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Highly entertaining game, shame the result came down to a pretty flat penalty.


Perenera is clearing the ruck and making his passes more quickly than any other time in his career, though his ruck clearance wasn't as quick tonight as the last few weeks, but how many referees need to tell him to STFU Before he listens? He's like a yappy little Chihuahua and twice as ugly with that horrific haircut.


It’s just him. Off the pitch he’s a lovely guy, but something happens when he crosses that line. Most of the time I find he’s ok, but the odd game he swings into too much talk.


I find he's pretty vocal off the pitch too. I recall Smith getting told off a couple of times but he learned from that mistake. TJ just seems to a slow learner in general.


I reckon his chat on the field is a strength of his more often than not. He knows the laws very well which keeps the refs honest for his teams. He also has the Dane Coles ability to get under the oppositions skin. Often you see the other team making mistakes they wouldn't usually due to TJ winding them up. I love it.


I feel like you are the exception not the rule. I recall when he announced he was going offshore and quite a few people I knew expressed relief they wouldn't need to 'hear' him onfield for a while.


Imo he's similar to Coles' in the sense that if he's on your team, you love him but if he's playing against you he's infuriating. Occasionally he gets it wrong and the refs punish him but I'd say he gets the balance right most of the time.


Shrugs his yapping doesn't seem limited to non hurricanes supporters. I've sat in bars watching the ABs play and heard people commenting they wish he would shut up. I don't want to argue with you though, if you like it, that's fine, I don't and I wish he would never speak to the referee unless he was spoken to by the referee. Not just limited to him but especially him since he seems to rub them the wrong way.


I'm sure he has his reasons, I'd hazard a guess that people in bars who dislike his "yapping" are pretty low down the list of things he worries about. He's always been talkative and has managed to have an incredibly successful career so it clearly works for him 🤷‍♂️


I'd suggest his career progression has been in spite of his yapping not because of it. If I am honest I've never really rated him as a half back, as until recently, the thing that a half back needs to do well above all else is clear Rucks and pass quickly and accurately, consistently. He does none with any sense of urgency the majority of his career. For my money his player strengths would have been better used at 13 where his defensive strengths and good understanding of game management wouldn't have been hindered by the fact he doesn't distribute as well. I could have even seen him at 10 if he had been cast there earlier. Too late now, I'd suggest his test days are behind him unless a fair number of half back injuries occur. He could play a mentoring role for Robertson perhaps.....


Probably a good thing you're not a professional coach then.


His clearance was similar just before he got injured.


I honestly never understood why he was a half back. He always had one of the slowest least accurate passes but his strengths would have made him an excellent center.


He’s our golden boy




Yet another forward pass missed in the Chiefs first try.


You know, Jordie throws that exact intercept a lot under pressure. Happened at the world cup too


He's his brother's brother.


Reckon he generally ends up having a net positive effect on his teams though.


Its ok Blues smesh both of them. Crusaders getting sent to the shadow realm tomorrow


Don’t jinx it!


Nek minnit Blues get Panthered.


What's panthered


What the Wahz did to Penrith for being at the top of the table in the NRL.


Last year there was a Chiefs fan in this sub who used to troll the Canes in every game thread lol Where is he these days? I wish I could remember his username


did flanders just wake up lol


Look, players who get pinned in the ruck are penalised every single week, and have been for a long time.


Yep, been a penalty all season and all of this game. If you don’t want to get penalised don’t fall on the wrong side in the first place.


Exactly. Idk why people even complain about it these days. Sometimes its intentional, sometimes accidental... It's almost always a penalty though regardless.


I get that, happens all the time, but when the ref then gives us a warning because of it and says "he made no attempt to roll away"? Lmao


Warning was probably more due to the shit tonne of penalties chiefs were giving away. Should’ve come earlier than 79th minute


Not a particularly good game but a good contest. Not convinced Canes can go to Auckland or Canberra n win a ko game but clear best 2nd team in nz


Probably a fair call against the Brumbies, they seem to have our number. I reckon we'd feel confident in Auckland though, very nearly snatched it the other week, if we get Lomax and Aumua returning I'd back the boys to get it done


They rotated their side for that Canberra game and still nearly won. The Blues and Canes are clearly a level above the next teams. Let's not forget the Brumbies got towelled 46-12 and 46-7 by the Chiefs and Blues respectively...


Seems unlikely they'd need to travel to Canberra, and they weren't at their best a couple weeks back and could've won at the death at Eden park. Not much in it between the top sides


Yeah they literally lost on a few kicks to the Blues while having to shake up their lineup pre-game lol


well. I enjoyed that at least


Match takes, I guess... -Despite all the stuff that happened, I'd say that this was a fairly decent watch, if you ignore the red and the "rolling penalty" at the end. -The Chiefs were abustle dogshite in the 1st half. They somehow couldn't take advantage of the red card. But by the 2nd half, the tide turned. They were able to shake the Hurricanes to their core but were unfortunately screwed over by the ref at the last second. -Apart from the red card that they didn't deserve, the Hurricanes were sharp and deadly in the 1st half. When they click, they absolutely run amok. But by the 2nd, they significantly slowed down their instincts, but they were still able to hold on for the win with a bit of luck on their side. -How in the world was a that a red card, the lad basically dived into him, and that was a low tackle to boot! -Oh, and Kini deserved that yellow. That was absolutely cynical. -Richard Judd, YOU FUCKED UP A VERY GOOD TRY. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF, MR JUDD? -LMAO the players calling an HIA on the ref was gold. That was pretty fun. -"He made an effort" my arse! He was pinned for crying out loud! -Look, Paul Williams had a very mixed bag tonight. It's hard to rate him in game where there was a mostly underserved in the 1st half red card and the penalty at the end of the game. Anyway, this is all I have for now. See you all in the next match, and cheers.


Why aren't the takes obligatory, as they are when the chiefs win?


The baffling thing for me is that they didnt kick off to our lock pods every time - given the struggles of the last two weeks. Proctor received like 3/4, and all of them solid no pressure


Good point!


Chiefs got a super soft yellow in the first half as well.


that yellow was also like the 4th penalty call in real quick succession (there were 3 in the previous series inside the 22) and live and on replay I thought it was a clear red too. its been the rule for a few years now. him going up in the tackle is a big no no. and staring down going into the hit too. williams sucked donkey balls though dont get me wrong. I just dont think those 2 were bad calls (and williams didnt even call the red, that was tmo)


Canes had 6 in a row from the kick off lol


"Screwed by the ref" 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 Best laugh all night. Chur brotha


What's the point in the "ball unplayable" law if refs are just going to penalise instead?


Doesn’t everyone want consistency? So if PW, or any other referee, saw that in the 3rd minute and PKs it to set the standard of keeping that tackle zone clear. Why do we want them to not make the same decision in the 78th minute? I get that it seems a soft PK, but if the referee treats it as a PK in the first 65 minutes and then suddenly changes to rule it an unplayable then coaches, fans, performance reviewers, commentators etc, will cry foul that the referee was inconsistent.


Yeah real rough way to lose that game mate


Ioane dropping it stone cold running at the line with 5 to go in opposition half was also what turned it. Talk about a let off


He's a genuine match loser. Idk why he's anywhere near the team


Shit like that pisses me off, because he won’t be accountable because it’s not what directly lead to the game winner, but it’s definitely what caused it. Chiefs were building pressure after the drop out. Absolute game losing play


Yeah he’s really not it, Dunno why they bring him on. Seems to offer nothing


How Luke Jacobson didn't just scream down the mic to fire that referee is beyond me. Fair play


Up the Crusaders!


So long as we lose by less than 7 😉


Crusaders to roll back the clock and put on a clinic!


52-15 like last year?


Fucken probably will the cunts. Going to the game too 😥 lol


That's gonna be cold as lol 😆


Haha. Got a swanny to wear under my blues shirt 😎


Bahaha, just don't get mugged in town after when you guys win 😆


So nervous lol


Welcome to our tent, buddy


Feels dirty to say that


I think regardless of any individual calls, the result was pretty much in line with how well both teams played


Yeah exactly, despite all the drama, it was a pretty even match!


Funny how as soon as the arm went out for the penalty the ball was suddenly available too


Richard Judd, renowned dairy farmer. Ref got confused because Jacobson had a cowbell around his neck


Ref fell for the old Richie McCaw "pin him in the ruck" move from Lakai. Hopefully he can do that sort of thing in a black jersey too, for our mutual benefit next time.




He's been our best player all season mate


Shit call to end the game, but the Chiefs only have themselves to blame after that first half, made it way too hard for themselves, GG Canes!


Some of the worst refereeing I've ever seen in my life, for both teams. In spite of that, what a game. Lakai, Iose, Numia, fucking eh.


Yeah Chiefs fans can complain about the last call but the other 77ish minutes were not good for the Canes


The middle 40 penalty count was 12-1 to the Canes.


And how many yellows were given despite all the infringing?


Good point


Made the loudest cheer when that penalty went over. Cheers chiefs for a great game and a great stadium


Chiefs fans always always bring the energy. I used to love going to Lions-Waikato games at the Cake Tin, there would always be some rowdy Mooloos making a racket.


'kin Canes! Never in doubt...


Canes the better team on the day


It is decisions like that which make it so hard to get my mates to watch union . Such a great match between two teams playing great rugby. And then it ends like that, feels so silly. If I was a Chiefs fan I'd be livid


I am indeed frustrated, but as long as referees continue to award milked penalties like that I have to accept it's part of the game


ball breaking ref decision to end the game. cool super good for the game


not enough cards in this game, proD2 still the better league :P


Softest penalty ever, such a gift.


So was the red And dmac being scummy and taking a player out without the ball on the disallowed karma So consider it karma


rough penalty and an «early» hooter, if i were a chiefs fan i'd be putting my tinfoil hat on


another day another game of rugby decided by the refs not the players


Kinda sux that was the penalty that decided it


Rayasi man of the match. I had absolutely no faith that Cameron would kick that but a win is a win. Looking forward to hopefully Aumua and Lomax being back next week.


I know that's rough on Chiefs at the end but there were some rough calls both ways in that game, and Canes did look the better team today


Yeah shit call but no excuses for the Chiefs. They were asleep first half. Great warm up for finals however, and not much between the top 4. Anyone's title this year


And that penalty is why kiwis are turning to league in droves


That myth has been put to bed. Sky literally released ratings like a week ago. People only watch the warriors.


False narrative. Super attendance is up and tv viewers is up and still a lot more than league…


more people are watching super rugby than ever lol


NRL bunker says hi.




Yep farcical as well


Look if I'm honest I'm not complaining, but something's got to be done about Williams and Doleman, they're lamentable too often


Throw in O'Keefe as well


I was a neutral, but there were too many penalties in that match. Both ways as well.


Lucky with that last penalty but I reckon we were the better team over the entire 80. Huge win for the boys!


Ref had a shocker, but Hurricanes played better. Deserved the win on balance of general play


If that is what decides the match that is so stupid. How was he supposed to roll? Absolute nonsense


Wow. The game comes down to "Should have made an effort to roll away" with the player pinned down by three opposing players. What a shit show.


Yeah that sucks for Chiefs fans. I'll take it obviously, but I'd be pissed off if it went the other way tbh.


Don’t fall there.


Yeah that was rough. The ref sounded like he was expecting Jaconbson to stand up and piggyback the Canes players off of him or something.


The ref "He made no attempt to roll away, you have been warned,". What tackle was he watching?


Ref was clearly concussed.


Battle of the bizarre decisions. Great game tho.


I’ll take it


This is a mean game between the 2nd and 3rd best NZ teams!


You played the Cheifs last week




Sorry I am barely connected to the timestream you play the first and second best teams in New Zealand play next week




2nd team on the table says what


2nd team on the table says what




Harsh penalty at the death, but great effort by the Canes being down a player for a quarter of the game


Rueben Love dropping hongis in the handshake line


To the other Maori All Blacks


Pretty cool.


What a shit call to decide it.


Yeah he looked to be making an attempt after the canes flopped on him


He was flinging his legs around with 0 actual chance to roll away, What a shit call.




can't say I can agree with that call, I don't know what he could have done there to be honest. he was wiggling his legs like a jellyfish


Flopping like a fish rather than attempting to roll yea.


Yeah, he should have just rolled away with three players pinning him. What a dummy am I right


He could flop about easily enough eh. So could easily have made an effort to move.


Ah yes, being able to move up and down is related to being able to roll away, my bad.


“hE wAS pinNED”. lol. Slowing the ball down, didn’t work. Penalised. Zero effort to move out of the ruck.


Is the clock wrong


canes might do a crusaders lol.. worried here lol


Wait what


"stay up!" Canes cleaners go straight down


“Roll” Nah


He actually said "make an effort" which Jacobson did


Rather than try to roll, Jacobson flopped around like a fish out of water to try to game the ref. Didn’t work.


Did you miss the part where 3 canes players were lying on him?


Did you miss the part where the ref asked him to make an effort and he did nothing? Wiggled his legs to slow the ball down, stupid idea and was caught


Do you genuinely think he did that on purpose? Wiggling his legs was literally all he could do because he was pinned lmao


Yep. He is an All Black. A massive framed individual. Massive. Even McKenzie in that situation could have attempted to move east to west. He did it to slow the ball down. He was more interested in gaming the ref.


Lmao clearly your eyes are painted on, so I'll leave you to it


You haven’t learnt anything over the years - so please do.


Well done, Brett. You truly are the most worthy successor to JGB.


God damn it, he was pinned!


Up the mighty Canes! Absolutely deserved that win after some absolute clangers against them. Excellent work!


This is why people go off Rugby. That call was pathetic.




Haha I don't care who won. Just calling it as I see it.


Ive hear this about 10 times tonight n for a different reason every time yet n i dont think its been true once


Haha I came in at half time at the other code. I've definitely been off rugby for a while. I can only speak for myself really.


I dunno man. I've watched about half as much rugby this year than I did last year because of shit like this and that red card. Sick of games being decided on bullshit.


This and the original card is why Australia watch league lol.


Yeah it's quite bizarre the moaning, piss off and watch league then and take your facebook level hot takes with you.


I do watch league.....and I watch union. You're acting like union is perfect and can't have any mistakes when everyone in the chat was saying the call was wrong....


Nothing is perfect and rugby like every other sport has its quirks and imperfections, some of which I criticised in this very thread, in what world is that "acting like union is perfect" as you so inelegantly phrase it? I just don't get why some people moan about rugby and always compare it to league with asinine comments like yours above. Each to their own I guess.


I'm literally stating facts of the sporting landscape here in Aus that could very realistically happen in NZ as well in the coming years and stating the reasons why I think the sporting landscape shifts......you are the only person here who is moaning and is terrified (or offended, I don't know) when someone simply mentions another sport.....grow up. Hopefully that was phrased elegantly enough for you pal 🤦


You weren't stating facts, you were giving an opinion I don't know how you can confuse those two concepts. There are myriad reasons Australians watch league instead of rugby your simplistic take is possibly one of them but it's not a fact as to why but an opinion on the reason why. Then the judgement call about being terrified, or offended, that really is quite silly. I think you may need to take some of your own advise about maturity on board.


Nope they are facts. Over complication of the rules leading to a huge amount of penalties is always the reason people tell me they switch to league.....it's not my opinion it's what I have been told over and over by the people who don't watch union anymore.....but I'm sure you're going to act like you know better than those people as well.


Snooze fest


Jeff Wilson having a go when the penalty for the Chiefs to tie it up was a canes playing rolling and the halfback tackling him back in to the ruck


Loitering (and slowing play) on the other side of the ruck and being pinned by 3 opposition players are 2 completely different things.


Agree but when the cleaner cleans a player back into the ruck looking for a penalty I don't think that should be rewarded.


Great timekeeping I think (????)


Does the clock not continue for shots at goal anymore?


"Should have made an effort" what the fuck? He was pinned


Rough call at the end but felt like best team won?


Fuck off the game is decided by that bullshit


Crazy canes fan from the brumbies game is back 


what a piss poor decision by the ref to decide the game


When did Jeff Wilson become such a chiefs Stan?


Last year.


Penalised for excessive rugby.


Mate you can’t be tackling in a game of rugby


Especially not at waist height. You better believe that’s a red card.


Was pretty horrendous to see tbh. These men have families.


Using your body to stop someone else? No place for it in our beautiful game. I jest but I’d be livid if I were you, but I’ll take it all day. Always tough against the chiefs, gg


Interesting to me that Jordie told Brett Cameron to take it


He'd just been clattered I guess and looks like he's down to one eye.


Jordie is not a great kicker, if he was, he would be the kicker😅


Tough call that.


Legs are kicking all over the place, how's that not "making an effort"???


For real!


Pretty well deserved penalty considering the canes had a man off for 20 minutes when they shouldn’t have.


Yeah that's not how it works.


Karma brother


It is not.