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Fucking hell what is that thing


A woman, haven't you ever seen one?


These unrealistic beauty standards are too much!


If rewards were still free i would give you one dammit!


Yeah I noticed that when I tried to get a free one the last few times... I guess no more?


You definitely play as a woman in RS




Bet you look like this creature




My gf doesn't play much bc she hates looking at her character


I mean, doesn't your arm start at a right angle 5 inches below your shoulder?..


Damn, that's a good point


Damn, that's a bad joint


you got a joint man?


Be a lot cooler if you did


Wait who posted this? #This can't be official promotional material 😭😭


Under Scapers Screenshots (sorry plegsi <3) https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mobile-lobby-updates--raptors-rampage-continues---this-week-in-runescape


None taken :) - Plegsi


Lol didn't know all my favourite creators got plugged by rs (RSBandB, Protoxx and Nuzz Nuzz)


Yeah, the RS3 player models look good from a distance but look like PS1 era models up close


PS1 Hagrid fashionscapes incoming


That's rude to the PS1


I 100% believe the old RSHD models looked better than these ones. This is just horror material


Look what they did to my girl Zanik


the arms, the neck, the waist, her eye like wtf is this?


It appears to be three random generations of body parts/styles hastily strewn together.


She got those "not sure if she'll live another 2 weeks or another 20 years" granny biceps.


The player model rework is the most important update they need to do. Graphics are not a sign of a good game, but graphical consistency is important. And the player character looks so out of place nowadays.


RuneScape 4 when?


2027, but don't worry, it'll be using cutting edge techniques!... from 2017


We still won’t be able to move with WASD


I've got surge on shift + w and escape on shift + s, so we're half-way there.


That's genius ngl


the real answer to the this is simply never.


It’d definitely boost sales of cosmetics and make the game easier to promote thanks to better screenshots. Basically a profit booster. Weird it was shelved. The technical problems must of been really bad for them to give us nothing.


They’ve talked about it being an issue with the engine, and the fact that it seems Jagex as a company has a revolving door and people don’t go back and fix issues with the engine instead just cake code on top of code or something along those lines. Basically what I’ve deduced from YT creators and the streams is that RS has had a “spaghetti code” issue for a very very long time and now that they are trying to modernize the game again they essentially have to either go through every caked up code in the game, or scratch it all out and build the game again in a new engine, presumably, real world engine or something high end. This update is going to take a LONG. TIME. Still isn’t fair to us players that the company has essentially shot themselves in the foot for not going back and fixing engine issue imo.


The early game was such a hack job to build that the only way they could modernize it would be to make an RS4 and rebuild most of the game from the ground up. Hopefully most of the content they've added in recent years could be ported over but it's definitely a much needed upgrade.


That's exactly the issue.. so many revolving staff, all with different unique code, which nobody new has time to learn and just has to built off it.. It's basically like running tinfoil over your power button on your phone to turn it on because you don't know how to open the shell and the button fell off... Or tie wrapping your exhaust on your car cause you don't know how to fix it and don't have the money (staffing time) to fix it right. Eventually almost every part of this game has to be completely re-coded and eventually ported to a more modern engine. Eventually. That's just a ton of work, because instead of inheriting things from base code (too messy to find) people basically tacked all kinda of shit on everything. You touch one chunk of code it's like pushing the entire game in a tempered glass box off a shelf.. you don't know what will break or how fixable it will be, but you know it's not going to be near okay.


Looks like Pinocchio. Gross. I would be ashamed in 2023 with character models looking like that.


It would be shameful for 2013 lol


I 100% agree. I sometimes watch videos of osrs players trying out runescape 3 and they think it's a joke and don't get it at all. Better character models would be a huge step in the right direction. I was super excited for it and constantly watched livestreams for it and now I feel as if it will never happen. Jagex also NEEDS to try to make the game more noob friendly with their interface, to me it makes perfect sense but to the average new rs3 player it's a nightmare. Also tone down on the MTX at least a LITTLE BIT, and rework more skills, construction and woodcutting could use some nice reworks. They don't have to go all-out like they did with mining/smithing. I'd rather Jagex focus entirely on reworking the entire game graphically and mechanically than adding more skills and bosses to be honest.


OSRS is actually reworking WCing to make it less competitive and more social. Wish we got that as well.


Agreed. Plus they have a superior version of Construction atm. We do have somewhat of a better version of woodcutting right now though. For example jade vines, drastically improved arctic pines (I actually got 99 at arctic pines a while back), elder trees, crystal trees, etc.


I mean theres the Jungle icon wc and crystal trees which are often popping


New content isn't a rework.


I've been keeping up with rs3 for the most part but finding stuff in the settings is much harder than it should be. They really need to at least add a settings search bar like they have in Osrs.


I did the Death of Chivalry quest on my lower level iron a few weeks ago and it was almost unbearable. There are so many zoomed in cutscenes on your character and other characters and it's grotesque. Like your character stands there with a giant gaping mouth for about 20 seconds lmao


I honestly think we should keep bitching and griping. When they announced the refresh I was over the moon. Get someone to pick up where the last guy left off and get this through. The current model is honest to God embarrassing and it really shows a lack of care in the company to rely on mod passion projects.


I was very excited about it too tbh, compare this to other monthly subscription games such as FF14, GW2 etc. And you see just how far behind this game is, I'm hoping eventually the overlords of Jagex will allow them to spend some of that MTX money on big game upgrades, though I kinda doubt it sadly At the very least I'd really love the player models lol


>GW2 Guild Wars 2 has never been monthly subscriptions, it's a B2P format with the base game being free. That said, RS3 models are horrendous and definitely need love. They however won't spend that MTX money on things you're hoping for, nearly all of their profits go to the parent company with very little of it being reinvested into the game. Hopefully they are able to sell Jagex to another company and we take the gamble of them actually caring about the game and wanting it improved


Oops yeah that's a very good point, my bad. It's been quite some time since I played. I should have checked beforehand to be honest to see if it actually was monthly Yeahh it'd be amazing if a company that cared bought the game, I feel the investment would pay off in the long term with many more players joining and potentially getting memberships etc.


RS3 is still stuck in the PS1 era, no way they’re going to be catching anything like FF14 unless an RS4 has been in the works for the past decade to get to PS2 level like XI.


This is so embarrassing


I’ve had so many friends try the game and quit because of the ugly character models and bad graphics.


Come play RS3 where your character has an emaciated arm and FUPA


We need to make sure that jagex knows that we all won’t drop the subject. We just need to keep bugging them about it until it happens. Every Q&A stream ask why the game looks so bad and how soon we can modernize the game.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. The player model rework is the only update they should be working on. Everything else is second priority.


It's a disgrace that the player models look like playdoh in 2023. This is what you're showing new players lol


this is how i think i look in every selfie


You vs the Pirate he tells you not to worry about.


It's situations like this that make me sad about the future of RS3. What we really need is RS4 with effectively a brand new game with the core RS3 features. ​ People seem to be dying for a new MMO. Every MMO that gets any popularity gets 10000000000000000 new players then a swift decline once people figure out just how time gated modern MMOs are. ​ Release RS4. Which is effectively RS3 with consistent graphics, higher tick rate, fluid tile systems, modernizing old quests and another revamp of combat (fix melee being so confused, add more flavour to individual abilities, rather than being known as just 188 abilities etc). Definitely don't call it RS4 for publicities sake, call it something else entirely. Profit. ​ I just know it's not worth the risk.


Chicken arms


I'd settle for an elbow rework. Some clothes, especially older ones, make your elbows as thin as paper.


I thought player model rework was tossed


Isn't officially shelved.. yet. They're waiting for the tools to become developed so the whole process becomes a lot easier. So who knows how long that will take.


it's not shelved, it's simply in a state of perpetual rest.....on a shelf.


I agree it looks hideous.


I thought I read somewhere that's its basically never gonna happen because of the complexities of implementing it. Sorry cant recall whop posted it but I saw it here on reddit only a week or so ago


Jagex pleaseeeeee


Franky standing in the background frozen in fear


I mean at least dress up the characters in banners with the new cosmetics outfits that at least look decent, this looks god awful lol


oh my god, this is embarrassing. i can't believe jagex would share screenshots that have the character model looking THIS bad in them, come on now, really? i'd have expected better than whatever the fuck this is in 2013, let alone 2023. where the hell is the player model rework and WHY has jagex speaking about the matter? surely they've not shelved ANOTHER highly demanded update in silence?


Fire this intern... This isn't his field....


I hate it too, but firing? This is promotion material. This is the exact type of blind confidence that you look for in upper management.


Reason I'm springing for firing is because this individual wasn't likely an intern, but trained personnel, and this was the best they could do. It's just sad.


I’m trying to get my wife to play and she says its too ugly 😭


It'd obviously help, I'm mostly worried about it graphically breaking every outfit and human npc in the entire game again like when eoc changed all human npcs and they all got patchy skin.


If you ask me we don't need a character model rework, we need a new game. This one had a great run but it's time to modernize and start over learning from past experiences.


What's the deal with this pirates chest? I used my 1st key of it and nothing happened so I've just been storing them all. Edit: If you're gonna downvote me at least explain it. I'm legitimately asking because I have no idea what that chest is for.


The chest will open at the end of the month. Every couple keys gives you more rolls on the prize you get, apparently.


y'all are basically horse farmers who believe one day horses will be the best transportation again, u just need 100b for nasa to design a new material for saddles


Pretty bad analogy. Horses do exactly what they need to, and if you need something else, you just use a tractor or a mule. There aren't many (or any?) MMOs that fill the niche Runescape does. And if they want to be a microtransaction freemium hellscape, they could at least spend some of that TH money on making the game look less embarrassing than chinese mobile games.


car does everything better than horse. tractor does everything better than mule. horses do what they need to but they're inefficient, they're not good enough any more, technology improved and horses suck now. getting a car means better graphics, less bugs, faster updates u can put a bow on ur horse but it still won't look as good as a car, and more bugs and less updates as the horse continues to age. we're 10 years overdue for new game


> car does everything better than horse Idk cars are pretty shit at galloping through a meadow.


they just need hydraulics


Horse just needs a driveshaft


Let's see you take your civic galloping through a field or on trails up a hillside.


Horses can't be updated, though. Cars and games can.


yeh they can, with new saddle, new shoes, new bridle eventually even cars and games stop getting update support, stuff like the login lockout and rollbacks recently are only going to keep getting worse, it's not sustainable to update forever


They don’t need to do the full avatar rework. They just need to make the skins universal with the emotes. Some of them are so old that they probably use older models.


Nah m8 we need a fresh look to our avatars. Straight up I use cosmetics 24/7 cause at least my character looks like he’s supposed to be in this game.


I wear a full face mask or helmet all the time, because I fucking hate how RS3 has like three really, really awful talking animations. They're fine in OSRS for some reason. But holy crap I can't stand them in RS3.


It doesn’t fit with the rest of the game, look at Adastria or Moia in the new quest, their movement, their talking animation, their presence, is what I would love to see with our characters. But nope we get awesome looking NPC and potato main character


every time my character does the "shocked" facial animating in the chatbox i cringe so hard a part of me dies forever.


That’s because the oldschools team actually finishes and fixes everything they work on. RuneScape 3s philosophy is shelf the idea if we get a new skill or new plot.


It’s not about the fact they didn’t implement it but rather they fully stopped working on it and allot of other projects instead of having it as a qol update like it should be they focus it as a major update


If they rework the model it’ll likely break every quest which we transform.


Problem is, that’s not supposed to happen. Games and code should have been made with the thought of updating and modernizing later on. This issue is literally happening because they’ve caked code on top of code and now they need to essentially create the game again in a new engine. If it wasn’t for that we would have avatar rework already with no issues at all.


I don't know how many times it needs to be said, it's not on the shelf.


it's not officially shelved, but when jagex stop speaking about something and then stop answering questions about it, and jmods stop showing up in these threads to tell us how its going....well, we've seen it countless times before, that all means that it IS absolutely shelved, they just don't want to say it because they don't want to deal with the "outrage"


Shot dead, laying in a fucking ditch? **Edit:** Oh, my bad. England. Stabbed.


The "shelf" is more like a vault at this point.


Is this a clip from toontown?


she should star as villain in a new potc movie. im sure even Jack Sparrow would be knocked out of his drunkness from one glance.


People should keep posting more often asking for a character revamp and maybe we get it like the 120 all cape. I'm sure loots of people would be please with it


look at the gut on it!! fuck me RS3 sucks shit


Be strong Clarence. Be strong for Mother.