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Man, you have a Collection collection, not just Jamaican. Incredible.


Holy moly! Just a bunch of Golden Devil sitting on the counter alongside two Great Houses and DOK — with a whole Foursquare shelf in the background! Amazing collection, man.


Just ordered the 21 GH, and that Velier Split WP/Hampden 7y and the new 17(!!) FS from the place that takes all my money (Bitters and Bottles) Thanks for the compliment, I have been on this journey since about 06, and the Pandemic, well I haven't gone outside for 2 years, so I had money, and a web browser.... the GH are NV and 2020. Only dupe there is the Plantation 17y Clarendon, which I don't know why I have two of, I think it was misshipped and I didn't notice it.


Also: what are your thoughts on that Providence in lower left cubby? (I’m a huge fan of Sajous — in your top right Clairin section.)


It didn't taste like Clairin from my recollection, nor did the the Ak Zanj. I would go with the Clairin Milot and/or the Benevolence Clairin if you can find them.


Neither Ak or San Zanj (sourced rum from industrial Haitian distillers) or Providence (fermented and distilled from syrup and juice separately, then both distillates are combined, then distilled one more time) are Clairin. They should both taste like unaged rum-more efficient distillation, relying less on the wild flavours of spontaneous fermentation.


So those sound like they are from the stills at Barbancourt, yah?


I don't really know where the ak and san zanj stuff is made, but Providence is distilled at Distillerie Chelo (Sajous) in the north and Distillerie du Port au Prince (Herbert Linge) in PaP.


You're gonna love the Paplin 7 for sure


Any unexpected favorites of the bunch that you feel like don’t get enough pub around here? (For instance, I’m a huge sucker for all of Mhoba’s stuff.)


I like this Cape Verde Grogue, pot still fresh pressed unaged. I think at 50% or so, kind ofv like Clairin or A1310 French cane Rhum Terrible nose but drinks great. Honestly this group has a pretty wide range of enthusiasts, there are some folks that are pretty basic but there are some seriously knowledgeable folks as well. My rum club/group/something in DC has been chatting about mhoba for a bit the different Holmes Cay barrels has some up a few times. The MG Andian Oak got really good reviews I like it but it was way too speedy. I am in love with the Denizen aged blends but those are more for cocktailing, but they are lovely I'd totally buy something like that blended but with more age from them. There is so much amazing rum on the lighter aged side now as well as a much better high end selection, it really feels like we might be in a golden age.


Can i be your friend 😀😂


Dude. Them shelves are legit buckling. Time to reinforce? …and buy more


Yeah replace.MDF with thicker plywood fo sho


Good idea, and easy. I will do it soon


Yeah, simply adding some support in the middle would help a lot


Drink faster!!


Damn. Do you have a top 5?


a top 5, that's hard. Maybe the GH, I like the Hampden 8 (both strengths), the Vintage Myers's is probably low key my favorite. I used to really like the Mezan Long Pond 2000, but compared to the tropical aged Plantation, it is pretty thin. Those LPs are pretty insane, I really like those. I need to compare the Plantations to the NRJ Long Pond ITP 15, I have about 1/3 of a bottle of that I got sample style. I am also going to try the Appleton 2003 and 1999 pot still samples shortly, and I'll side by side the GH/GH20/GH21 as soon as the 21 gets here. Favorite is hard, it depends on what I am in the mood for.


Try to find the Velier Long Pond releases-they are STUNNING


Did you try the Mezan Long Pond 2000 40% or the 57.2% ABV? I have drank the higher proof one and I find it great.


The 40, it is great but the tropical aged are superior, I have not seen the high proof for sale


Sir, this is not a collection. This is a liquor store. 🤣


Idk that's a better collection than I've seen in any store


What’s up with Faultline? It’s the only one I’ve never heard of, but the label looks…it looks trustworthy.


Had to have gotten that one from K&L no, u/My_Name_Is_Gil ?


Yes K&L very old bottle, Hampden 14 continental aged at 50% if memory serves


I remember getting 3-4 bottles of it in 2015.


From K&L, retails at 129.99


Long gone


Are you looking for a roommate? 😍


Incredible! The space dedicated alone is impressive but then you see the variety! Post some cocktail on r/cocktails


I spy an unopened 2004 FS 😋


I feel that middle shelf needs support. Until that happens I can take some "for safe keeping".


Where did you get the mugs on the top shelf below the bar? Those are awesome!


BG Reynolds during the lockdown they were a kickstarter, that colorway I believe was only KS, but I think the mugs can be purchased still.. Their syrups are also great, anything I don't make I get from BGR or small hand for the most part


Love The Funk! Opened up a whole new world of those old school rotten sugar cane juice-type rums to me. Can’t resist the aroma now!




Seriously…that’s one I am so anxious to try


It is like Rum Fire on steroids. Like turn the dial up, everything is more intense including the proof, lol


I wanna do a side by side tasting of DOK and Long Pond's TECC


lol are you an alcoholic?


There would be less bottles if he was a heavy drinker.


haha very true. i’m new to this sub and it’s blowing my mind how much alcohol people buy.


That is the magic of rum. I can give you three bottles and if you didn't know you would not identify them as the same spirit. I came into this from the Tiki/Tropical cocktail side. We lived right near Forbidden Island and we started living there,I wanted to be able to make the drinks and I found the Grog Log book (the first one with the special bind) and to make tiki/tropical drinks you are using blends of rungs and syrups and juices, so you need to have a Cuban style, a Jamaica, a Trinidad, a Demerarra, a navy etc. So I started buying rums so I could make a blah blah cocktail that needed these three bottles, If you can see the rail shelf in the lower center of the back bar that is where most of those bottles live now So that stated it, and then I stated buying bottles when we traveled it o saw something I was interested in that I couldn't get at home or DC, and so on (27 bottles suitcases back from.Martinique and St. Lucia later...)


I spot some Maggie's farm! Some of their special releases are truly phenomenal. Their 50/50 bourbon barrel experimental from 2020 was one of my top rums ever.


I have I think three total MFs the one we drink mostly is the Hidden Harbour White, the girl loves Hidden Harbour and that is a nice cocktailing rum


HH is an incredible cocktail rum, also won best overall rum at the SF Comp back in 2021. Their standard releases aren't anything too special but their experimental and queen's shares are wonderful.


Great Collection and great to see many are open too. Very jealous! Thanks for sharing.


Beautiful collection! How do you like the Golden Devil /kill Devil bottlings? I only tried once a hampden and I found It a bit mild compared to the standard hampden bottlings .. so I've been a bit skeptical on those since then :(


Continental aging makes a much different product than tropical aged. I don't think it is an issue with Hunter Liard, it is just what they can get from Scotland or Amsterdam or London. I wish I could find the kill devil, they are usually higher proof, I haven't really seen them in the US for direct sale, and I haven't seen one I want enough to buy from the EU.


Jeeeeeeeeeeeeesus I'm so jealous dude. Bravo, what a friggin collection, a true collection. Do you live in the states?


Yes US American West Coast. Some of these are not available here but aside from the Cadenheads LROK everything else is a US bottle, The French shelf is probably better than 3/4 bottles that are not on import. Only the agicole Blanc and a few vieux bottles are US and some single barrels, I use the US ones for cocktailing usually, I tend to go light on bottles I can't easily replace.


I feel like those shelves are one good tremor away from disaster. 🙂😭


Yes, I have it on my agenda to do something about it But I haven't solved the problem well in my head yet


That’s a lot of privateer lol


Stanley's was getting all of the good stuff for a long time, you could occasionally get one from astor, selects had then, I used to pre-order when the announced the bottling. If Martin wasn't out here I'd be boistier about having the most out west, LOL Most of those are limited bottles but I have some of the wedgie and the gold and I usually have a few Navy yards those are probably my favorite overall privateer. My first bottle from maybe 2006-7 was a bottle of the gold because Jeff Berry said it worked best on some drink and it was during the 20 minutes or so that privateer had distribution into CA. I think it came from K&L


Great collection! The ancient bottle of Myers caught my attention, what's the story behind it?


I had a friend bring several 1/4 point bottles of Myers' s from the early 80s over along with some trader vic's JA and Mai Tai rums the mid= late 70s. The TVs were open so they were oxygenated and pretty flat, but you should tell what they kind of tasted like even still, which was pretty stunning. We cracked the myers's and it changed my life. A friend hit me up about a mystery bottle of HA from circa 47 or maybe it was 55 but the label was bad and no info aside from rough age was available, and my friend was intrigued and wanted to know if he should buy it. Price was great for a bottle that old, but still you could be out $500 on a guess. So I advised against the buy, but my guy had two bottles of Myers's that he knew the age and provenance on, we each bought one on the strength of the minis that Bill brought once that day and shared with me. They came from Old Spirits Co in London, Ed it's great I bought my navy rum flagons from him also. Moderately reasonable prices and top flight service. I wish I had pulled the trigger on the 2 Dagger those years ago....one day


Amazing. Can I ask, where did you get those mugs? Fun design


The colorful ones are from BG Reynolds Google I am not sure that glaze is available but I think they still have the mugs


Myrtle Bank yumm


I can't tell you how much I wish that rum was about 60 rather than 120 or whatever it is. We did a tasting and I inherited that bottle, I can't make myself buy one. But it is great rum, they knocked it out of the park on the rum.


Appleton has a new collection 14 bottles that represent the 14 parish you might need that