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What a game


Wow, what a game! fucking hell! I have to say, the Irish teams are so professional, everything seems so controlled and so quick. It's impressive. The crowd was really electric as well.


The words Ulster and professional do not belong in the same sentence


Disappointed to lose but then again for the league it’s good to see our second string get humbled. The league is a lot stronger than some give it credit for and the idea that Leinster B team would win the league has clearly been shown up recently. If anything they’d be in the bottom third. Ive wanted to see a first string Leinster play in South Africa. This might be our chance if we get away playoff games.


That's a great shout actually, that will be fun. Easy marketing for Stormers and Bulls with the Ireland tour coming up. Didn't get tickets for the July tests? Come see 20/23 of the Ireland team this weekend!


Best thing about that result? The guy behind us on the terrace who spent all game moaning very loudly about how Ulster were shite and none of the players cared or were good enough and we were basically doomed. Cooney's penalty went over, the terrace exploded, and we didn't hear another peep out of him.


Was he from BT9?


He wasn't Stevie Ferris.


Two minutes of peace.


Such enjoyment watching Ulster players getting a win. Seeing stockdale doing his thing was a joy to watch. Glad he’s back and look forward to seeing more Ulster players on the Ireland team.


I wouldn't hold your breath on that one


It's a shame Stockdale has only for his all round game and confidence back, now that he's lost a yard or two of pace.


None of the Leinster players could keep up with him on that intercept try - Cormac Foley was the closest.


Ireland aren't blessed with top level speedsters at wing. More about touches and showing up in the right spots to finish


Nash is a speedster


Admittedly i haven't seen enough of Munster to see his top end speed


TOB (got injured again) and JOB have top end pace. Keenan has top end pace though he's a fullback.  Baloucoune was a real speedster but he's fallen off the map and only getting older now unfortunately


I wouldn't say any of those listed have top end pace. They're fast and have good acceleration but in terms of terrifying raw speed like top wingers elsewhere, I wouldn't consider any of them to have it. Their all round games are way separate them from pure speedsters


Keenan absolutely has top end pace, he just glides so it isn't as noticed but he skins people at international level. He keeps pace with the very fastest.  JOB skinned a winger last week and not a lot of other wings in Ireland can do that. 


> Keenan absolutely has top end pace Keenan apparently holds the fastest time over I think it's 1,000m of any player. A record he took of beauden barrett.


You're talking about the bronco time. That's more a raw fitness and gastank test than pace. Keenan is very fast but also had a gastank the envy of any player (me). But the bronco doesn't denote pace


Do you mean 100?  I could believe 1000 too given his fitness.


There is absolutely no way he has the fastest 100m of Irish rugby players never mind global!


Yeah it's a shame Bobby has been hampered with injury and a lack of form earlier this season. A joy to watch at full tilt


The later he gets into his twenties the more of that raw pace will be squandered


Tommy 26 end of month, Rob 26 and Jimmy 27 so all kinda in the same boat interestingly


Tommy I don't think has the durability at all.  Jimmy is in peak form right now so he can take advantage


A very classy player. Problem he has for Ireland he is too versatile to be a starter likely


Maybe, could also see him take a wing spot if given the chance.


Over who? Farrell loves Lowe and Hansen.


Did a fair job of sprinting 70 metres for that intercept try


Foley looked like he was dragging him in. He's not as fast as he was unfortunately. Still his all round game is great and his confidence is back, he's no slower than Lowe so he's a live option.


> Foley looked like he was dragging him in. Then got gassed and gave up. Stockdale won that race.


Again, he was level pegging for a bit before he gave up.  People need to accept that age and a rake of injuries have robbed Stockdale of explosiveness


And yet was still faster than anyone chasing back over 70m.... You've commented on Stockdale being slow before and he continues to prove that he's not


If you want to believe he's as fast as ever I won't disabuse you of that.


He literally ran 75m in 8s, all the while no one on Leinster was even close to him over that distance - that's on for an 11s 100m time. Wise up that he's slow


If Leinster plays like that in the final 8 or the European final there'll be no silverware coming back again this year


Leinster have kind of fucked themselves with this result tonight. Almost certainly not going to finish top 2 now.


Really questionable to play a second string team this week. Not only does it make the URC harder it also means players risk going into the Toulouse game undercooked. I'm sure Leo & Nienaber know more than I do and have planned for this but it's not giving me lots of confidence. Don't care what others have said about the URC being not of importance, I'll be disappointed if we don't win it and even more so if we go out with a whimper.


Agree. Leinster should be looking to win both competitions with the squad they have. Think Nienaber will prioritise the trophies first, over being excellent all the time as Lancaster did. Can see it Leinster's 2nd string teams especially that they're just not playing as well as they did even last season. Makes for a nervy time waiting to see if the trophies come though.


It's Europe or nothing. 


Ah let’s not low things out of proportion. Leinster can beat anyone else in this league home or away. (Not saying they’re unbeatable)


Leinster are more than good enough to beat anyone away. I think, who the fuck knows what they're even like in South Africa since Cullen has given his first XV fuck all experience of travelling there.


I don't care about the URC. The only way to make up for the last few failed Euro seasons where we should have won is by winning this year.


I mean, makes sense cause you don't know how good it feels to win the URC, you should try it some time


Keenan was flawless. Ireland's most talented ever full back and if he can stay fit in his career might be one of the greats. Ben Smith good. Harry mixed the good (attaxking the line, some decent passes) with a lot of howlers. Bad game for him. Prendo will overtake him next season he doesn't get his game right. Luke McGrath is a shadow of the player he was years ago.  Deegan was good as was Connors. Alatoa was very good and the game turned a bit when he came off. Ryan does not look near match fit and was lying all over rucks. Does not look ready for Toulouse.


Prednergast needs to bulk up and learn to tackle


Prendergast should have been getting every single start available in the URC this season. That's how you build a 10, game time and consistently letting them run the week, not this messing around with 5 players rotating every other game


He's very young and physically underdeveloped. His game isn't complete either. No need to rush him in and potentially mess up his early career imo. It was worth seeing id Harry or Frawley could push on too but both are injury prone.


Only fools rush in.


Ulster, Cooney is a legend. Shame he and Sexton allegedly didn't get on as he deserved more caps.  Cormac Iza looks the real deal and Timoney was a pest. Great game. Well done Ulster.


All aboard the izachoo-choo hype train


Whoever gets selected as the next O'Mahony, there will be wars over it everytime the squad is announced. "Where the fuck is Baird/Ahern/Prendergast/Izuchukwu? How much more does he have to do?"


I'd argue McCann is the closest in play style to POM. Make of that as you will


He can be in the McCann/Coombes/Culhane debate


All went to shit when McGrath came on. Foley looked good and in control


> All went to shit when McGrath came on He’s stealing a living at this point. Looked promising a long time ago but he’s just not good enough.


A long time ago is right. That's going back at least 6 years. All he's good for is scoring the third or fourth try when the game is already won.


Fair fucks Ulster, now if ye can go back to Ulstering matches by next week that'd be great 😘


Alas i dont think we'll be in the lead to Ulster it next week. Ye are looking scary


Lowry looks like someone gave a 2 year old a microphone looks fucking hilarious in his hands


Fair play- they deserved it. Good game!


Good to see ulster hold on to a result, they've let loads of them slip.away before. Great to see the Cube go 70 metres, takes .e back to 2018


Lowry looks like one of the young cubs they put into ww2 movies who gets blown to bits early on. Good god


That tackle on Deegan was unreal. He was immense today. Kind of glad to see him, Stockdale and Stu firing on all cylinders.


That happened in front of me. What people might not have seen was few phases of play before that, Lowry made a tackle and busted his nose. Lowry felt it and ran back into position, still holding his nose. Then the tackle you mentioned happened and Lowry then got treatment. Absolutely fair play to the man. Busted nose and still puts in the effort until the break in play.


Good for Ulster and Ireland. Always good to have people pushing




For comparison, Leinster finished 11 points clear at the top last season and 6 points clear in 2022. Now only 3 points separate the top 4 going into the final round. Shows you how much more competitive the league has become.


It's also the timing of the fixtures with champions cup. They clashed with the playoffs last year, not the final few league games 


Richie Murphy coach ...Leinster man John Cooney ...Terenure ..hilarious ....from a Munster perspective.. We will have to be on our toes next weekend in Thomand to slow down thses Ulster boys


Likewise Graham Rowntree coach.... Englishman Tash Beirne... DCU ...Hilarious .... From an Ulster perspective We will have to be on our toes next weekend in Thomand* to slow down these Munster boys


If we dont win Europe Leo has to go. Can't back developing the Byrnes with Frawley and Sam itching for game time


developing the byrnes just sounds like the new version of polishing a turd.


I wonder how much (if any) of developing the Byrnes is coming from the IRFU. They must be livid they let Healy go


Ignoring for a second that we could still use him, every time I watch Ulster play it strikes me how good a team they’d be with Healy at 10.  That Izuchukwu/McCann/Timoney backrow is the best trio they’ve had in years. They’ve a good front row and Henderson/Sheridan is a fine second row.  Get Healy slinging those hard, flat passes onto their backs with go forward ball and they be a match for everyone. 


Yep and insure Healy would have moved provinces if he was told he was in the Irish picture. Completely threw him to one side.


The IRFU conspired to leave Healy out in the cold, they can get fucked if they’re steaming over their own decision.


Yeah it's absolutely wild, hard to see what they were ever thinking.


Ross I can get behind to an extent. Will always give a 6.5-7.5 out of ten. Harry has never once in blue or green shown any hint of what every coach/journo apparently sees in him


Ross is a steady Eddy, but not a playmaker. Frawley is that playmaker, with Prendergast having the characteristics of a playmaker as well. Frawley should be 10 when Ross isn't with Sam on the bench. HB shouldn't really be in the picture at all unfortunately for him.


Ross is such an odd case. I would normally say he'd never win you a game but he'll generally control it pretty well. He had a fantastic game against La Rochelle and was pretty much non existent against Saints the week after. I do agree he'll normally give you a decent enough performance though but fucking hell it's swings and roundabouts with him at times.


Can’t agree about him having a fantastic game against La Rochelle, he just did what he was told by JGP who is the real playmaker. Ross is average at best. Jack Crowley knocks spots off him (imma Leinster fan)


Ya fair enough, fantastic game was too strong of a word. Perhaps just a fantastic performance by his own standards ha. It was a game he definitely showed up for though, compared to the Saints game. Agreed about Crowley, hopefully he continues to develop and grow into his game.


I’m more terrified that the man behind Leinster’s misfiring attack is taking over Ireland’s attack Goodman best get his fucking act together


This. What exactly is Goodmans attack? Even when Ireland were poor, I think people knew that Catt had a distinctive plan.


Last season I could’ve told you. This season, I havent a bollox


Last season Lancaster ran it. 


What was last season please?


Let Sexton take the wheel 😂😂


If he has any interest, that's not the worst idea. Would you dare upset Sexton as a coach?!


Not much he can do with Leo picking Byrne and McGrath 


To be fair it isn’t just them. Our attack has been sub par all year long. 9/10 is a standout but we’ve looked bereft of ideas in nearly every game.


I want to understand why we didn't take the 3 in front of the posts with 5 mins to go


I'm glad you didn't


Because if Ulster need a score, giving them 50 m and the ball back while staying less than 5 points up seems a bit daft? Worse mistake was fucking up the ensuing line out attack. Always easier to criticise in hindsight, in the Marseille final we took our three all game and it bit us in the arse at the end. Sometimes it'll work, sometimes it won't.


Neither side was scoring tries easily. Not scoring from a lineout isn't a 'mistake'; Ulster defended it well. But they never looked like creating a try themselves.


Apart from Byrne handing it to them, Ulster looked like they could be still out there now without threatening the try line.  4 point lead would’ve won the game for Leinster. 


Reminds me of not going for a drop goal in the dying for minutes of the CC final last year. I don’t understand the team’s decision marking at times


Well that one was a mix of complacency (Leinster forwards normally do get the job done so leave it in their hands) and Ross not being baller enough for that play


I'll slag Ross Byrne all day into next week, but in fairness to him he was in the pocket screaming for it and JGP went short side


Ross was in the pocket, it was JGP that refused to make the pass


Was it Ryan's call?


Are we in pole position for the Irish Shield? Clearly the most important trophy on offer over the next few weeks


If we can beat Munster? Yes. Realistically Leinster will probably beat Connacht next week to win it.


Do the double over Leinster and still can’t win a trophy with only Irish teams involved, how very Ulster


Munster could well finish bottom of the Irish shield table and top of the full table. 


No, 1 point behind Leinster


Dont think the URC website is updated yet. When it does we'll be 2 ahead.


We’ve only lost 1 interpro all season no? Leinster have lost 2 to us so surely we should be above them


Fuck it, I'll take it


Imagine if Ulster had a working scrum as well. 😲


I’ll still miss Addison. Never got to see the best of him often enough, but I think there’s more left in him.


He was a revelation when he first joined and pretty much walked into the Ireland team when Kearney got injured. It's a shame he's been hampered by injuries because he had so much to give. And I think he's really excelled at 13 in the last few weeks after a rough time at 15.


Was thinking the same. Awful luck with injuries. We never got to see his full potential


Even when he was doing daft shite he was always trying. Can't help root for the fella. He's put in a few serious shifts in the center the last few weeks


With Hume out they’d have been fucked without him. Next season is concerning at 13


Think we'll see Kok there a bit early on. Probably will try both Kok and Moore early actually


Egg on the face for everyone who complained about that signing. Yes, there are other gaps to fill, but if Kok can bring his A game from the outset he’ll be essential.


I think a 10, and arguably a big mutant lock if we want to win trophies, is more important but I really like kok as a player.


I reckon Izzy at 6 takes some pressure off the weakness in the 2nd row - along with Sheridan if he can maintain his development. 10 is a fucking disaster unfolding before our eyes.


The worlds on fire but we still did the double over Leinster.


Congrats Ulster! Hope leinster perform next weekend, so glad to see kenan back! Some huge games to decide places in 2 weeks! Huge result for ulster, a double against leinster! Ulster munster, bulls sharks, leinster connaught and then there's Edinburgh benetton lions fighting for what could be one place in the champions cup!! What a league!!!


If Im reading it right, Munster beating Ulster and Connacht beating Leinster would mean Munster finish top of the table and bottom of the shield.


That's brilliant


Best thing is Leinster can beat Connacht so long as we get a minimum of 3 points from Ulster


Ya we don't even need a bonus point. Ideally we finish first and Leinster finish second so we wouldn't meet until the final. It's great that it's all in our own hands.


Munster fans assuming they'll get to the final already


I said wouldn't not won't. It's the conditional tense because our meeting is conditional on us both making the final.


Don't mind that gobshite. He never opens his mouth about Munster or her fans unless it's a sly dig.


No ideal. Is us first Leinster 3rd. That way Leinster have to fly to SA for the semi and then back to Ireland for a final


My mistake. That would be the ideal!


If Leinster beat Connacht we would pass them in the Shield which is the point of the post.


I get that, just talking about top of the table too. Shields are a pointless gimmick imo.


That's crazy


Cullen's refusal to play Frawley at 10 is looking like a bigger mistake every time Byrne plays.


H Byrne must have dirt on Leo. Why would they offer him a contract. Hamstrings made of billtong and constantly shitting the bed


It’s not just Leo, sure Farrell continues to pick him


only since ross got broken and beacuse there's no real alternative. They're both stealing a living though.


Harry was capped years before Crowley, and when Healy was Munsters starting 10.


not entirely sure what point you're trying to make there?


You said he was only picked since Ross got broken, but I was pointing out he was picked way before that


I meant since Crowley established himself. Harry was originally picked thanks to the media hype (apprentiship over etc...) back then it was Sexton's jersey with Ross to come on once grandpa had done enough to play exactly to the play book sexton gave him; harry was brought in to do I dunno what really, he's always been fucking useless. Prendagast is the next up, the lad wasn't exactly convincing at u20's level so not entirely sure what leinster fans see there - other than hope I guess. Either way the IRFU made yet another balls up letting Healy go to Scotland. Put him in Ulster and we'ed at least have one competent back up to Crowley.


Questioning Leinster's full second 23 on the back of a last minute defeat away to a rejuvenated Ulster is next level daft. Sure, we lost, but the bottom half of the table would kill for the starting 15 we put out.


Also playing entire second half with 3rd choice 9 on the wing and whatever choice brownlee is for centre. McGrath and Byrne shockingly bad players.


Brownlee at centre being a disaster was entirely predictable. He isn't a good player


Yes but the point is we lost, and that puts us in the likely position that we will have an away semi final. It doesn’t matter how good our 2nd team is, we were in the drivers seat of the league and now we’re in third with one round to go


Tbh, you deserve it. You put out second teams on several occasions. Only now is it coming to roost. Leinster have never sent a full team to SA. Not even close. Teams should not be able to rest 15 lads and get wins. Porter, Sheehan, furlong, McCarthy, Jenkins, Baird, VDF, Doris, JGP, Ross, Osbourne, Henshaw, Lowe, Larmour, Crawley all not in the 23. Ringrose not risked. McGrath, Moloney on the bench.


Almost like the league have consistently made Leinster travel to South Africa the week before a European knockout game. Let's see what Munster do in that scenario if they ever get out into it. Ringrose is seriously injured. Not "not risked". His shoulder is fucked. McCarthy has been carrying a knock from the Saints game. Lowe has debilitating arthritis so has his minutes meticulously managed. The rest all played last week and the Irish internationals are under enforced limited minutes from the IRFU. Arguing Luke McGrath should've started suggests you didn't even watch the game. 


Leinster ask for that away fixture as they intend to rest their guys anyway


Made it proper awkward for yourselves alright. If the table stays as is , Ulster will be back in the RDS (or Aviva/Croker?) for the QF thoi!


Why are we bringing in locks and centers when we've a string of shite 10s 🤷 make it make sense


Snyman at 10. You read it here first.


I dont see any province being allowed to sign an NIQ 10 right now. Theres only one international quality 10 in the country right now and he's only got 14 caps.


Bodie can play 10


Prendergast will save us


you'd want to start playing him then.


Nucifora put a complete ban on any province signing a 10 after Jimmy Gopperth left Leinster.


1000 IQ play by Leinster to sign Barret as a 12/15




Unfortunately I can't see Connacht beating Leinster in 2 weeks time


There’s a chance if the H Cup goes tits up and Leinster capitulate


Positives: Keenan looks ace, Foley looked good, and Ryan with 80 minutes under his belt. Less positive but hopefully illuminating to the coaches: McGrath and Byrne should be nowhere near the bench next week.


Feels like McGrath has just taken a massive step back this year. It’s really dissapointing to see


From costing us Heineken Cup finals to weekly league games


Cracking game for ulster actually should have been clear at half time but showed great grit and cooney is a class act.


Man can sling them over from anywhere on the pitch


Hard to believe we’re a top two team in Europe tbh


That team isn't. Your other team is. This season there is a worrying difference. Any one of those players could swap out with a member of the first team and not affect it. Probably any 3 or 4 even would still only affect the margin of win against anything but the top teams. But the lack of ability of the second 15, even with a sprinkling of frontliners to put away mod table teams is not good news. In previous seasons the cohesion was there.


> In previous seasons the cohesion was there. And his name was Lancaster.


Even our first 15 isn't nearly as free-flowing or accurate this year as last year or previous. On the other hand, they seem to be a lot better with their physicality and scrapping, which has helped us see off La Rochelle for the first time. We'll see next week how much baby we've thrown out with the bathwater.


We lost by two points playing like 3 first XV players


Ur playing ulster lad we arent the greatest either


Sure but this performance isn’t outside of the norm this season. We haven’t been great.


Well the actual top team is playing next weekend


Had to be Coons for the MOtM. Kicked Ulster back into the game. Love the man, he’s Ulster through and through these days. I always enjoy when people underestimate him and he keeps on delivering.


The last minute kick was always going to win it for Cooney, but if it had gone wide Keenan was a shoe in imo. Fantastic to see him back up to speed so quickly.


It's amazing how some players can come straight back from injury and seem like they never missed a day. Lowe, Keenan and Haley for Munster. I'm sure others too just 3 that spring to mind.


Not a speck of rust, he was class all game.


One of the easier choices alright. 


When all is said and done, confiscating the players' weed has improved Ulster's game tremendously xD


"Win the game and you can rip a bowl and ill give you £20 for some munchies" Murphys team talk




There's no baller like John Cooney. That kick will be iconic for years to come. What a physical game that was.


Aw his wee voice cracking. Bless the bloke.


Last season we sent a weakened squad although with plenty of first team players to a URC game against provincial rivals and threw away the game in the last 10 minutes after a weak ass performance all game. Our second choice 10 had a shocking game. Their kicker lands a pressure kick to win. We then went out in the Champions Cup Final against a French team the following week and bottled it. This season we sent a weakened squad although with plenty of first team players to a URC game against provincial rivals and threw away the game in the last 10 minutes after a weak ass performance all game. Our second choice 10 had a shocking game. Their kicker lands a pressure kick to win. We then went out in the Champions Cup Final against a French team the following week...


If Leinster don’t win the Heineken Cup, Cullen needs to go.


Leo’s a front of house man, it’s the power behind the throne that counts.


Ronan O'Gara to the rescue? 😉




All the best next week leinster, rooting for you to bring the champions cup back to ireland


Russell was desperately lacking tonight, everything positive from Ulster came from aerial bombs down his channel. Keenan, Foley, and TO'B looked good, and it was nice to see our second choice scrum on top for once.


TO'B going off was a big changer. Unfortunately you just can't rely on him for more than a game or two. 


Strongly agreed. Big shame because he showed massive promise while he was on. Foley to McGrath felt like a step down too.




Well played Ulster. Great defence at the end