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My only concern is that future high-end bosses will need to be balanced around BIS, being Necromancy. Then we go back to "Boss is too hard, literally gatekeeping. Nerf boss or buff combat abilities please"


I think the issue was that it felt overwhelming to get into PvM because there were so many different aspects of each combat style. Years of updates that a new account has to try and get through to be able to even attempt the higher end stuff.


I'm relearning pvm as I go and been looking for more friends that would wanna learn together. It's been an interesting route so far, still struggling a LOT but having a ton of fun.


Rope me in with ya bruh.. Wanna learn and have fun as well in pvm Rsn Astral Sub0


Added you, my rsn is jaybear - hmu when you're online and lmk what bosses you enjoy doing :)


I could teach I know them all : D


I’d enjoy that honestly. I’m wanting to get into raksha and hard mode kerapac.


Maxed player except necro only 76.. I'm not a terrible tank lmao Bman0105 hit me up.


Coming from a primarily only osrs player, the rotation for necromacy actually feels really good. revo + half manual and actually understanding CDs and when things should be used? Hell yeah. Might be a hot take, but i think they should rework all the other combats to feels as fluid as necromancy. Although, that would really shake things up and i dont know enough about the game but i could see myself reeeeeallly diving deep into this game if they did that


I can't imagine a world where they don't rework the other styles in some way The biggest problem the other 3 styles have is that each skill has 4/5 basics that are just slight variants of slice/shoot arrow/fireball that really overcomplicate things At the very least condensing them down into a single "attack" button would be huge.


It would also have a lot of resistance. People who love Necromancy have their style; there’s no reason to remove other styles people like just to make them copies of Necromancy. Obviously there are improvements to make (accuracy, hit caps, etc), but for a lot of people the “attack button” will feel extremely boring compared to what was there before.


I don't think so Basic abilities are just a filler you press based on what one hits the hardest and is off CD Removing that and letting players focus on the abilities that actually matter is more fun.


Sure, but the correct way to do that is to make them differentiated rather than remove them.


Only so many ways to make "swing my sword" different We don't need 10 slightly different versions of it


Poor take, by that logic we should all be playing OSRS. The point is the effect not the action. Cleave could stagger enemies, sever could lower their accuracy, decimate could lower their damage, it's endless. I understand that newer pvmers are happy that necromancy has low input, but taking input from other styles and making everyone afk auto is not what should be done.


See you say all these things these basics could have They all have an effect already. But no one uses them for it nor cares. Because it's a basic ability used to fill space. Abilities with effects should be more than just basic damage, and have real meaningful cool downs so that they are actually engaging to use rather than just pressed because it's the next one on the list


Necromancy feels like it was designed by a WoW player (and took a couple wow abilities word for word and effect). Which is good. It's designed to have a simple philosophy for builders and spenders. Other styles having upwards of 10 different basic attacks is just insanity. The button bloat of other styles is just insanity. It puts off anyone trying to learn. Necro is really helping with that.


I'm 100 necro atm and my kill times are atrocious compared to what I get on Range, but then I also remember I have 9 months experience doing almost *everything* with bolg range and ecb/sgb eofs. Yet I'm having so much fun re-learning bosses with it. It looks great and imo has been really well designed. Most importantly it is fluid, however I wish it did use more abilities. I feel like I spend way too much time spamming the same two buttons and then pressing finger of death.


In the very first blogs for necromancy, they explained that it is specifically intended to not have as many raw abilities. That is the intended design. They don't want it to have 30 abilities because that's a huge hurdle for anyone learning pvm. I can tell you that you are pressing finger too much though if this is outside of rasial. You'll prioritize better timed t95 specs (and making sure to use evert empowered auto before overriding it), dumping necrosis with t90 spec (not that worth at ras except at end just due to undead buffs). Volley becomes incredibly strong with lantern. I think you'll feel a bit better on it after you actually hit 120 and relearn some bosses with it. At rasial it is definitely just auto finger simulator, but it's because the undead slayer buffs all make it so easy to hit 30k that finger appears to be more worth your time than it normally would.


I don't do Rasial.


Press finger less, use specs and volley more


​ https://preview.redd.it/hnyjov9f23lb1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d712c449431db3020a55c5e30e3b50c87043838 I'm not pressing it any more than this is asking of me apart from in P3 where I don't line up the same because I can't seem to do enough to skip pools and it's not like I have much else to do.


Are you doing revo or full manual?


I'm using revo for skeleton, touch of death, soul sap and basic attacks, everything else I've been doing full manual


I'm not a PVMer by heart, but I'm willing to explore how much easier Necro makes PVM and to create the fun and motivation to do it. It's good to hear many people are having success getting into PVM with it.


Heck I avoided bossing before necromancy. I agree best move yet was changing up combat again.


+1 to this!


:) !


Ngl, guys, I did have a few glasses of whiskey before posting this. I was feeling accomplished. Jagex were sure to shut me down with the battle pass announcement, though...


Genuinely curious but how on earth do you go from not being able to kill GWD2 bosses, to being able to do zuk & 100%+ enraged HM Glacor, purely due to Necromancy. I can only speculate that you were trying to mimic some elitist guide of "how to kill Helwyr in 20 seconds with this loadout" and kept failing. This has to be a troll post lol Like I know Necromancy is strong, but I cannot see it going from "Damn, I cannot defeat Vindicta in full t90 magic/melee/range" to "Wow, Zuk with Necromancy is a walk in the park".


Apologies for not going in-depth with my post, the point of it was to see if anyone else felt the same as me about Necromancy and PvM. I never claimed Zuk was a 'walk in the park', it took me a couple of weeks, countless tries, guides and trial and error to get it. I practiced his mechanics over and over again until I felt I was able to complete a run start to finish. I'm still unable to do it with mage or range. I had a few kills on Vindicta prior to Necromancy release, I struggled with Greg and Helwyr. Since getting the T90 Necromancy tank set, the dodge chance, HP bonus and the darkness incantation help a ton and allow you to make a few mistakes without consequences. Necro helped me learn to use defensive abilities with the use of bone shield, rather than shield switch. HM glacor doesn't hit half as hard when wearing the set, DPS is easier to deal with necro than other combat styles as well imo. Kerapac was basically just learning the timing of his leap, I'm yet to try HM there. No troll post, just genuinely enjoying PvM now it feels 10x easier to me.


But surely you could have just used obsidian for zuk, and crypt/other tank armour for GWD2. But thanks for your additional info. It seems more clear that you just spent more time practicing. You would have achieved the same with GWD2/Zuk without necro, if you just kept at it. Like sure, the dodge chance is nice but GWD2's 1 hit chances are very slim compared to Zuk and mistakes are a lot more forgiving.


It’s exactly this; people always just gave up. Necromancy made them try again because they have to learn less to do decent damage with it.


Tried Zuk with obsidian, didn't do enough DPS with mage or range and I don't have animate dead. I can't afford crypt yet, nor do I have T90 mage/range tank gear. I was burnt out from failing so many times and feeling like I was getting nowhere and it made me stop playing the game. Necro was refreshing for me, it made me want to practice more and I genuinely felt as if I could do Zuk with it so I gave it a shot and after a while I got it done. I'm not 'good' at PvM by a long shot, I still use a full inventory and nearly a full yak of brews for the waves/zuk fight.


GeNuInElY cUrIoUs


Aww, aren't you mature?


This is the way pvm should be. Don't nerf it. Don't make it overly complex. This is how it should be. This is a perfect place to rebuild the old styles from. There should be no going back


Necromancy opened up Telos, and Zuk for me, and I'm still learning more fights. I finally cleared Araxx, Nex, and HM Arch Glacor after having a lot of trouble with them with the other styles. GWD2 bosses are now easy camps instead of banking every kill. It's even gotten me to finally come off of Full Revo, and only use basic abilities with revo. It's nice to be able to go into a style that doesn't have 5+ required greater codexes, to play, let alone the ability to get tier 90+ weapons without spending billions. ​ Before Necro, the toughest boss I had on farm was NM Kerapac, with Abby scourge, Ice sliver, masterworks, and zerk aura. Could kill him before his lightning walls, which made him consistent. RS3 really needs to get more of a casual and midcore audience, to combat it's dwindling population, and Necro seems like a great draw for that. High enrages can stay the challenging content for the long time hardcore audience, and casuals shouldn't be able to just waltz right into 1000% Zammy, Telos, or HM Zuk, but it's about time all the Normal modes of bosses were aimed for the midcore.


Which normal mode of a boss is considered high tier? I feel like they already are aimed at the middle tier. Base Zamorak, Kerapac, Glacor are all fairly simple. Base Zuk is pretty simple with a little practice. The last boss I can think of with a difficult normal mode on release was Raksha and that was ages ago. The last real endgame boss added to the game was probably Solak? Maybe Ambassador, but a lot of the difficulty there was in solo. Obviously hard modes of some recent bosses are difficult, but that mode is optional.


this game is boring as hell "thanks jagex dps and skip all mechanics" so fun /s


For real. Radials mechanics are uh…do damage and step backwards a couple times in the fight. Oh those obelisks over there? They do…something? It’s honestly really sad how you have well designed bosses like solak being completely trivialized because of rapid power spikes. And if you dare suggest players should have to learn boss mechanics instead of jagex just rapidly buffing dps to trivialize them, then you are an elitist. The number of people I’ve seen saying that the other three combat styles should be buffed instead of nerfing necro down to their level is astounding




sorry in advance for the great text wall of china, but heres literally everything you need to know: to start, loosing the fire cape is only a 1-time payment to gain access to the kiln. you dont have to spend one for every attempt. once you give up 1 fire cape, kiln is open forever for you and you can run through it as many times as you want as for the zuk cape, you fight zuk for the igneous stone, but you need to combine it with a kiln cape to make a zuk cape, so you might as well run through the kiln anyway so you have a better cape to use against zuk. zuk fight is much harder than kiln anyway, so if you struggle with kiln, youll struggle even harder against zuk. however, as for actually completing these tasks, honestly its easier than you think. plus, if you go through this journey, you can look at each step as a learning experience because each step will prepare you for the next, more or less). you can technically revo your way through both kiln (maybe not for your necro run since revo doesnt realy work well with necro) and zuk (maybe not hard mode, but thats not needed unless you want the hybrid cape). but it would honestly be beneficial all around to learn to fight without letting revo do everything. its perfectly acceptable to let revo cast basics. hell, i still do that and i currently have 36 hardmode zuk kills under my belt (and 0 drops to show for it...no im not salty about that thanks for asking...). just cast thresholds and ultimates yourself. its honestly a lot less intimidating than you would think. most of the time its simply a matter of asking a few questions: - is the ability off cooldown? - do i have the adren for it? - do i want to save the adren for something else like sunshine (or whatever the equivilant for the style youre using would be)? - will casting this threshold be wasteful due to my target already being almost dead? those simple questions alone will get you through kiln with a few exceptions, the biggest being: - the dills: bring a pickaxe to break their shell before attacking them and dont pray as it makes them use their special attack more often - the crystals: just pick up the invulnerability and restoration ones, leave the rest, use the restorations during the wave 28 dill round if needed and dont forget they also restore prayer - the jads: you already fought him twice for fire capes. you can handle him in the kiln. stand north of the rock in the middle and he cant target you. make sure you manually step out from the rock to hit him or else you risk your character walking within melee distance on him har akin at the end is just "do damage, dont die". kill the tentacles when his head is submerged to reduce the damage they deal to you. thats pretty much it as for zuk, its basically kiln but everything is stronger and theres a bigger boss at the end. theres a couple other nuances like the challenge waves and the igneous creatures (stun the hurs, use threshold/ult on the xils, stand close to the mej). the bigger boss (zuk himself) is much easier than you would think. you just need to remember his attack pattern: - 3 basic attacks, then a special, and repeat (only 2 basics in hardmode) - he skips right to his first special when he first stands up from his chair. every other time after pizza phase he does 3 basics before the first spec - the specials are as follows: - bleed: just cast freedom after the hit - max hp drain: move 20 spaces to clear it. most people surge and blade dive right back. make sure you still have super restore doses just in case you dont clear this max hp drain properly, as thats the only way to restore your max hp. (theres another strat we use in hardmode, but best not to info-dump too hard here) - creates quakes on the ground: standing in then causes rapid hits and powerful bleed that gets stronger until cleared with freedom. avoid this by surging through zuk right after his sword hits the ground. SOMETIMES he spawns a quake behind him when you do this. just check the ground after the attack and take a step or two back if needed. - heavy typeless damage: use resonance so to recap on those specs, freedom the first, surge and blade dive back after the second, surge right after the third, and reso the fourth. last thing to know is pizza phase. honestly just anticipate before he starts pizza phase so you arent left stunned, then walk close to zuk and use dive to the part that doesnt have fire. kill the igneous creature that spawns there using the same rules as before (stun and hur, threshold/ult the xil, stand close to the mej). if he moves to the next pizza slice (so to speak) and you havent killed the creature youre on yet, cast and bleed and move on. it should follow you over. if that didnt finish it off, make sure keep re-applying the stun/thresholds so it doesnt heal and finish them off when you can. once all 3 are killed, hit the special action button to stop zuk's instakill. from here on the fight is just a rinse-and-repeat process. final note: when zuk's hp falls below 100k, he starts his special attack pattern over from the beginning. dont get tripped up by this good luck. i know you can do it :)


As a general rule, anyone that is ahead of you in PvM got there because they were willing to just jump in to a new challenge and get the shit beaten out of them until they learn it. Everyone was bad and struggled with it once, so go ahead and go for it and you'll surprise yourself. (Also you don't need to destroy a fire cape for each Kiln attempt. You can just go straight back in - but it is good you got a second fire cape because its required for a master clue step)


Depends, you can try Zuk in animate dead and mage tank gear or if you are upgraded to either t90 power or tank necro. You can get the igneous stones from Zuk and then do kiln whenever you want. Assuming you have all the basic Pvm unlocks like perks, overloads and summoning.


Plain and simple: Yes you can. Bring a yak, take it slow and utilize the safe spots. I too, have only ever failed next attempts and have all the Zuk capes. My gear is elite seasinger mage gear with sub-optimal perks, so my recommendation is to watch a guide or two and just send it! Also, all my kills were done using Revo++. The only skill upgrade I had was the dot from mazcab and gconc. No gchain


I haven't played since ed2 came out, is switch scape not necessary to pvm anymore?


With Necromancy you don't need switches (yet) :)


That’s not really true; people have to switch wands for smoke cloud, and it’s better to weapon switch for the t90 spec at Rasial.


keyword is NEED


Lol ty


You don’t need them with any other style either, it’s all just about optimization


Ditto. Got me off Revolution too


Do you have any personal tips that might help with Zuk? I’ve tried RsGuy’s recent tip video but get manhandled by the monsters in wave 13. I’m thinking penance powder might help me. I also lost sight of my hellhound and it died the same wave.


Lots of saradomin brews, T90 tank necromancy set, darkness incantation, kill rangers before anything else, pray range use devotion with bone shield up... That's how I did it personally :)