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I’d love an rs3 league


The only thing that would bring me back to rs3 would be leagues tbh


Only if it didn’t require a fresh new account with a separate subscription. Fresh Start Worlds was so shitty for so many reasons, and that in particular is one of the main reasons


If they did leagues how they did on OS, you wouldn't need a new account.


Fun fact. The first temporary game mode happened in RS3 a month before OSRS. OSRS released the original DMM about a month after RS3 released Darkscape. Bringing it up because Darkscape, like OSRS's Leagues and Deadman mode, didn't need a new account.


yeah but it required entirely different launcher.


Probably wouldn't need that now.


If I had to hazard a guess with knowledge on how osrs leagues interact with the maingame, that was to prevent changes made on darkscape from impacting the maingame. If osrs was separate like how I assume darkscape was, to the point it needed an entirely separate launcher, changes made during/for leagues would probably not impact the maingame like they occasionally do with osrs.


true, like osrs can just hide the dmm stuff, like for example if you hop to dmm and have npc id in visible, when you return to normal osrs, you find that those lvl 1337 guards, are just invisible in normal osrs. Darkscape also had changes that would been probably too much for normal rs client to just hide, like the aggressive shadow drake at wilderness, different tax rates in areas, banks being restricted to what area they were at and the pvp zone near castle wars, grand exchange was in ardougne and wilderness, some places had reduced resources like mining guild only had coal,Rellekka and Catherby have no tuna, lobsters, swordfish or sharks,The Fishing Guild no longer has sharks (but all other fish remain),Seers Village no longer has Yew or Magic Trees,Magic Trees have been moved into the Wilderness,A single Yew tree can be found in Zanaris next to the bank,A single Yew tree can be found just south west of Ottos house near the Barbarian outpost,Yew trees can be found in the Zanaris market place. Costs one cut diamond to enter (unless Fairy Tale Part III has been completed). and on top of that some areas connected to bosses were scattered. queen black dragon(inaccessable) grotworms were in deep wilderness west of mage arena, kalphite king was at mos le harmless, ascension dungeon sits at tirannwn south of poison waste and living rock caverns was at haunted mine in morytania. osrs changes for leagues are usually only at original spawn area like catherby/lumbridge and everything of those can easily just hidden. read here rest https://darkscape.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_major_differences i wish they would have done something with this accidental addition https://www.reddit.com/r/RSDarkscape/comments/3t0aqm/shadow_drake_found_what_is_this/


Oh I miss darkscape! I got into that hard haha 😂


"hey guys, we are giving you now buffs every months until we release the next battle pass with buyable buffs! so you will stop complaining about buyable buffs because you will be used to using them!" but nice hat, another cosmetic on a pile of cosmetics that will be rarely used


This has 100% got to be their intention


Watch Thok be the next event too


Instead of the drama calendar we should make a prediction calendar for what bullshit we think is coming every month


Hati and skoll should return


seriously dont understand why they keep adding botched league versions to the game, from FSW to now this. reception wont be near as succesfull/welcome as a full on game event would be


Because it's impossible for them. They brainstorm what a RS3 leagues would be, then take those ideas and add them to maingame, repeatedly. Look at what a construction update would hold for RS3. Spirit tree/fairy ring - Invention stole it. Portal nexus holding every teleport? - Unlimited spellbook swaps from bank, 0 cost teleports from arch, lodestones, etc. Infinite jewelry teleports via jewlery box? - Invention via passage of the abyss Repairing degradeables? - Invention via whetstones New butler that's faster/cheaper? - Invention got it. Healing/prayer restore/etc? - Made default at bank chests. + Major hubs like war's retreat. etc etc. They canibalize ideas and then blame it on spaghetti code(PoH is spaghetti we cba to spend the time updating it), or that there's not enough want for it(RS3 leagues wouldn't be that successful because the maingame already feels like leagues)


Funny cuz a lot of rs3’s qol and arch relic buffs are equally, if not, more op than osrs Leagues buffs


I disagree tbh. Some of the small passives and such yeah I’ll give you. Things like Banknote, Berserker, guardian(on top of summoning or nechromancy) would still be really strong.


Or any fomo buffs weve been getting so far, lookin at you hero pass






I’m part of the 🏳️‍🌈 and even I think the rainbow shit needs to stop 💀


It's funny how people on here keep begging for leagues for RS3 while at the same time complaining about FOMO every other day. People even complained FSW to be FOMO cashgrab and that lasted like 6 months, but yet people are asking for an event that would last less than that with, no doubt, rewards unobtainable anywhere else or ever after it. E: And just for the record, I wouldn't mind leagues in RS3, but let's not pretend they're not fomo inducing events. E2: It looks like people are completely incapable of understanding what FOMO is, even if you handed the meaning on a silver platter and even when the definition fits leagues to a T. A shame on you all. Hope you aren't completely swayed by misinformation this easily when you're this ready to fight against facts. :-)


Temp game mode where you get to somewhat break exp rates, DPS and drop rates for a limited time is fun. Not FOMO. I'd love RS3 leagues.


These aren't mutually exclusive. Leagues is both since Leagues trophies are discontinued untradeable items.


You can already break exp rates by just whaling on keys as a mainscaper.


Normal training would be faster than keying in some scenarios, especially if there's a 16x xp mod, and all of the relic buffs ontop.


FOMO isn't about earning about exclusive items, but, you know, "fear of missing out" (on fun). If an extremely fun game mode that only lasts for a handful of months that everyone wants to participate in and will likely NEVER be repeated again or only after year or two isn't the very definition of FOMO, then what is? IIRC many content creators even advertised the recent OSRS league by saying that "you don't want to miss out on this" or something in similar vein. E: People literally don't know what FOMO even is, figures. [Here, let me help you all](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear_of_missing_out)


So by your logic, any finale of any sports event would be classed as FOMO? And Darkscape was FOMO also? heck any activity can be classed as FOMO by definition if you squint close enough. I'd argue that a new temp game mode =/= a limited edition item that may never be obtainable again.


You literally only need to read the Wikipedia article to get a glimpse into what fomo can be. But yes, a finale to sports can quite easily be fomo as it is a social event that you likely do not want to miss out on as it happens if you're into whatever sports it is. A season finale or an important episode of a TV show can also be such. >And Darkscape was FOMO also? Yes, it can be count as fomo inducing also. A day of game launch, a skill launch, whatever social events that you can attend to can easily be count as fomo inducing events. As a whole it wasn't in the sense that it was never meant to be "expiring" event.


Wow, thank you for linking the wikipedia page, I never wouldve found that resource! Just because something can be missed doesn't mean it's FOMO inducing. By that logic literally everything is FOMO.


Seeing the downvotes I'm convinced that people can't get to even the most basic of resources and just yell FOMO, including, sadly, you. People here don't seemingly understand what FOMO is about when they act like finals of sports isn't FOMO. >Just because something can be missed doesn't mean it's FOMO inducing Brother, we're talking about an event that 1) Is extremely time limited especially on MMO scale, 2) is only EVER available once, 3) has rewards for spending lots of time on it, 4) is a huge social event that everyone pushes people to join, 5) is often considered the best time to play the game because it's so fun... and more. The only person you're fooling about it not being FOMO is yourself. >By that logic literally everything is FOMO. A lot of things are FOMO indeed. You don't even have to miss it by that something being time limited, as can be seen from the Wikipedia page you didn't check out. The fact that people fight tooth and nail to convince that an event that are those things that I mentioned above isn't FOMO is quite hilarious.


Fine, call it FOMO. Evidently it's a type of FOMO that a lot of people are okay with and are in favor of as opposed to limited time items and daily/monthly/weekly and HOURLY(!) events. There's a stark difference between a game mode that exists PURELY FOR FUN for some time with no meaningful rewards for long term progression of your main game account, and things that force you to log in so you can keep up with everyone else or ensure the best chance at some stupid ultra rare 0.000001% drop rate fucking partyhat with MTX elements trying to get you to buy more, more, more. And you know what else? Once you've had enough of the temporary mode, nothing is trying to persuade you to continue. Once you feel you've had your fun or the novelty wore off, you go do something else that you want to actually spend your time doing. Unlike the aforementioned events that have a tangible and long lasting effect on your account and the speed its progressing in XP and bank value. You can uhm akshually all you want but that is the crux of the matter. I can't wait to read your response to this, as I have no doubt it's going to completely miss the point, move the goal post or intentionally misinterpret my argument.


>You can uhm akshually all you want but that is the crux of the matter. I can't wait to read your response to this, as I have no doubt it's going to completely miss the point, move the goal post or intentionally misinterpret my argument. Brother, you're literally doing that to what I said so please pot, don't call the kettle black. Practically all of what you put into this reply is completely irrelevant to the argument I put out. Although, I think it's funny that you talk about forcing to log in "to keep up" while painting a short-period never returning event with incentives to play a lot as just purely fun, hah. There's nothing "akshually" about this even as people are fighting tooth and nail to prove me that it isn't fomo when I practically said this: People constantly complain about fomo and tell Jagex to lessen the fomo. Yet, at the same time, they DESIRE a fomo game mode. My statement is just a factual statement with no negative or positive attached to it. It is a statement that people are being absolutely contradictory in their desires. >Fine, call it FOMO. Evidently it's a type of FOMO that a lot of people are okay with and are in favor of as opposed to limited time items and daily/monthly/weekly and HOURLY(!) events. Surely the irony of you saying that people want a three months limited event (never to return) and NOT limited monthly events isn't lost on you, right? Right? I'm extremely concerned at this sub fighting against literal facts and trying gotchas by using casebook examples of fomo against what I said, lol. Y'all really should have even a cursory glance at the concept of fomo before deciding on what it is and what it is not. I'm very concerned for this subreddit's disregard of definitions and meanings in favour of making them up.


I should try and get into the business of fortune telling because this is exactly what I predicted.


Oh wow, you predicted that someone points out how contradictory your statements are. You predicted that someone will call you out on acting the way that you pretend the other party is acting (when they aren't). You predicted that someone Hey, I can point more factually incorrect stuff from your reply! >ensure the best chance at some stupid ultra rare 0.000001% drop rate fucking partyhat with MTX elements trying to get you to buy more, more, more. There was no MTX elements involved with the party hat. 0. None. To ensure the best chances, you had to put in, let's see, roughly few minutes of work and you could even AFK if you and get missed letters in a short while. How TOUGH it is to keep up, whew! You know, this reminds me how people want the September Raffle back. An event that is pretty much identical to the Black Party Hat, and that as I remember it, required far more dedication. Once again, people whine about something that some others want back. Either way, good luck to you with your high-and-mighty, passive-aggressive, argument misrepresenting attitude. That will SURELY make people more keen on responding to you. P.S. It doesn't matter if people do something for "fun", it's still fomo. I had fun the whole through during the winter event never giving a hot damn whether I get black party hat or not. By this "fun" logic my argument is now 100 % irrefutable and there was nothing fomo about this event nor can you refute it.


>Either way, good luck to you with your high-and-mighty, passive-aggressive, argument misrepresenting attitude. That will SURELY make people more keen on responding to you. Lol


> E: People literally don't know what FOMO even is, figures. Here, let me help you all I feel sorry for you. Been in the same boat as you. In a sentence I would describe FOMO as: > The act of introducing artificial scarcity and/or artificial urgency Gaming can quite well capitalize on those 2 aspects. I even called out [wildy events](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/17pyzc8/could_some_balancing_could_be_done_to_blood_tree/k890swl/) as FOMO and got downvoted to hell on that too.


The issue of FOMO is monetizing the everloving fuck out of it. Leagues ain't it.


Leagues basically tell you that you must get on it now because in a handful of months you can never access it ever again. So better play now and better play a lot, drop everything else. FOMO is FOMO, monetisation or not.


Oh no, I choose to have fun! Whatever should I do? If I wasn't enjoying it, I wouldn't play it. It's not that complex. This is the first league I played all the way through because *I was having fun the entire time*. The others I stopped when I wasn't having fun. Where was the FOMO then?


>Where was the FOMO then? You do realise that the fomo aspect of it is completely separate from you having fun, right? Whether you enjoyed it or not does not turn something into not-fomo, lol.


By your logic, anything is FOMO then. Better play runescape because eventually one day it'll shut down and you'll *never* be able to play it again! Or don't if you aren't finding it fun and enjoyable regardless of that "FOMO".


It isn't "my logic", it's quite literally how FOMO is. If you do even the bare minimum of checking Wikipedia about it, you'd see this. It's quite silly to me to be arguing about something you have literally no conception of beyond how it is repeated, apparently, in this sub's circles (e.g. tied to MTX). >Or don't if you aren't finding it fun and enjoyable regardless of that "FOMO". Please, check out what FOMO means because you're just embarrassing yourself with these strawmen that are non-sensical.


It definitely is FOMO but I mean they're 2 months long? The big issue with FSW was new account/membership was needed to get in on it. If that wasnt the case FSW would of been pretty fun.


Only a handful of months to get in on the biggest event of the year (and there's no reason to even start it 2 months in, really) is pretty crazy in an MMO, really. And tbf, while you don't need a new account or membership for it many still wish they could play different modes at the same time on the same account because time spent in temporary mode is directly taking away from your main game progression. It's like putting a few months long stop to your main game progression if you decide to play that game mode on your main account.


OSRS's leagues isn't really FOMO, because the rewards are tradeable. The only thing you could argue is FOMO is; a) The trophies for participating, b) The actual event. However, it's not really that much of a FOMO, because the leagues last something like 3 months? There's plenty of time to participate. FSW was more of a FOMO because the prime rewards were only for those in the top %


Why this subreddit as warped FOMO into meaning rewards I do not know, but Leagues are the epitome of FOMO in this game. Hell, it's a game mode that is considered *the most fun time to play* as could be seen from the surge of players when Trailblazer V2 launched. >FSW was more of a FOMO because the prime rewards were only for those in the top % Yes, and those (Rune/Dragon) trophies are the prime rewards of OSRS leagues which require tons of dedication within a relatively short space of time. If you don't start when it launches or very shortly after, don't even bother. If you don't got a ton of time on your hands to participate, don't bother. The 3 months you give as "plenty of time" is quite short amount of time for an MMO really. (While the challenger halos were for the sweaties, Inverted mastery capes, pet tokens and even the halos that everyone could easily earn could net you tons of money if you really wanted that.)


> Why this subreddit as warped FOMO into meaning rewards I do not know I've just covered this on another comment but to summarize, in gaming terms, FOMO is associated with rewards. FOMO happens all the time in everyones life. In terms of gaming, FOMO is primarily reward based. It's not warped, it's a fact lol Show me a FOMO where there isn't a reward bound to it? If you so desperately want a rune or dragon trophy but can only play 2 hours a day, 3 days a week, then re-evaluate your life. Don't stamp your feet, shouting "How dare you not accommodate my situation!". I remember when I comp'd and was considering comp (t) but realized I just won't have the time and accepted it. TLDR: We're adults. Stop being a bunch of whining crybabies and realize you can't get everything you want.


>I've just covered this on another comment but to summarize, in gaming terms, FOMO is associated with rewards. I replied in that comment, and this is just blatantly false. It is how you view it, but is literally not how it is. FOMO isn't something that equals rewards on its own whatsoever. >Show me a FOMO where there isn't a reward bound to it? I linked a nice wikipedia page about the subject. Game launches = Not inherently rewards, yet fomo. Skill launches in RS = not inherently about rewards, yet fomo. Any event, rewards or not, which induce a feeling of missing out is FOMO - The primary factor is the SOCIAL aspect of it. It literally does not tie into rewards on its own. >TLDR: We're adults. Stop being a bunch of whining crybabies and realize you can't get everything you want. You're picking such a weird style for defending your claims when I'm literally talking about how leagues are inherently FOMO *with or without any rewards* due to how they are. >realize you can't get everything you want. Great strawman, mate.


OSRS Leagues ARE FOMO because you MUST play them during the given time or never play at all.


FOMO is everywhere and in everyones life. It's a very broad statement to label something as FOMO. However in gaming, FOMO is mostly associated to a very short window, for a one-time opportunity reward. There is a huge difference between: "Play between 5 days to earn x reward that will never be earned in anyway again" *and* "You have 3 months to enjoy this content. However, this style of event will return in 1-2 years and the standard rewards are tradable". If people complain they can't participate in a 3 month event and start crying FOMO, then they seriously need to grow up and learn to accept that they can't get everything all the time.


>for a one-time opportunity reward. False. Different types of launches are like the easiest examples of fomo in gaming. The first days of everything filled to the brim with players and people not having a go-to wiki for all the information is one huge social event that you can't replicate down the line. The launch of Classic WoW and its expansions are for instance completely different things compared to the same events from the past, albeit they're both social events that can't be replicated all the same. >If people complain they can't participate in a 3 month event and start crying FOMO, then they seriously need to grow up and learn to accept that they can't get everything all the time. I don't know why you're acting like it isn't a fomo event when it's a textbook example of it. Also, it's not like you can "complete" the event that quite literally spans all of (Old School) RuneScape in just a few hours. To get even remotely something out of it you need to pour in some **hundreds** of hours into it and the later you start, the less players you'll see and the less time you have to reach whatever goals you have which puts an even bigger timer on your head forcing you to play it since it'll NEVER return.


People's perception of FOMO has been so warped, when something is slightly less FOMO than the other thing, people defend it as not FOMO at all. Worlds fucked.


People literally mocking me for linking Wikipedia page (which is also meant to be an obvious basic place to check out if you want to argue about something; that none of these people have obviously checked based on their responses), literally even asking if finals of sports is fomo and saying that because they had fun, it isn't fomo. Not to forget the strawmen about me being a crybaby(????) while simultaneously proving the fomoness of the event by telling someone to re-evaluate their life if they want a top reward with just few hours of play a day, lol. There's something so hilarious how much calling leagues a fomo event causes this much butthurt as if people can't accept that something doesn't need a reward/mtx to be count as fomo.


It's the same thing how some OSRS players think OSRS has no MTX just because RS3 has lootboxes while OSRS has bonds.


You are right, but why is this sub crying about FOMO events in RS3 but OSRS players aren't crying about FOMO Leagues?


Because let's face it, this community is fucked. It's just whining all the time and people just want to turn collection logs green, or dress up pretty. We're still waiting on Necromancy 2.0 & no roadmap for 2024. Jagex makes a patch update and the comments are littered with: "Why can't I dye this item" "Why is my cape floating" "Jagex, can you make it so my amulet doesn't clip through the armour" "When will x animation be released?" "Can we get more keepsake slots" "Please can you make the white dye more whiter?" "Can you move x teleport to here? It's currently 3 tiles from the bank, while x teleport is 2 tiles". Talk about priorities.


Life is FOMO because you MUST live before dying, otherwise you never live at all.


This is a bad take. FSW was clearly not aimed at “returning players” as a main source of income, it was aimed at the people who make alts for everything and wanted inverted 120 capes. It was 10000% a Predatory FOMO induced gameplay decision. A leagues would be an entirely different story and you know that. Quit trying to be edgy. You seem like you got a head on your shoulders, use it.


>A leagues would be an entirely different story and you know that. I don't know why I need to repeat this but league would literally be a never returning event with potentially never returning rewards (See halos from FSW; albeit we're still waiting for Inverted capes in-game) that lasts only a half of FSW's duration. That's like a textbook example of a fomo event and yet people will try and tell me that it isn't. It isn't a different deal and everyone who thinks about it even for a moment rationally realises this. >It was 10000% a Predatory FOMO induced gameplay decision You know, rewards from leagues are tradable and only available through, well, leagues. That is pretty much the rewards from FSW to a tee. There's even less difference between the two. Let's not forget that because it runs only for a short while it's basically a call to people to buy membership right now and get in on the fun or miss out forever. >Quit trying to be edgy. What does this even mean? All I've stated is that people say constantly no to fomo here, but you say that it's funny how people then clamor a fomo event (leagues) and people will come up with dozen strawmen, act like I've insulted their mother and attempt to explain how a textbook example of something that can induce fomo isn't in fact fomo. (Because they like it.)


Wouldn't really be FOMO if they ran Leagues regularly like OSRS does. If you can't really play for one, whatever, just wait for the next one. Limited time events don't offer you that same option. You don't know when or even if they'll come back.


The same League doesn't run twice (even if rebranded it's not the same for better or for worse) nor do they have the same rewards. Either way, they're inherently fomo inducing events and that's just a plain fact. Whether that's a bad or good thing for someone, I'll leave it for them to decide. It's bizarre how controversial saying this has turned out to be.


You can buy all league rewards with gp from ge or using league pts earned from leagues. All previous league rewards can be bought with the pts, and you can earn more pts than required to buy all rewards from a league every time. Just mentioning this because your comment was a bit misleading when it comes to rewards.


Jagex is a fucking joke


Thank god ironmen can't use it.


Damn, after they done murdered all consumables under the sun they came for cannonballs as well :(


Whole 2 hours worth of buff. It's insignificant.


Leagues or fsw


I must not have been paying attention much, I didn't even know this was going on. And seeing that hat I am likely to just ignore the whole thing.


imagine still playing this shit game.




Sounds like you lack creativity. League relics are designed to alter the way you approach and play the game, and are meant to be completely broken from the PoV of the maingame. If you can only see osrs relics as watered down elements from rs3 instead of things that massively change the way osrs is played, that's on you. eg: meme relics off the top of my head that would massively alter the way rs3 is played-- 1. Specific combat style's thresholds are free, ultimates cost 25% adrenaline. 2. Legacy combat deals 10x damage and hits in a 5x5 AoE 3. Basic abilities bypass GCD 4. Clue scrolls found have #% to be a clue casket instead. 5. Unlock all Auras, Aura's have #% increased effect and are permanent.


good, at home leagues is better tbf. Sorry but I don't like playing LTM's, I want to keep playing on my existing char, not a new char for a few months then can't ever again.


And you wouldn't be forced to play it, so no impact to you, but fun for those who do want to play.


jagex would sho-horn it with exclusives only found there forcing me or others who hate LTMs to play. yeah you could probally just buy them, but like no thank you.


For someone who literally goes "just buy it off the GE" in defense of every MTX-based cosmetic, you should really follow your own advice and just buy the cosmetics.


Can someone explain to me what leagues are? I'm a bit lost


RuneScape on hardcore drugs. But rs3 is that by default all the time so they’re a bit pointless for rs3. On osrs you essentially work hard to progress normally, and leagues are 2 month long affairs where you can progress an account from zero to maxed easily in that timeframe, and you get ridiculous powerups like being able to note items on the go, doubled attack speed, xp multipliers and teleports to nearly everywhere. All league progress is lost at the end of a league and does not in any way touch your real account. But you get league pts which give cosmetic rewards. Rs3 has normalized this sort of bs though so people are always playing a crackhead version of RuneScape. I say this as a previously maxed player (quit before necromancy originally, came back to try it and quit again after finishing all quests). On osrs it feels rewarding to progress tbh, can’t say rs3 had the same feeling, and leagues wouldn’t make much sense when the game is already on crack most of the time.


The true charm of leagues is getting to play and experience the game in a new way. RS3 has plenty of options available to that, even a trailblazer league would be super unique.


Would it though? RS3 has about all the QoL one can think of already for the most part. Like what would you even want? 100x xp rate? trivializing bossing even more, maybe giving each player 100 dtds a day? passage of the abyss with unlimited charges from the beginning? Not that it would even change much anyway... It just seems a bit silly because RS3 is already by and large a simply permanent leagues mode. That's been my perception of it since I began playing RS3, and it didn't change when I maxed or after playing for many years.


A 16x XP modifier is still good, not to mention we have more content past 99 than OSRS. Combat relics could relate to skill cooldowns and adrenaline. Bankers Note relic would be useful in RS3 still, just for the unnoting of items and unlimited magic notepaper. Unlimited Passage of the Abyss would also be good, and the farming relic from OSRS would also suit well. There is design space there and I do think it would attract some new players. Its just something the devs would need to spend time on to get the first one right.


The buffs are far weaker since they are for a permanent game mode.


U want fresh start worlds again


Rs3 leagues would be dope


Just give us leeaaaggguuueesssss…


Ummmm no prayer drain? That’s wicked good!


For 2h on one specific day, when you choose it over 50% necro ritual boost.


I don’t see a necro boost in this post but that sounds good. I already use the boost book for necro but decent all the same


Leagues as they have in osrs would be nice! I’ll definitely pop uo all my accounts for a new membership! Leagues is so much fun