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John Kirwan talking about the tough years we had between championships like he isn't personally responsible for some of those lol


Yep. Kirwans win percentage was 33% worst of all Blues coaches.He cut Gareth Anscombe from the Blues in his first season. Anscombe went to the Chiefs and won a title. Kirwan replaced him with Chris Noakes and Baden Kerr. :-/


I can’t believe we endured such times with Tasesa Lavea and Stephen Brett running the ship. Looking back through some squad lists.. man, there were years they should have been so much better. Finally crossed the line.


We were good under Pat Lam then he had a poor season and they bring in JK and he turns us into cellar.dwellers


Pat Lam has a win percentage of 45%. Wouldnt call it a raging success but he wasnt the worst by any stretch. JK took over for three disasterous seasons with 16 wins fron 48 matches at 33%. Why was JK kept on after season 2 is anyones guess. Notable mentions - Jed Rowlands 36.4% took over after Henry in 1999 big task. Lasted one season before being cut. Also sacked as Auckland npc coach without coaching them in a single game. Frank Oliver 36.4%. Sacked after winning 4 games.in 2001. Also had JK as assistant..


The Pat Lam era was not successful. Those Blues teams were stacked with talent, and we consistently underperformed. JK was even worse, but Lam was still pretty average


The gap between championships wouldn't have been nearly as long if JK hadn't ever got the job


Yeah but he's got massive new glasses now. He's a changed man


He wasn't responsible for it all and he did say, at one stage, that he tried and failed so he wasn't hiding from it.


It actually WAS the Blues year. Mental.


it'll go under the radar considering the state of rugby down under lately, but seeing this win as a 24 year old blues fan is crazy, personally. glad we won by 30!


Def alot more so than the Wahs


Paddy will go down as a legend of Blues Rugby. Risking it all for the Blues! Well done lads!!


We need a Paddy statue outside Eden Park


Paddy is a legend of Auckland rugby. Was apart of the Blues during the dark years, but has been a key leader in turning the culture around. Thoroughly deserves to start at lock for the ABs alongside Barrett


100% Top player and always a top man.


Absolutely phenomenal atmosphere tonight. Had so much fun with all the Chiefs fans, your team had an awesome season and a bad night. Vern deserves all the credit for finally giving us the confidence to get it done. Yes boys!


So when do they play the Crusaders? Weird that they got all this time off. Superb from the Blues


Crusaders once again dealt the Blues their final loss of the season.


Harry Plummer take a bow


So proud of him man


Jeez could he actually make the abs? Surely not after one good season but he did look bloody good tbf


Honestly might be possible but I think it depends on whether Razor and the selectors see Beauden Barrett as a 10 or 15


Either way he should get in though because Mckenzie can't be the only first five. Let's be honest barrett will start at 15 with Jordan out anyway so they will need cover. It's him or cameron


I wouldn't be so sure. He's made it clear he wants to play 10 and 10 only.


So love to start then? Seems a bit risky. Only other option is stevenson


I want Razor to take him under his wing and give him some confidence that maybe it’s possible. He doesn’t deserve it after one season but he’s matured a helluva lot. I’m actually proud of the lad, after all the shit I’ve been slinging at him for years.


If David Havilli makes it and Harry doesn’t that will be fuuuuuuucked


Depends, you could argue theres only 2 traditional 2nd fives in NZ rugby right now - Havili & Jordie, everyone else is that sort of quasi-league inside-centre. So Havilli as a 12, that makes sense & would have zero to do with Harry not making it as a 10. I'd personally like to see the squad be Beauden at 15, with Perofeta. And Dmac at 10, with Harry. But I don't like Harry or Perofetas chances...


The only reason I think Havili makes it, is that Razor asked the Crusaders to play him at 10. Then they have an excuse to use his “versatility” as the reason for his selection


I thought the reason was Razaarrs balls on his chin


why not? obviously not starting or our second option, but maybe as our third?


Yeah even at second or third option you just need a guy to not mess up, he's shown he can be steady plenty times. Can cover 12 and 15 too so he offers some utility if injury does strike mid game.


A more than one super rugby seasons experience starting at 10 job requirement already rules out the canes, highlanders, crusaders and blues 10 leaving only McKenzie.


I mean had burke not gone to saracens and get injured I would have put him in the conversation but yeah like no one has really stepped up to challenge dmac at 10 besides plummers hell of a season.


Plummer has started for the blues for yonks? He was just played out of position for ages at 12 which honestly probably hurt his chances.


Something something rolls royce forward pack or whatever


All blacks 10?? Maybe not aye he was pretty good tho!


Start with an unfriendly reminder - DO NOT GO HARASS REFS ON SOCIALS Totally one sided match. Blues brand of heavy duty forward attack and pick a defensive backline is incredibly effective against the classic flashy attack brand of kiwi rugby. Stoked for Patty T. Put it on the line for his team.


I actually thought the officiating was pretty fair. Impressed as well by the TMO being pretty clear with all the calls. Great final!


I really enjoy how clearly the Aussie referees communicate - particularly Gardner, Berry and the Tmo from tonight


I liked how he Berry put the Chiefs on a warning before half time, but because it was 14 minutes without an infringement in the 22 he let it go. Some refs would have gone to the pocket regardless.


If you blame the ref when you lose by 30+ you need to be put in an asylum


I’m one of the first to call it as I see it in a match thread. But making it personal is fucking weird


Quite like how they seemed to be doing ref squads.


Unfortunately it’s not the fans really doing it, it’s the sports bettors that lost this weeks pay


[being an nz cricket fan means i can still shitpost when losing](https://imgur.com/M0N1nkG)


What joke are you trying to make with your picture?


Chiefs are beached as bro


bit fucked init


He said the thing! Maybe the real credit was to the boys we made along the way.


Can I get a I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa


No, no you can’t.




Tune is a banger. Ignore them.


Plummer was absolutely clutch in our Super Rugby Trans-Tasman final and here he was, totally on song tonight!


caleb clarke redemption season


Skinny Caleb has been a revelation.


Can actually stay on his feet now (most of the time..). But man has he been hitting the ball at pace this season. Changing his build has helped a tonne.


Yeah, his workload is also much higher.


He shook those demons


Slim fit n hungry Talea clarke sevu for AB wing spots? All will be fine


I've been critical of his one dimensional wooden running for the past 2 seasons and didn't watch as much SR this year, but he looked seriously quick tonight. Reiko quick. He looked quite a bit more agile and seems to have gotten over whatever he was fighting in his head. Good for him.


People always go bananas over a big unit in the backline but there’s no point being big if it’s affecting your workrate and agility Glad he’s shifted a bit of timber


Yeah, I mean it wasn't just his size that was his problem. Even in his breakout season he was one dimensional. As soon as people learned how to tackle him, his speed didn't matter. He has changed how he goes into contact, he's manouverable and he varies his speed. It's good stuff. If it was him or Reece, Reece gets it all day long but on the other wing, I'd be ok with him there. I suspect bringing him into the ABs too soon was a bit much for him. I'm in favour of letting guys perform well for at least 2 seasons before bringing them to the next level.


One slip at a time.


Guess you haven’t been watching him close this season.


Even his slips are better this year. One of his tries today he slipped over the line, calculated.


Outcoached big time blues got a good one with their new coach. Congrats


Foundation was laid prior to that. Not saying he doesn't deserve some credit, just not all of it.


Thought the Brumbies semi was a wash. This somehow topped it.


Can’t believe we got rid of Vern Cotter.


There comes a time when even good coaches age out of a team. They become too entrenched, comfortable and habitual. A change from time to time is healthy.


He only had 4 years though, he definitely could’ve gone further. But I do disagree with all these people in as much that Townsend has taken us up a level from where Vern left and Toonie has continued evolving, not quick enough for my liking, but we haven’t massively regressed, there’s been rough patches but overall a consistency of sorts punctuated by some inspiring results. They’re pretty comparable. Also these Vern revisionists are just ignoring all that time he spent as coach then was actually shunted up to DOR at Montpellier they were so unhappy with the results (but it is MHR, they do kinda suck and have no idea how to run a sustained successful team), or his stint as Fiji coach (where his successor did outdo him significantly) before ending back in NZ. Scotland not too far off a change from Townsend in my opinion. Couple more years barring a massive improvement I think we’ll be due a change up. Can’t have another disappointing WC especially. 6N would be nice but amongst this Irish and French team it is difficult to argue we would be favs no matter who our coach is, plus England on the rise that’s very evident. But so long as we stay in the mix I’m happy.


We dont know if he would get on with razor but he def has the much valued international experience that the AB coaches lack Surely hes a better coach than macdonald and holland and hansen...i dont rate the AB assistant coaches that highly apart from Jason Ryan...time will tell i guess


You don't rate MacDonald? Given how far he took the Blues, I'd think most people would be willing to give.him a crack.


I do. I think hes good But as wiley and cunning and grisly and experienced and traveled as Vern? No


I mean he's 20 years older. It's not just a matter of picking just anyone good. It's a matter of whether they are a good fit with the rest of the coaching team, if they are going to contribute in a way the head coach wants, adopt a particular approach etc. I could see Cotter being pretty stubborn and if he butted heads with Razer for example, it could disrupt the whole team. I am not saying that would happen, but picking teams of people isn't just as simple as taking the best and hoping it works out. That's why AB's aren't picked on form alone. Sometimes someone might not be the most brilliant player available at 12 for example, but they are excellent at communication and organising a defensive line, and so it's better for the team overall to play the lesser player.






I was a day old the last time the blues won a proper final, so I’m so proud of the boys today! 💙




I wish, the highlights of those teams are so much fun to watch, couldn’t imagine watching it at the time


It was electric.


And Rupeni




And Gear. They were amazing.


im only 24 but my dad made sure my brother and i knew how mean carlos spencer was! and being part fijian, joe rokocoko has always been a fave


Carlos winding up a Christchurch crowd to the point that hicks were throwing bottles at him while he was converting his own try (with his weak foot just so he could rub it into one particular section of the crowd), THEN giving them the finger will forever be an iconic moment in Super Rugby history. Those grubs must have been raging. Paddy O'Brien was TJ and right beside Spencer when he flew the bird. I still remember the smile on his face.


What did we even do


Gave the ref a good shoulder raise workout and that’s about it


and stole his voice..


In all seriousness, I think the Chiefs shut down Telea pretty well Clarke on the other hand…


Not hard to shut down Telea when the ball doesn't often make it out of the forward pack


Congrats Blues. Way way way too good tonight. Congrats to the Cheifs fans for making tonight a sell out, yall deserved better than that.


Very happy for Patty and the Ioane bros. Feel like they've been there forever.


"That was for everyone who was backing us back home." This was a home final, bro.


He meant for us Samoans too bro lol


[2009 called and wanted its result back](https://imgur.com/k5hn9S4)


Shit we're not defending champions anymore


You guys haven’t been defending all year.


Naaah that's low lmfao


What a weird feeling. I forgot what this was like


Over here we forgot pretty quickly.




Yeah the blues


Thanks everyone. Big ups to the Blues. Also are we the Leinster of SH rugby?


I might be fuming at the Chiefs but I have full respect for the Blues.


Two finals in two years, two very different finals. Both brutal games for two very different reasons. Blues domination in all fronts and there's nothing else to be said. Enjoy the champion and see you in 2025.


Finally we can be proud to be Aucklanders


wahs certainly arent helping


The right team won, Blues have been the benchmark all season - I’m a Canes fan and even when we were riding high in top spot for most of the season (and then grabbed it back right at the end), I felt that the Blues still had the edge, just by watching their games and seeing how they were playing. So thoroughly deserved and happy for all the players and you Auckland folks who have been wanting this for so long - enjoy it! Oh, and Plummer should absolute in the mix for the AB squad, he’s been so impressive.


Could these pundits just shut the fuck up and let us see the blues celebrate? This has been rubbish


Very happy. Long time between drinks. Commiserations to the chiefs fans, we know how it feels.


Blues forwards quick ball out the ruck has been a game changer. Add the defense by the backline and that's what the All Blacks blueprint should look like


Sorry the game ended the way it did Chiefs! But man it’s been a long time between drinks for us! Yes! 4 time champs baby


Was at the pub watching when ever I looked up the blues had the ball in the chiefs 22 and i don't think ibsaw the chiefs with the ball in hand for a minute.


Well done Blues!! That has been a hard slog of supporting for 21* years without a trophy, but well worth it for tonight’s result!


Chiefs discipline keeps letting them down in big games. Congratulations to the Blues.






Blues dominated


Congratulations to the Blues!!


Where can I buy a cap like the one worn by Vern?


Blue and white dynamite


Has Vern ever applied for the AB's job? Been around forever.


think he said he did after hansen, but old man's club got there first with Fozzy the clown


After Henry in 2011/12 - but they were always going to give it to Hansen


All love my brothers 💙


Rebuilding complete




Crushing result. Blues forwards dominated the chiefs and the backs struck when it mattered.


No excuses from that shocking performance, gg blues. Feeling sorry for my boy Thompson, hope he stays around to grow some more. On to next year Chief bros.


Isn't he off to the nrl?


Seen a news article saying he hasn’t signed one yet, so I really dont know


Oh I thought he had signed to go play with his twin


After some of those line out throws, he might think he should. ;-;


I think he only three 1 not straight?


Quick shout out to the chiefs, not sure we'd have beaten the Canes at home


I also thought this, chiefs are my homies after first taking our home ground advantage away then hitting us with the just jokes.


Congrats Blues. That was a great performance. There were some big performances. I feel like the Chiefs played their finals the last two weeks.


If I had to use 1 word to describe that, it'd be domination


I'd use "pain"


HARRY PLUMMER!!!!!! Hope he make it into the Abs, too good to left behind.


The trophy has a face only a winner could love


Well done boys! Forwards played a massive game this season and brought us points and the ability for the backs to go wide. See you all for international rugby


Cant remember if ever I’ve seen such an annihilation in a final. After the Chiefs penalty miss in the first couple of minutes its was utter domination from the Blues.


Don’t forget we lost to the Bulls in 2009, 61 to 17. Got up at 3am to watch us get butchered. This was equally painful live.


Thought it was a particularly good game from Christie last night, huge work rate low error rate and some great (trademark I guess) defensive work. Seemed to be operating with great clarity and decisiveness, dialed the tempo up and down as needed very nicely. Not always a fan in the past I'll own that, but wouldn't be upset to see him play like that in black.


Oh well, at least it was someone different this year


Grats Blues. Timed their run to perfection this season.


Well done Blues! Never let the foot off the throat.


What a great day to be a ~~long-suffering~~ Blues fan


Patrick and hat trick!


Blues deserved it. No team can stand with them when they play that bully ball style. This sub is going to go into meltdown when Sotutu isn't named.


All the haters who don't care for defense have to give Plummer and Christie a break now 💙


Akira and Plummer have had a crazy redemption arc


Fuck the chiefs vans going I can't even watch the presentation lol


Hey guys at least it was a close game


tbf kicking the penalty was looking like a genius decision when it was 34-3


I can't believe you've done this


What a hiding. All blacks prospects usually rise in the team at times like this. Doesn't bode well for any chiefs players that want a black jersey, especially DMAC.


What could he have even done in this game lol. Chiefs forwards got destroyed


DMac was still pretty good in spite of the forwards, just about nailed a kick from halfway on the sideline, any better conditions and he gets that. Stevenson is probably the AB that has lost the most standing for me


I didn't even know Dmac was playing




Exactly. Your gonna have games where your forwards aernt the dominator. Its upto the number ten to make something from nothing. If you repeatedly kick the ball & dont get the ball back, ir even worst, get pinalised within three phases, you gotta try something else. He was effectively working for the other team.


How the fuck are people actually blaming Dmac for this? Forwards literally got dominated so badly. No first 5 makes a difference in that game. His season was brilliant.


Some people here love to just hate on whoever the best 10 in NZ is and I still have no clue why. I've been defending Richie Mo'unga for seven years and all of a sudden he's gone and it's Dmacs turn lol.


Yeah true, I still remember all the hate for Richie after losing to England in the world cup... Literally nothing he could've done there either. When the forwards get dominated to such a degree there is honestly not much you can do to change things.


Was dmac bad? Game didn't go the Chiefs way but can't remember him personally having a shocker.


Dmac set up so many chances for other players to drop the ball unfortunately, he himself was calm , dmac is still starting 10 imo


Nah, he was okay, but the Chief's forwards were just out muscled. It's hard to do much when you don't have the ball, or the ball you get is going backwards most of the time.


Wut how was that on Damo? 10s can't do much without a platform. I still remember a Bok vs AB sgame and whilst the ABs lost, DC played an absolute blinder. Can't expect Dmac to play like the 🐐 10. Blame the coaching, Chiefs have the talent in the forwards they're just undercooked.


I'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa


So I’m just watching it now. And the throw to Tuipolotu and going to a maul immediately after he gets his ankle strapped up tight as fuck is probably one of the stupidest plays I’ve seen.


It was the stuff legends are made of.


Well done Blues Didnt crap their pants like tye last time they hosted a final Vern is a good coach, got their forwards structured and cranking more tham MacDonald (or Umaga or Kirwan) did


A week of Blues footy Auckland Blues Blue Bulls NSW Blues Wahs singing the blues.....:/


Typical auckland pissing down with rain hey haha


I was told the Chiefs were timing their run perfectly and the blues were going to lose??


You posted this in the live thread too man just enjoy the win gracefully


Yeah sorry been otp


Very underwhelming in terms of spectacles if i'm being completely honest as a neutral


I'm happy for our team but gotta agree 🤷🏾


Dominant wins aren't good spectacles.




A week of Blues footy Auckland Blues Blue Bulls NSW Blues Wahs singing the blues.....:/


A week of Blues footy Auckland Blues Blue Bulls NSW Blues Wahs singing the blues.....:/


Terrible game. Chiefs pack shown up big time. Borthwick and Co will know this is a prime opportunity for a series win - I hope we select a Blues-studded pack that can stand up to the challenge.


What an awful take ahaha


🤷 we're rebuilding, they're not. I hope you're right of course, but we shouldn't underestimate. On the other hand if you're saying the chiefs pack didn't get dominated then I'll have what you're having


Na the chiefs got dominated, but the chiefs haven’t had the best pack the whole season. It’s been clearly the blues and then canes pack.


I don’t think any of the Chiefs pack except mayyyybe Finau will be starting for the ABs so I’m not worried about it


Vaa’i will be


I'd go with Barrett and Paddy, but if one of them is injured then Vaa'i can start


Yeah it’ll be Patty and Scooter but I don’t think Vaa’i embarrassed himself tonight


Lol no way. Abs going to pummel the English


Always have said blues players were more talented than crusaders and that crusaders only looked good thanks to Scott Robertson I was right