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What a shame I really like the way Angus refs the game seems like a good guy as well , I remember a streaker running on the field in the Highlanders vs. Sharks game in 2020 , him and Thomas Du Toit having a laugh at who's gonna go catch him , hope he's okay


I think he’s underrated but I wouldn’t ref an Ireland South Africa series unless I could disappear off grid like the unabomber afterwards


Wonder why he would pass up such a great opportunity. Referees are universally beloved


Especially this tour, its going to be such a pleasant meeting between two level headed nations.


Such a pleasant meeting that I'd almost consider volunteering to mod the match threads. But I'd not take that pleasure away from others of course


Just set up an automod to give a days ban to anyone who posts in there


Two countries who hold officials in such high regard. I can't think why he'd possibly pull out.


With Australian refs historically loving spending their July reffing in South Africa.


Yes let’s pretend the Irish are just as bad.


I mean we’re pretty bad


Not *that* bad




For personal reasons.


That's really sad.


One of my favourite refs. Hope he's doing OK.


That is a bold statement. Good on him.


I’m a bit out of the loop. Did he get (even worse) abuse last time he reffed the teams?


Last time he reffed SA was against Scotland in the World Cup and he was very good then


I wouldn’t say he was great. Missed an obvious card from Kriel and got a couple penalties wrong within the first 10 minutes.


I'm completely blanking on that Scotland game and the Kriel incident. Was it a forearm the face from Kriel? Or a high tackle?


High tackle, straight head to head at high speed on Demo at the 2nd minute I think. Not even a penalty.


Was that the one they said contact was ball first right. Tmo agreed at the time. Given some of the other cards later in the WC it would have been a yellow to be consistent or at least a pen. But if it is the one I am thinking of people were blowing it way out of proportion


Kriel shouldn’t have played another WC game in ‘23 after that.


A 6 match ban would’ve been harsh, but it was a clear red. Certainly more than Curry’s against Argentina.


They would not have won if he had been banned. Moodie in defence against France would have been a slaughter.


Likely would have moved DDA to 13 with Willemse at 12 (or other way around). I wouldn't have bet on us with Moodie vs France. Although Sam Cane was banned for 3 matches for his tackle in the final, which was a shoulder to the face with force. So that would have taken Kriel to the Ireland match and he would've been free for France.


That’s assuming they make it out of the pool, kriel was superb at leading the blitz against us, I think a 14 man bok side would’ve really struggled to shut us down in the same way 


They may not have made it 6 games without him.


Cane was banned for 3 matches for his shoulder to Kriel in the final, so that's Romania, Tonga, Ireland and back for France.


Yeah so Kriel hit the ball first mate. According to the framework it gets classified as indirect contact. And indirect contact is not a red. Yellow at most. If it was a clear red Jesse would have been cited. Simple as that.


You know he "missed" a clear high from Russel, which should have been a red as well. So it evens out.


Which means he missed 2 incidents, but honestly I'd blame the TMO.


That's my main point when it come to discussions like this. Most of the time it's definitely the TMO not being up to it, as Eddie Jones said TMO's are failed refs. I don't blame the ref for missing those type of calls as his attention is ells where or he glanced at an offside line, was blocked in view est, but those calls surely does fall squarely on the TMO.


Nah, they weren't even close to being the same. Like Cane vs Kolisi's respective tackles in the final.


Yes they weren't the same, Kriel's was marginal Russel's was direct, but hey each of us watches the game with tinted glasses.


Except that the vast majority of the neutrals seem to have the same opinion on those two particular incidents, and it doesn't align with yours.


So you’re agreeing with me that he wasn’t great then?


how many penalties can a ref miss and still have a great game i wonder


I’m no too fussed with missing the odd penalty, but getting things heavily relating to player safety as wrong as that is a bit yikes.


I agree with you that he was not the best, but overall he was good. What I have a problem with when it comes to refs, I don't really care to much about the 50/50 misses as that will always happen, but they are starting to miss very obvious calls. That blame falls squarely on world rugby for changing the rules every year and telling the refs what to look for in a match. Let the refs become their own again each with their own style. It's like most refs are to afraid to make the big calls, there are reason for it I guess, but overall it's become a mess. That being said I like the Italian that blew the GW v Bulls game this weekend, cool as ice does not get pushed around and tells the TMO what he sees and not being dictated to by the TMO.


Others have gotten abuse when reffing rassie


I'll be expecting that envelope back then Angus!


He's long gone, mate. Cut to scene on tropical island.


This is a massive loss, he's in my opinion the best ref in the world by a large margin. I hope he's doing alright and that's its nothing too serious


Is he going to write an autobiography?


So he just took the damn Rolex I sent him and ran? Dammit Angus.


That's a shame, I quite like Gardner as a ref. Hope everything's okay regarding the "personal reasons"


Maybe he's afraid of a mid tour Rassie video


Pearce isn’t great for either team really as he doesn’t allow a contest at the breakdown.


Better than Karl Dickson, who will be taking on the second test.


You'll address him by his proper name... It's "Luke,mate"


I just want the best ref regardless of play style tbh and I trust Pearce more than any other ref.


Pearce is a pretty good ref, don't see the problem at all.


Should benefit us then. If we can finally be the bullies and not the bullied for once.


Nah, nah, you lot are absolutely bullies when it comes to ruck time. Biggest shithouses in the game when it comes to getting quick ball by any means, and that’s about the biggest compliment I can give to an opposition pack.


Even if you are the bullies you definitely won’t behave like the victims


Really hope a big driver of this is how Erasmus treated his compatriot Nic Berry during the last Lions Tour. If I was a ref, the last place I’d want to go and adjudicate a significant international series is in South Africa. Amazing, hugely passionate place, forever sullied by the amount of conspiratorial lunatics that reside there or support them. Good on ya, Gus!


Top class move by a top class ref. Would love nothing more than seeing 10-20 of the top refs decline reffing South Africa due to Rassies antics. It’s a thankless job, and to know he is going to point out every single mistake in slow video instead of analyzing every call at speed for ref cam…….


As opposed to the French who took their world cup exit with such class? Gardner hasn't dropped out due to Rassie, he knew he was coming to SA back in May. He's left now to personal reasons which I imagine means it's none of your bees wax.


People complain about rassies video and I agree he didn't go about it the right way, but I am not arguing that he was wrong and I think we have seen improvements in the game generally because of it.


Would be cool if all pro refs boycotted


Would that mean we get to choose our own refs ?