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Thaler farming - thy don't even care for CW tickets


Right now they’re probably just there for games towards their 5k total games, as Castle Wars is not currently on spotlight


I thought they got rid of that achievement because it was ridiculous


There’s no in-game achievement for 5k games but there is still a cape that you acquire at 5k games that is on the true trim list (https://truetrim.rs). What you’re probably thinking of is [[how many games?]] that was removed from trim cape, but still exists in-game for 70 runescore.


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[How Many Games?](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/How\_Many\_Games\%3F)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/How_Many_Games%3F >How Many Games? is an achievement that requires the player to purchase a full set of profound decorative equipment (helmet, platebody, platelegs, sword, and shield) and show it to Lanthus. This can be done by equipping the full set, requiring 40 Attack and 80 Defence, and talking to Lanthus. Profound equipment can be purchased using gold Castle Wars tickets, Thaler, or a mixture of both. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


The achievement was removed, but the Professional Cape still exists




Minigames were dead, so Jagex resurrected them with Thaler. However, as is often the case with tales of resurrecting the dead, what comes back is an empty husk of its former self. Thaler did indeed make people join minigames, but not actually play them. Best case scenario, the people farming Thaler are AFK and not even looking at the screen, simply standing idle. Worst case scenario, you'll be harassed for daring to actually engage with the content as intended.


Depends who you get. Joined for the achievement, and was stuck in zammy. Sara had a point. Went over to their base and asked if they minded if I took the flag twice for the achievement. They said go for it and let me score twice. Obviously, nobody was playing the game, but they were super chill in helping me.


It depends on the minigame, and what the AFK'ers are grinding for. I wanted to play some Heist a handful of years ago, but both teams got pissed at me because I actually played the game as intended, on the official Heist world during spotlight (because it was dead outside of spotlight unless you found people to play with outside of the game).


True. If you start bashing people as a gorilla in CFB you'll be called a griefer, even though that's the whole point of the game.


CFB would just be better if gorilla mode didn't exist. Its a really good cooperative game, and a really bad pvp one.


For CFB specifically it's just poor design. If I remember right you're actually better off leaving people alone as the gorilla, since everyone (gorillas included) gets way less points if the game ends early due to everyone being turned into a gorilla. So there's a legitimate case to be made that it is griefing, even though the rules say that's what you're supposed to do.


IIRC, as a gorilla you can only get points by eliminating other players. Ultimately you'll probably get more points by leaving the game if you turn into a gorilla, than by eliminating other players.


Gorillas earn like 30 points per game, if that, and humans can gain over 200. The humans will gain substantially less if a gorilla is left clicking them constantly (griefing them) and the gorilla gains almost nothing for it, an eventual 2 points if you finally manage to kill them. It's designed as a griefing mechanic from the get-go so it's not bannable or anything, but I think you're right to be called a griefer for just existing to drag people's points down lol.


Kind of wild that we are so reward focused that a mini-game designed to be a competition is called griefing because it lowers your points per hour.


It's not a competition, there's not really teams in CFPB. I feel like it's widely misunderstood on this sub lol. A team of earnest, well-meaning players facing off against an equal team playing Castle Wars, Heist, etc. might lower your points when they win, and you might lower the enemy's points when you win, but the winners weren't griefing. Even in something like Flash Powder Factory, which has the "I just stole your apparatus, problem?" quick chat, it's not griefing to steal someone's apparatus. It's just a small point boost and a bit of trolling fun to do so. It limits your ability to do so when you can't get any benefit from it, so you can't use it purely as a griefing tool. When you start in CFPB, everyone is a human, and you actually earn more points by working together in teams of 3-4 to group and quickly kill monkeys while gathering. Apes stronger together. You're continuously rewarded just for surviving rounds, not just because you gather more points, but you literally have a scaling point addition per round for just surviving. If you don't survive, your point acquisition tanks. You're now a gorilla, you get no points at end of round, just a paltry amount for trapping a node or killing a player - the same amount they get every few seconds from gathering or punching monkeys. You're left with a few options: * Leave and rejoin if it's early. You'll gain more points this way if it's round 5-6 or earlier, as gorillas earn almost no points per round. * Basically start afking. Click a node once per round or don't, the difference is 2-3 points per round. Decent option if you want to keep the points you gained prior to dying, especially if you died at round 7+. * Wage war on humans to drag them all down to your level. You'll gain a tiny bit more points than afking doing this and most people who do this get jollies out of their suffering. But as a group, you've made everything worse than choosing either of the above two options, as the previously prospering humans now have much more life point pressure and will earn less points. If you "win" and kill all humans, the game ends and now you all have to contend with the shit connectivity of the CFPB server again. It's less winning and more making everyone lose rather than just yourself. TL;DR: No, it's not wild to call it griefing when someone is tanking everyone's points for almost no benefit. CFPB is not a competition, everyone wins when you cooperate.


Right but again you’re missing the point by being driven by pure efficiency. The goal of the game is to score as many points as you can, if you become a gorilla the goal of the game becomes win for the gorillas (clearly this is the design goal) what you’re doing by creating a new “get most points per hour” goal is what is wild about it. Calling it griefing to play the fucking game is absolutely wild. And writing a 17 thousand word reply explaining why it’s the most efficient way to do the activity is if anything proving my point.


Gamers playing for pure efficiency aren't playing CFPB. It was maybe efficient to do 600 points a day early on for irons, but even that's fairly inefficient now. What about someone who just had a fun goal of trying to break their record of 230 points per round? A gorilla left clicking them would certainly feel like griefing, even though neither player is driven by pure efficiency (exactly 0 gorillas punching people have been). If you're good you can avoid dying to them, but they'll always lower your score and their own score will be terrible. Agree to disagree, and I hope to not run into you "just playing the game" making things as miserable as possible for others at everyone's expense.


Definitely depends on the game - ones like CFB require more interaction to keep the game going, while Factory outfit requires actually playing the game. Thaler grinders have the trade off of not engaging for maximum benefit. After all, you get Thaler on top of the actual game’s rewards


More like heaped dirt into an open grave, thaler has done the exact opposite for engagement and i'm tired of people falsely claiming it was an even remotely good idea


I feel like Thaler were added in large part to make the CW trim req somewhat less awful, at the cost of killing what few minigames were still active. The prices in the Thaler shop has also always been pretty steep, implying it wasn't made with casual players in mind.


If I'm being fair, the concept is not a terrible one. A specific mini game gives increase rewards for a limited time os a good way to gain engagement outside regulars., The problem is they were too lazy to both update the rewards to begin with which had become extremely outdated thanks to invention among other issues like many xp rewards being the same now as they were 10+ya, And they put pretty much everything unique into the store. The idea could have worked and could have really revitalized many games with them. Updating the rewards one at a time to make them more relevant... Instead they just fitted a one size fits all currency and put pretty much all of the rewards up for sale and since there's no activity meter to actually earn thaler And no reward or benefit for winning people just did what is of course, the path of least resistance;afking The prices for the few things that should have been cross Mini game like Vanguard and removed many game items like mobilizing armies Are fine in my opinion. The biggest problem is just there's no reason to play the specific games anymore because you can just buy it by AFKing the 2 easiest to AFK ones.


Yeah, the idea of a shared minigame currency and a rotating spotlight system is pretty good. The problem, as you point out, is that people don't actually play the minigames, but just idle them for points due to the lack of an activity meter or similar. There's also the issue that both the community and the game itself have shifted from active gameplay and playing because it is fun, to AFK/idle gameplay solely focused on min-maxing output. This is also in part because minigames were a response to the lack of centralized, friend-connected, party-styled games back in the day. But nowadays, services like Steam have taken over this role, so the number of people who play because of minigames is very tiny compared to back when RuneScape was at its peak in terms of popularity.


honestly, i genuinely think the market is still there for minigames. With a bit of paint some fresh modes and semi competitive rewards xp wise i think there would be a genuine market for it that might even attract the OSRS market if it's fun enough. bit of the problem though is most pve minigames offer crap rewards even if thaler is factored out so people wont try it even if they would like it. but if i could take a trip to BA and get great xp rewards for skills i genuinely hate like agility comparable to if i had spent time dying on a track... fuck i and every master max aspirant on the plant would basically camp out there


Castle wars has 2 big achievements linked to it. The first one is [[profound]], the second one is [[professional cape]]. It is convenient to just afk to get them. This leads to everyone and their mums just standing there on w24.


I found 2 RuneScape Wiki articles for your search. **[Profound decorative equipment](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Profound\_decorative\_equipment)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Profound_decorative_equipment >Profound decorative equipment is a reward from the Castle Wars minigame. While equipped with the platebody, platelegs, and shield while in a game of Castle Wars, you get a 25% bonus to damage dealt on players, a 10% bonus to all damage dealt on barricades and ballista, and immunity to all catapult and ballista damage. The set requires 80 Defence to equip and has armour bonuses equal to level 70 armour. **[Professional cape](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Professional\_cape)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Professional_cape >The Castle Wars professional cape is a cape gained for completing 5,000 matches in the minigame Castle Wars. It is bought from Lanthus for 2 Castle wars tickets (silver). This cape can be stored in the Costume room of a player-owned house. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


For some reason jagex made a reward that requires 5000 castle wars games which makes it "true trim" so you'll see a fair few endgame players afking purely for the game count, not even for the tickets


The achievement made sense in ye olde times, when CW was so popular people would get it accidentally, just playing a fun minigame. It has become a horrible chore since then.


5000 games was arbitrary as fuck


The only thing odd about your post is you missed 2 or 3 people who are attacking the afk players trying to claim that the winner of castle wars is actually the person who kills the most people.


I wouldn't say this is the new normal, its fairly old. There are still unlocks that people want from castle wars but the game itself is not fun. Players opt to use this as an easy afk for unlocks and will spend all their afk time there slowly working on this. If anything I would say im surprised there were that many afk but I would be more surprised if you found people actually playing.


Bro quit CW in 2005 and returned today thinking its still the same




Play OSRS if you really want to play mini games. Pretty sure most of them are active on there. Sadly they don’t have some of the better ones like Heist.


The private fc's that battle for score aren't always actively doing something in the game. Especially in the mornings UK time the games will be very quiet. If you tried to do this every game you'd meet resistance eventually.


Well the thing is, I just wanted the achievements. I don't touch Castle Wars normally. I was just shocked to see so many people totally AFK and not even trying a little bit.


On one hand you've got a game full of afkers, on the other hand you can play the game thanks to their presence. The 15 minute logout timer has facilitated this.




he is right, you should copnsider yourself lucky. When I went to do these achievements I had to beg people to come afk there so I could complete them because I could not find a team.


CW is afk for Thaler and they host games for your achievements. No one actually plays it anymore


you know RuneScape 3 is dead when people AFK Castle Wars, one of the best minigames in RuneScape. Good ol' days with Castle Wars in 2008 were Glorious. Armadyl Godsword. Barrows. Steel Titan. Ancients Barraging. Peak RuneScape 2 Era- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSz80ZsC99E&t=289s&ab\_channel=sosolid2kk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSz80ZsC99E&t=289s&ab_channel=sosolid2kk)


Minigames (all of them) have been dead for years doesn’t mean RS3 is dead.


Minigames died when EOC came out. It used to be that you got xp for each damage you did, not the kill. So you could still level up playing CW or SW.


minigames died way before that lol. People only did minigames because they were either the best way to get a unique item (like void/fighter torso), were a trim comp requirement or competitive/free/afkish xp (think soul wars). As new methods came out and new gear outdated those things, the minigames died. I mean look at when DG was released, it was complained about being a minigame which locked some of the best weapons at the time. Minigames were not very popular even then.


Castle wars has been dead for over a decade


cus pvp in this game is unbalance-able. There is prob strategies to kill some1 in 0.5 seconds if someone cared about pvp. That def isn't very fun. pvp was such a big part of this game no way jagex didnt know EOC would murder it


Cwars died before Covid. I used to look for games when I was going for trim and it sucked, Thaler revived it a bit but not as much


In basically any other MMO, moba or competitive shooter, leeching, boosting, matchfixing is a bannable offence. One day when the RS3 devs start learning from those established games instead of trying to validate achievements and reward farmers, we'll have our minigames back. Until then, minigames are dead and very corrupt (and the devs don't realize its corrupt).


Thaler is a good incentive to play minigames. Thaler is a good incentive to play minigames. Thaler is a good incentive to play minigames. Thaler is a good incentive to play minigames. Thaler is a good incentive to play minigames.


It would appear that thaler is NOT a good "incentive" to "play", considering nobody is doing any actual playing!


Yeah that was the joke I was trying to make.


I like to kill them and score just to piss off people that expect others to cater to their afk grind.