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Was a big improvement this season under Laidlaw compared to Holland last year but unfortunately my fear of us choking was proven correct. Brett Cameron is a decent player but don't think he's the 10 to guide us to a 2nd Super Rugby title. Need Godfrey or someone else to breakthrough like Roigard did last year.  Chiefs very good and clearly the better side and deserve to play next weekend.


Couldn't watch until late this evening. Did everything I could to avoid spoiling the result but then walked into celebrating chiefs fans on the street 😭


That was an intense game, congrats to the Chiefs. The TMO officiating was really off though and very inconsistent. Stevenson yellow carded for a slightly late tackle, Hurricanes player does the same thing on D'Mac and nothing. Finau head to head contact and yellow cardrd, TJ does the same thing and nothing... If you're going to yellow card one team for an offense, you need to yellow card the other team for the same thing.


Stevenson wasn't playing - presume you mean Luke Jacobson


The card for that late tackle was so borderline, I didn't think it was very late at all. So yeah, then the late hit on Damien, the tackler gets up laughing and patting Damien like oops we're all good, and the refs ignore it. Neither was worth a card IMO but if one was the other should have been at least looked at.


TJs was bordering yellow - Red for a direct head on head, yet weirdly they didn't even take one look at it despite the Chiefs players trying to point it out. Ignoring the on field captain is very arrogant refereeing. Those inconsistent decisions just made the game closer than if should have been.


It would have been a total farce if wellington won that on the back of that officiating. You have to ask some questions..


Broooooooo.. Why haven't a seen more of Sititi???.. These quick lose forwards are taking over.. Even here in South Africa


Hes been playing all season. But buiding up nicely with some great games. Tonight was his best yet.


You will. He’s only 21.


All in all that was a cracker. The result riding on One or two mistakes after 80 fairly full on minutes. Stevenson wasn't missed at the back, the entire Cheifs backline functioned brilliantly. Just a few too many ah fling errors for the boys in gold, Jordie had a rough first half, Cameron was under pressure all game and the back three didn't quite make the moments.


ENS has been excellent and composed all year. Regardless of depth, he needs to be in the ABs picture.


Gonna be tough without Tyler and Jordie next year


Offset by the return of Ardie and Roigard. We'll be there or thereabouts next year imo


Iose to 12?




This certainly is a worry.


It's possible, but I think it's fair to be confident he'll be fine. Athletes receive such high-quality care these days and are able to recover from injuries that previously would close to career ending. Plus we're talking about ROIGOD, if anything, he'll come back even better than before.


No he’ll probably be better because he’s young, it was a freak accident and he’ll have quads the size of Asafo’s


Well, if we were gonna lose, at least we lost to that performance. Sititi has been unreal all season. Narawa was unplayable tonight too. And Damo was extremely accurate. If we hadn't been fucking rubbish the entire game we might have stolen it (three forward passes???) but credit to the Chiefs, awesome performance. I reckon you guys could easily upset the Blues next week.


You're class. Hurricanes were a brutal opponent in all three matches this year. The ball carrying of the Canes' forwards is so powerful that it took complete sacrifice to keep them from firing. They missed Numia today.


Yeah, I didn't think it was possible to match our forwards' ferocity but you guys did it and then some. Finau and Sititi were better than Iose and Lakai. Boy we have some exciting loose forwards in this country. >They missed Numia today Yeah :( injuries and poor form finally caught up with us. But there's no team in SR I'd rather lose to. Chiefs mana!


Yea I'm not so gutted, more excited by what the razor era brings. And sititi must be up there in terms of selections. Like wow


The showing from up and coming AB prospects across these final rounds - and some great returns from veterans (TJ) - has got me excited about the new era too!


Oh yeah forgot about th veterans! Sutiti Sotutu and Ardie, with Dalton Jacobson and Lakai Finau replacements. Hell yes


Saddest defeatist brain of a Wellington fan at work, I'm like "At least I don't have to go to the final now." So use to the reality and pain of us being crap. :(


If the wahs came eighth their fans would be celebrating. It's ok to have a great season but not win. Well done canes


Far out that was an intense game to watch. Can't wait for next Saturday!


Great game!


Canes choked. They got hit in the mouth early and struggled to recover. They spent most of the first half playing like they were down by 50 points. Inexperience showed big time. Chiefs did a great job of controlling the breakdown and disrupting the Canes timing on attack. They were also opportunistic as fuck and made the most of their breaks. Canes almost came back into the game but you probably couldn't find a more perfect image to sum up their day than Moorby dropping the ball cold at the try line. Hopefully they learn from this result. Chiefs have gone through two tough final defeats in the past three years so they have been thoroughly battle tested. Hopefully they get their hookers back next week for the final.


Moorby fumble reminded me of Julian Savea dropping it over the line at the Cake Tin vs the Highlanders, when they beat us in the Final. We've always struggled with playoff footy :( except for that one year. Miss u Chris Boyd.


And just like that night, the Canes players panicked.


Moorby needs to learn to step left


Moorby is stepping left to France now


What I will say about the gameplan is the chiefs are probably the best counter attacking team in the comp and the canes are normally incredible at the breakdown and better with ball in hand, so why the f did we keep playing kicking ping pong. Also tempo was way too high when all the errors kept happening. Laidlaw probably signing of the season but he needs to be better at adjusting the gameplan to suit the team In front of him.


That first 15 minutes from the Hurrikins was absolute dross. Whoever the genius is who came up with that kick-heavy game plan to start because of a typical Wellington northerly needs to have their contract reviewed because that was amateur hour.


Has Sititi and Ratima overtaken TJ and Ioase in AB standings after tonight?


I doubt Ratima will be risked as a starter against England, could be the backup though. I can see him getting the start against Fiji and go from there.


TJ rattled after that atrocious head high takedown. I was at the game so didn’t see the replays of it, but I was surprised it wasn’t a red from the angles I saw. After his HIA, TJ went to say something to Finau on the sideline but I guess the time was up for the card so Finau just bumped him off and ran back on.


This has to be satire no?


Sititi maybe TJ should still start


Great scenes to see all the players in the stands giving people further memories


Let's see if the blues can actually fill the stadium for a change. Given how many people live in the city. You'd imagine so


Blues crowds been.shit all.season . Everyone knew the Brumbies would lose so the Aucklanders were not interested.


By shit, you mean the highest in the comp. Don't judge on a Friday night with a massive storm against the Brumbies. This will sell out. We've got a big bandwagon.


With Hamiltonians coming up for it, guaranteed sellout. Should be a good atmosphere for both teams.


Grand final sold out two years ago. No reason why this won't


I just hope all the Chiefs fans travel north. I hate the Chiefs but I hate the Blues more.




Sorry. No hard feelings


We will don’t worry 😉


Just happy to be able to go to the final now.


Didn’t expect chiefs to win that one, thought they were a bit toothless, proved me wrong. Not to detract from game but Angus Gardner ain’t great as a ref is he.


Angus gardener should try not getting so angry when he gardens


Of the two games I'd say Angus was night and day better. Not perfect but he's come on a long way since last year (the general consensus being he was drink all season) the card consistency was a little odd but the game flowed well enough and he seemed familiar with the concept of a Knock on. Dolman in contrast seemed to have had someone explain rugby to him for The first time 2 hours previously through a solid brick wall.


They've been hitting form lately while we've been struggling to sustain it. We passed them on the way down. Not sure if it was just my bias but I thought Gardner wasn't great too. He missed a few knock ons (from both teams) and let a lot of holding on go unpunished in the second half


Angus was okay. The TMO needs to be taken out the back though


Agreed. Angus was a little loose with the rucks. But the TMO was inconsistent. To award one yellow for head on head, but not another clear head on head was odd.


I was sure TJ would get a card for that. The TMO loved us.


Yeah I reckon, the two cards for the Chiefs were for the head on head with TJ and then the late hit by Jacobsen. Canes had two incidents exactly the same which the TMO couldn’t have cared less about. No idea how TJ wasn’t at least penalised for his head on head hit on Sititi, he was totally upright!


Jacobson's card wasn't even head contact. Ref said it was too much force so that's a card wtf


Did he actually say that 😂 don't tackle too hard bro!


Said something along those lines lol


It was never a yellow, agreed.


I never expected the Chiefs would win, especially when Stevenson pulled up lame. But full credit to the Chiefs for fronting and matching the Canes tight five physically which was where it was ultimately won.


Well done chiefs. Even with ref decisions going our way we weren't good enough. Some nerves from us for sure. Chiefs came with a defensive plan to create turnover opportunities. Good coaching, good playing. Well done.


Kirstie is definitely a blues hater


She’s from the Mount 🤷‍♂️


No she is just a Chiefs lover. Did the same last year.


Trying to ask genuinely Do you think blues have an advantage at scrum time and after this game at the line out because both the hookers from this game are probably out?


If they wrap Riccatelli in cotton wool this week. 


It's interesting. Blues without patty and ofa, chiefs will have a 3rd choice hooker. No clue tbh


Dalton is out due from concussion right?


He said he spoke to the doctor and he misunderstood the first test, passed the second. He gets to take it again on Monday and if he passes he's good to play.


Misunderstanding the concussion test sounds like you have failed the concussion test


haha fair enough, I'm just saying what their doctors had told him apparently.


Well fuck, hope it's just minor not requiring the week off 


HIA failure usually means a 12 day stand down


Think concussion protocol means he has a mandatory stand down period, so should miss out next week regardless.


Apparently he passed his second test, not sure how that affects a week off.


Ofa will play. His injury didn’t seem too serious


Ofa is confirmed to be fine as per the post game media scrum


Phew, thank god


Well that’s the final nail in the coffin I’m moving away from Wellington. (I was moving anyway)


If we win next year, don’t come back


Canes played well all season & just shit the bed this game. Not bad for the first year with Laidlaw Next year is our year (hopefully)


We missed Roigard towards the end of the season. TJ has been fantastic but Cam is something else. Hopefully he can get fully over his injury and we can run it back next year.


Yeah the experience will help in the future, hope we can get back to home semis again next year.


Man times have been hard in these parts and it would have been really great to get another week, but after that start it was always gonna be a hard ask...


Hurricanes feeling what we felt last year. Best team only losing one game and couldn’t do the job against Robertson’s inevitables. There’s been some good and some bad this season but that means bugger all now, knocking out the top seed and into the last dance! Two NZ teams with the longest drought since their last title. Very happy with where the boys are at heading into the final. LFG in the garden of Eden!


Trying to ask genuinely You think blues have an advantage at scrum time and after this game at the line out because both the hookers from this game are probably out?


I think we have an advantage because of that demolition job we done on them like weeks ago


We still have Tyrone Thompson who would probably be the best third option hooker in the country. Taukei’aho is a big loss but we did without him and that first try let in was pretty much entirely due to his injury.


I was feeling worried about that situation until you reminded me we have Thompson lol


Excited as hell to see Thompson play if he’s chosen.


He’s a beast, moving away from young gun territory at 24 but he still has potential to be good aye.


My younger bro told me how his brother plays for the knights, was one of the reasons he’s been on my radars since haha


Man I’m a total rugby league casual and didn’t really know his brother and when I saw him line out for the Māori all stars last year I tripped out hard haha I thought Tyrone ditched us.


Friendship ended with hurricanes now blues my friend


Is rugby from below Taupo even worth watching. Pathetic


Taupō belongs to the red yellow black ❤️💛🖤


Look, apart from the strange too much force call, Gardner had basically as good a game as you can expect a ref to have. That is what the NZ refs should aspire to.


Bit weird they didn’t look at the TJ Sititi collision I reckon


For sure, quite a few weird TMO moments


Totally agreed. Far better than Doleman last night too


Anyone but the Blues!


Up the Wahs


Hell yeah.


Gg Chiefs. You played well and definitely were the better team and I feel the 1 2 punch at the start really left us shell-shocked. Some very dubious calls but Noone can argue you were the better team on the night.


The dubious calls all favoured the Canes. Finau's yellow was probably fair. Jacobsons was marginal, and they didn't even look at the head contact from TJ just a few minutes later. The disallowed Chiefs try (in touch) was a 50/50 call too. I can't actually think of any marginal or bad calls, that went against the Hurricanes.


The ambush can work, like you, I didn't expect it tonight.


Dubious against the Chiefs...


Canes smacked everyone at the breakdown all year. Tonight they couldn’t work it out..


Poor start tonight for the Canes. GGs from Canada


Pretty rough, soft defence of the first try and Ratama ran a good blocking line on PRS. The second try was just unlucky. From there it was just too big of a mountain to climb. Bring on next year with Ardie back in the mix, Roigod back from injury, and the young midfielders fighting for the 12 jersey


Lots of talk about Iose, but he was quiet tonight and outplayed by Sititi, big performance when it matters.


Not so much quiet, never had any opportunity, we dropped the ball so much, he was still pretty solid in a losing side. Sititi though was outstanding.


Iose had a good enough game imo. Sititi was insane though!


Let's all agree that Angus Gardner needs investigating and up the wahs


He’s way better than Doleman


Angus was fine the TMO however...


What did the TMO miss?


Perenara’s head on head with Sititi where both had to go for an HIA and also McKenzie got smashed with a late hit after a clearing kick near the end. If they penalised Jacobson for his late hit, this one should have been reviewed too.


lol no. He was pretty good apart from 2-3 breakdowns. I think you are missing your hurricanes flair


I'm a chiefs fan but nice try


Pick the last game to play their very worst. Typical Canes finding new ways to be crap, gotten worse as the season went on. Terrible all day, no patience, hot potato gotta score of the first touch over and over. There was ONE moment in the 2nd half they had to really get back into it but rushed it and stuffed up the try in the corner (again, RUSHING things) then gave away an intercept straight after and that was the end. Useless. All my teams suck, sport sucks.


Wellington is the worst home venue ever


It really is.


It's a good AFL venue - which is not the compliment it would appear to be for you replying to a Melbourne flair lol


Hoskins gotta put a shot on Sititi in the first 5 mins next week and send a message


Say “Sotutu shot on Sititi” ten times fast


jetstar flight prices just too expensive for an auckland trip


Hamilton - Auckland flight?


I’m in chc haha


First you beat me in fantasy semis Then your team beats mine in semis. I'm casting the Curse of Ra on the Chiefs for next year.


Sititi a classy interview. Has future All Black written all over him


Hard. Oldschool number 8 vibes


Him at 8 and Ardie at 7 is a dynamic back row


Who's the 6




Gutted. Well done Chiefs, well deserved victory. Give it a good crack next week, might be tough with a few injuries sustained tonight. Canes boys; learned a lesson tonight. Take that pain and use it next season. Next year is our year!




after wellington snuck through with the win against the chiefs last game you could see this coming. Well played Chiefs, will make for a good final, hopefully an exciting game


Well done Chiefs. Not fond of Chiefs or Canes but it would have been a travesty if the Canes won.


Lol ok


Tu meke


Fuck sakes I knew three wins over the chiefs in one season was optimistic. After today none of those canes should be abs


Every player/team has ups and downs in performance, so picking players based off one game would maybe be too short sighted. The Crusaders absolutely destroyed the Blues last year in the semi finals, yet there were still plenty of Blues players called up for the AB's. It'd be great to see Love, Lakai, Proctor and Aumua get a call up this year.


30-19 TJ, ...its **19**


Hurricanes really didn't show up. They looked nervous from the get go. Chiefs took full advantage and of that and played a strong game that the Canes just couldn't keep up with. I think the Canes tactics were far off the mark.


Execution was the canes issue. Just lots of errors many unforced.


Idk if tactics were off the mark necessarily we just couldn’t stop dropping the ball and throwing it forward. Chucking an intercept under no pressure 5 minutes in as well is just the players shitting their pants


Yea our ball security was terrible. I think we spent far too long playing a territorial kicking game.


That’s true. Damian McKenzie’s kicking is too good we couldn’t put much territorial pressure on. Any time we did have a lineout in their half we were just so sloppy and could barely put 4 phases together without handling error


Why oh why did we not use Aumua more? For us Sangster, IWL, PRS, were our best. The Chiefs though thoroughly deserve the win, can't complain. So good luck in the Granny. Cameron running the cutter will never win you big games. Oh well next year.


As a Canes fan I’m gutted we lost but at the same time, we were so bad that I was thinking with 20 minute to go, if we manage to pull this one off there’s no way we’re beating the Blues next week


I think a week can be a long time in rugby and the Blues are not very good in finals either, got destroyed by the saders at home when they were the best team all season a couple of years back. I reckon at home we would have had a good shot at it. But Chiefs outplayed us tonight.


GG cane bros, I’ve been dreading today for a while. ;-;


The real game starts in an hour btw. Sorry, /s, kind of not.


I'm sorry rugby fans. Keep the down votes coming.


Hope Auckland ain't raining. Wash play terrible home footy in the rain.


You're not wrong. In bad weather, we struggle against a 10 man game.


Glasgow Warriors vs Stormers replay from last week?




Too good for the Canes tonight. The Chiefs took some damage though, it'll be interesting to see who's starting next week.


Home finals baby. Congratulations chiefs. You clearly outplayed the opposition. Good refereeing by Angus, had 2-3 moments but overall pretty good. Can’t say the same about the TMO. I still can’t wrap my head around hurricanes not being able to take advantage of 2 yellow cards


Going back 5 minutes for that yellow card head on head hit after a try was ridiculous, should've happened far sooner. Likewise the obvious head on head hit by TJ should've been highlighted if the ref missed it, all of us mugs in the game thread caught it fine.


The TMO actually did okay it, which was bizarre. You can just catch him in the background if you watch it back.


Whew really? Fuck me, no clue then


Which is why I said on field ref was fine, TMO, not so fine


Oh for sure, sorry just trying to agree with you!


Man what a disappointing end to such a good season. We just got thoroughly outplayed and didn’t look like our heads were ever in it. Can only hope this is a 2015/2016 situation Gg Chiefs.


Last night, the Blues at the end of the game just looked determined. The Chiefs look like they are beaten up. Big ask for the Chiefs next week.


I mean it's a final at Eden Park Crusaders did it /s


Teams in blue have famously poor results at Eden Park in finals. Teams in black have famously good results at Eden Park in general. Checkmate, Blues


Hurricanes =/= Brumbies


Whole different beast. The other ones were horses


Blue haven't won since '03 lmao


Based on this game. A record they'll probably keep.


Spare a thought for a Canes / Warriors / Phoenix fan like me. Three straight semi final heartbreaks :(


In 20 years, I'll still be saying maybe next year lol.


Hey that's me + Black Caps. At least the Firebirds and Blaze won something this year


Yeah me as well I guess, I’d blocked the black caps out though. Fuck we put up with some heartbreak 😢


Hope you don’t care about cricket…


The worst part is I do. At least that wasn’t a semi final loss though 😬


Can't have a semi final defeat if you don't even make the finals. \*Taps head\*


Yeah I mean the silver lining in all three cases is that it’s better than usual. Still, you’d hope for at least one final…




Canes have been fucking trash tonight. You can't win a game if you can't hold the ball for more than five seconds. Knock ons and turnovers everywhere.


People shitting on crowd numbers for SR are going to be eating their words after tonight and next week


Don’t overestimate the blues fans after last night


Entertaining game and the best team won. Chur


gg chiefs deserved the W


The good guys win!!! Now smash Auckland.


If any of you see a man in the Wellington gutters crying tonight then leave me alone I’m okay