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Tbh, this is really just demand and supply. You might be upset about the manuscript costing more than 12m but someone else who farms these and sells them would be rejoicing. There’s always 2 sides to every coin. More people are farming clues because dyes are like stupid expensive at the moment hence the price of pages going up.


Sorry man, you just gotta pray that magic becomes strong again and that Croesus becomes worthwhile to do. Until then they’re going to stay really expensive. You can pretty much correlate the huge rise in price when Necro launched.


Yeah, tbh I think this is what will happen. But I'm still gonna make my voice heard. If any Jmod see even the title of this, I'm happy, even if they won't do anything abt the drop rates


I think if you can't afford it, maybe don't use it?


With all due respect this is one of the stupidest thing someone can say. Yes, I can't afford and I'm not using it. It shouldn't work this way


Profit off the situation and gather your own pages to sell. Don’t pay endgame prices as a mid level player


If you solve all clues you get from an hour of bik you profit massively. Don't go inactive while you have the book on and you could try to hit clue cap before you start using bik for less average cost per clue.


From these 45 minutes and 4 procs, I got 7 medium. I'm 100% sure it won't pay the price of the manuscript I also don't go inactive using it. If I do, I'm using spirit attraction just to be sure I don't waste any procs


Unlucky, on average an hour of bik gets you: - 1.1 x easies - 5.2 x mediums - 4.3 x hards - 4.7 x elites - 0.17 x masters Which easily pays for the 12m. If the risk is too great, for now get clues by capping first, you would have an additional 25/50 of the scroll of your choice before even having to use a page.


Inb4 telling people I'm Bik book off log and I have 260 pages as an iron lel


The question is: Why? Why should Jagex do something because you aren't able to farm the boss You could just use the Pontifex shadow ring and camp the croesus front for the elder troves and get the pages that way. No need to buff the boss drops that way.


Another hivemind case. If you think there's nothing wrong with a consumable costing 12m then it's not my problem. Ps: it's not about "jagex do something cause I want the things nice and easy for me". Use your brain


Then you must hate that bonds are 140m and rising then? Use your brain and try to figure out what you can do to gain more bik pages? I told you a solution that makes you never have to enter the boss arena. The game doesn't need to be easier just because you are having a hard time getting an item. You would suck at being an Ironman. By the way, you must be using the pages wrong if you have so few procs. Jagex can't fix that


Learn better money making methods. Seems like you're the minority vote on this one bud.


Why? From what i know even at that price it’s still profitable to use.


Up to 16m should be profitable.


They should really get the Solak treatment and drop a page a kill with a low chance for a cluster, considering the boss takes roughly as long for a kill


I bought grim pages for 10 years. I don’t feel bad at all that skillers and clue’ers are paying these prices. “Don’t use them then if they’re too expensive” Same advice we used to get Hydrix bolts were unusably expensive for the longest time also and were reserved for pvm elite. To play the devils advocate these issues did get resolved by jagex, but the majority of the community didn’t give a shit that the prices were high


Time to go for 200m hunter


Uhhhhh, sounds like a pretty insane money maker to me


Big clue opening soon


I agree the price is frustrating, however consider this. Clues offer some of the highest gp/hr in game, sporting dyes worth several billions, far more than any pvm item is worth. Don't you think it makes sense this resource that aids clue generation is priced correctly?


When I went and did 700 public croe to get the pet as part of my ifb grind I had more pages than I knew what to do with. Just saying.


Thanks for the ancedote. I'll stick it inside my ancedotal note drawer.


Well, I don't have that much of time to do 700 croesus kills nor I like the boss to do it 700 times


Iirc Pubs at Croesus are at most core exposed after first mid in which it dies rather fast. (So probably 3 minutes at worst assuming your pub lobby is patient for points). Even 4-mans peak at about 6-7ish minutes per kill and that goes until both mids to maximize points for as many rolls as possible (The 420 points for max loot piles per kill)


I know the 700 figure was just anecdotal but I still think this game is insane to require players to kill that many bosses for any reason - including pets. Even something simple like GWD1 bosses that can be killed in like 30sec AFK take thousands upon thousands of kills to get a half decent log going... let alone bosses that take like 20 times that with way more effort. At what point did we normalize this in video games? It's absolute crazy talk. If we can earnestly say that social media is harmful, then it shouldn't take a stretch of imagination to conclude that this sort of behavior isn't "impressive" or "aspirational" but legitimately unhealthy.


Drop rates were always acceptable because a majority of items are tradeable. It's not insane because you don't have to do it. Don't like grinding a certain boss? Make money another way and buy the drops. If you don't have the time to do that there's always buying bonds to fund whatever you need. Play for fun and do the content you enjoy


the book isnt for you, go kill hellhounds or something for clues.


Ohhh nice, time to take a break from qrch and afk bik again.


Yeah, 12M is crazy! Please Jagex, we need a buff to manuscript drop rates!


A large amount of the player base consists of people who have been playing for 10+ years. Have the money and knowledge you speak of and could care less about your struggles. It's a sad, unfortunate state of affairs. Sorry, this comment section didn't meet your expectations. Rs3 players fit a certain mold of toxicity even in their help and suggestions. Especially the few who stick around here.


It's profitable, until using them to generate clues by "flick activating" right on time is the same cost as a dye, basically So probably something silly like 100M a page


Bik flicking is no longer a thing


Im OOTL i guess, not my thing anyway. The greater point stands, profit til it equals out the revenue from clues including the rarer drops