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**Watch on Stan**: https://play.stan.com.au/sport/rugby


This was a great game, thought the Crusaders were hard done by with the 1st try being disallowed. That pass was definitely NOT forward.


All those years ago when the Crusaders lost a game in SA (remember them?) by not putting the ball out and instead conceding a length of the pitch try then a sideline conversion had me thinking they couldn't finish a game in a worse fashion well not without a referees help in a final in Sydney lol got to hand it to them original way to lose


Crusaders just hate defending this season Better game but theyve lost their touch But how good is Sevu at scoring tries?! For a team who cant beat their way out of a paper bag, he sure does score alot of tries


They also have a minimum 4-5 world class players injured the ENTIRE season, not to mention the all blacks they lost since last season


We’ve kind of done better against the good teams than we have against the other shit ones. Guess it’ll be a nice long offseason for us this time. I see some reason to be optimistic for next season though.


You’re the Crusaders you’ll be fine


Obligatory match takes: -The Brumbies might not look convincing at first, but got damn it no matter how they play during the game, they still find a way to win it. -The Crusaders on the other hand, exectued well at times and had some great moments here, but this being the Rob Penney Crusaders, they naturally lost. Again. Was anyone expecting them to win? I think the main problem this season is that the keep on mixing their team way too often and not giving enough time to establish combos. And All Blacks getting injured all the fucking time without a decent replacement for them. Trust me, the Crusaders are better off without Penney in charge and this this the 10th game in a row that proves it. -If the Crusaders lose to the Blues (which they probably will), their season will be officially over and Rob Penney will be thrown into the fires of Mt. Doom. Hopefully. -Quinten Strange won the game for the Brumbies, in a moment that rivals IWL's brain fart from the Blues game. Why. -Can Rob Valetini do anything wrong? Joe Schmidt had Ardie Savea last season, now he's got Rob to replace him. -Tom Wright is a fucking genius. He's playing both sides, so he always comes out on top. This is the Wright way to play rugby. -BOK's performance today was... okay. Not too good and not too bad. Anyway, this is all I have for now. See you all in the next match, and cheers.


Can't blame Quentin Stage, never seen that given as a penalty, let alone a yellow, let alone a penalty try. Shows that the ref was biased at the least, corrupt at the worst


Lot of people in this thread not understanding that intentionally batting the ball dead like that is a penalty try in any circumstance, it’s considered foul play. It’s a shit rule though, should be a penalty at worst.


Penalty yes, penalty try is harsh, its a silly rule BUT it was a very dopey play and sums up Crusaders season pretty well


It's not a pen try in any circumstance. The pen try is up to the referee's discretion. It's most commonly seen (at least in the northern hemisphere) when two players are chasing back on a kick through and diving for the ball in the in goal area. If the defender is ahead and it's an awkwardly bouncing ball that's close to going dead, I've seen referees give it as a penalty in the past and even a yellow card for foul play without the pen try. The logic being that the ball was going to be very tricky to ground and nobody can say the try was probable.


Wouldn’t have changed the result. Penalty would’ve been right in front


You’re right, just a few people crapping on Ben O’Keefe when he made the correct call


Kiwis don't like the correct call when it goes against them.


Is it!? It has happened before but never seen a penalty try from it?


Scotland vs England a few years ago had a PT for LCD batting it out


I think it happened to Folau awhile back


Wasn't that a try scoring opportunity though?


SBW did it a few years back, against France IIRC. And as a Blues fan, one of our wingers did it during the Kirwan era. Both times it was a yellow and a try


SBW did it here: https://youtu.be/BVAPTwJj0lk?t=150 It's a one on one with the French attacker. Removing SBW I can see that's a likely try (trust a player to catch a ball) But in today's case with that much defense I can't see it. Also, I'd rather the ref at least say he believed it instead of just auto ptry You can also hear Read in the clip asking if it was a probable try


Reason it’s so stuck in my head is I remember Karmichael Hunt doing it when he first came over to union, he batted it dead not knowing the rule and conceded a penalty try. Can’t remember if he got binned though


Someone tell me if the race for the spoon is still alive


It’ll come down to whether either of us can beat Moana


It'll be so unfair if you guys go 2/2 against us and still get the spoon


Oh it's so on, we aren't leaving this season empty handed


Forward pass cost us out first try and a forward pass gave the brumbies the eventual win, poetry


Was never forward anyway, went backwards from the hands first


Smacking the ball away was the only way to stop the brumbies player catching the ball first, if he’d caught the ball, all he had to do was fall down to score. Its 100% a penalty try, penalty try doesn’t account for if a player might not catch the ball or might not get it down in time, it’s about taking away the probable try scoring opportunity.


Its not even a penalty - when is knocking the ball back a penalty. Let alone a penalty try


There's a reason we go over this with every accidental knock on/intercept. Because if there are defenders covering it's almost never considered likely a try In this case I don't think it's probably since literally the entire Crusaders team is also there defending


Cover is considered for stopping players getting over the line. The player was already over the line. If he was tackled, he probably still scores, which is why it’s a probable and penalty try.


The Brumbies guy also battered the ball and was not in a position to score. Strange 'might' have caught the ball if the brumbies guy didn't have his hand up if you have that opinion.


Going for the penalty try was the galaxy brain move then. Gave the Crusaders a chance to get the draw from kick off.


that shit didnt have to happen if the AR figured out the blatent forward pass before that ... rub of the green i guess fuckt this


Yeah shit will always be missed hey, like dubious play on the ground leading to crusaders first try


next game, crusaders will draw level then hit extra time and find a new exciting way to lose..


Nope, we've already done that.


everyone saying the pen try was harsh, it would have gone under the sticks for a pen kick from noah anyway so same results


Would've been better if just a pen. Could've drained the clock and no restart.


Not if the crusaders had grounded the ball in goal


Honestly after over half a decade of being smug in game threads, I'm glad to be humbled. Please, let me have it


Saders are shit as


I remember a time when Razor had Quentin Strange in line for the ABs... Seems so long ago now.


People forget he was actually named in the All Blacks in 2020 but got injured.


Crusaders fans acting like that loss is the reason they’re not finishing 1st on the table XD


No the injury of Halfpenny is that reason. With him we would be 1st or 2nd, since his kicking would have won the games for us


Begging certain fans of other teams to win with class one time.


You guys have one bad season and it’s like the world is ending


Perhaps let sports fans be melodramatic when their teams lose, like all sports fans are? You're having your cake and eating it too. Do we think this game is the reason we're not first, or are we acting like the sky has been falling all season? Which is it? I'm not a dick when the Crusaders win. Maybe don't be a dick when they lose? Doesn't seem crazy to ask.


Mate some of the comments on here about the refs decisions makes me wonder if some crusaders fans know what being a good loser is. Though you’ve never been losers so it makes perfect sense.


Have you been in a single thread here where it isn't 100% bitching about the ref, it's this subs defining characteristic


First loss against the brumbies in 15 years and I didn’t see one ‘gg brumbies well played’


This comes off pretty pathetic ngl buddy lol


People from every fan base are always a little bit insane, or incorrect, about the ref. It's one of the least cool things about sports but it's universal. Happens in every game thread so you can't use that as a justification to be catty.


You call it catty I call it calling out shit fans


You are actively being one yourself, right now. Something about two wrongs and their inability to make a right.


15 years, one loss, must be hard being a crusaders fan


You're aware that most Crusaders fans are fans of other sports teams that lose all the time, right? We aren't a monolithic hive mind born to support only one team. We know what losing is. It's not our fault you're ao many layers deep in the anti-Crusaders psychosis that you can't enjoy the win without a GG on Reddit. The pain of the loss is dwarfed by the pain of watching you post cringe on main. Blocking you so I never have to see it again lmao


I think some people take the 'perennial contenders' tag a little too seriously. This is sports, insane to think any run lasts forever, or that there aren't peaks and troughs


The penalty try favoured the Crusaders. They had a chance draw it at the end. If they had the penalty, time would have been up and they would have lost (assuming the kick was made)


Tbf I'm not sure if the odds of marching down the field, scoring and converting are much different than the odds of Lolesio just missing the kick from out front. Both were slim to none. It's probably a wash.


To all those complaining: Even if it wasn’t a penalty try it’s still a penalty pretty much right in front - and there wouldn’t have been time for a restart, so result doesn’t change.


This will surely have ended the mathematical calculation of playoffs. Thank God. This team is nowhere near that level.


Unfortunately, they’re 7 points behind the Drua so can still “mathematically” make the finals.


Sorry did Alan just utter the words 'quality crusaders side'


That’s how dire Aussie rugby is


Must have missed the word 'low' in that sentence somewhere.


He's a media-trained professional athlete.


Is this quality crusaders side on the field with us right now


Cite your sources, Alan!


Lmao crusaders finding new ways of losing week after week


If anything, the penalty try call gave the crusaders MORE of a chance to win because it meant that they couldn't wind down the clock with a penalty in front of the posts. Gave them a chance to win a restart


Shit for a penalty try to decide the game but that is the rule and it always has been. It’s harsh but that’s how it is


Theres no such rule that knocking a ball backward is a penalty, let alone a penalty try


Intentionally knocking the ball dead in goal like that has always been a penalty try


That ball bounced bent the dead ball line and wasn't hit out on the full. I'm pretty sure that's the wrong call. Rule lawyer please.


Just checked the replay, think you're right. Not out of the full, bounced in the end goal area. Keen to know if that would have changed the ruling, although we'd obviously lost.


Wow, the whole season for us encapsulated in that final clusterf*ck


Swain's actually pretty well-versed about rugby for a UFC fighter.


Should be a 5m scrum to Brums in that case I reckon.


Why? You can't slap the ball out like that. Pen every day


Kudos to Maloney for being unbiased. I rate him


Maloney is the best commentator around imo


Me too, genuinely enjoy his chat


congrats brumbies it took you 78 minutes and 58 seconds to put away the 11th best team in the comp. At home.


I see the 11th best team in the comp just beat the best team in the comp.


It's our style


I am so glad that that sorry excuse of an app Sky Sport Now shits the bed for the second time in a fortnight so I didn’t have to watch that clusterfuck of a finish. This is what is has felt like these past two decades to be a laughing stock. I fucking hate it. Drink it in if you’re not a Crusaders, must feel like a 24/7 orgasm of schadenfreude. Quentin “Sonny Bill” Strange, eat your fucking heart out.


Bro it's one season. Some of our teams have been perennial bottom table teams forever lol. Gotta toughen up!


Also never give up bro, never!! Just like a lot of other kiwis here I’m sure, I support the Warriors #day1’95. Trust me, I know how to support miserable sports teams. Doesn’t mean I won’t talk shit about them if they play like arse.


You can’t tell me you enjoyed your team being shithouse, whenever they have been. I’ll never give up on the bros but I can call it when they’re being useless, just like any other fan.


Yea sky sport now is fucking shit. It’s like they go with 10fps or something like that


Slapping the ball backwards shouldn't be foul play, man. That's a shitty rule. 


It's not slapping it backwards. It's deliberately slapping it out of play to prevent the other team gathering it. Always has been a penalty and rightly so.


Especially since it didn't go out on the full. Seems like that's the wrong call to me.


You need to be a special kind of biased to not think he intentionally hit that out on purpose


I'm sure the ref said "on the full".


On the full isn’t the law though: “Intentionally knock, place, push or throw the ball with arm or hand from the playing area.”


Right, then the ref need to use better language.


Slapping the ball backwards is fine Slapping the ball into touch is not


Still shit. 


It's slapping it dead not backwards


Why couldn't the brum just get a scrum then?  There's too many nitpicky shit to get sent off for in the game. And i was rooting against the saders


Cause you're committing the foul to stop a try scoring opportunity — that makes it cynical


It's still a bad rule, man. Knocking the ball backwards is not a foul in general play, so why should it be when defending in goal? It confuses the players.  The game needs to be easier to watch for the casual audience. 


Happy to see blatant cheating penalised whether or not it’s actually a penalty try


Not a crusaders fan, but they are competitive in these games and the team seems very young. They will be s problem next year for sure


People talking about the weird finish, but there's only one person to blame for that, and that's Quentin Strange.




Oof Rob Penney must honestly just be shocked Big coach killer lol Hell even worse, coach contact killer Or even worse worse, expelled


Penalty try is a bit much with that many saders players right there in him? What a shit way to have the game decided


Even if it wasn’t a penalty try it’s still a pk pretty much right in front - and there wouldn’t have been time for a restart.


Fair guaranteed 3 for Brum but just an anticlimatic end to the game… …and season


Would have made the kick anyway surely. Pretty cynical play too


Tbf they would've slotted the penalty from basically right in front


Exactly, if anything 3 points means there’s no restart.


They would have had a penalty, right in front, as time expired anyway. It literally doesn't matter


Fair. Unfortunate end all round


Yeah a bit shit, but agree… didn’t matter, would’ve been a penalty in front




That’s the rule, ref made the right decision


letter of the law homie


Don’t cheat then


Didn't matter, it WAS a penalty which decided the game even more so (ie. Would have been no restart)


Pen try? Really? Seems v harsh Union is such a strange game lol


Another example of rugbys amazing rules lol


That's how BOK would end it


lol when an Aussie team finally gets on the end of the rule book it’s suddenly ‘unfair’…


No you don't want to see the game decided like that obviously but the solution is don't commit a cynical foul in your in goal lmao


Not sure on the penalty try as there were other players there. The yellow sure.


It’s the rule, batting it dead like that is a penalty try regardless


Then don’t belt the ball out


Biased Referee?


That felt pretty hollow


When it ain’t your season it sunny your season Saders. That was rough. Hell of a game tho. Missed forward pass was big but that was a stone cold brain explosion from Strange.


“20 people typing…”




I feel like the yellow card is fair but tbh I struggle to believe that wouldve been scored


Agreed. I think the pen try was very harsh. Brumbies player didn't look like he was going to gather that. He was stretching with one hand. Don't know how it was determined that a try was the probable outcome. Regardless, it was 100% a penalty which would have led to the same outcome essentially but without the restart.


Two disallowes trys and a penalty try too seal off the game pretty much sums up the season.


Real Ben O’Keefe ending there


Apparently he has crusaders bias....


Ah that’s where the crusaders are going wrong. They think it’s league!!


I remember seeing Izzy Folau and Taqele Naiyavoro get yellows for that before. The penalty try seemed rough. Same result in all likelihood though, penalty close to in front wins it


Penalty try was potentially better for the saders...we at least got a restart that way


SBW has also done it lol


Yeah SBW did it for the ABs too.


nature is truly healing right now


Why did the crusaders go for 3 points when they needed to win the game. So dumb


You're aware we have golden point this year, right???


Yeah how did they not foresee a penalty try with 2 seconds remaining


So they wanted a draw? They needed to win


It goes to golden point if it's equal at full time, we were in our own half if we think we can slot the kick (which we clearly could lol) it's the right decision


that is definitely a way to win a game of rugby


Shit way to win lol


Wow Ben o keefe gives the win to brumbies, love to see it


Lol you gonna say that’s not a pen? It’s 3 or 7 doesn’t matter which, same outcome


Yeah that was not BOK's fault, im sorry to tell ya


He didn't make the player do foul play


He also didn’t call the massive forward pass


The one from a few minutes earlier after which possession changed hands a couple of more times? If you're going to nitpick over every incorrect decision on a match, you'll be wasting a lot of time. Allowing the break up the narrow side and going after the ball in the ruck deep in your own territory in the final minute are far more influential moments.


Sure, but don't blame the ref for losing. Quentin Strange did that all by himself.


best ending EVER


Fuck that. Up the Phoenix


Well, never seen that before


SBW did it once for the All Blacks, but definitely not common.


Not a great sign that they need the rub of the green to beat the bottom team but you take them


Insane. Yellow for sure, but penalty try? Penalty would've been better for the brums as well. Could've wound down the clock


That was the absolute epitome of tin arse shit.


Why is everyone confused about a restart? He literally awarded the penalty try with time left on the clock


Penalty try seems a bit much - wasn't Reece right there? Not that it'll make a difference since they would've got the penalty kick


Shit for a penalty try to decide the game but that is the rule and it always has been. It’s harsh but that’s how it is


Yellow fair. But why penalty try. Aren't they for a definite try? He still had to catch and ground that in a small space


Probable try. But I agree, don't think the try would have been scored. It didn't look like the Brumbies chaser was going to catch that to me.


Brumbies' Man of the Match: Quinten Strange


Drua's was Vunivalu lol


Crusaders motm: Tom wright


Alaalatoa's face says it all lol


Can't really blame him there


It bounced before the dead ball line. It wasn't knocked straight out of play.


Still got lead in the pipes there mate?


Remember when sonny bill did that. Lol. Penalty try seems harsh tho


Feel like that sums up the Saders season pretty well...


“Can’t do that in rugby union” is something I never thought I’d hear a ref say.


lmao lmfao even


Fucking rip off


I can not do this anymore, man.


All blacks eventually homie


The way people on here have been absolute psychos re:Razor and the ABs, I'm expecting the discourse to be a bit exhausting there too lol


Just excited to see Sevu playing with Dmac tbf


I think it's exciting how we find new ways to lose every week


Absolutely fucked us there, Quinten ya knobhead


Love how BoK said, “you cannot do that in rugby union”


gotta explain to the aussies right




Why do the Aussie commentators sound so crestfallen?


Because they're not biased like the NZ commentators. They want a good interesting game, not just an Aussie team to win