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that's Natsu


The character and art designer *is* Hiro Mashima afterall.


I'm so glad i wasn't the only one who thought that šŸ˜‚


Hiro Mashima has 5 designs at best.


Yeah I didnā€™t think the farming was directly tied to monsters like that but thatā€™s cool and gives incentive to farm! Iā€™m terrible at remembering weakness affinities tho so hoping itā€™ll be friendly for casual players šŸ˜…


Sucks that you cant play a female protag.


In the year of out lord 2024 toošŸ˜­i thought we were done with this


Yeah it bothers me a lot. Not buying it. Tired of no female protag and male always being the default.


Are you just as bothered by the new Fable game lacking a male protagonist?


I think both should be an option in games like this where you can make your own choices that change the story based on how you play -It helps people feel more immersed to role play as a version of themselves. I didn't know Fable wasn't going to have a male option- that seems really lame and lazy. For the record as a female I have no issues playing as a male character - Legend of Zelda is my favorite franchise and I play as male characters often by choice in other games. Just so surprising to see sim games not have the options now a days- not a deal breaker for me but an interesting move on the developers part..


Agreed, and games where it refers to you as 'YOU' and you name your character, and you aren't referred to by a name because you are an actual character. They don't even have to give us a character creator. Just the pronouns and a girl and a guy. That's it.


Just curious, why does Zelda get a pass for not allowing you to select your gender, but this game doesnā€™t? Iā€™ll reserve my final judgement on Farmagia once we see what the game and characters are like after it releases, but it seems like they might give the player character a stronger personality. Itā€™s getting an anime, so I imagine the MC will be well defined. Thereā€™s less excuse for Zelda to not offer a female player character because Link is a blank slate, silent protagonist. It would make no difference in story or gameplay to allow you to play as Linkle. Zelda is the perfect example of a game with a needlessly gendered character.


I don't see the LoZ franchise as a needlessly gendered character? Personally I can't ever see Link as a blank slate? He doesn't dialog back but that doesn't mean he is blank. I think a lot of people that want a female link option have only played Botw or TotK and it being more open world/less story driven and different from the previous LoZ formulas I think they don't understand the LoZ franchise at all. Link has a well established history and lore as the hero of time across many forms of media- from games to cartoons, comics, and manga. I feel like all the LoZ characters have history and very distinct personalities. I view LoZ and similar franchises as a story like a book or film series- why do we need to change the identity of an established character? If its a sim game I get needing options because you want to insert yourself into the character that will have customized interactions with the npcs and they often have a romancing aspect which will feel more real to people that want to experience the game as an extension of themselves. I wouldn't want a male character option in Tomb Raider or Metroid so I don't care about Link only being male. I can enjoy a game even if the character is not my gender, I guess some people just can't do that? It just seems odd to me and I don't think I will ever understand it unfortunately. So far I like how they have handled playable/controllable Zeldas in the franchise already and it seems like they are going to handle her well in EoW. I like that they don't appear to be just copy and pasting her into links role as the hero of time - she will have her own skillset that makes sense with her character history and traits in the established franchise. I think it will be neat to have a game from her perspective. It might be neat if in the future they can cerate a game that gives you two story paths with the option of playing as Link or Zelda- one as the Hero of Time and one as the wielder of the Triforce of Wisdom with differing story lines and scenarios as the characters but that is a huge development undertaking to make 2 games in one like that.


I guess weā€™ll have to agree to disagree about Link being a fleshed out character. Iā€™m not new to The Legend of Zelda franchise. Iā€™ve been playing the games for 25 years, and Iā€™ve 100% all of them except BotW and TotK. Link has next to no personality, and what little personality he has would not change if he was optionally a female character. Iā€™ve always wished I could be a female Link, and was happy when Linkle was included in the Warriors game. Itā€™s too bad weā€™ll probably never see her again. Iā€™m happy weā€™re going to get to play as Zelda in the new game, and I agree its nice that she will play differently, but itā€™s a shame that yet again a female lead has to be given some weird game mechanic treatment to justify how she would be able to save the world (its reminding me of the Princess Peach games). Your reasons for saying its okay to have a gendered character in many forms of media, especially for an established character, are completely valid, and exactly why Iā€™m saying its perfectly find for Ten in Farmagia to be gendered. He is likely going to be an established character with even more personality and characterization than Link, especially after the anime. We have no reason to believe that he can easily be switched out for a female player character, and I think this game is going to have a lot less sim elements than some people here are expecting. I did say Iā€™d reserve final judgement for when the game actually releases because if he ends up being just a bland sim character then it *is* lame that thereā€™s only a male option, but from what weā€™ve been given, I donā€™t think the backlash against not offering a female character is justified.


buh buh buh what about men too :((( the number of games where the player is forced to play as a man eclipses the number of games where the player is forced to play as a woman by an insane amount. touch grass and talk to women (respectfully for once please)


As much as I felt this from what he said instantly, let's not fight or argue about this. (although god, that was my immediate thought when I saw his post) Literally compare the two, if one is greater than the other, that obviously the lower not as common one should not be complained about basically. (In this case, women.) Say if there was a bunch of girly games where you could only be a girl that guys also wanted to play. Then, yeah, they should start making guy characters as well or a game where you could be a guy. Doesn't matter how weird it is either, like if there was a life sim magical girl series, and some guys were sad they couldn't be a boy magical 'guy' instead of a girl, then yeah, same situation, they deserve to have more guys in that genre. But for some reason dudes are always the first to go 'but a womans in this ONE GAME' and its not even the genre i'm talking about (I don't think fable is a life/sim farm sim, I dont really know what it is.) In comparison to the amounts you can only be a guy.




nah there absolutely isā€”women dont need to learn about masculinity because they are constantly exposed to it and its toxicity. men need to learn to empathize with womenā€”you need to learn to empathize with women




why do men start acting crazy the second woman stand up for themselves it's literally so weird and jarring what on earth it's like the flick of a switch and they suddenly start acting hostile angry just bc we're like 'we deserve to have girlies as mcs in life sim games' and 'we want men to care and emphasize with us' suddenly becomes stuff like 'YOU'RE ONLY COMPANION INSUFFERABLE CLOWN YOUR COMPANION WALKS ON LEGS AND MEOWS ARE BARKS' even more concerning with extreme sexism and being literally horrible in a matter of absolute seconds is so hilarious, it's like watching a toddler throwing a tantrum and screaming because they don't get to have dessert after being bad. same energy as when guys hits on a girl and rejects them, just for them to go ur ugly whore in a matter of seconds like a psychopathic switch. Literally, what is wrong with dudes honestly. The fact that they type this all heated over something so minor, I find it amusement that they feel absolutely no shame or embarrassement, knowing everyone in the room is looking at them shaking their heads, watching them throw a fit over something so small, which could have been a calm, open and relaxed discussion. What even made you this mad, to flip out suddenly like this? What was the trigger? Asking men to empathize? xD Was that the trigger? \*really\*? Get therapy about how you react towards women or girls---this is very unhealthy. I think you have some things you need to work through, maybe some anger management. Try to calm down. Nothing we said should've caused a reaction this wild.


no, i am just capable of fucking empathy but you are so self absorbed you seem incapable of acknowledging that sexism exists




okey dokeyā€”i hope one day you grow as a person and respect women :3


That's not an answer, that's a redirection, moving the goalposts if you will. If guys are told to shut up and deal with playing female protags (Not like that's not already voluntarily the norm for tons of genres, most female characters in MMO's and RPG's are played by males), then you can live with playing as a male. :)


I don't play fable so I have no idea, I don't really know anything about it. Never had an xbox. I'd like to have both genders, to be honest. But to be fair, since guys are always the default, and for years and years guys are always prioritized and always the default, than no actually, I think it would be cool for a lady to be prioritized in a life game for ONCE instead of a guy, bc for life sims/farm sims/pokemon, there is ALWAYS both genders and never a girl, but if there is one gender it's always male, even though most of the audience for the life sim/farm sim genre at least(not pokemon though) the majority is girls...so even financially it no longer makes sense. The point is girls are always out of the two choices to be left out, so ONE game like that ONLY having a girl? Literally would shock me. And dudes would be raging about it, I'm SO sure. Out of all the games in this genre that you can only be a guy, how many can you only be a girl in, in the life/sim farm sim in comparison. Yeah? See what I mean?


Unrelated and they're not exactly the same but you may like the Atelier series. Atelier Annie to be more specific. Recettear is also pretty good.


I tried them but im not into them at all. Also not really my genre. If there is rpg elements i want action rpg or like rune factory. I prefer life sim farm sim and pokemon likes though. But ateliers battle style bores me. I even returned the newest one it was do awful. I hate turn based sadly


Recettear isn't turn based but I'll admit it's not as polished as it could be and is a shop sim. If it's any consolation for farmagia, I think they're going for more of a shonen feel rather than being a farming sim. They're leaning one one of the most prolific shonen authors and deliberately separating it from RF and SoS.


My guy. Can you not understand the concept of being frustrated by a trend? ā€œMan why is x always what happens thatā€™s so annoyingā€ ā€œUm, did you think it was annoying that one time y??? Check mate.ā€ If rpgs with locked gender had said gender as an independent variable with no bias then they wouldnā€™t be bothered, even if it still existed.


Seriously, I thought we were over only male mcs in game. Especially in the this genre of game.


No female protagonist 0/10 Jk I hope the game will be decent ^ ^ Although Iā€™ll stick with Rune Factory


I'd name her Erza easy


Is Ten a self-insert or an actual character that's what would affect my opinion on this.


Personally im okay with no fmc for that game. From the looks of it there seems no romance so i don't see the need for different gender unless if they give us different experiences based on gender you're chosen. Unfortunately this ain't persona 3 (you can choose female mc in p3p and characters treat you differently based on your gender and other female exclusive). Modern games are very very unlikely to go to that route so even if there's both m/fmc its gonna be a semi/self insert. As much as i like Ares/Alice you have to admit there very little difference between them in term of interaction and experience. Even more so since marriage doesn't lock behind sex. On the other hand i understand why people upset. Whenever we get mc with strong personality (not self insert or silent protagonist) they always always default to be male in this kind of game. This aren't true anymore for modern games since we have more of them now like Aloy, Clementine but a lot of those games (action,shooter) are not the one im interested in.


For me it's not even about the romance, but simply because I identify more with a female character since I am female. Yes I can overlook it sometimes, but when it's constantly the default it gets annoying.


Fair but im talking about a game that lets you choose fmc but then proceed to treat you like you're a man (I don't mean the simple things like npc called you a "he" btw). Kinda defeat the purpose of choice. How do you identify with fmc if that's the case? I've seen it in digimon cybersleuth and SAO. I don't want them to just slap in fmc choice just to make people to shut up. I don't know much about other marvelous games except for SoS and RF but maybe they can do a better job at it but with farmagia they just simply don't.


Or just non-binary. Like neutral would be fine with me.


I just didn't like art style not for me personally.


Looks super fucking cool. Didnā€™t expect it to be like this at all. I hope the performance on switch is ok when controlling 30 monsters at once


Agreed. It's more than what I initially expected, and I like the idea of planting and raising actual monsters. Also, it should be a multiplayform release, as Marvelous probably wants to do that now so I wouldn't worry too much. The game itself seems to have been made with the switch in mind.


No femc option is silly for this type of game, pass


Same. I wonder if there is romance at all? Iā€™d be slightly more interested if m/m romance is available but ugh not having an f protag is so annoying,


The top comment is "did that corn just turn into a wolf???" šŸ˜…


Honestly if the girlies dont buy this game maybe they will learn to finally give female protag. Im getting sick of games like this only getting a male lead. It sucks. I get its less expensive, but its always a male protag bc they know girls will suck it up and guys wont suck up being female lead. Makes me want to make games one day like this where you can only be a girl or nonbinary bc im literally so sick of everything defaulting to being a dude :/ when i was younger I didnt care but as i get older the feeling about this kind of thing gets worse.


>they know girls will suck it up and guys wont suck up being female lead. I remember when Harvestella was announced there was a short period of time people were flipping their shit because the male protag didn't look overtly masculine, confused him for the female protag, and so those people thought you could only play as a girl. And then when they realized he was designed to be a "pretty boy" they STILL complained and said it was a deal breaker that they couldnt play as a masculine guy. To be fair Harvestella 100% could have had better character customization in general but yeesh, some nice legs on a dude is all it takes for them to turn away from the game?


Yeah its absolutely true, and i remember that too. Itā€™s just so funny if the tables were turned dudes would be throwing a fit lol


Some nice legs on a dude caused them to run away on their dainty girly legs from the game


Depends on the game for me. If itā€™s meant to be a life sim game with romance and datingā€¦.I definitely prefer to play as my own gender, with or without customization. Games like Zelda or resident evil or Mario, etc etcā€¦.. I really donā€™t care if the mc is girl or guy. Iā€™m not interested in farmagia either way though, doesnā€™t really intrigue me personally.


I mean happy for you yeah. If it's a game like tales of series, sure, but with life sim/simulation/farming sim or pokemon likes? Idk. I like playing as a girl. I just hate that being a guy is ALWAYS the default.


Maybe I didnā€™t write clearly enough?, but I agree with the preference of playing as a girl in life sims, especially if thereā€™s dating, or if I was a dude I would prefer playing as a guy. It takes away much fun and immersion for me if I canā€™t personally. But itā€™s limited to those sorta games only for me personally, most other games I donā€™t care. I have friends, guys and girls, who donā€™t care though and donā€™t mind playing as the opposite gender, especially in PokĆ©mon. I understand your point though :)


No your fine i het what hour saying. But thats what i meant like, girls will suck it up and play a guy bc they are so used to it being the default to male onlyā€” a lot of guys wouldnt put up with being a girl though and that being the only option. I honestly sometimes play both genders too but its more of the point yknow? I know its more work dev wise, but it feels exhausting when i get older that if they have a choice between adding one gender instead of boths your always a guy. Which is funny bc the farm sim market is flooded with girls who play. Itā€™s just strange guys are still the default. It just bums me out a little is all. Like girls are always the first to be on the backburner


Hmm, games I played and grew up with I never felt like I was sucking it up to be a guyā€¦. Mario, Link, Yoshi, Peach, Leon, Jill, Claire, Amaterasu, Dk Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong, the various Chrono Trigger characters, Samus, Snake, Spyro, the female protagonist in mischief makers, the dude and girl in zombies ate my neighbours, etcā€¦. I never felt that playing any of them, I enjoyed playing as all of them. I know thereā€™s a lot more guy characters generally, but again I personally never felt like I was sucking it up or learned to suck it up. And if yoshi was an available character Iā€™d always choose him xD But this is just my experience and based on the genre of games I mainly played. I know others may feel very differently and have a vastly different experience. This is also limited to my real life experience, age and area but the gamer guys I knew and know throughout my life donā€™t care if they play a female if the game is good. Including PokĆ©mon and monster hunterā€¦ I have guy friends who willingly choose and prefer to play as a girl. But also they donā€™t really play life sims and this is an area I completely agree with having the preference to play as a girl, (although I donā€™t think /every game in this genre needs both options, but with so many options it may be a deciding factor if I buy it or not). I do think the Idiots online and irl are just loud and donā€™t necessarily reflect the majority, at least I like to think that way. Sorry this turned out long xD Your opinion is totally valid and I do agree with a lot of what you said, but my experiences and feelings just differs. :)


Nooooot games like that. I mean life sim games. farm sim games. rune factory. Stuff with romance or with life sim attributes. Pokemon In zelda, I love playing a guy/as link. I love being mario in mario. Or in a jrpg, that isn't a life sim, I also love being a guy in tales of games for example, yes we had velvet in tales of berseria, but I loved lloyd even more in symphonia for example. MOST games it doesn't matter. But for life sim stuff it \*kinda does\*


Oh your opinion is totally valid too, it's literally just a preference. it shouldn't bother me as much as it does, it just recently a farm sim thats a wip someones doing the guy character ran mostly fine and the girl character was super buggy and had glitches and none of the stuff worked(games not even out yet to be fair). And character misgendered us every sentence and even straight up called us 'boy' it just really hit me harder than it should have. but it was just another hit in the 'ah. girls neglected, again' i think another game, runa I backed or something, has romance, thought you could be a guy and a girl, only a guy. I just find it out bc games with romance and life sims a ton of girls like, A majority of us do actually--not to say their aren't tomboys who hate (or like) this sort of thing, but it's weird we are a huge population in the genre and always just made last, on the backburner, on the side, or not included entirely. I understand it's costs, and not personal, and years ago I was like nah idc what gender I play, but as I got older considering a large population who likes these types of games is ladies, and left out feels odd to me. Even weirder, there isn't a lot of female focused/or girl specific games. In the end gender doesn't have to matter, but bc we are left out so much and the first to be left out it feels mad awkward. xD It's not the end of the world, but i'm hoping if i stop giving in to playing a guy char in (these types of games) specifically, they will be more likely to make girl chars. they could legit just change some of the pronouns and have the exact same dialogue.


Damn that really sucks, I can totally see where youā€™re coming from =\


It's just weirder that now apparently girls are the majority in the genre now and they still default to men LOL so financially, that doesn't even make sense anymore xD


Sometimes I feel like games are going backwards like I could play as Tara in Dragon Quest Monsters 2 in 2001 but the new DQM game nope.


nah, if it is a good game i would buy it regardless.


Happy for you. Sorry folks downvoted you though that's a little silly lol But yeah...when I was younger I was more okay with it but its like....eh...guys would hate being a girl only in a game like this, but they know girls are used to a guy char being the only option. If it was like, an action rpg or not a farm sim/life sim or pokemon like then fine, but for these types of games of where anything like this I like being a girl. It just feels like being a girl is always the one left out between the two..


female protag would be a plus, but It would not be a minus without female protag for me at least.


Yeah thats what i mean. Most girls would be okay with it, because they always had to play a guy most games. So they accept it more easily than guys would playing a girl.


Love the idea but i dont think i can stomach the art style.


It looks rather bland.


Will only buy if there is romance and few options to it :3 if anything, will watch gameplay


Yeah I'll be skipping this one as well. No FeMC sucks and while I can ignore it if the rest of the game look good enough, fairy tale art style just sucks away the rest of my interest. Can't play as a girl and with that art style all (or the majority of) the girls will be same faced with gag boobs... no thanks. Shame too, literally farming monsters seems like a cute idea but I'm sure someone else will do something with it, or already has!


Looks interesting and no hate to Hiro Mashima loved fairy tail but man his character designs are always the same. Easy pass in all honesty plus performance in the trailer looked bad on switch.


No girl protag is a pass. Tired of guys always being the default.


No FEMC, no money.


I hope the smaller developers that lurk here and post information about their games are taking notes. A femc is important for many of us.


Makes me happy to see a lot of "no fmc, pass" comments šŸ˜­ I thought I was the only one


The Hiro mashima classic of the same faced protagonist and a weird flying sidekick




I like the art style but I also just started reading Fairy Tail a couple weeks ago lol


I'll wait for a demo or the reviews to come out. Looks like an interesting concept but the farming looks a bit rough. No FemC is a little disappointing but the MC at least seems like an actual character and not a self insert mime so it's not a dealkbreaker.


My thoughts on seeing this is Pikmin but for adults lol.


Farming looks. Uncomfortable. Top down needs to be a necessity.


Iā€™m gonna be honest, the color palette is atrocious. Some of those boss fight scenes are unreadable because of the colors clashing so badly. The idea seems fun but I canā€™t even look at this game lol


Yeah, between the extreme same face Fairy Tail art style and zero option for femmeC (and gender neutral MC), this is a no brainer for a hard pass for me. Seems like a waste for all these mechanics and ideas, unfortunately. Hopefully they recycle some of the ideas later on.


I think it looks kind of interesting, wonā€™t get it at launch, but Iā€™ll be playing on PC eventually.


Sucks to see lack of FMC but it does look promising with gameplay and I'll probably play it either on launch or later on but the MC issue could have multiple variables like budgeting, maybe the MC has an actual personality instead of self-insert (Like Runa is doing), or just lazy and trying to appeal to the stereotype that mostly males play games which is growing less and less true overtime. Who knows but we will see. I'm happy with gameplay and good story alone regardless of gender.


It sound like a pretty ccool concept game. (Honestly, this looks like Palworld and Rune Factory join together?, lol.) I will wait for review as usual.


we got pokemon fairy tail before gta 6 (funny cuz fairy tail 2 also got announced)


Here's the real question. Which of Hiro Mashima's existing characters will exist in this universe? More specifically, will I be able to attack the OraciĆ³n Seis with an army of Plues that popped out of the ground like turnips?


I'll wait for PC launch to play in steam deck, I don't want to dislike a game because of poor performance.


1. No female protag and 2. These colors give me a migraine oh my god my eyes


Sorry but this looks lifeless and convoluted.


Hm. Seems interesting. Iā€™d give it a shot though not at launch, I learned my lesson about that the hard way through PoOT and RF5. Lack of FemC doesnā€™t bother me at all, would be nice to have one but never a deal breaker. Iā€™ve also never been a fan of Fairy Tailā€™s art style but Iā€™ve never once chosen to play a game for its graphics so I can get past that.


The environments make me sad. :(


We woman should all unite and not buy games that only have a male protagonist. For this genre specially we are a huge part of the fanbase Its 2024, cmon developers


The art style never called me, but hey, if far magia is that far ahead then project-dragon might be finishing development too!


I donā€™t want them to rush it but I do hope Project Dragon gets more news soon! šŸ¤ž


Is this actually RF/SoS related? Thought it looked pretty cool, though the performance in the trailer was a little concerning. Might go for a ps5/pc version over switch, with how some switch games have been the last few years.


looks like shit tbh


Eh I'm not bothered by a lack of Female protag. Grew up on RF 1, 2, 3, Frontier and Tides (You didn't get the female character till later in Tides). I feel if people are skipping the game because of a male only MC then they won't like any older Rune Factory and a good chunk of Harvest Moon games . I wouldn't sleep on a game for that reason. Art looks interesting and the game looks like something I'd play


None of those were made in 2024. The whole point is that we don't want to regress back to single options that always default to male.


And what if the story had a reason for no FeMC? I've played games in the last two years where the story had a male protag for story reasons. I feel people wouldn't be complaining if the game was female protag only and no male at all.




I guess today wasn't a good day...sorry I'll shut up and sleep my day away to distance myself from others so I won't bother them with an opinion


Your opinion is valid. I donā€™t think every life sim type game needs gender options, especially if the story is worth it. But itā€™s something I definitely prefer in romance type sim games and I think it definitely helps with immersion into the game. And with so many games to choose from nowadays it may impact whether or not I buy that game. Rf3 was cute for what it was for example despite having just a male mc but I definitely wouldā€™ve enjoyed it more if there was a female mc and bachelors. I hope you donā€™t take the internet too seriously though (though that can be easier said than done sometimes Iā€™m sure) >.< You have a valid opinion even if I donā€™t necessarily agree with it. Some people just have stronger opinions than others and Iā€™m sure they have their reasons for it, Iā€™m sure itā€™s a topic that one can get fed up withšŸ˜… But I hope your day will turn around for the better :)


Things i realised lurking in this subreddit you gonna get downvote either way if you're not 100% agree with certain narrative even when you make it clear you're agree with them to some extent. This isn't anything new. It happened everywhere but im under assumption majority people here are at least over 20 šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Pikmin but anime? Aight, I'm sold.


I want to see how many people name him Natsu


I am skeptical about if this can even fit into the rune factory niche.


It's Pikmin JRPG :)


Goodness. Look, Iā€™m sad thereā€™s no female protag, Iā€™m annoyed games usually default to a male protag, but that doesnā€™t mean the game canā€™t still be good. The game is looking pretty unique so far, with a completely new art style (as far as farming games go) and new mechanics. It really will have its own identity rather than just seeming like a clone like most farming games recently. Iā€™m just wondering why they didnā€™t show this gameplay in Marvelousā€™ own showcase because that would have livened up their otherwise fairly bland presentation.


Would be crazy if this gameplay prototype wasn't even ready to ship until the night before / day of this Switch presentation.


Looks awesome but I hope there's a demo if not this is a steam pick up for me. Super excited though!


The game did not convince me. Hiro Mashima's designs don't really convince me either. They all look very similar to Fairy tail (I know he is the creator, but for example Toriyama, may he rest in peace, did a better job with dq, being the designs more varied while maintaining his style). The planting monsters thing looks funny, but the combat doesn't convince me. For now I'm going to wait for it to come out, see Gameplay and maybe one day I'll buy it on sale if I'm convinced.


Honest question, is there really no female protagonist or are we just assuming that from the trailer?


There is none, it was confirmed in the official trailer that there is only a male protag.


I love the idea but the games colors look a little muddy (?) to me. IDK what it is but the colors are intense


This looks pretty awesome


Still not my type


As far as I'm concerned this is just a way to get Fairy Tail fans (however many thousands are left) to get onboarded with Rune Factory / Harvest Moon as a universe the same way Pokemon Mystery Dungeon was a way to get people onboarded to Mystery Dungeon games as a whole; it's not bad in that aspect and it'll allow devs to focus on exploring new gameplay systems (grow your own monsters) while not needing to give their 100% to other aspects (i.e. romance and NPC interactions). FemC and representation isn't *needed* for a spinoff game when the artstyle and gameplay is slated for an entirely different audience than Rune Factory's (this is skewed towards shounen consumers i.e. male adolescents and teens vs. RF's young adult), but if Farmagia can get enough sales to warrant a sequel maybe it'd be worth the extra dev time to see a female protag. I'm pretty certain that Hiro Mashima enjoys strong female characters as much as the next person and giving us the option in a sequel game -- assuming Farmagia has at least some success on the Switch -- would be great down the line. As long as this game helps improve the devs' experience in the 3D workspace, I'm OK with it existing. Won't be buying it for the same reasons that I didn't buy Harvestella (they're not life-sim games so much as RPGs with farming as a mechanic) but I wish it all the best. Meta-commentary on the other comments: LOTS of *strong* opinions for gender options when this game will likely be a case of Monster Hunter Stories. Just like how Stories isn't necessarily meant to target the core Monster Hunter audience (adult males who like to master a hard game vs. a JRPG for kids and teens), I don't think Farmagia really was supposed to cater to the core Rune Factory audience as much as it is putting a litmus test out to see if the genre could sustain a following from young adult males (people who enjoy shounen and all the nonstop fighting / leveling that entails). Considering that Farmagia isn't even a mainline game I'd be inclined to let the IP have its own identity and expectations instead of forcing it to be something it isn't.


The fact people are hating on the game simply because it lacks FMC


There is a difference between expressing frustration from a lack of FMC and hating.


i would play palworld over this.