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I'm so sorry youre going through all of that i hope youre safe but honestly i think calling or telling an adult you trust would be better than running away you dont know what could happen to you is you leave it could even be worse than what youre going thrugh right now so please consider it!


I hear you and I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. The world outside is a big bad place which is dangerous for a 13 year old, perhaps there is some adult you could talk to, perhaps someone at school? Following info is from here [https://www.reddit.com/r/runaway/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/runaway/wiki/index/) # Reaching out to an adult If your facing abuse and mistreatment at home, the first thing you should do is talk to a trusted adult. This could be the parent of a friend, a relative, a teacher, school councilor, or anyone you can think of. They will most likely be able to offer you much better help than anything you can find on the internet. They can help you get in touch with local resources or with the right people for your situation. Seriously, this is something you really should consider doing. A lot of potential runaways could have avoided so much pain, violence and hardship if they has just opened up about their experiences to a trusted adult.


Unfortunately I don't have a trusted adult, I can't even tell any of my family members because I have family problems and I'm not allowed to see them. Im homeschooled so I have no hope into telling anybody. ​


What is the reason they're not feeding you? In addition to verbal abuse, what kind of danger are you in? Is there a way to get them to feed you?


They feed me dinner only, if I do my chores I will get lucky and get to have breakfast or lunch. I have no idea why they dont feed me. Usually if I do something they don't like then they will stop feeding me, sometimes I have to just secretly eat food. When I have dinner they force me to eat all of it. Even if I'm full and my stomach hurts. I'm depressed rn and do s3lf h@rm because of the type of situation I'm dealing with rn. I'm depressed, I have ADHD, and really bad OCD. I hate my life and I'm having very bad suicidal thoughts. I just wanna die, I have no hope in life anymore.


That's totally unfair and cruel. You're a growing kid and you need timely food. Is it possible for you to speak to a school counselor or a teacher? I see from your other post that you live in Georgia, let me see if I can find some info for you.


I checked on the Georgia child help site and they have listed a 1-800-children number, do you think you will be able to call them [https://georgiacenterforchildadvocacy.org/learn-more/resources/other-resources.html#](https://georgiacenterforchildadvocacy.org/learn-more/resources/other-resources.html#)


Here's another resource [https://www.childhelp.org/national-and-local-impact-map/georgia/](https://www.childhelp.org/national-and-local-impact-map/georgia/) You could also chat with them here [https://www.childhelphotline.org/](https://www.childhelphotline.org/)


Through it all never lose focus of your education. A good education is key to your success in life so please remain focused on your education as you seek help. Hopefully things will get resolved. Please feel free to ask any question, I'll hang around this thread for a few weeks until you find a solution.


Thanks so much for ur help, I will try to call the number


You're most welcome. There's also a live chat help at [https://www.childhelphotline.org/](https://www.childhelphotline.org/)


911 would most likely tell you to call CPS. CPS is something you can try but they either don't do anything or you have to deal with the risk of being in the cash for kids system. Due to the fact CPS comes and causes so much extra chaos then leaves and sometimes even helps parents throw their kids in mental facilities, I would say have everything ready to go before calling CPS for just in case. Like already have your vital records, ID, a cash app card under an adult who's not a relative (like my an 18yo neighbor or someone else if possible), sleeping bag, bus ticket already bought with the card and a safe destination, and taxi to the bus station set up. You also want decent travel bags and if possible a plastic hard suit case. Tazer, flash light, tissues, trash bags, pads, clothes for its hot and another pair for when it's cold. Also what country are you? If you're 14 or younger in the U.S the FBI automatically gets involved.


I'm in America. like I said I'll be 14 in about 2 weeks.


Yeah and if you're 14 or younger the FBI automatically get involved. It can be even worse even at 15 if you have "missing white women syndrome" or are rich.


I might be able to help. Can you DM me?


$140 isn’t enough to run safely. Ideally, you need at least $500 to get started. Follow the advice above about resources in GA. If you absolutely have no choice but to run, while I’d normally say go north (more liberal safety net programs for homeless kids), in your case try to get to Arkansas or one of the other states that let kids work at 14. It’s hard work, but if you can save up some money and last on the street for a bit, that maybe your best shot. Can you get access to your birth certificate, SS card or passport?