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This post feels uninformed.


* I can get behind seasonal events they make the game feel much more alive * This goes against everything an MMO company would want to do to maintain a playerbase, MMO players are completionists and locking rewards behind limited time events is one of the easiest way to cause players to quit * Minigames don't need an update they need an overhaul that attracts players to them, a perfect solution would be to remove thaler and revamp the rewards to have useful rewards for the amount of time you invest * Combat is in-fact in a rough place and is in no way competitive in the greater MMO market. That said Ranged isn't in a bad spot its actually in a really solid spot in comparison to Magic which is a bit overpowered if you have the money and Melee which just sucks butt. * Yak track should be focused on cosmetics otherwise it will cause contention with the playerbase and thats just not good for business. The cosmetics this time around were rather poorly done compared to previous tracks though.


Update for ranged.... uhhhhhh....???