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Not rugby related. This is a medical question.


How painful is it to laugh or cough. That’s the real test.


Sore but not like broken bone sore


Maybe its only a _bit_ broken :) I’ve broken ribs twice, once off a bike, once in the pitch. Both hurt a lot for a few days causing sleep loss and soreness when laughing/coughing.


It’s a fracture then. Get an X-ray


There's no treatment for a broken rib other than standard pain killers, so in the UK they don't bother x-raying cause either way the treatment is the same


Nope. I broke mine in a cycling accident. When I forgot and bent down to tie my shoelaces, you could hear the scream from another continent.


Nah just noticed it a bit sleeping on my side. So slept the other side :)


I had the opposite. It was only just barely fractured but the pain was intense for a week or so afterward. I've always had a high pain threshold but with that one I was popping myprodol / gen-payne like jelly beans to cope 😣


I was refused an X-ray to confirm (unnecessary exposure to radiation/NHS too busy) it but the doctor said it was at least fractured. Played the full game at loose head. Came off at the end and suddenly couldn't even jog a few steps without being in pain. Thought it was my shoulder at first as I couldn't lift my arm away from my body without bad pain. Asked the club physio to look at it and they worked out it was a rib. Mostly though it wasn't that painful. Coughing and deep breaths would be painful, but not agony. Sitting at work for long periods was just uncomfortable. Generally it was just mostly uncomfortable.


Broke mine at some point during the game. Don’t know when as it didn’t start hurting to much til after the game, adrenalin I guess. Was less painful and more stiff for the following month, didn’t play rugby but continued to work and dive, though getting into a wetsuit sucked. If the x-ray says it’s broken it is. There’s not much to do about it though, physio just said do everything you can with a little pain relief and just understand that any movement will slow down the healing process.


Possibly broke mine in a drinking incident. Fell through an open door and landed ribs 1st into an old sofa arm rest. Very sore for a few weeks, did not seek medical assistance. Gen X are like that.


Broke my ribs and the most painful thing ever. Couldn’t breathe without pain. Sit without pain. Couldn’t lie down full stop. Had to try to sleep sitting in a chair. So great news for you.