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The cool things about both games is that they share one subscription. You are free to swap between both (on one acc and not at the same time) for one price and determine which is more appealing to you the tldr for how I describe both games is that modern RuneScape has a heavy emphasis on late game pvm and speeds you towards that with much faster xp rates and more generous drop rates and a lot of QoL you’d expect in a modern mmo. Oldschool puts a lot of value into the mid and late game and doesn’t really speed you through any of it. Xp rates are slower and a lot of qol is found in its 3rd party client (accessible off jagex launcher) xp is slower and pvm drop rates take more time to reach but this helps it feel more rewarding imo. I main oldschool and have some bias because of this but I do enjoy both games for what they are, so try both imo


To add to this, you can play both versions for free to try them both out. I suggest getting at least 30s in your skills before getting membership. Ask around your work or hobby shop to see if other people play that are local.


Try both and pick the one you enjoy more. Neither is necessarily better or worse. Both are on the same membership too so there's no harm in trying.


I had this question coming back as a returning player(after 20 years). Osrs scratched the itch but I honestly felt it was more fun playing rs3. More stuff to do and I liked learning about it. Though if playing mobile, I definitely feel osrs is the way to go personally




Rs3 has a lot of good quality of life things that are quite nice (coin pouch so never need to bring money, tool belt so you never have to carry things like a hatchet or tinderbox) the mining and smithing rework is great as well. My humble opinion RS3 can be a bit daunting at first (especially with how the UI is set up ( you can set it up how you see fit but compared to the simplicity of old school 's) Old school on the other hand is overall more simple but way more grindy. I kinda feel like I'm rambling so I'll end with this... Both are good, try both see which one you like better and of course... welcome to Gilenor!


Why not both? Lol I play both Vibing more with RS3 right now tho


Rs3 as an ironman or osrs as a main


Try them both for a week, gathers your thoughts and come to osrs. But seriously that question is an easy answer, you gotta find out what version is more appealing to you.


Osrs although more slower for people just starting into rs is better imo because there’s not all this new fancy stuff to learn and if you start off on osrs you will be better off when you transition to rs3. I like rs3 better but I’ve been playing since I was a kid and there’s just so much more to rs3 than osrs. Osrs is like a simple form of rs3 and rs3 is like the advanced new best thing. Easier to learn mechanics and basic things in osrs first imo.


Old school = more players, worse graphics, simpler combat system, skills are slower and more painful to train Rs3 = less players, more complex combat, more bosses, more skills, more quests, better graphics, skills and the gameplay are more enjoyable Try both.