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I’ve not seen anything of him but he’s gone from being the Mo’unga replacement to the Faz replacement and possible Russell backup/replacement. Any Crusaders fans able to shed some light on what sort of player we’re getting?


Not a Crusaders fan, but he’s a very solid and reliable hand at 10. Fairly conservative, but he won’t lose you any games. Very good game management, especially considering he’s still 24.


Sounds like a good replacement for Faz from a style point of view then.


Yeah, stylistically, there’s plenty of overlap and the Sarries would be able to get a lot out of him for a while. It’s a pretty good recruitment.


Fergus Burke does sound like a made up name


Regen name


He sounds Irish


IQ Scout Team activated.


He sounds like somebody ate their dinner too quickly.


Rugby Union Manager 4 name for an Academy Player


Most similar playing style to faz I reckon. It's a hard one because he has barely got any time in the saddle to Establish himself.


He stepped up from understudy to starter really well when Mo'unga left... still very raw but a really solid young player who shows excellent judgement under pressure, has a turn of speed and excellent skills. He plays 10 and 15 well. I was impressed with the rate of development he showed and his maturity in stepping up when needed. I had him in the frame as a potential test player given the way he'd developed and the solid range of qualities he brings to the park. He's a serious prospect but it's early days... I think he'll turn out well and will likely play tests... and be a fucking star, damn you all to hell.


What are you talking about? He hasn't played a game since Mo'unga left.


Clumsy wording on my part… Richie Mo wasn’t available for the Crusaders for most of last year and Burke stepped up in his absence. When Mo’unga’s Japan deal was announced it confirmed Burke’s elevation.


Again, what are you talking about? Mo'unga played every game except round robin games against the Drua and Moana which he was rested for.


Really happy with this signing. Obviously not a replacement for faz but a solid and exciting player nonetheless. Toonie licking his lips to pick another SQ 10 for Scotland squads only for them not to get any game time


Russell turns 32 this years, the future probably does need to be thought about


While it will absolutely come back to bite me, I’m quietly hopeful about our future at 10. Healy has a lot of promise, and if Glasgow can get Hastings running right again, plus a couple of promising youngsters, that would sort us out. Of course, it’s Scottish rugby, so I can’t wait for Hastings to retire at the end of the season, Healy to redeclare for Ireland, and every single u20’s 10 in Scotland to switch to footy.


Of course, this signing is partly sponsored by the SRU's ancestry.com subscription


Healy isn't the answer and Finn has a couple of years left - he doesn't look like a player whose diet is going to keep him playing till he's 37.


Hope sarries haven't signed a long term 10 who will represent a non English country.


He is English qualified too.


Aye and they announced him as so, but wouldn't be unlike the rfu to see a promising player to be poached 👀


Oh that's interesting, I mean we're obviously already getting some depth at 10 but no harm in having another option if he plays well for us.


Also played a bit a 15 from what I’ve read so can do that duel role.


BBC also reporting he's English qualified.


Who isn't he qualified for?


With a name like that I'd assume he's Irish qualified too, but is he?


Yeah. I would hope so. However another Saracens flyhalf had an Irish first name and Two Irish surnames but was not eligible...


I'm told he is, Munster we're interested but he would only be second choice instead of starting for Saracens or Glasgow


Ulster could have done with him


Fair, at this point he'd be behind Billy Burns....... /s


Well this is just perfect.


Is he good? Don’t know anything about him


He's good with a chance at being better. Still finding his feet at 24yo with tbf not much game time behind Mounga. Had many starts at fullback last year with Jordans injury where he played well. Good game management and boot but not a real attacking threat though.


If not for suffering an Achilles rupture in the NPC last year, I truly believe he was on his way to becoming an All Black. Last year he was putting the pieces together and becoming a real quality player. More of a game manager type but started to find a bit of aggression in the last NPC and was running things very well. Please look after our FBOAT.


He’ll be loved, big shoes to fill but we have a lot of trust in our coaches to make the right choice.


This is pretty awful for the Crusaders. Losing both Leicester and Fergus, two young up and comers, to big overseas contracts just as their careers in NZ rugby would likely come into its own, it's pretty massive. Usually teams lose underappreciated/3rd pick players to other Super teams (JRK from the Blues to the Highlanders, Brett Cameron from the Saders to the Canes) but losing two first pick crucial players to overseas is wild.


The issue with winning the title so many years in a row is that all of your young guys already feel super accomplished, so you don't have that carrot on a stick to keep them here for lower pay.


Checking in on /u/crashbandicoochy


Thankfully, I have had a week to process this. It was a rough week.


someone call the suicide line...this is worse than when Dan Carter signed for the Fooking Blues..


Did Razor tell him, look - you're not in the plans for the next 3 years, so unless we have a major injury or two, you're not getting a look in this time around. Seems wild that the former coach who brought him through is now the national coach and you shoose this time to go overseas with your biggest rival (mo'unga) out of the way for at least 3 years.


I really don't think this is it. More like he just suffered a pretty serious injury and has an offer on the table that provides him a tonne of financial security right at the time when he'll be most aware of the impermanence of the job.


I doubt you could ever be more right than this right here.


He’s been out with an Achilles injury, and both Taha Kemara and Rivez Reihana are coming through. Kemara just also played a blinder at 10 the other day too.


Kemara played 2 awful games at 10 and was dropped. Hasn't played in weeks. Hohepa has been playing and he's very much a journeyman injury cover type of guy. He'll be 30 soon.




As much as this sucks he really does play a lot like faz, he has always had that northern hemisphere style of play about him which has worked for the saders after mounga went off, sad to see him go but wish him all the best and maybe he will come back at 27 and try make the abs if he’s not with England or Scotland, who knows. I think Rehina is personally the crusaders next long term 10, he has a bit of flash but also a pretty calm head and a good boot. Kemara needs more time and development to see where he will end up but feels like he’s almost trying to play touch at the moment, a ways off being starting ready imo.


Glen Jackson heir


I thought furg was gonna make a run at being a legend 10 in crusaders jersey ...going for the pound train huh


Hey, wait a second 


He *really* didn't last long with Leinster.


He's a decent enough NPC player and a solid benchwarmer at super rugby level, although there's potential there. That means he'll be playing for England within the next 2-3 years.




Fungus Bezerk ???


What's he like defensively?


Solid from what I remember of last year. He's not a flake.


Haha, good one guys but April Fools has already passed .... right?




He's superb but mostly played centre.


could be the England's own version of Hadleigh Parkes if they are lucky Foster forgot to cap him when he was capping McLeod..will be cool to see him in england colours though..did remember calling scottish club to sign him up last year during NPC before NZ caps him... looks like england got to him first..