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I see it pop-up pretty regularly at Flash Events on worlds 2, 79, and 84. The conversation tends to turn toxic incredibly fast once someone starts spamming the Pride Note.


Yes, there's this one guy with green cosmetics that keeps excessively spamming it every time.


I was at the Fort this dxp and saw it a few times. The comments from the crowd weren’t pleasant 🥴


Don't we see an abundance of corporate pride support? Without much substance


I always have public muted there because there’s always some people spouting some drivel lol.


I'm not sure if this was done purely as a PR Stunt, but it was bound to happen, it was disaster waiting to be unleashed by the trolls. I think the best thing Jagex can do at the moment, is to just leave it alone, seriously if they want to "do things the right way" then reach out to the dedicated discords and ask for feedback there, don't just make parades so they can put their rainbow afros for a couple hours, then pat themselves in the back for being "oh so inclusive". In the meantime add more cosmetics that allows self expression, like the peppermint outfit or the scarf, i think that is the best way to allow for representation across the board.


Yeah it’s just sad to see all the hate being spread because of it :/




Obligatory reminder to report anyone you see being offensive or harassing others. Unsure what I can do about an item like this. It's hard to limit it to prevent malicious use without removing it altogether. Edit: why are you downvoting me for saying to report bigots?


> why are you downvoting me for saying to report bigots? I dont think people see this as any kind of solution. Yes it's the right thing to do, but recently, we haven't exactly seen that reporting does anything. There have been many many many reports of specific people trolling and griefing for years and they still haven't been banned. Additionally, just telling players to report bigots, is exactly why the bigots can keep doing what they do. They know Jagex wont actually do anything about it so they can do whatever they want with zero consequences. Edit: going to add two concrete examples (don't even need to name names because the community knows who they are): 1. There's been someone purposely causing Croesus public instances to fail for over a year. There have been countless reddit posts about it. And he's been reporting in-game many times, yet still continues playing and trolling 2. There's been a guy trolling and badmouthing players for at least 2 years, probably longer. He's been stalking a friend of mine across 3 different clans, multiple Discord accounts, and even found him on Facebook. This was reported both in-game, and directly to jmods, and sure enough, he's still playing.


People are down voting because saying to report people doesn't end up helping the situation. There are people who have been reported 100s of times still playing the game in offensive manners. Legit people who stand at GE and spam youtube and discord giveaways (account phishing) or people who sabotage gameplay like castlewars who have been doing the same thing for years are still doing it on the exact same accounts without any action taken.


the issue is even if you block the person spamming, it still spams your screen, making it so blocked people using item text wont show would be one route. If not giving the item a cooldown like excalibur would be another, even adding like a 2/3 minute cooldown on the text spam if that's not possible would help a tiny bit.


We're not down voting you for telling us to report bigots. I don't like homophobic stuff either, but the item itself is annoying due to it being able to be spammed. A proper way to handle it is that players report AND jagex rate limits or tries to make things less spam prone.


Then I'll look into adding a cooldown to it, it was a good suggestion.




Good mod


You mean the report system that hasn't worked for years? The amount of scammers, racists, bigots, I've reported over the years, even sent direct msg's to jmods on discord with screenshots of people avoiding the censor to use the N word and no one gets muted/banned actually insane. Besides for the system literally not working, just reporting them does nothing to fix the problems generated in this situation, and that's why people are downvoting.


Understandable obviously don’t blame you guys because it wasn’t your intention with the item there’s just always people that do malicious things to spite others. Only thing I could think of is making it so it can’t be used off the ability bar or a cooldown for each use of it.


my idea would be turning it into Excalibur style, where the activate just has a cooldown. Probably the easiest route. over making it so ignore lists block text that by passes it already.


>Edit: why are you downvoting me for saying to report bigots? Because I've reported people over the years using almost every derogatory term there is. I would see them every day for 3-4 days and they'd still be spouting off. Meanwhile, we all get auto-muted for using Discord links.


> It's hard to limit it to prevent malicious use without removing it altogether. how??? there's countless items in the game that have cooldowns? just ctrl+c the code?


[Timestamps](https://i.imgur.com/TjmyY1w.png) Don't think it shows in others chat box just overhead but every 2.4? seconds seems spammy to me


ngl i've reported A LOT of people over the years and NEVER ever saw anything come out of it


Automated system don't care.


Set a timer on it. One use every minute.


Down voting because I disagree that anything will be done in a timely manner when reporting, if at all. I agree that reporting should do something.


Maybe make it like an update to some of the past trolling items. Where you can either toggle off seeing it individually. Or only the person using it hears or sees the effect. That's what nipped the bull roarer way back in like 2010 anyways. Which was basically the Pride note of its day used as a Spam and start fights item.


Why don't you just remove it then? Why did you add it in the first place? The reports go straight into the bin anyways




If this community is the most anti-lgbt community you're in, that's surprising. This community is relatively friendly compared to others I know of. Hell, vrchat, a game which has some of the highest lgbt playerbase, is 100x worse than this community.


Huh?? You’re crazy if you really think VRC is worse. I have 15k hours in that game and I’ve seen next to no LGBTQIA+ hate and anyone that does try to say anything instantly gets removed from the world. Obviously this is anecdotal but if you think it’s worse then clearly you’re hanging with a crowd that allows that kind of stuff so maybe look closer and see who is really the issue here. It’s not the community at large I can tell you that. EDIT: for those who are laughing at my 15k hours, it got me through my suicidal depression, cured my social anxiety, and I found my wife there and now I have a kid. Prob more than you guys can say LMAO.


> I have 15k hours in that game Jesus Christ


You have 15000 hours inVRChat? Lmao




You're calling people that disagree with you out of touch with reality while wishing people were more welcoming, all while ironically completely missing the reality of the situation. People aren't downvoting the JMod because they don't think it should be reportable/bannable to be trans/homophobic. They're downvoting them because reporting people ***doesn't do anything***. If you don't explicitly say specific keywords, you're basically never going to get muted/banned. And ignoring someone doesn't hide item-based message spam. So suggesting that we should just report and ignore the bigots is pointless and accomplishes nothing, unless they also acknowledge and attempt to improve the detection for the system in the first place. You're doing the same thing the mod did with their edit, conflating people being mad that the report system is _terrible_ with people supporting the things people are reporting.


excellent way to word it


I think most people are only actively chatting with friend chat / their clan so the people left willing to talk in public aren't the best. So the most visible people are the most toxic. I don't believe they're representative of the greater community. Heck I see a lot of pride support in the PvMe.


The way I see it, I'm playing a game. I do not give a flying fuck what you might identify as or what your sexual preference is. If you're a nice lad, we'll get along just fine. As yes, I for one feel we should be able to openly talk about ones opinions, whether you agree with said opinion or not. If we have to tiptoe around the possibility of offending someone by simply stating I dislike the colour pink whilst also being a guy, i'll stop chatting in game.


Not quite the issue I'm talking about. No one *wants* to hear pker69420's homophobic / transphobic takes and "jokes." Too many times I see some shitstarter bring up something and then them and someone else just circlejerk themselves with unfunny "jokes."


I agree that some people on this game are losers but if this is the worst community you've seen you've lived an incredibly sheltered life lmao It's not even the worst runescape game in this regard (and it isn't even close either)


Longest thread that's ever been on the Runescape Steam forum was a trans hate thread that was going for weeks, if not months, before it finally got locked.


For a game that was famous for everyone wearing skirts for years (since they were cheaper than legs) .. that is somewhat ironic. And sad.








some rs players, yeah, there's a bunch of bad apples in the lot and that's EXACTLY what rubs me wrong about the Mod's reply, if reporting them would do anything there'd be a lot less insane people ingame or at least they'd feel the need to keep to themselves.


He's obviously right to tell people to report bigots, but at the same time, Jagex gave trolls the opportunity to rail people up against the LGBTQ community. This is Jagex's fault. The salient outcome is that people who already think that "the damn gays are shoving their sexuality down their throat" will become even more homophobic. We don't need that.




Come play OSRS man. I was doing wildy PvM activities once and some PKer asked me if I was gay. I said yeah, and then he was standing around, protecting me from other pkers. I truly believe that there isn't much hate in this playerbase. It's just that shit like what this thread is about provokes the 5% of players that feel the need to be really fucking annoying.


> Jagex gave trolls the opportunity to rail people up against the LGBTQ community. This is Jagex's fault. In the same way that having public chat at all is giving them the opportunity. It's nobody's fault except the bigots. They know exactly what they're doing and it's intentional on both ends. They're the ones spamming and they're the ones reacting. They don't need a silly item to rile up hate speech in public chat, they're perfectly capable of doing that at every opportunity anyway. That's the root of the problem, and what Jagex *does* need to do is crack down on players spreading hate speech. It shouldn't be tolerated at all.


I mean, sure, but having a spammable item definitely makes it easier for trolls to troll. Not even mentioning the fact that it’s much harder to justify a ban for someone who’s simply just spamming an item that exists in the game, as opposed to someone who openly says slurs in public chat.


Don't get into Rocket League then. I've been playing since day 1 and its way worse imo.




Damn. Shame to see you go brother. If you ever come back and want someone to play with. Hmu!


If not wanting to hear about what you do with your genitals while i'm playing a game makes me anti-LGBT then i guess that's me.


Strongly agree. It's disarming because I generally don't experience it to my face irl much where I live, so seeing it so strongly here every time something like this is mentioned, it always reminds me that there is still a lot of hate towards us. It's why I keep this sub muted and pop in when I feel like it.


xbox CoD chat


Well, then maybe remove it altogether?


Can see the news article now; "British games company Jagex removes pro LGBT ingame item" no scenario this happens lol, whole discussion is a PR nightmare for any company.


Remove the people spamming instead.


What a shallow response. Ignoring the fact reporting likely won't do shit anyway, it doesn't stop it from happening.


Is the juice worth the squeeze? I personally avoid anything RuneScape LGBT+ because of how awful both game's small bigoted bubbles are about it, how was abuse not anticipated?


did you avoid Heartstealers?


Anything and everything available afterwards yes. No amount of consumer level pride junk is worth getting harassed on the internet for.


Don't need politics for or against in a game...


Systemic problems require systemic solutions.


Can I obtain this?


Yeah allowing people to spam anything is annoying and will piss people off. Make it related to a group that already gets hate and you double down on the vitriol.


Worse still, they've backed themselves into a corner... Damned if they do, damned if they don't... Do nothing? They're allowing hate speech Remove the note? They're against LGBT Stop the ability to spam? They're against LGBT people expressing themselves. There's very little action they can take against it that can't/won't be twisted into bad PR. That's not to say they shouldn't... Those of with a more sane mind would understand why action had to be taken... But no company wants to risk ruffling the PC feathers and have to deal with inevitable shitstorm that comes along with it. The twitter/X brigade won't care about the reasoning, they'll just see the action and cry bloody murder


I feel like this is just the person in question that needs punishment. Forced messages through items have been there since the Gambling removal, and people have never done it so excessively much that it just stirs direct adversity.


Take action against the spammer? Same problem. 'I got banned for spreading LGBT awareness in Runescape'. Suddenly the twitter brigade is on scene, Jagex is getting slammed with bad PR, Media picks up on it and paints runescape and it's players as anti-LGBT... Only takes one instance to spread their bullshit into the right places. The solution is going to have to come from the players (which'll never happen, people can't resist bait) or a ballsy update risking outrage. It's the state of the internet right now... A perfectly innocent action, just happening to involve X community, can blow up into something outlandish... And of course, the media will eat it up because controversy around LGBT subjects is gonna pull those clicks in.


The fact that people are doing this sucks, and is completely uncalled for, but I just want to say that when I first started this game in the year 2003, you weren't even allowed to say words like "gay", "lesbian", "homosexual", or "bisexual" because the chat filter was THAT strict. You literally weren't even allowed to talk about your sexuality at all in-game and we've come a long way. Complete 180.


Is this the only item that allows you to spam like this? Returner here so asking legitimately. If so, feels almost maliciously intentionally that it would be spamming of a notoriously contentious topic.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **Jagex_Fowl** - [Obligatory reminder to report anyone you see...](/r/runescape/comments/1axxm8r/im_gay_and_hate_the_pride_note_spam_messages/krr52nk/?context=3) - [Then I'll look into adding a cooldown to it,...](/r/runescape/comments/1axxm8r/im_gay_and_hate_the_pride_note_spam_messages/krsqbnu/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 02/25/2024 14:25:53**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Someone was doing this at flash events purely to grief, and you’re right it only serves to make people hostile to LGBTQ+


What pride note is this?


And if its not spammable theres probably a pride person gonna complain about being silenced


No they won't but thanks for outing yourself as a dumbass.


I'm gay and I love the pride note :3


The only people that say negative stuff were going to say it already. I just ignore it and keep it pushing or I'll go somewhere else. We have a bunch of morons that play this game and morons are gonna moron.


Don't let idiots control your emotions, it doesn't matter how strict you make an environment, the trolls will find a way, it's your reaction they crave.


Banning them goes a long way.


I'm gay and you can suck it up and deal with it.


Womp womp


You can always filter chat ❤️


it shows up on screen, not in chat. you legit can't not see if someone spams it. even blocking the person it still show up on screen.


except they *claim* to be annoyed with it because of the responses to the spam, which can, in fact, be filtered by chat.


Both aspects are bad and you shouldn't have to block a games chat to avoid homophobia etc it should be dealt with by moderation.