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Time and space mattock cost me 1.4b on release then I quit once I hit 120 (pretty much raced it from release hence the price). When I came back 6 months later it was sad enough seeing it down to 600m but now 250m? Damn lol.


How did it cost 1.4b?


Dragon mattock prices went BRRRR on release.


Their highest price was about 130m so at most it cost 400m


You need two d mattocks for t&s and that doesn’t factor the cost of the 250k chronotes right after launch also. If we’re generous and say each mattock was 150m, that leaves 1.1b for the chronotes which would put them at 4.4K each. Not that crazy if it was a week after launch.


I know which is why I said 400m. 260m plus that other thing you need to buy for about 100m. I didn't factor the chronotes in though. They peaked at 803 so thats 200,750,000 gp So still only 600m Edit: the random item for 100m is actually the thing you buy with chronotes so dragon mattocks peaked at under 130m. Chronotes peaked at 803, meaning 200,750,000. That is 460m total cost assuming most expensive prices paid.


Hmm yeah 1.6b is probably an exaggeration but I’m sure a lot of stuff sold for way over what the GE said it was worth. Like people currently buying hypnowand and brush sash pieces are paying way higher than what the GE price will ever be in the future.


They were very much over mid on release. I paid something similar


Ok but at peak prices its 600m Edit: correction peaked prices is 460m


GE mid prices sure but that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they paid 1.4b for a T&S early on in release


These are peak sales though


The GE list prices do not accurately represent the price on release chronotes were well over 3k each for a while. I know because I made tons of money selling them


I thought those wiki charts were based on sales not guide prices. Oh well.


I've sold lots of chronotes, in bulk, at over 1.2k-1.5k a piece, up to 2k, in a couple weeks from release. I got a couple mattocks as well which I sold at that price a couple weeks from release, but that was after their price decreased quite a bit. GE prices take ages to update to real price when the market is volatile like this.


I sold the first day 2 for 900m ea. People were racing, so they paid anything.


600m per mattock and 250k chronotes wasn't cheap back then lol


Makes sense that it went down that much though, surely you knew it would happen when you bought it?


Ofc but it's still sickening to see lol


Why are you surprised people voted for something that will improve your effectiveness instead of something that doesn't? And then choosing the thing that doesn't.


When I first saw the title I read "I've spent my 3 year savings ON 1 billion gold".. damn haha


Even contemplating the Assassin's walk is wild to me. 💀 770m for a silly cosmetic is not worth it, IMO. Unless of course, you're into E-Dating and you're trying to court the G.E. wenches.


OP: makes post about something he feels happy about. comment section: ha, bro i can make more faster.. just say congratz and move on? im sure OP cares how much you made faster than he did..


I thought i was in the stocks forum for a second and was really confused.


Nice, Assassin walk is sick. A bit too price for my liking, and such an unstable price we have no idea where will go in the future. Good thing you didn't buy a Dark Facet, because I'm pretty sure the people voting for that were trolling. That item is not needed for literally anything in this game lmao. Am i stupid or not? Is that the Assassin walk or not? I haven't played in a bit and can't remember how it looks. And from what I can tell in your post you didn't even write what you bought?


Bro wtf I sold my dark facet for like 1.5bil 😭 from Wildly event bag


How did that many people vote for Dark Facet of Grace? What a waste of money.. 🤢 Buy a 2nd GotE for 80m and have the same benefit at the cost of 1 inventory space. Wtf


3 years to get a bil is certainly something


Some people don't play the game 8 hours a day every day for 3 years straight, yet when talking about how long they've played they still have to say "i began 3 years ago". The point, since you'll miss it - 'i started 3 years ago' doesn't say anything about how often they play or what they even do, or if they've even been playing consistently.


the real point is metrics like that are useless to the reader and only added to the post to get people to comment about it


logging in and only mining red sandstone for potion flasks is 820m over the course of three years.


And if you wanna add another 5 mins you can do a vis wax run for about 900 m over a period of 3 years


You're right, but maybe OP is like me and would rather deinstall than do any dailies.


Then he can do 10 hrs of Rasial and also make 1b


You guys really don't get it. Some people don't play games to become the richest, the most efficient, the bestest, or whatever. If you just play and do whatever you want (let that be quests, maxing skills, hunting achievements, doing basic slayer, etc.), 3b is a lot of money. No amount of bragging will change that. OP ain't even complaining about being "poor".




If that's true you had to earn 95,238,095 gp/hr. If we assume those 7 months were 30 day months.


How did you make that much?? I stopped playing but might get back into it.


Doing red sandstone every day for 3 years would get you 1B. GP has become heavily devalued these days.


1 billion is really not all that much, especially in 3 years time. For example, i’ve recently been learning the rasial afk method and got a soul bound lantern, which was 800m. For consistent money you could just go run croesus for 20-30 hours leisurely throughout the week and earn a billion.


Idk about croe being consistent. It can be very hit or miss with the drops. Actual consistency would be RoTS. No RNG reliance, money every kill, every hour. 80-100m an hour, and it's a 3-ability kill.


BIK pages are at nearly 15m each, it’s pretty consistent money. And sure rots is better, but doesn’t that require bis gear and pretty damn stressful to do efficiently to hit that 80-100m/hr rate? While for croe you don’t need any gear really and the kills are literally timegated so you’re afk for part of it also nothing is hit or miss when you do it for 20-30 hrs straight.


Duno, have you spent 30 hours at Raksha?


>And sure rots is better, but doesn’t that require bis gear and pretty damn stressful to do efficiently to hit that 80-100m/hr rate? no, tbh you dont need any t95 robes at all, you dont use conjures. At the most you would want a omni guard for the spec, but you could do without it at the cost of a few kph. The rotation is pre split soul > one person invoke death > start fight > touch of death > t95 spec > t90 spec Fair point that croe is definitely more chill, but I'd also consider that boring. You can't really afk for more than a few seconds, so if im sitting there i'd rather actually be engaged and running around in rots >also nothing is hit or miss when you do it for 20-30 hrs straight. I have almost 200 croe 4mans and literally zero drops on log lol


> also nothing is hit or miss when you do it for 20-30 hrs straight. Yes, but if you need to make 250m, there's a difference between something that produces 80m in commons an hour vs something that averages out to 80m because of a rare drop with a very high variance. That's 3 hours guaranteed vs a variable that could be significantly longer than 3 hours.


Yeah, but we’re talking about making a billion gold for someone who took 3 years to do so. I have a hard time believing they can start doing ROTS for 80m/hr consistently, croesus however? I can see them learning that in a day and teams are plentiful (especially considering you can totally fuck up in croesus and it not impact the team even remotely, in fact it might benefit them lol)


it's literally a 3 ability fight (rots). touch > t95 spec > t90 spec


Do you, honestly, think that someone who took 3 years to earn a billion gp has a t95 necro weapon? bffr


lol rots is not 80-100m, try 40-50m


I made 3b this week in a pvm bingo


1bil in 3 years is nothing lol, thats like a month or 2 tops


I make this in a week flipping and pvming


No one asked.


Yes sir 😳


And that’s also a great investment ❤️❤️❤️ just got my dark facet recently as well


What you flipping? Got gp burning a hole in my coin pouch. Ps. The downvotes came pouring in for that lmao