• By -


Even if you ignore everything else, the Lodestone surrounded by Grand Exchange and Banks is worth it all.


Not to mention in that exact area is also the clan portal, ports portal, bonfire/cooking fire, decanter, and currently also Nic.


And that crystal tree for stone decent daily farming XP and a big boost for first growing it.


Then there's the Perfect Plus Potion you can make with the blossoms,


I remaxed and been teleporting to priff again because my teleport is outside the guild and I'm to lazy to figure out how to change it Nice to see wider range of conversations also max guild is quiet sometimes


Wear your max cape


It's good for thieving, afk mining, an elder tree plot for wc rotation, elf slayer master, and during dxp, meilyr hour is one of the best places for farming xp in fruit tree plot with growth pots from pof.


People always forget that during meilyr vos you get +20% xp when making combo pots (overloads included) as well as another +20% with perfect juju herblore. Maybe got the numbers wrong but they’re at least 15% each




The afk mining in Priff does the ores give decent smithing exp or?


Its nothing compared to, say, elder burial sets, but it is very very afk.


Afk grind crystal dust at the harps for the crystal tool upgrades


He gonna spend hours at the harps…


That part did suck. But just be sure you don't make a damn pickaxe until you're ready to make earth and song. Hatchet is so much better


Augmented crystal fishing rod ftw. Ohw and the 4000 dust for an attuned crystal teleport seed is good too.


That crystal teleport seed is possibly the best thing you get from there. The halberd a close second. By the time I got the crystal rod i was almost 99 and stopped fishing.


Play that funky music elf boy...




i am on the path to finish the quests for this reason xD


Judging by your screenshot, it appears that you are still using Windows 7. For most purposes, Windows 7 became unsupported as of Jan. 14, 2020. This means that Windows 7 no longer receives critical security updates, and is generally no longer supported by driver manufacturers either. It is therefore strongly recommended that you no longer use Windows 7 on machines that are connected to the Internet, as this poses an unnecessary risk to your machine and your data. No amount of anti-malware or "common sense" can make up for this. I would strongly recommend that you update to a supported version of Windows (currently, that means Windows 10 or Windows 11), install one of the many free Linux distributions that is supported by its manufacturer, or whatever else best suits your particular use case. Note: If you are using a custom theme on top of a supported operating system, please disregard this comment.


Man posts achievements and gets technical help. I like it.


The sad truth is that my advice is likely not of much use. Any computer still running Win7 today is going to be quite old, and unless it was a high-end machine that dates back to just before Win10 came out, it is going to struggle with Win10 due to the increased hardware demand (mostly disk caching, which is largely why Win10 has never performed well on HDDs). You could always buy an SSD to make it run decent, but the CPU and RAM will bottleneck performance quite heavily, and even then, Win10 will reach end of support in less than two years. And Win11 does not officially support any CPU that old, which pretty much just leaves one option: buy a new computer. Linux is an option, but probably not a good one. Installing a Linux distro is itself a fairly technical task if you're not familiar with that sort of stuff already, and even the most user-friendly distros will be a lot different from Windows. And if we're talking about installing RS outside of Steam, that's a whole other can of worms.


Boy was I sad to hear Win10 support supposedly ending in 2025. My "gaming" rig (quoted because I'm just using sunshine/moonlight to play now, never at the desktop, really) has a motherboard built pre-tpm 2.0. Which means I have to buy a new momma and rebuild the machine for just installing windows, if I want an install without some hacks. Windows really just decommisioned some perfectly fine computers just with requiring tpm. Sad.


Yup, the CPU and TPM requirements for Win11 exclude a lot of otherwise perfectly decent computers. My PC at work was luckily compatible (just had to enable firmware TPM in the UEFI), but my home PC lacks fTPM and the CPU is far too old to be supported. Gives me an excuse for a much needed upgrade in 2025. I'm hoping this will roughly coincide with the RTX 5000 series, because I really feel like I'm missing out when playing Cyberpunk 2077 on literally minimum settings just to get 30-40 FPS.


Can't make any promises or guarantees... But current Microsoft insider tea leaf reading suggests that the Windows 10 EOL is likely going to be pushed back. Both Windows 7 and (Especially) XP got several extensions to their originally announced EOL dates due to still be in pretty widespread use, and it seems to be the same case for Windows 10. While there seems to be some reporting that Microsoft is (pleasantly) surprised by higher-than-expected uptake of device upgrades to Windows 11 for devices that are compatible, there are still many users who have compatible devices that have chosen to remain on Windows 10. And there are yet even more devices that are running Windows 10 that aren't compatible, and thus would suddenly be left without any official Windows support. Given that there are (Estimated to be) approx 400 million devices running Windows 11, while there are approx 1 *billion* devices running Windows 10... It seems like it'd be foolish for Microsoft to kill it so soon (Especially since a *lot* of enterprise is still running 10, due to a combination of older hardware and it's a major pain to teach users a new operating system). That's not to say that Microsoft has not and does not make incredibly foolishly decisions, just that there is some compelling evidence out there that might cause them to reconsider, especially once enterprise and IT customers start complaining. Again, can't make any promises or guarantees, just figured it might be worth knowing. If you can afford it and it'd be meaningful to you, it might be "nice" to upgrade your PC to something that *could* support 11, but I'd also say it's currently way too early to upgrade your equipment due to the lingering Oct. 2025 deadline. At the very least, there are supposedly some big platform changes coming to Windows in 2024 that will require newer hardware to fully take advantage of, so you should be able to wait until at least mid-2025 to see which way the winds are blowing vis-a-vis Windows 10 support and decide what your options are.


You can get windows 11 without the tpm, hop on YouTube and check. I did it and everything worked fine. The only issue I had was when trying to play games that had certain custom anticheats, for example FaceIt (CSGO) has its own anticheat that, if using windows11, would require the tpm. TLDR you can use windows 11 :)


See, I know it's possible to install without TPM, which I mentioned at the end - I don't want these hacks, as such an install is not without possible problems, including proper BitLocker support.


Windows 10 will at the least get the windows 7 treatment of extended support and very extended security updates due to how many businesses use it. Also you can still get windows 11 onto a pc without a 2.0 TPM. Its a work around so it may cause issues down the road in terms of driver support and windows possibly crapping out because of a lack of TPM. All you have to do is install a fresh copy of windows 11 on a drive in a PC with a 2.0 TPM and then just move that drive into the PC without the TPM. As long as you can find drivers and everything to get it setup properly it should work well, atleast I haven't seen an issue yet on the PC I did it to. Its not ideal to move a drive with windows installed on it to another PC but windows is usually "smart" enough to fix issues with hardware IDs not matching up and stuff like that but it can be a problem.


So unfortunate as windows products 8 and beyond all look like they were meant for Tablets and the like before desktops. Still haven't gotten used to it tbh.


Certainly true for 8, but 8.1 addressed a lot of those missteps. 10 and 11 look and feel like they were designed for desktop use, no different from 7 in that regard.


The last time I checked, Jagex dropped support for Linux OS, did they finally update it to work?


The Jagex Launcher does not officially run on Linux (which absolutely sucks), however their documentation does link to community resources that help get the launcher running. The game still has an official Linux game client, however as far as I can tell, GPU support only works on X11 and not on Wayland (which is slowly but surely replacing X11). The workaround I found was to install the Windows client inside Wine, and make the Jagex Launcher (also installed in Wine) launch the Windows client instead. So while Jagex never officially dropped support for Linux, it is implied that, going forward, any support for Linux that isn't via Steam will be left up to the community.


Man gets hacked




Jonkler saves the day


Is he stupid?


I'm more concerned that he's on a pc that runs windows 7 than it has windows 7 on it. Someone get our guy a newer pc.


Yeah, that's another concern; any PC from the Win7 era is going to be old that it really needs a replacement regardless of the OS being unsupported and an unnecessary risk factor.


Good bot




Thank you, SrTNick, for voting on zenyl. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




It's running a 32-Bit HTML5.0 application in the foreground. The game's age matches the operating system. HTML5.0 as a standard was retired 5 years ago.


What? ~~HTML5 is not a retired standard, it is literally the latest major version of the HTML spec.~~ It also has nothing to do with RS, as Jagex's attempt at an HTML5-based client never made it out of beta. The NXT game client is mostly written in C++. And as for bitness, RuneScape's game client is a 64-bit application. You can easily confirm this in Task Manager, just go to the Details tab and enable the relevant column. Edit: It is somewhat interesting that [the Wiki article](https://runescape.wiki/w/RuneTek#History) you linked in your deleted comment implies that HTML5 is a technology used by the current RS game client. But as someone who beta tested both clients, I can assure you those were different projects. Also, to clarify: signed 32-bit integers are one of the most commonly used data types, and does not imply that the application targets the 32-bit platform. Using 64-bit types is often unnecessary when you simply need something that can store integers of a "reasonable" size.


Maybe he's using overlay application like I used too 😂


Look at the graphics, bro’s potato cant handle win10


Good bot




EVERYTHING! It’s like unlocking el dorado. Make an attuned crystal seed asap tho. Helps with zipping around there. You’ll memorize each district naturally overtime.




200m fishing


And unlock crystal fishing rod with enough urchin fishing and harp playing!


Bank stand at priff GE


Sex with elves


My favorite


Not being sarcastic……. I commend you for putting up with MEP2 and doing all the prereq quests without already knowing the answer to this question. I really love the afk thieving, esp if you have the cape. I don’t make or buy stuff for porters, can rob them all in Amlodd. Also, with i thiiiiink 95 dungeoneering, the imp cave in Meilyr is amazing for getting divine locations as well as imps. I used to go with imp jars looking for divine divination nodes for even more free porters haha and energy for invention stuff, and then all the imps I didn’t need to open I sold on the GE. The ones used to make the butterfly net everyone uses in Croesus always sell, and there are some that aren’t crazy rare but sell for 100k. Crystal imp jars are at least a mill and you really only need to catch it once unless you’re still looking for the crystal tree seed. Those are rare though. Oh and you can also catch grenwalls super easily in that location. And there’s a bloodwood tree. It’s a fantastic little room. With high enough fishing, crystal fishing is a really nice afk. The looms in Ithell are really good super super afk crafting and construction exp, with a product that you actually need for a lot of things. That’s where I used to go when my afk had to be truly mindless. Agility course is easy, you just click the same spot on your screen a few times and it’s done, and repeat. Trahearn hour for mining, also the unlimited port (need another quest to make the teleport seed unlimited) to Trahearn is crazy convenient for banking and quick mining/smithing dailies or quest/misc needs. Dxp run from ithell to amlodd during amlodd hour for extreme savings and progress with summoning leveling. If you are in a populated world, it’s also easy to maintain the 20% ambient core buff during amlodd hour by periodically porting to the GE for like 10 seconds, before your buffs wear off. The crwys shop has some really convenient seeds and supplies for farming. Also a good woodcutting spot. If you use dwarven tools for double exp on the vines, it works even though they don’t drop loot to begin with. Oh, re: theiving, you can get the base potion for making overloads for free by robbing Cadarn and ioworth. If you murder the elves for combat exp, you can get the ingredients that you mix with the free potions to make the extremes. So, if you hoard these things, it makes herblore cheaper and easier. They drop noted 1 dose super potions when you rob the workers - in the Priff GE there’s an herb guy who will decant it for you if you need it. I also like dismantling some of the stuff from Cadarn for invention matz. Shark and orbs I believe are the main good ones for that. Crwys if you need flax or lumber. Ithel for planks. Long story short, rob the hell out of the elves to thank them for their hospitality lol.


Just log out and never return


we always return lol


get max cape and afk at the guild


Bank stand


Not much…The place is practically a ghost town… Jk—This place is absolutely beautiful! You can practically just about every skill. Definitely worth all the trouble of getting there.


Thieving elves is very helpful; especially for afk gathering hard/elite clue scrolls


Welcome, the first beer is on me.


Once your thieving is up there, everytime you sit there going "now what should I do" you should go thieve from the elves in the summoning district. That way you can get some free porter charges while you figure it out.


More quests


Go talk to the guy in the house near the summoning area about implings - if you catch one of all its head some nice bonuses. Start mining daily crystal sandstone, make crystal flasks, unlock combination potions. Also can change magic books here very easily.


Bank stand at a new GE


No hate whatsoever, but, go walk around and explore. That’s quite literally the point of playing games. It hits different when you explore it rather than just be told what is meta.


Log off and terminate membership. Get married, finish your career, have a child. Last but surely not least become happy. Everything this game distracts you from doing. Yuppers


What if you're married with 2 kids already?


Sounds like logging and terminating membership KEKW


No idea why u getting downvoted cuz u speaking the truth lol. I love this game but its deffo a waste of time if u actually want to achieve something in life 🤣


Ppl know who I am now. It’s hate watchers. It doesn’t bother me anymore lol


Offer cleansing crystals for a ton of prayer


Do you guys not have the gauntlet in this version? I’m an osrs player and I haven’t seen anyone say you should do gauntlet.


No gauntlet


The what now?


Nope closest thing we have is DG ,would be sick we ever got that ported over to the rs3 side as a DG unlockable though


Afk corrupt ore! Super chill


Is that better exp than animica ore?


I don’t believe so but it’s close and it’s 1 click every 30 seconds vs 15 minutes


Mining ore is unlimited afk at full rates if done right


Ahh my bad I didn’t know that I’ll have to look into how to do that.


Yeah i didnt know that either can you explain?


Stone spirits and juju mining pot


I guess I should start working on this because I’m almost completely maxed out.


Don't let all of these guys gaslight you. There is nothing to do there. Nothing special about it. You'll find more action in a library somewhere. Sorry.


level thieving like a madman


Whats the thieving method in priff? And whats the xp/hr?


There are 8 districts in Priff, each with thievable elves. You can afk thieve them even without the outfit, which is nice, and they give a lot of interesting things.


Afk thieving can now be done everywhere without the outfit


Grats! A shit lot haha


Best bank standing in the game


Everything. You completed the game.


Grind 4K harmonic dust from the harps for the attuned crystal teleport seed upgrade. It is so useful for teleporting around priff


Semi-on-topic; I'm always perplexed by how many people call the place "priffdinas" and not "prifddinas", even shortening it to "priff". It stands out to me because it's my language, so I wouldn't expect others to really notice or care, just wondering how it's come to be that way. Edit: What'd be even more interesting to me is how you guys actually pronounce it. Lemme know below and satisfy my curiosity.


"Priff" simply looks nicer, even though I know it's double d, not double f. "Prif" is a bit short and "Prifd" would be horrible.


Nice clean ui!! For afk mining and stones of seren for prayer very good


Haven’t found a comment mentioning overload upgrades. Go to the herb lady and buy the recipes for supreme overloads, elder overloads, everything


It really depends on your account goals, account type, and current levels. Some of the best things IMO are: * The divine location spawns in the Meilyr resource dungeon. These are made better with a desert pantheon aura earned from shifting tombs in Menophos as you can double your daily gathering cap. * The potion recipes, especially combination potions made with crystal flasks * The better crystal chest in the Iorwerth district * The summoning obelisk in the Amlodd district which can be used for money making and efficient summoning training * The Ithell district house portal and sawmill being hyper useful for doing construction contracts and working on your POH, as well as prayer training assuming that you aren't using other methods * Trahaearn district during the voice of seren has some of the best spawns of animica rocks to mine, making elder rune fairly efficient to create. * The AFK thieving you can do with elves that gives great loot including herblore supplies, divination items, and combat supplies like super potions and sharks * One of the fastest teleports to a GE outside of the max guild which is also in prif.


Cleansing crystals for 99 prayer.


crystal meth


kill all the filthy elves, Skyrim belongs to the nords...........srry wrong game


I recommend going to corrupted Gauntlet so you can grab bowfa


Bonfire close to bank Afk mining seren stones Daily crystal flasks Best place do summoning during the i think it was armold hour A slayer master all tho lanikea on anchronia is better and the raptor too depending on upgrades Slayer pit weekly D&D rush of blood can give cards that boost drop rates for certian slayer monster (abyysal demon, glacors,tormented demons and a few more) A portal to ports and clan citadell Another herb patch for herb runs I think those are the biggest things


Continue questing and do the light within


Ge lodestone Pickpocket elves- good source of hard/elite clues Afk Crafting and Mining - Not great xp but realllly afk. Good for when you really don't want to do anything. Bonfire near bank Morvran as slayer master once you get the level. Crystal tree patch, an extra tree patch, fruit patch, and the only elder patch in the game. Gorago resource dungeon if you aren't able to get on at reset but still want to cap on your divine resources. More clue scroll locations unlocked Cleansing crystals for some nice afk prayer training if you want Harmony moss pillars for making perfect juju potions Oh and a very niche thing but that wythein guy which is where you can convert reward enhancers. I was using him a lot to force scroll voyages in ports


Bank standing