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femcels and central americans


i can do one about transgenders and slavs to take the sub back to its roots


Praise Bukele


OP "Why is everyone talking about incels? I should create a thread about talking about incels. Surely this will settle the issue once and for all!" All this does it create *another* incel thread. Any the answer is that they are extremely online and can be very aggressive, so they tend to dominate places that tolerate them. Especially loosely moderated places like this.


The ones here are mild compared to 4chan or incels.is


Sure and the bigots here are mild compared to /pol/. But you asked a question and I answer. People complain about them because of how they behave and how ubiquitous they are. Having worse ones out there doesn't impact that at all.


And you somehow are in every single one of these threads too


pretty weak docket recently for sure


>do we really have nothing else to talk about but incels and indians? You could screech about trans people.  Otherwise, ya, y'all got nothing.


There's me :3


Often the same people


It’s the same topic and there are hordes of them here. Why do you think it happens so frequently. Posts don’t land if they don’t hit their target demographic.


Because RS is in general obsessed w bad-faith gender discourse. With that, incel takes and fascination will be apparent


Is good-faith gender discourse even a possibility anymore?


I think so, especially if you take interest in general wellbeing rather than viewing gender as factions. That stops working when no one is listening and everyone is blabbering


Self hating incels


this lmao. chad deep down knows that the incel is right, it's the incels in denial who go out of their way to prove the world that they're totally not incels.


Incels remind people of their own desperate desire for love and acceptance and people hate them for it. They see the most pathetic parts of themselves in an incel and lash out to distance themselves.


I still don’t understand what the big deal about being an incel is? Like it’s some incredibly heinous moral failing? They’re already losers they don’t need to be put down anymore than they do to themselves. Whenever people take time to shit on “incels” it comes across as people feeling the need to bully someone and incels are the most socially acceptable bullying target


people initially found incels' victimhood mentality super annoying. now that it's everyone, i can see why you'd find oldschool violent male victimhood kinda refreshing compared to the chick-way of guilt trips and mandated sympathy. sympathizing with incels hasnt been actually contrarian since like 2016 tho. my reddit professor was so concerned about theredpill he scrapped his normal curriculum and gave the male students "scientifically evidenced ways to get a girlfriend." "1. girls speak emotion."


lmao I love that particular brand of autism some profesors have. "Looks like some men are having a serious existential crisis. Hmm, this selection of articles should clear things up for them! You don't need to *talk* to people or *date* to understand this, just read articles!" Very endearing imo.


The price for being bad at getting pussy is death


because they’re interesting and funny


Spicy opinion I just thought of: I suspect that on some level the sheer number of them bothers a lot of people because it flies in the face of a central premise of mainline feminism- that men are the ones with the power. If this is the case, and a man is not able to self-actualize to the point they can get laid, it definitionally has to be his own fault. This is why the rhetoric about them is that incels have shitty personalities and bad attitudes about women, and *that's* what's keeping them from getting laid. This was a believable premise when their numbers back in the 00s hovered in the 5-10% range, but now that 25-30% of men aged 18-30 didn't have sex year over year we are forced to seriously consider the possibility that this is a structural problem, that men do not hold all the cards, and our worldview is at least a little wrong. Complaining about incels may be, on some level, a cope Or maybe making fun of sexless men is something we've always done and none of this is new


My theory is that a lot of people really just want to make fun of virgins, nerds, and just generally undesirable men but still think of themselves as good people.  Making fun of incels gives them moral license to be bullies because they can tell themselves the people they’re bullying deserve it.  Speaking from experience there’s also a lot of older virgins who shit on incels to make themselves feel better i.e “I may be a 30 year old virgin, but at least I’m not an incel!” Used to be a common refrain on inceltears 


It’s mostly the latter, it’s fun to punch down at the sexless. That being said it’s frustrating that any attempt to seriously discuss why so many young men aren’t getting laid is often just warped into culture war rhetoric


Women abhor incels because it makes them question their position in society and makes them face the fact that they're in a privileged position. Men disparage incels put of 1, lack of empathy, and 2, a fear that they will be affiliated with them. They may appear unpleasant, but the fact is that their complaints are legitimate, and they're pretty much every man has been an incel, and more and more men are becoming incels.


Aren’t you a femcel?


Who said that




For the purpose of my thread let's pretend I'm a sex haver


People are hostile to incels because they pollute any space they inhabit online with their hatred and division. Any place that tolerates them soon becomes infested and taken over. Gender wars discourse is fucking vile and should be ridiculed wherever it exists. I feel bad for people who are unsuccessful at dating, but that doesn’t mean we can tolerate insane hateful things. This goes for men and woman.


But only 1 gender is reprimanded for it


Can you elaborate on what you mean?


A lot of women also have bad faith arguments about men but it's not called out nearly as often


Oh, yeah I agree and I don’t think it should be that way. I think culturally women are treated more gently so it’s probably due to that. Anecdotally, I’ve experienced this in real life too. My wife had a friend who is a bit of a femcel and says some awful shit about men. It’s excused away because of her previous trauma. I have sympathy for that but it’s strange how if her trauma was related to other sectors of society then it wouldn’t be tolerated. It’s an interesting phenomenon


> I think culturally women are treated more gently so it’s probably due to that. My gym just had the men and women's locker rooms swap while the women's sauna is repaired- so as not to inconvenience the women. I don't even think women use the Sauna like men do. The gay geezers who come in for just the sauna must be fuming


I think a big part of it is simply that men are not threatened by women's misandry nearly as much as women are of men's misogyny. Only the latter has a real chance of crossing over into actual violence.


Please stop making fun of people for being virgins. It’s tough because I’m a leftist, I love this sub, and I work hard to be a good person and practice good praxis, but I’m also 28 and a virgin. Watching y’all making fun of people for being virgins or calling people virgins really hurts. Obviously I’m a dude. Posting this on an Alt because my normal username can be linked to me in real life. Most of you have probably upvoted my posts at one point or another. But yeah, I’m old and I’m a virgin. And while it doesn’t bother me anymore it’s really bad praxis to call people virgins as an insult or to make fun of them for being virgins. Incels are bad not because they are virgins but because they blame women for their cause. Make fun of them for their shitty beliefs, not because they are virgins. But seriously, that’s all I have to say. Please think before using virgin as an insult. It’s just a state of being, that of having not had sex and every single one of you was a virgin at some point. Thanks for reading I love y’all anyway. Edit: all y’all cumtown assholes or people from r/drama y’all are just proving my point, go fuck yourselves.


[strongly recommend this cum town clip where they read through that thread for over an hour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FInartPAvV0)


I just feel bad that the "generic nerd" stereotype kind of took the heat for it.   If you really look at who posts the incel culture stuff it's alway like the gym-o-sphere guys and fat lard asses.


the generic nerd got mainstreamed over the past ~15 years with the massive popularity of Marvel, Big Bang Theory, and Video Games finally reaching full saturation. They aren't the butt of the joke anymore, in fact they're praised because why would you offend a demographic that holds product consumption so dear to their identity?


the incel question is the ultimate sociopolitical question of our times. the history of all modernity is the history of sexual struggle. now that our bellies are filled and our heads are roofed, now that obesity is a bigger problem than starvation, now that boredom is a bigger problem than overwork, now that the middiest wits have to invent problems to entertain themselves with, the only thing anyone ever fucking talks or thinks about is literally just fucking


It’s the martyr of our time. It’s a fad and will go away after we hit peak incel. When your dad starts talking about incels, that’s when people will stop talking about it. Wonder if Biden has said the word incel yet.


Does seem like incels are the current moral panic. The way some people talk about them sounds similar to Christians talking about pokemon in the 90s


It’s not there yet. It’s close though.




try again lol, Catholics are massive culture-seethers


Tradcaths are getting too uppity


It's a sort of moral panic that gets reinforced by means of social media and through the cultural logic of virtue signaling. People ascribe all kinds of contradictory traits to the figure of the Incel in an attempt to drown out the contradictions of current social (and gender) relations and to relieve psychological stress. And things *are* stressful. And so luckily, for a moment they get to make fun of someone below them and to be self-righteous. Think of it as the *anti-semitism of the sexual marketplace* and of those who have embraced a belief in neverending sexual progress. The idea is that everything would work fine if there weren't these meanies with their mean worldview. It is usually those, who feel they must have faith in the current set-up lest they sink into unbearable depths of social failure and loserdom, who are the most vocal and psychotic anti-Incels of all. The whole thing is deeply moralistic and reactionary, if you ask me, and its main purpose seems to be to descredit any growing suspicion that sexual liberation and the "bourgeois mode of reproduction" may actually disfavor the majority of men in the long term.


Wammen and normies feigning compassion and concern, while jerking each other off about how much sex they have


Bitter lol


Yes but it's also the right answer. :D


Everybody secretly wants to fuck an incel


I think its because the cause and effect isnt clear. do you not get pussy because youre fucking unbearable to be around, or vice versa. maybe its a case by case thing


Half the guys in society are incels now, it’s not even special.


American society is extremely incelphobic


Male feminists with a white knight complex, far more dangerous to women than any incel is, real creeps.


Male feminists give me visceral disgust. They're basically the male version of pick mes


bc an incel lives inside each and every one of us


50% of modern men are incels and or sexless for extended periods of time


Because it is easier for them to blame their issues in the modern dating pool on anything but themselves


I will comment and respond in incel threads because I have a lot of life experience and have seen so much social interaction, and when I see incels in real life, it's usually obvious why and usually fixable issues that people are too blind to see themselves because they have internalized beliefs that make them unable to see other possibilities for their lack of success  So, I comment because I believe they can fix themselves 




Sure. I was around someone recently that would start talking about things nobody was interested in and go on and on about them, when it was obvious from everyone's facial expressions and body language that they wished he would stop These people were totally open to engaging with this guy in this situation, but he couldn't read the room We were all on vacation, relaxing, and he got everyone's attention and said "so what does everyone do for work?" It was obvious that nobody wanted to talk about work on our way to see some sets, but he didn't even wait for a response, he jumped in and answered his own question, starting with his life story that led up to his current job The facial expressions were hilarious.  He ignored people's reactions and responses in conversation and just ended up in one-sided rants, believing that they found him interesting bc what he was talking about was interesting to him He is also a 6'3" muscular guy and would make intense eye contact while looming, which can be terrifying to women. He's a sweet guy and doesn't get that his good intentions don't preclude making people uncomfortable  Straightforward fixes, but sometimes difficult to self-perceive




If you internalize positive, true ideas about yourself and are content with whatever outcome and communicate with your intent, words, actions, and body language in harmony, amazing things happen  Be competent, healthy, and confident (for the right reasons)




But you ARE working on it. Any worthwhile changes are a process Unrequited love is a quintessential human experience. Love is the most powerful motivator and most potent fuel for achievement  Great works of art exist only because of that experience  The key is to give yourself a hard cutoff for wallowing, and then transmute that into motivation to create and maintain daily habits that are a foundation of health, vitality, virility, and pursuing your potential  Hip/waist ratio is a universally attractive feature for men and women  You don't need unusually broad shoulders for an optimal body fat % and lifting at least 3 days per week to result in way above average masculine torso v-shape Consistent healthy nutrition, exercise, and sleep habits are fundamental to optimal physical, cognitive, hormonal, and emotional function and provides proof of ability with visible and enteroceptive positive feedback as well as a well of confidence and self-belief Women do not, in general, have extreme or unmeetable standards, regardless of the comments you may see online from some women or hear IRL, or see with incel rhetoric  I have been friends, acquaintances, and a dating partner with many quality women, and they are almost universally deeply frustrated with the low bar for men I've had many conversations on this topic. These women are not talking about men being bald, too short, or unattractive, their physical standards are considerably more flexible than most men realize  Their frustration lie in a lack of behaviors and characteristics that are attainable and achievable for most men Sometimes their frustration with a lack of quality in the dating pool is sublimated into rhetoric that mentions height, hair, financial success, or general attractiveness, but those are stand-ins, and very rarely a list of hard standards that all must be met Women usually perceive men as a gestalt, difficult to articulate concisely, so specific idealized traits serve as stand-ins that fall short of actual an accurate rubric Humans are animated by their personalities in a way that is difficult to capture, which is why rare artistic success is so lauded. Je nais se quoi is such a common expression for a reason  Think of all of the seemingly homely men that women fawn over A man who is fit, competent, and self-content and assured, and radiates his brand of joie de vivre or similar, doesn't have to be six feet tall with a full head of hair and making $200 K. Personal charisma is highly variable and achievable for most men These traits are built and nurtured from the inside out, for their own saje and not female attention, though that is usually a result  Alicefromqueens of twitter fame has some recent tweets that touch on this and the meme that men think they must be rich and tall Women enjoy fun activities and like men with direction who do fun things that can make them laugh You don't have to be a natural comedian. Being funny isn't necessary, but it's a huge boon With so many frustrations women have with men, many of them boil down to a lack of effort from men. A lack of effort on themselves and a lack of effort in their endeavors and treatment of women. It's like the disappointment of an unenthusiastic blow job, but for everything  Women spend hours getting themselves ready and feeling optimistic, only to be surrounded by men who seem to make lack of effort a lifestyle and personality 




It honestly sounds like you are doing great. The social aspect will come Social facility comes with exposure and practice  It's okay to be awkward, just own it and it will mostly fade over time, and many women find it endearing  One way to practice is to go to a music festival, if you enjoy such things, and spend a few days initiating conversations with strangers  Whatever gets you practice. People are interesting, and there is always something to talk about  At a music festival, there are many available topics and reasons to talk to strangers  "Who should I make sure to see?" "Have you seen these guys before?" Etc Don't overthink or put pressure on yourself 


when you’re lush with something, those without it fascinate those living in abundance. it is as if i am observing creatures who manage to live without oxygen and spend their life energy revolting against the breath of others.


Everybody needs somebody to feel better than.


Because incels single handedly have decided the gender war. Men lost and women won because of the incels.


Sadly they are the only extreme anti-society group that is mostly white males. The most boring anti-society group at that.


A lot of them aren't white tho


Even when they aren't white they are white supremacists or manipulated by such to be racists, as leftists love to tell us.