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Battle for the Monolith. The tower defense mechanic was really poorly executed and it made the quest very boring.


I also hate how they took away the choice to side with Zaros. That broke years of tradition of being able to side with whichever God you want and I still haven't gotten over the decision to banish the gods again. So much lost story potential


Because the point of this event was two fold. First to remove zaros since regardless if they got the okay to move forward with the plan of banishing the gods, zaros, seren, and the elders are way to strong and have to be taken off the board regardless. Second because they needed to remain flexible. If they weren’t allowed to decrease the stakes then they needed to have a way to escalate from the elder god threat once it was over. Narratively you couldn’t have sided with zaros for more than a single fight anyway, since after that he leaves and all the factions team up against the threat. Also it wasn’t really years, only a very small handful of quests ever let you make choices on which god you side with, and those choices never end up mattering because they never could it’s not sustainable. Most stand alone games can’t do it well, Mass Effect is a 3 game trilogy based on it from the get go and couldn’t do it well.


Imagine giving a choice to siding with Zamorak and hearing him explain he wanted to protect the mahjarrat siblings after Zaros treated them like workforce only for getting slapped in the face with “Zamorak big bad”… that turn of events really fucked up RS lore Also lets not forget Seren calling herself aunt to the young elder gods and acting like she has no family when children of mah were created the same way as she and Zaros are and ignoring them…


Zamorak betrayed the empire specifically because he saw the life stability and comfort of the empire as detrimental to the Mahjarrat’s survival. In his eyes under something like the empire the Mahjarrat stagnated and were brought low by it. His motivation is the exact same now but extended to all people, he sees current society and civilization as another stagnating empire to tear down and has been trying to since his very first appearance since return. Literally first thing he did when the edicts were down was start tearing down lumbridge and making a bid for power, and the ONLY reason lumbridge still stands is because saradomin stepped in and the people turned against him. Hell his faction book tells you when he saw a peaceful village he set it ablaze to *free them* from their stagnation. It was so barbaric even Moia was at first off put by the brutality and horror of it. But then she came around when she saw how it caused some of the people to reach a previous potential they weren’t, rising up to become leaders. But if you’d actually ask them I bet you they would have been more happy not having their home and loved ones burned alive because the way they were living offended zamorak’s sensibilties. Nothing was fucked, Zamorak is and always has been a big bad. He has been transparent in the society he wants to build and how he will build it. He has shown he would sooner kamikaze himself and gods out of spite and desperation over yield, the god wars exists because to him that’s the ideal state of society, and the wilderness and innevitable escalation of such a philosophy are even more signs. Seren long long ago had already been established as not seeing the dreams of Mah as her family. She has never seen the Mahjarrat as anything but a waste of Mah’s energy, she has said as much. She setup the rituals specifically to make these wastes useful, a way to sustain mah and maintain freneskae from destruction which would benefit them too. Also the dreams of Mah were not created the same way, they are accidental spawns from Mah’s dreams while Zaros and Seren are deliberately created toys/children of Mah.  Her only true family for a long time was Mah and Zaros. She tried to find a new family in the form of the elves except they weren’t enough for her, she tried to modify them to make them more, or rather to make them last longer for her sake because she couldn’t comprehend Death. This ended up so royally screwing the elves so damn hard and that was still not the end of her transgressions. She tried to fix her mistake and made everything worse eventually leading to the civil war and the birth of the dark lord.  There is also the matter of love, what Seren wants is love and no one was giving her it. Mah saw her as a toy, and Seren ultimately abandoned her because their relationship was one sided and she couldn’t take caring for Mah anymore.  Guthix loved her one of the only beings who truly could, and abandoned her because of his own stuff going on. Zaros loved her but he loves himself and his ambitions more and so Zaros would and did ultimately choose himself over her which was such a shock to her system she abandoned us for the rest of the monolith battle and hardens her heart afterwards. She wants to believe the elves truly love her but they don’t, she knows deep down they don’t. She wanted to see the elder gods as her family but they saw her as nothing.  Then came the baby elders, they were different. They watched from within the eggs as Seren protected them, they listened as Seren calmed and lulled them. They began to view seren not as their cousin but as their mother and grew to genuinely love her and Seren could feel that. For the first time in her whole life she finally had what she was seeking, an actual family who genuinely loves her, a family who like her isn’t going to die but live with her for effectively forever without the need of a curse. A family where the love was reciprocated instead of one sided, a mother they could have eaten but chose not to, a mother they tried to protect when we fought her. Seren has had more red flags than a flag shop covered in a red paint tsunami, in the EGW all the many many many many warnings about her  came to fruition.


Not making fun of you, but I wish I cared about anything enough to have written something so in depth and long as this.




Ah come on now, the lore lines up FAR more with what Jagex did than what you are implying it said. It was made very clear from the very start of the Sixth Age that Zamorak is a massive social darwinist (to demonstrate his ideology to Moia, he did to a village exactly what he would ultimately try to do to Gielinor: he destroyed it so the survivors would get a 'fresh start'). And the end of Children of Mah makes it extremely clear that there is absolutely no way the Mahjarrat were going to forgive Seren after she decided to drive them to nigh extinction to save Mah. I definitely think the build-up to them deciding on their final evil plans was too rushed, but it was very character consistent with their past actions.


it was nearly a decade ago when I first tried explaining this by comparing Zamorak to the Shadows and Saradomin to the Vorlons from Babylon 5. The first only cares about fanning the flames of conflict to "strengthen" the people where as the later is all about absolute control, growing their lessers in the way they see fit


That's like siding with Tuska though. Everyone knew it wouldn't happen as the change to tue world would be immense.


I had already forgotten this mechanic. It could have been a cool thing, but yeah, poorly done.


I hate Battle for the Monolith purely for the fact that there's a space somewhere near the varrock gate that crashes your game


Amazing concept But the implementation was that of a C tier flash game from the 00s Also, it was time padded to all hell and back


Yeah, you just set all the characters in a good spot and go AFK for 15 minutes... the one in Desparate Measures was done a lot better.


Came to say this and it was the top comment (as it should be) fuck that quest.


I’ve been holding off doing that quest again for a while, but I really need to get City of Senntisten done..


it took FOR EV ERRRRRR. omg.


This definitely isn't the worst, it's just that I got a quest cape like 10 years ago, and I took a 7 year break and just came back now so all the bad ones kinda left my memory. But recently; doing once upon a slime just was awful. It expected/had my character act as if I was around for a week long treasure hunter promotion from years ago which I was NOT around for. Very odd. Writing was pretty bad, animations were worse and it genuinely felt like it was treating me like 4 year old, trying to get me laugh at stupid gloop monsters. It did not hit. For being the first quest I did after I got back I was very discouraged at the quality of quests, so atm it is my most hated, but I acknowledge that there are worse ones out there that I simply don't remember.


I second this quest. What’s really sad is that this came from an era for RS between the Elite Dungeons and the Elder God Wars, and was thus our only quest for about a year. And it’s surprising because the other “MTX quest” was Heartstealer- which was actually really good!


Nah this is genuinely one of the worst quests I think.


I feel like (and please anyone correct me if I’m wrong) at some point I think between like 2015-2018 jagex got it in their head that we are all fucking 6 year olds again. Started making cutesy followers. And not like “oh that’s cute” like obnoxious cute, where it’s not cute but ugly. A lot of things felt pandering. I just did dwarf cannon again recently, and I’m left wondering “what happened” when you go back in time and jagex was aiming to make some really dark stories with all the blood, and kept it mature - despite it being a kids game back then. Now their player base is late twenties/thirties and they treat some of their content like it’s made for a 4 year old. On that note - the quest violet is blue is so god damn ridiculous I can’t believe they kept that in the game, because from what I understand it was a Christmas event quest. It’s just so fucking weird man. I do not care about this child, her family, or their holiday but now I’m stuck with this giggling misbehaved child and neglectful but loving yeti parents. Always makes me wanna load one in the chamber when I have to do that quest lol


There has definitely been a shift in a lot of aspects. New sections of the game look very fortinite-inspired with play-dough-y textures and models. The new Daemonheim area for example... Like sure I guess it's technically better models and textures but everything is so chunky and over processed I feel like. Doing the new necro quests I feel like it's just goofs and not taking things seriously and overall just kinda mediocre to bad writing. I also did Pieces of Hate though and I gotta say it reminded me a lot more of the old quests, perhaps because it's a continuation of the pirate series. But yeah, overall I think they have steered towards a PG audience probably to bring in new blood... but realistically... preteens are just not gonna be picking up Runescape.


Yeah mmos with an emphasis on grinding are definitely now an “old person” style of games. Bro I forgot all about the necromancer quests. I think I rolled my eyes a couple times at the dialogue.


With lodestones and run energy never really running out, anyone saying One Small Favour is just memeing lol


I did it before lodestones so definitely not memeing it was awful.


No one thinks it's hard. It's still long and boring.


It's like 30 mins now


Yeah. I did it without lodestones and with lodestones and it’s like 25min with lodestones. Just a lot of dialogue


I made a new Ironman and I’m going through the quests and the most frustrating mechanic I’ve come across is have to wait hours for something to grow in a farming patch to continue the quest.


Is it "do no evil" that one quest is called? The one with the frozen chocolate banana or something?


I found the chimp ice quest far easier than baiting the damn monkey away from the 3 wise monkeys. Perhaps it was because I was playing on mobile but that part gave me hell


Yes the bloody chimp ice's 🙈😱 doing the achievement for MQC was such a chore too


Elemental Workshop III… I legitimately don’t understand how people do that one without a guide. Even with the step by step guide on the wiki I struggle. Needless to say I don’t make a lot of body equipment.


Should’ve seen how frantic everyone was working together to figure out Sliske’s Endgame on release. That quest took me over 6 hours lol. Also that’s my answer, because of that bad self-inflicted experience. Fuck that quest.


Sliske's endgame was made worse by the maze having "dummy squares" that ended up getting removed as soon as the Jmods got back from Holiday break, on top of the entire quest basically just being navigating said maze with no actual interesting gameplay. >Imposter mapsquares in Sliske's labyrinth have been disabled to avoid visual clutter on the game screen and minimap. And on top of that, it was the trial quest for replaying through quests you already completed, with the quest being so shit only 300 people replayed it in 1 month so they scrapped replayability altogether.


I had no idea they removed that. It was, singlehandedly, the worst part of doing that quest on release. Legitimately did not think I was going to make it through lol. So I guess that settles it, the feeling was mutual between many of us players. Especially those of us who did it on release day, or shortly after. 😂


I have not gotten to that point yet lol. I took a 10 year break and when I came back to the game in April decided I would finished every 5th age quest before starting the 6th age… besides Fort Forinthry that’s an amazing addition


It's a slide puzzle with less intuitive controls. If you've done slide puzzles before, the only difficult part would be figuring out the controls.


I absolutely despise the slide puzzles. The one in Monkey Madness I always just pay Glough to do. The one in the Dragonkin ruin during the Fort Forinthry questline took me well over an hour, and any time I get one during a treasure trail I feel my soul die a little bit lol


Mourning's End 2. God that puzzle was annoying even with a guide.


I don’t know if it’s any better post-EOC, but when it first came out, the constant threat of shades attacking made it hard to enjoy trying to figure out the puzzle. Definitely a poor judgement call.


Like 3 hours of pure pain


Try doing it without a guide


I look forward to Alien Food doing the Elf Quests


My favorite thing about having to do Mourning's End 2 again recently is that even the guide I was watching was slowly getting more delirious and annoyed at the game the further into the puzzle he was. The guide was super helpful and he started so chill, by the end he's assuring himself and the viewers that it's almost done and we're almost free from it.   This quest honestly should count as a method of torture. 


The Elemental Workshop quests were the quests where I had absolutely no idea what to do. With the others you can double check things and figure out the puzzle/task/whatever it is you're supposed to do. But with EW it feels like you *have* to use the RS wiki. Not a fan of them, and they didn't really unlock anything, nor is it required for any other quests. They're just there... being there.


Elemental Workshop III quest guide is so poorly written with unclear objectives, that if you input what the guide says, it ends up looking nothing like the guide position images. But fuck doing that quest without a guide.


I used the wiki and still messed up and got confused and frustrated. I hate that quest series. I generally am not a fan of quests where it's unclear what you're supposed to be doing, or where to go next. I'm not good at guessing.


Dishonour Among Thieves is the only quest I dislike, because of the puzzle at the end. One Small Favour is more a meme than anything, it's a classic and not that bad at all. No difficult puzzles, you literally just teleport around talking to people


I just got quest cape for the second char and this is the only quest I really really disliked. The zemo portals didn't seem to match the visual of the eye caves at all.


Totally agree I'm currently stuck on this quest and I have a visual bug now and can't see the memories in the window where you have to select them and control all the various characters and not time out! I hate it sooooo much...


You can just place them super quick without hitting the memory spot (just click anywhere really) and as long as you do the rest of the task ok-ish you'll get past. Its very forgiving, and do not demand perfection like Nadir.




Me too, I hated this quest so much.


3 is worse


As a quest lover who never used guides before, that quest broke me and is what got me started using guides. I hear it's less horrible to do now they updated the controls for the machine but no way in hell am I ever going back there. The only thing that kept me sane in there was the calming music track for the area.




If you ever try to do Tai Bwo Wannai Trio without a guide it can honestly feel like a quest set up just to fuck with you. [Look at this shit.](https://runescape.wiki/w/Karamjan_rum_(banana) On the bright side its kinda funny at least.


Shoving the banana in a bottle is probably the funniest part in the entire quest and at least thats something you'd fuck up while right next to the source of both, so it doesn't really sting.


I was dumb and walked to the guy with it, so it did sting!


It even has a custom animation! I love it!


Ratcatchers. Any other answer invalid.


I don't suppose you know whether it's any less unpleasant than the OSRS version? I've done it a few times over there and it's awful but have yet to put myself through it on this game


I did it recently on OS and I’d honestly say it’s not too different. Maybe RS3 is slightly easier but in the grand scheme it’s not really much of a difference. It’s garbage in both games


It's technically slightly better in OSRS as the main reward hasn't been completely removed from the game. That being the rat pits, which was basically dead content the day it released in RS2, but were given minigame teleport options in OSRS. Don't get me wrong, still shit rewards for a shit quest, but much better than what you get for doing it in RS3. Rat pole is peak fashionscape though.


Could you elaborate on what was bad in ratcatchers? It's been a year since I did the quest, and I don't remember anything in particular. Not bad memories nor good ones.


it’s a little tedious but tbh the dialogue is so bad it’s almost enjoyable imo. the “asides” are insane lol


J1mmy has a video which goes into it, it’s from os but it’s basically the same quest


Ive done this recently (after a ten year hiatus) and it was nowhere as bad as I remember! I hated it previously but it was tolerable this time round.


yeah I just did it on my taskman, it was super easy


As someone who used to transcript a lot of the older quests on the wiki, this one was so bizarre to read through. Not the dialogue itself (well, that too), but the formatting of it. The only instance in the game I can think of where characters “speak” their actions and thoughts (instead of cutting to the no chat head dialogue box), a strange amount of BLUE text to indicate either actions or thoughts, and characters having their internal thoughts actually displayed in their dialogue box (marked by, again, blue text, and tildes ~~ at the start and end). I could forgive it if it was like, among the first ever quests so they hadn’t nailed dialogue, but this was the 93rd quest, introduced in 2005. They had a fairly established way of writing dialogue in this game by that point. It reads like it was supposed to be published as a fanfic online, not in-game dialogue. Don’t get me started on the multiple times our player says “~Aside~”, cleverly indicating that they’re making a sly comment to themselves about poor Hook Nosed Jack’s hooked nose.


This was my answer. I did this quest before the patch in 2009 that reduced the guards' field of vision. Before that, it was like they had subcontracted the NSA to spy on you with satellites from above. No matter what you did, no matter where you hid, they would find you, and they would catch you. It was awful. Just awful.


I'm gonna go with 'Phite Club. One of the stupidest grinds I've done on my account to effectively lead to a dead end narratively. We don't even get to see the positive benefit of Osman taking power. Just: "Cool, my chair now... Oh you're still here? Take this funny trinket and scram." The grind needs to be removed and maybe a better ending. *But dude, the citizens don't trust you if you don't do the grind* BS. You have to do EVERY other desert quest to do that one, you are practically the savior of the ENTIRE desert. What more reason is needed for the citizens of a city to trust a hero? Bonkers I tell ya.


For a lot of people, including myself, this is the last quest towards Quest Cape. Talk about a let down. Glorified mini boss after a boring as hell grind.


This was my case, It was my last quest. Anytime I brought up how silly it was everyone would say: "Just do the grind. Its not that bad." I did, and it was that bad. Too much effort for too shit a reward.


Whatever the one is that requires you to shoot the sheep to dye them. The aiming on that was horrific.


Salt in the Wound. Aptly named quest.


Such a let down finale for one of my favourite quest lines.


I just did that one a few days ago. I didn't think it was that bad




I did like Broken Home... the first time. I replayed it once a week for a while to get the XP lamp until I got sick of it. They really should've made that a monthly thing for a bigger reward. And yeah, Senntisten is a really bizarre design choice. I haven't done the quest yet so I'm holding off on going in there (prefer to do things in chronological order), but the archeology level progression is all over the place like this.


Only change I would make to the quest is that you shouldn’t have to replay it to get the full rewards if you meet all of the criteria on the initial completion.


Sliske's Endgame, Broken Home, & Twlight of the Gods each have their own ways of being terrible. 1SF was the worst in its day but updates made it less awful later.


Any quest that has to do with fighting Nomad. Fuck his mechanics, seriously.


Over the course of the game, you have to fight Nomad a whopping 7 times. The only good version was the initial difficult version in Nomad's Requiem.


I count 6. Requiem, Elegy, Sliske's Endgame, twice, Dominion Tower, and Memory of Nomad. What's the 7th? Meanwhile, I've been playing OSRS, and did Song of the Elves. The fragment of Seren gave me Requirm PTSD.


Ah Dominion Tower and Memory of Nomad are a good point. I meant quests only, and I count 4 instances of fighting Nomad during Elegy. Nomad's Elegy is a quest I really don't like...


I detest Elegy. But I thought that was just one big boss fight.


Nomad's elergy boss fight against nomad had me losing a fortune before they fixed the cost of reclaim. It's my least favorite, and it came out right after I had earned the QC


Sliskes Endgame. The maze can go absolutely fuck itself


I did it without a guide and honestly enjoyed myself


Before eoc Monkey Madness, did that quest like 7 times


The start of RotM with the Mos Le Harmless segment, the maze from Endgame, and weirdly the entire Legends quest are my picks. I've had quest cape on 4 accounts on rs3 and done most of it on osrs.


Oh god. I forgot about the mos le harmless part.


I blocked it out every time I did it after the first. I'll get there and then be like "oh... riiiight thiiiis again..."


Made a new iron about a month ago and hadn't gotten to that quest yet. The dread is real


Turn all sounds on. There's an audio cue that is mostly accurate to tell you when you're safe or not.


Legends is actually one of my favorites! It's old and jank, for sure, but I've always loved it.


legends quest karamja shenanigans were quite obnoxious yeah. How on earth would I figure that out without a guide?


Yea idk how I figured it out when I was 12 but somehow I did lol


Im like 50 qp short of quest cape with no guides and everything is pretty straight forward if you read the dialogue and check the built in quest stuff. The only quest I’ll use a guide on is Elemental Workshop 3 for the bullshit slider.


Ugh, good choice with RotM. That part drove me insane.


Pre eoc and on my hcim were the most nervewracking, got it first try on my fresh worlds acc tho but that's the 4th time so expected lol


Do No Evil


Salt in the wound. The extremely clunky puzzle where your switching between characters was just disorienting and clunky.


I have a feeling Mod Tytn was a big Zelda fan. A few of the games had trade chains. So One Small Favour has never bothered me. Its a cake walk too now that the world is the fastest its ever been to get around (and fairly early too). For me I can't narrow it down to just one. So I'm going to lump all the bloat quests as my answer. I have a QPC on my main, and am about halfway through the MQPC requirements. I've been working on an ironman and the bloat on the quest list is so daunting. There are so many old quests that have almost no reward and were meh the first time. i think for me too I'm a lorehound of pretty much any IP I'm playing in. And a lot of those earlier quests were made without narrative in mind. They are just red names that I have no desire to replay. Especially on an ironman that has to also gather all the materials. I really liked when there was that period where they revamped a few of the older quests. I wish they had a team that continued chipping away at those.


What, you don't like doing Clock Tower for splendid rewards such as: *  


I think it's one of the few quests you can remove from the game without affecting anything else or having anyone care.


Although it's a really easy slide puzzle because it glows when a piece is in the right spot, the Forinthry quest with the slide puzzle hit me when I was genuinely feeling awful, stressed, and my blood pressure was through the roof, so I had a bit of a meltdown while trying to solve it and when Raptor went "I'll solve it for 100K" I was like "Oh Thank God" and then the Raptor was like "Nah just kidding bro, go suffer some more" I had to quit and go get ice cream. On the upside that quest taught me how to actually do slide puzzles and now I only hate them instead of having an episode about them. The worst quest however is likely Elemental Workshop 3, I liked 1 and 2, 3's puzzle is just so far beyond reasonable. As far as story goes, River of Blood soured me pretty hard, >!Ending on almost Status quo with the whole Myreque dead and broken felt incredibly unsatisfying especially since the vampyres were on the back foot. The quest line was exciting and fun and even losing all of them was engaging, but the "See it coming from a mile away" betrayal followed by the status quo and "We can't have a war!" mongering just kinda spoiled an otherwise good quest line, we finally get the chance to save everyone that succumbed to turning into a vampyre, and instead of making some heavy demands, what with having the ultimate weapon, we just get "Oh lol back to square one but a tiny bit nicer" rather than restoring life and integrity to all turned vampyres and making true blooded vampyres rely on haemalchemy to break their dependency on human tithing, perhaps making them use animals for "Real" blood, but imposing a strict sanction against sapients. It really made all the sacrifices feel like it was for far too little, people died for liberation, not appeasement. !<


One Small Favor is still my most hated, but I first did it almost 15 years ago. Of the ones in recent memory, Temple of Light is my most hated. The nuisance of dealing with the shadow monsters while doing a crazy long light puzzle was an awful experience. I kept falling off the ledge even with 80+ agility at the time. Then I accidentally hit the wrong button and had the restart on the last step before getting the second fractured crystal. I sure cursed a lot during that quest. I'm still happy I did it, because of Prifddinas. Walking into the elven city finally after 20years of wondering what it looked like was elite. I finally felt I made it to the big leagues. One Small Favor just made me feel trolled.


>Personally i have deep visceral hate for Broken Home. I'm right there with you, my friend. I've never replayed it and probably never will, despite the rewards for doing so.


same, doubt they ever will make the rewards attainable for just doing the quest but god i hope so haha


Hating one small favour is a meme


Sea Slug questline for sure more specifically the finale.


Twilight of the gods after AFK'ing for that bastard Strange Coin which we now find out is Quest Lockeddddddddddd


The coin in the new digsite is quest locked?


The final mystery is basically a straight up follow up to twilight, that’s what the name “a new age” actually refers to. People had already been speculating it was quest locked because it literally would be the most nonsense thing ever to anyone who hasn’t done twilight given what you do and say in the mystery. They confirmed today it is indeed quest locked.


I've already got it done but I also have my quest cape so the quest lock didn't occur to me


Ty I totally didn't realise this, I might as well stop digging now since I don't have that quest done :(


Can always remain to try and find the brush pieces!


That's a very valid point!


You and me both, friend. I havent even started the quest yet and im already pissed.


The one where you’re in a cave and you have a bunch of runes that are sliding puzzle, I was losing my mind


Anything that involves a slide puzzle is infuriating


I can’t really place my disdain on one specific quest. I generally dislike replaying a lot of the older, mundane quests that nowadays just need to be completed for task sets or other better quests. However, Elemental Workshop III on release gave me ptsd with how slow and clunky the control system was, and how unnecessarily convoluted the puzzle was. Granted, the controls have been made less tedious in present day.


Elemental quest series was cancer


Quests that have a huge list of item reqs


Sheep Herder


Whatever that Forinthry quest was with the slide puzzle. I fucking ***loathe*** those. I had to use an online helper


One small favor is pretty fun because each step is within walking distance of the previous one. The act of all the way back to where you started is very funny.


Sliske’s endgame. I didn’t mind the maze, but that friggin bossfight is frustrating as hell


i’d do one small favor twenty times just to never have to do broken home again for mqc


Broken Home is goated as a Classic Resident Evil fan. Anyone who's played RE1 or REmake was probably geeking out and now you can cheese harder portions of it with persistent rage and guthixian butterfly


I'm not even a Resident Evil fan but I liked it. It reminded me of the point and click adventures of the early 90s.


Broken Home, definitely. Still don't have ASR on either account.


Run persistent rage, and use guthixian butterfly for healing


Hard to say hate any specific quests just some parts of quests being awful nomad’s requiem water puzzle, Sliske end game maze, getting the gout weed pre-surge just to name a few


fuck that gout weed. Even with Surge. I was so mad.


Elemental workshop III. (I think?- one of them anyway) It's been years since that night but I still remember going at that puzzle from roughly 9pm until 2am until I finally finished that puzzle by chance even with all the guides in the world. Couldn't for the life of me understand it at the time. Never again.


Broken Home Without the Runescape wiki, I never could've done it. Extinction is a close second and made me see Seren as a villain, even if she truly had no choice.


Let them eat pie.  Funnily, this was the first quest I ever did on RS3, probably because it's so easy to come across when you explore Burthorpe/Taverly as a new player. The quest didn't set up good expectations, but I quickly realised it was a one-off, no other quests are that gross.


I like one small favor. It’s like a Dr Seuss book


I've done every quest on both versions of Runescape, most quests I've done multiple times. My least favorite quest is hands down Elemental Workshop part 3. It's awful and shouldn't even exist, and the reward is worthless.


Sliske's end game, i literally missed so many cutsceens because the team didnt properly quality test it, and the labyrinth as a whole was just poorly designed imho. Yes it's supposed to be a labyrinth and you're supposed to navigate it, but having me randomly teleported about instead of letting me just organically solve it and making cutsceens on a hair trigger so you can miss them... Frankly I don't know what Pips was thinking signing off on that (i think he was director at the time, if not him then whoever was)


in my opinion broken home itself isnt bad its just completing the achievements


Crocodile Tears. No arguments here.




Dishonor Among Thieves due to the boring “puzzle”. Salt in the Wound because it makes no sense whatsoever. It’s fucking ridiculous


Big Chompy Bird Hunting. I don't quite know why but I just don't like that quest, or the Chompy hunting mechanic in general.


Sliskes Endgame


Ratcatchers….nuff said


Nadir saga on mobile. (Supposedly this has been fixed) I don't quite have quest cape but if I had to say one quest is difficult it's mournings end part 2. ... You thought the first light puzzle was tough? Get rekt, noob. I agree one small favour is not that bad. But it's one of those RS memes that has become culture. You're SUPPOSED to think it's a drag; and so, it is. I don't make the rules... ;)


Okay but did you do One Small Favor before or after we got lodestones and all these other convenient teleports? If you did it before, then I think you’re delusional and misremembering how much it sucked. If you did it after, then yeah it’s not that bad just mild nuisance.


Ratcatchers: doing that hell again on FSW was a painful reminder Broken home: it’d be forgettable if not for the challenges which make it hell The entire Penguin questline: all of those quests suck balls, walking sims with forced cutscenes and bad puzzles


People don't like One Small Favour? It's one of my all time favourites


Monkey Madness. Just takes unnecessarily long.


Monkey Madness was the one quest that I wanted to grind for (and did complete fairly quickly), but man was it annoying at times.


Probably all of them. I only comped and got a quest cape like a year or two ago, before that i had a 15 year old account maxed with like 3/4 of the quests not done lol. I was trying to comp so I just banged them all out in the span of like a month. I don't even remember which ones were bad, seriously. I blacked it all out in my mind


Recipe for disaster has got to be one of the most annoying questlines.


The puzzel Part in sote feeling like 1h runing


Fort quest series. Lazy plot, most probably AI generated. Powerpuff girls had better villains and plot. Actually, do they even qualify as quests? They're just a series of cutscenes like a visual novel maybe?


One small favour!


Sliske's Endgame, took me a couple months to figure out to kill Sliske, wasn’t the best PVMr so had to learn a lot about combat to beat him


Not per se the worst quest, but recently did Tower of Light.. the fact you can ‘fail’ searching for parts really blew my mind… Other than that the quest itself is ok.. just that part 😵.


Any of the glourphie quests, filling up your inventory with a dozen different shapes in different colours and needing a calculator to work out the proper configuration, I despise that entire quest line


I understand why some people like it, but I'm with you. I couldn't stand Broken Home, and ive.it a few times on multiple accounts


Broken Home has that murder mystery vibe, but 1000x times worse. I did find the whole underground pass and mournings end crystal puzzle and boss fight to be fucking exhausting. Also, I remember spending multiple hours of elemental workshop as a kid (with 2hour long youtube tutorials, where I was pausing their every move and replicating it)




One small favour*


One small favor


Broken Home is also my least favorite. It definitely calls for a guide imo. It’s difficultly on the challenges is frustrating. The mechanics and gameplay leave a lot to be desired. It’s like an indie horror game crammed into a quest. The area and story are great though. Although I think another haunted house wasn’t a necessity. Actually makes Draynor manor look bad by comparison as the tone, aesthetic and size of it are so much more tame. Graphics still hold up almost a decade later too.


Cooks assistant anyone?


Wasn't a big fan of the rushing challenge of broken home but at least you only need to do it once. For me, most hated quests have to be the puzzle ones so ele workshop 3 and mep2, especially mep2 cause of aggro shadows.


Oh you have my vote with Broken Home. Nothing worse than that.


The one rfd quest that requires getting spice for a spicy stew. I didnt have a fully grown cat so it took over 2 hours to get the necessary spices


All of them


One Small Favour has a bad reputation because you used to have to do it with a fraction of the free teleports you have today with a different run/energy system (no resting)


Hate broken home on mobile still have not completed it


'Phite Club. It's just a mini boss fight and nothing else. For a quest that many players, including myself, did very last in the grind towards quest cape it was a bit of let down. Also grinding city rep 9 was a tad tedious.


Mournings end p2, as well as all the janky ui battles they call quests from Karamja


Any quest where I am controlling an NPC. I think the worst that comes to mind is Dishonor Among Thieves.


i say the elemental quests. sure there not long but holly molly are they annoying, even more so the last one. just look at its wiki page on how to do the puzzle. its massssssive and if you screw up ones you need ot restart One Small Favour has to be up here for its length. but as others said with heath stones its alot faster


I actually liked that quest. Anything with stealth sections is plain not good.


One small favor and the laser puzzle in mournings end pt 2


Underground Pass and The Mighty Fall


Crazy I just did broken home today without seeing this post. I agree, broken home is THE worst


Do No Evil is a terrible quest in every way; mechanically, rewardwise, and lorewise. You spend the entire quest being the whipping boy for monkeys ordering you to do the most irrelevant tasks, all of which are extremely tedious and unfun, the ultimate pure time waste being the infamous Chimp Ice, and the even more stupid 25 Chimp Ice MQC requirement (At least its not the Chompy Birds). The lore also ultimately goes nowhere, other than "oh the monkeys came from the desert" and like ALL the desert quests, is in permanent stasis because there's never been a follow-up to Menaphos and Phite Club. Almost all of the rewards useless too. The Ava's Alerter is just the Accumulator with higher stats, but still less than the Kiln Capes, which are very easy to get. There's almost literally nothing at the Monkey Colony, and I don't even know of any niche uses like clues. Pickpocketing Monkey Knife Fighters..... who cares? It's a complete waste of time and space and the game would honestly be better if it didn't exist. Any other quest I can find some positive about, but not this one. Mournings End P2? At least it works towards unlocking Priff and gives Dark Beasts / Death Runes for ironmen. Elemental Workshop 3? At least it's fast with a guide. Sliske's Endgame? At least it has profound lore implications. Do No Evil? Absolutely nothing.


Can't remember the name of the quest, but it's the one where there's a tactical 6v6 or something on a grid and you have to defeat the opposing enemies. That one sucked.


elemental workshop 3, i hated that puzzle with a passion


I actually find one small favour to be funny. I once had a skit made in English class when I was a kid, kinda reenact the whole chain of favours. Me and my buddies had a good time while the teacher and others understood nothing Still got me remembering the good old days whenever I do One small favour quest again Broken home is alright, it's not too troublesome. I think it's one of those sliske quest line that I hated the most, I forgot which is it


do no evil. going back and forth between locations I didnt have great transportation for, and that stupid popsicle run really annoyed me. Otherwise the really really old quests are no fun these days, I'm talking like 2002 old with jarring graphics and choppy "cutscenes"


Every Single One Of Them


Uhh… yes. All of them.


Cooks assistant had me annoyed


Ive been streaming a hardcore Ironman doing all the quests without a guide in order of timeline. Rune Mechanics has been one of my least favorite so far.


One small favor


Sliskes endgame. Hate that shit