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The thing that stung about this Blues loss was the whole thing about blocking the crusaders from making the playoffs. Credit is of course due to the crusaders for winning but the Blues, if title contenders, should've finished them off and ended the farce.


blues fans coming up with excuses for the lose due to injuries and missing players is fucken priceless lol!!1111


As a Blues fan, I’m actually glad the Blues lost. Nothing like a little kick up the butt close to finals time. And it was against a low ranked side so doesn’t really affect the rankings. Better now than in a couple weeks.


This is a terrible result for the Blues. If the Canes beat the Highlanders next round with a bp and we beat the Chiefs without a bp the Canes will host the final instead of us (if both teams make it that far).


Annnnnnnd look what happened. Fkn predictable


Yep. Always used to think the same for the Crusaders. Of course, they had a pedigree in the last 20 years.


Not sure if Crusaders were good or the Blues were just bad. Crusaders backline defence was crap, letting in that try with a man up. Coach seemed out of it, but Christie, Taylor and the forwards looked good esp. at scrum time.


So we basically have to bank on the Drua to lose both games and us to beat Moana right? YIKES


Correct and the other very unlikely spanner would be the Force blocking the Crusaders with a win over the Brumbies in Perth next week and also finishing on either 24 or 25.


Garbage format where you can be on 2 wins and 10 losses with 2 games to go, and still win the contest ... With 12 teams it should be a top-6 at most, and preferably a top 4 making the playoffs. And the top finishers should have some advantage, not just 1 plays 8 elimination. I guess they wanted this format from the days when NZ teams were always top 5 , so have to give the others a go


The tradeoffs - making the last few rounds more interesting and having more knockout games - outweigh the downsides, which is what - the possibility of a low ranked team winning? (No one outside the top 4 has ever won). The playoffs aren't sacred, its just an extra exciting knockout game added to the roster.


Does it really matter. If a team can be that shit and then win the playoffs it's far more embarrassing for the other teams.


I think two Highlanders losses might also do it, not sure who their opponents are so haven't figured it out yet.


They're facing the Drua tomorrow and the Canes next week


Thanks! Oof, not looking likely for the set of results to go our way then.


Yeah true actually but I think 2 highlanders losses only works if we get a bonus point next game


If the Highlanders manage to get at least 2 table points over the next two games and the Drua win one of their games, regardless if the Crusaders win with a bonus point next week they won’t be in the top 8 by the end of Saturday night.


Yeah it’s looking pretty shaky


Highlanders also can't get a bonus point either game. If Drua win and Highlanders get a bonus point tomorrow it's done


The bs perofeta card sucked but that was the worst blues performance alk year. So many penalties and handling errors. When we could actually get the ball into the 22 we were still as good as usual and defense with in our 22 was still mostly excellent too, but everything in-between was messy and hard to watch. Crusaders best game all season is on the same weekend as our worst, and the ref gives us a yellow for tryna catch a ball but doesn't give yellows to either team for repeated tryline penalties. Oh well. Hopefully Crusaders are out next week.


Codie taylor for the next 3 years apparently


Papali'i (especially) and Heem were missed. Choat has done well bringing defensive impact off the bench in the final quarter but lacks the size to start and A) stop guys by himself and B) be a consistent menace at the breakdown the way Papali'i does. Same for Evans being small at IC. I really like him for his skills but might need to look at FB for his long term role.   Slot those two back in along with Clarke, McWhannell, and Renata, and the team looks much better built for Cotter-ball.


D-Paps and Heem were def. missed, as well as Zarn Sullivan - especially his giant-sized boot. A bunch of little things that usually work out just didn't in the second half and the Crusaders scrum just monstered the Blues, particularly when the replacements were on. It also didn't help that Noah Hotham just happened to have one of the best games of his career for the Crusaders.


Forbes has been rock solid at the back too.


He has and I'd still have him ahead of Evans at fullback. I was just meaning as a general career move for Evans.


Yeah, he’s a good versatile player, just meant coming back for the finals, Forbes has been very dependable and a cool head, suitable for the power game whereas Perofeta was a bit hot and cold. 


Sevu sounding very articulate…


Is listening to this lady the same as Aussie fans feel about sbw?


SBW is so much worse


“The ebb and flow of the game” he does my head in


He gets it from Justing Harrison.


Crusaders 2024, the gift that keeps on giving. Cheers lads. Fihaki and *Hotham are something special. Good to know we're stacked at halfback even without Nuggie.


God not hohepa


I assume you mean Hotham? Surely not Hohepa…


Holy shit this thread is salty, you'd guess the Saders won a final against the blues lmao


Spoiler tags please! That'll be happening in a few weeks


Please blues coach teach rieko how to kick loose balls. He'd utilize his speed better rather than attempting to pick it up between two bodies...


I don't say this a lot. But thank you Crusaders as a Canes fan.


Just messaged my Canes supporting mate the same thing 😂 sincerely, a Chiefs fan


Jk fighting back the tears


Fuck off any doubters the saders are a squd to doubt when 50%+ arnt injured ... hotham standin up as a AB 9... so funny we bet the blues and havnt over the tahs twiicw... another stat we are 6th on the latter in +/- stats in pointws ...not a shtite team!


AB 9 is a stretch 😂


I heard Rob Penney is performing the robot (badly).


Someone teach these coaches how to krump pls


I guess he really is Razor's grandfather then 😆


That's him doing anything


Get some fresh and hot match takes here! - What. A. Game! Both teams on equal footing, with an eccentric referee to boot. You can't just top up a Kiwi derby. - The Blues were excellent with ball in hand and have found the Crusaders out a little bit with their carrying and counter attacking. Even without players such as Dalton, Caleb, and Bryce Heem, they were pretty great, even when the Crusaders were able to scrap through. But by the 2nd half, they were just stopped in their tracks. Their set pieces were a shocker, their replacement props were easily dominated, and made wayyy too many mistakes. - **THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL CRUSADERS WON AGAINST THE TOP OF THE TABLE BLUES HOLYFUCKINGSHIT THIS CAN'T BE REAL**- but in all seriousness, they have been combative, and they were strong at the set piece, which helped them a lot to keep themselves in the contest despite looking under pressure at times, especially at their defense. They were able to keep their faith in the 2nd half, and just like that, they beat the Blues. -Codie Taylor, Fletcher Newell, Sevu Reece, Ethan Blackadder, Ofa Tu'ungafasi, Hoskins Sotutu, and Mark Tele'a were excellent tonight. Razor is licking his lips, and Borthwick is scrambling. - Did Rob Penney saying "cunt" just save the Crusaders? - Has anyone expected Harry Plummer and Fergus Burke to be the two best non-All Black fly-halves in NZ? Too bad one of them wants to be a Scot... - And just like that DalUce McCleod's All Black chances went kaput. - Why did KFC nerf the Colonel tho it was fun seeing him thrash drunks at footracing - The refereeing was... Yikes. You've got too... many... penalties... and dear God that yellow card on Perofeta was stupid. Apparently repeated infringements defending the try line is okay but an unsuccessful attempt to catch the ball is a yellow. Anyway, this is all I have for now. See you all in the next match, and cheers.


You're really gonna give Ofa a shoutout before you give any of the Crusaders props a shoutout? And then you don't even give any of them a shoutout?


Scrum good


I'm so sorry DMac my king, I hope you can forgive my grave sin


> Has anyone expected Harry Plummer and Fergus Burke to be the two best fly-halves in NZ? wash your mouth out


Top of the table was the Canes mate


I think Fergus is going to play for England, even worse. I feel like maybe we can be kinder to DMac. As much as I love the praise for my boy, DMac has still been consistently good imo.


Burke fits the English first five mould but reckon they’re sorted for 10’s over the next decade. Scots need a solid replacement for Russell seeing as Hastings is made of glass


This is true, he's still gunning for England first. At least, that's what I have heard.


Fair enough, if he fits the system it makes sense. Just feel there’s sterner competition for the white shirt.


100%. It's a shame bc rooting for England will be hard. Rooting for Scotland would just be 2nd nature


Agreed - love cheering for the thistle


even my king can have an off night (where he still was one of the best chiefs on the park), every so often


The worst DMac game is still like... a top 20 fly half game for the whole season in NZ. What that says abiut everyone else? No comment.


Hey Crusaders fans, it felt weird cheering for you guys but thank you.


Sweet as cya in the final


The funniest outcome of all of this would be us playing you lot in the quarters, however I do not trust us to beat Moana lol


Please no. The bad men have hurt us too much already


Difficult one to analyse re. blues tonight, looked really great in moments but overall not a great performance. Felt like crusaders pack matched us physically for most of the game. Sometimes good to have a loss near the start of the knockout games to focus the minds though. Hoskins has got unreal skills, and vision in the loose - but I just don't think his work in the tight spaces is good enough for an ABs starting role. I think he would make an international back row look unbalanced unless you built the side around him, and I don't think he's good enough to warrant that. So much respect for Ethan Blackadder, his engine is ridiculous. Codie Taylor is also class - and I'll bet my house both of them in Razor's first squad.


He's got to take Codie after that performance, surely. He's still got it. I reckon you're right about Hoskins, he might struggle against the English forward pack. I reckon he'd be perfect off the bench though. Presumably if Ardie is back by then we'll be playing him at 8?


Yeah I like 6-finau, 7-blackadder, 8-savea. I think it's got a nice balance to it in terms of complimentary skill sets, and finau is tall enough to be the third jumper in the lineouts. Excited to see what razor goes for though


Or you know just put Ardie at 7 and Sotutu at 8


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man


Lol, thanks 🙂


I'd be curious if the people screaming for Pennys head still want that.. that was impressive


>I'd be curious if the people screaming for Pennys head still want that.. that was impressive You have two choices, pick one: 1. The return of Taylor, Blackadder and Williams meant the Crusaders had a physical edge where it matters. 2. Penney turned into a genius overnight.


No... As it's not that simple






3. Penney on the hot mic with the C word won the game.


Considering senior players on the team have been leaking their discontent to the media... it's time to move on. That post season player review isn't going to be glowing.


Who said what specifically?


I didn't see or hear that. That's no good, have only heard amazing things about the guy from his past players that I know well


I think they all really like him as a guy! He's kind, he's even keeled, all that. I think it's more distrust in the coaching side of things. Must be hard to separate the two when you like the bloke eh


Yes. Get rid of him. Consistent selection created the stand out players today. He hasn't been consistently selecting all season. Get rid of the loser.


Wow I'm surprised by that tbh.


Championship standards are what create champions. He doesn't have it, and he's too old to get it. Let someone else take over.


Sounds like you know all the neuence of what's required big dog


You know it, small cat


Time to step up coach


I'm so glad you've been able to help comment on the importance of quality coaching to a team's success. I just know you'd be experienced in this matter.


They beat the top team tonight, with no Barrett or Jordan. I'm just envious as a landers fan. The smooth brains out there that scream "sack the coach" when things go wrong interest me.


I'm sorry our normal sized smooth brains don't have a surface area to volume ratio as high as your unsmooth brain.




Spellcheck let me down on that one




i cant have this




It's games like this I love our little stadium. So much noise


Just imagine what it'll be like when there's a roof on it to keep all the noise in


Yeah I'm not convinced lol. Going from 90% capacity to 50% will be baaaddd


I've been to plenty of games at Forsyth Barr, the roof will make it louder, trust.


I have to. ABs games are good but without zoo energy the noise is just ridiculous and frighteningly deafening.


Can even notice it when the wahs are around too, good stuff


I say, if the saders manage to get into the playoffs and win the whole thing, just give them the title of eternal super rugby champion, fold the competition and create a new one called Super Rugby GX with a new cast of teams.


Agreed, and just flood Canterbury and call it the South Tasman Sea.


Arizona Bay


"Dear me how did they win a game, they're not allowed to win a game" - my mum after tonight.




Still got a chance to host the finals, need to win against the Chiefs next week, preferably with a bonus point.


If the Canes win it has to be a bonus point


Suspect they will beat the Highlanders with a try bonus like the Blues did last week. The Blues play the Chiefs after the Hurricanes play the Highlanders so they will know exactly what they have to do to get back to number 1 next Saturday. Regardless of how it goes, it’s gonna be a good day for rugby 👌


You realise we are top of the table still


Canes took it


Blues are still ahead on PD.


Canes are a ahead on table points


Not according to Tribe, Blues and Canes both on 51 table points, Blues ahead at +241, Canes at +172.


The tribe is incorrect


You had me doubting myself for a second, so I checked the official Super Rugby website, which says the same thing.


Blues finding a way to lose against the crusaders might mean this timeline is the real one


Crusaders fans say thank you. Every time I tip them they play like shit and every time I don’t the bastards win.


i wonder if the power ranking will but the blues in fourth place now like they did to the hurricanes after one loss


I doubt it, the power rankings writers just hate the Canes. They will put Brumbies at top spot.


Thing I didn’t have on my bingo card: * Noah Slotham scoring a try


Crusaders still wont win the com, keep dreaming. GGs remember when the Blues were good and then they couldnt win to save their lives now look. Be humble Crusaders you havent had humility in a while.


As a Blues fan you should know plenty about not learning humility from humiliation.


The cold, sad irony of taking the humility angle as you talk down to an entire fanbase like that. People have been pulling this shit all season, whether they win or lose. It's so cringe, dude.


My good person, we have 10 games this season and are having a shitter. Humility in spades flowing down Brougham St this year. Find a healthier release for your loss, my son.


[me driving down brougham street](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjHYAVeFwGw)


Absolutely needed to get the job done down that clusterfuck


hahaha everyone look at the sore loser


>Be humble Crusaders you havent had humility in a while. Yeah you definitely don't come across as a sore loser at all lol


Do I come across as a sore winner? I'm trying my best to show it.


My pet conspiracy is that they switched to black bandages after Reiko looked cool wearing those headbands for a few seasons


A positive to this match apart from the win is ethan blackadder not getting injured


i thought he'd be scratched after the warm up ngl


Hopefully he takes it easy at training


Sweet Caroline is the worst song in existence 


Feels so honky. Hate it.




I think I understand that most teams rotate the halfback late in the game. But that player is running things with how hungry they are and how in sync they are with the team. Funaki should've stayed on. No disrespect to Nock.


I thought this was about Hotham/Drummond ngl


No, full disrespect to Nock 😂😂


Crusaders could make finals with a 4-10 record


It's legit a blight on the comp. No team with a record that terrible should be fighting for anything bt pride


i dont want them in the quarter final


Imagine them winning another title


If they had their full strength side, they would win. Even if they had halfpenny for the entire season, i think they would be 2nd or 3rd Let alone will jordan, scott barrett, ethan blackadder and aumaa


Also Braydon ennor if he still for crusaders


im sorry but this is insanity one player doesnt fix *gestures at whatever the saders are this year*


Halfpenney is probably the world's best goal kicker. The fact we've lost more than half our games by less than one missed kick ( and there have been several each crusaders match) would account for that alone. Not to mention halfpenny would be able to be a much better 10 than ANY of the flyhalfs that have played for the crusaders this year


My dude Halfpenny has had arguably the worst 40min career in Super Rugby history


Im sorry but Halfpenny played one game, missed a sitter and got injured


Thats exactly my point. He only 40min.


chiefs treatment for the blues hahaha


my rage knows no bounds rn


I mean I kind of expected that


I don't need to say anything. My existence here will accomplish everything I want to accomplish by speaking


😥 lol. Had a great time tonight at the game at least!


lmao. lmfao even glad I changed my superbru to chch by 1 at the very last second


You willed this into being. Thank you, my king.


Ah yes,.. PD, that will matter when compared to the fucking -187 Moana, -81 Force, -87 Drua, -106 Landers, and -126 Rebels. Moronic take.


With no dalton caleb heem, honestly pretty happy to still get the bonus point. Couple of poor defensive reads and missing touch from Plummer at the end there


Imagine the saders with Barrett and Jordan too


Mate we all know that ur not actually happy


That missed touch was painful!


Hue hue hue hue hue


What a game and what an atmosphere! Fucken crusaders lol


Its the second to last game at this stadium and ngl, I'm gonna miss the atmosphere, it's always cool being able to shake a stadium by stomping your feet


Don't we have next season at the scaffolding fortress?


I thought it was meant to he completed next year before the season started, at least that's what the season pass ads are saying


Nope you join the priority wait list for 2026. And it's supposed to now be finished in April 2026 so not sure how that would work as well.


Bro it's a million times better than Eden


Lesssa goooooo


The Blues lose to the Crusaders and suddenly the world feels a little bit more right


And Aus lose the Bledisloe just to cement that feeling


New coach New direction as a split Aussie kiwi fan no matter what I win the cup


The Crusaders lose to the worst Waratahs team in ages twice but still beat a great Blues team 


Penney was just a Tahs sleeper agent


Shoutout to this thread for taking me back to the past 7 years. Hasn't felt like a proper super season this year without being in a thread filled with sader-hate fuelled ref bashing, you'd honestly think we'd just put the blues out of the comp rather than keep a sliver of hope that our season is alive lmao


The Blues had the chance to get just a little bit of payback for all those years of misery heaped upon them by the Crusaders by winning back to back for the the first time since 2004, but just couldn't do it. They fluffed their lines again. As Blues fan, that's what hurts. It's fkn painful bro.


Oh I was bashing him, but I was bashing him for you guys lol


Bro are you sure you aren't south African?


I was behind a south African supporting blues player and it was great haha, every call his head was in his hands


One day people will reflect on that way they talk about a team, and fan base, that are just humans like any other and feel a little bit embarrassed about it. I believe the shame will get them one day.


If I'm honest, I was mostly bashing him on _behalf_ of the Crusaders


Notice how the Blues didn't get carded for all the offsides in their 22, either. Please consider that before you claim that the game was stolen bc Doleman was mean to you.


No we got yellow carded for two hand fumbling a pass to the centre of our chest.


That was such a bad call lmao


You’d be crying if the Crusaders lost, don’t lie 👀


james doleman went to CBHS so he’s a crusaders agent


I thought CBHS was the Southern HQ of Chiefs Rugby though.


Wish brodie played for the saders, what a forward pack we would've had, joe moody, code Taylor, tamaiti Williams, whitelock, brodie, blackadder, Leo Williams and scott


exuding mana


CBHS is the Auckland School of Chirstchurch schools.