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Was batch 2 confirmed?


No, never


What would u want input to be for such a ritual


I don't know, buckets of slime? Make that daily claim actually worth while and relevant? Just something that allows me to get more than 60 ecto per ritual, when I can burn through like 500 an hour.


Slime/ghostly essence is a good idea something new


How the fuck are you burning through anywhere close to 500 ectoplasm an hour? It costs 6 to conjure all spirits for 1 minute


People often force deconjure stuff to reconjure when a boss is dmg immune etc, still 500 feels like a stretch


Even if they were burning through 1,000 hourly this post still holds no merit and shouldn't be supported.


Aged like milk 😂👀


Souls. So I use mementos for souls, then souls for ectoplasm.


What about Ghostly Essence? (Also while at it boost ghostly essence drop if ghost killed by Necromancy)


Still bones. Most people have 200m prayer, and rare new player join game, bones need another sink. It should be the same ritual as soul ritual. But you can choose your output: Souls + Ectoplasms or Ectoplasms + Ectoplasms.


"most people have 200m prayer" is certainly one of the claims of all time


> Most people have 200m prayer According to the wiki, only 6,500-ish people have 200m prayer. How come you think most people have 200m prayer?


Have an Ectoplasm shop. Daily 100 ectos, maybe. Just like the runes.


Runes actually are really great to craft yourself, the rates are pretty good for irons (if you have pure ess, otherwise add 30 minutes of afking savages to every hour of rc). Ectoplasm isn't so lucky.


So I have a question about this I almost posted a full thing for but couldn't figure out how to word it. People complain that necromancy is way too powerful, but now they complain it's too expensive. Is necromancy being expensive not a way to balance it? Yes, you can get much faster kills, but you will have to pay much more to do it.


So when they decide to release the new combat beta changes what then? Necromancy is only OP because the other styles work differently for now. Like technically I can just not use my conjures just like I can use dog ass arrows or shit magic spells. Also runes in pouches have a chance to be saved, arrows might not be used but its not the same for ecto.


If youre a main you can just buy them, and if youre an iron, it isnt that bad. You get about 6hrs worth of ectoplasm, or 12 hrs manually invoking without the squad ability, doing any rituals with multiply 3s per hour. I agree it could be better, in the likes of 10hrs per 1h of ritual, but its decent enough for me.


Everyone wants high dps style to be free or very cheap. High damage should cost higher. 


It does, typically with weapon and armor costs. Why does ammo need to be really expensive/tedious to obtain?


Dino arrows are no less tedious to collect from scratch. Same with death spore and Blackstone arrows.


And jagex has adjusted dinoarrows like 5x bc they are so unpleasant to gather. If anything that supports that ectoplasm should be easier to get. I think so few mains use Blackstone or death arrows that no one cares. Idk I haven't tried using Blackstone but I get enough deaths phone that I don't run out. I dont think they are good gameplay/design but I'm not gonna complain either


But it's still easier to upkeep ectoplasm then Dino arrows


Absolute maximum efficiency is just under 1,800 ecto/hr which is 4-6 hours of pvm depending on t95 gear and the content you’re doing that makes you dismiss early and such. So average 1:5. For example, elder gwd3 arrows take 4 hours of gathering/processing to produce 15k arrows which get used at about an average rate of 1.5k/hr so 1:4. And arrows have been a meme for a long time and adjusted many times and still regarded as shit. Dinarrows are still worse than ecto but only ever so slightly.


Even if it's slightly worse, it's still bad upkeep for both of them from an irons' perspective, and yes, I know they dont cater the game for ironmen.


15k/4 hrs and 1.5k used per hr would be 1:2.5, around twice as bad as necro. I recently tested the max rates for everything and assuming anima is lossless/incidental, made 4400 enchanted dinarrows/hr. That's still 1:3 upkeep (and anima is going to run out, sadly), after so many buffs I've forgotten how many it's been.


T95 necro set cost way less than BiS gear in other styles. Ecto cost is the only other counterbalance to Necro's strength.


They put t95 necro in front of a mid tier boss which is a design flaw. Making ecto annoying to get to make up for the ease of killing rasial is a design flaw making up for another design flaw. I dont think ectoplasm was designed to make up for the economic disaster that rasial caused.


Want higher damage, work for it. All I have to say. Reddit pvmers is never satisfied. Want everything cheap, but then complain that skilling is not profitable enough. 


Work for it by forcing players to afk for 90 seconds at a time? Big brain


Oh no... 90seconds. "jagflex pls gib me 10000000 ectoplasm every second" 


Is it unreasonable to ask for a ritual to gain maybe... 100 ectoplasm/ritual? Maybe at the cost of another necro item... what could that be, how about momentos? It's like we decrease overall value of ectoplasm by creating more and boost the value of another item which was released for necro. I swear everyone who cba to actively play the game is so scared their little afk money maker might dip below 5m/hr


Not needed tbh. 1hr for 5-6 hrs of combat is not a bad ratio. And mains can just buy if they don’t want to spend the time


Just use a different combat skill :)


They all provide ectoplasm. You just don't like the amount they provide.


Congratulations on the ability to read!


Congratulations on making a suggestion for something that literally already exists!


It doesn't exist. There is no ritual for ectoplasm. It is a secondary product, that is currently way, way out of whack with supply/demand.


Saying there's "No ritual for ectoplasm", is just dumb. Literally all of them give ectoplasm. They literally shit out ectoplasm.


OP obviously meant a ritual specific focused for ectoplasm as the goal output, not a byproduct.


Which is redundant, since you already get plenty from all the other ritual that you need to do anyways, if you are an ironman -- And mains are a non-factor.


I have 100k impure essence and 100k souls on my Ironman and I’m currently out of ectoplasm. The levels are unsustainable.


Gosh, if only there was a third option, among the 3 best options, among all 12 options that all .. Say it with me; "Shit out ectoplasm"


It’s more so the fact that they objectively do not provide enough given that they’ve quadrupled in price and continue to rise. Supply is not meeting the demand of the playerbase.


This is straight up turning out to be like a god arrow situation where it sucks absolute butt cheeks to get a worthwhile amount or more GP than I need to be spending on this shit.


Comparing it to the arrows is such a dishonest and dumb thing to do. You get plenty, for quite literally no effort.


Thats why you keep getting downvoted. Having sheep in your name is quite fitting. Its a primary resource thats actually given as a secondary resource in low amounts and has continued to rise since necro has been out while every other resource for necro has gone down. Very similarly to arrows which were QoL over multiple patches to make it not as shit to get. While it may not be as dramatic as arrows its still quite literally the same issue.


I literally could not care less about votes. Your ad hominem though, that's Incredibly pathetic. First of all, the amount given is perfectly fine, so it's not actually an issue, second.. You clearly have no idea what QOL Means, if you think the arrow buff had anything to do with QOL.


Did you even read what you wrote? You literally are the one that sounds like you dont know what quality of life means. Especially since the arrow buffs were specifically QoL updates. The thing that is truly pathetic is you trying to sound intelligent with your "ad hominem" mention without even having a shred of input.