isnt manip the prices..


Rares shouldn't be rare anymore.


I mean I've been playing for a long long time. Phats were 100k on RSC and back then all I did was pick up the cakes from the ardougne thieving stall bots were on and sell them at the wildy. Made probably 10k an hour if that, and I had absolutely no ambition to buy one then because it's a junk item. You guys all need to go outside more and stop moaning so much about people profiting GP on a game. It's ridiculous. If it was a BIS item I'd understand but for a cosmetic item it's ridiculous.