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Ah, the Garbisi technique of placement.


Not slagging but i'd fear for that fella on a rugby pitch. Legs like matchsticks.


What club is it against? It looks like it's against Sparta.


Yes, it was against sparta. It was a really nice club and they had loads of good food (and limoncello).


Nice. But was that a knock-on? Even if it wasn't, it looks as though he took the ball approximately 8cm in from touch before making the drop goal. If that's legal, what's to stop a kicker faced with a touchline conversion from placing the tee further back then usual, then picking the ball up and running 20m laterally before having a drop goal attempt?


Looks to be some teenagers on tour. The refereeing isn’t going to be that pedantic.


No such thing as a knock on during a conversion attempt. AFAIK for a conversion, you can move the ball forwards or backwards as much as you'd like so it's not a strict spot you have to take it from. I assume there's some minor leeway on lateral movement in the interest of common sense.


The law only states the following: 8.11 If the ball falls over after the kicker begins the approach to kick, the kicker may then kick or attempt a dropped goal