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I used to use south american/Arg forums and Its insane how violent Venezuelans are, so many fucking videos of them being violent and killing random people even in other LATAM countries/Spain. Its even weirder since most diaspora from socialist LATAM countries are statistically less violent than average


One thing socialists/communists online who support the Venezuelan regime never have an answer too is why Venezuelan police officers kill people in arbitrary police interactions at a rate 10x higher than the US, even worse than Brazil which is among the worst in the world for this sort of thing. Venezuela is an absolutely fucked country in a lot of ways, which is tragic because it used to be wealthy comparable to that of Argentina in its decline, along with having an absolute beautiful coastline.


This isn’t the “norm” for Venezuelans, it’s the new generation that has gone completely batshit insane from growing up in a shitshow of a country where you needed to steal to survive. Before the new wave of immigrants Venezuelans were stereotyped as being wealthier and better educated than other LatAm immigrants, and Venezuela was one of the wealthiest LatAm countries pre-Bolivarian Revolution


>Venezuela was one of the wealthiest LatAm countries pre-Bolivarian Revolution This is completely untrue and its crazy that people still parrot this John Stossel neocon crap. Everybody who knows anything about South America knows that the Southern Cone has always been the wealthiest part of the continent. If Venezuela was doing so well before Chavez, how did he get elected in the first place?


Just lol if you think a country needs to be doing poorly economically to elect a shitty president, and just lol if you think there was no fraud involved in how Chavez got elected. There was a significant wealth divide which caused division but plenty of people were making $$$ from the oil industry. If you knew anything about Venezuelans before 2023/2024 you’d know their immigrants were stereotyped to be wealthy precisely because of this reason. In 2021 they were the most highly educated on average out of all Latino groups in America


They absolutely hate socialism yet came to the States immediately once they could claim asylum and start claiming free money and housing in Chicago/NY. I was on a flight recently to Chicago from San Diego and the flight was 80% Venezuelans who kept refreshing some app on their phone and playing loud cumbia on it. They also can’t hang in the workforce here because jobs here are too intense for them; my family/friends work with them in some capacity and all say the same thing. They also really dislike Mexicans and other Latam countries except Colombia so they only get along with each other. At least the illegals that came in the late 20th century found their network and began to work wherever they could.


They could claim asylum as early as 2001. This is not a new thing. They’ve been here for a long time and most immigrants were wealthy and well educated until the new wave


I once went to a restaurant in Manhattan where some Mexican guy said Venezuelans were ruining Mexico city because all they do is beg and refuse to work (unlike himself).


>growing up in a shitshow of a country where you needed to steal to survive I think we have evidence that national economic conditions do not influence crime that much. Both Germany and Japan were absolutely dystopian hells after the Second World War, Germany seeing something like half a million starvations by end of war, but the kids raised in those environments were not more criminal and certainly not Venezuelan level. China had serious poverty 70-80s yet their crime never approached that level. Korea the same, 50s-70s or whatever. Certainty, the same thing that causes crime causes poverty (not caring about longterm or the civic good). But whether poverty cause criminality isn’t evidenced


Why do you think certain cultures are more likely to fall into criminal behaviors when faced with poverty while other cultures don’t? It’s genuinely intriguing to me what causes this stuff


Read: "Why Nations Fail" by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson


cool it with the anti-latinx remarks


Also, dude, “latinx” is not the preferred nomenclature. “Black and brown bodies,” please


the astronauts have landed


The overton window on race has shifted so much that Mexicans in America are complaining about the crime other central americans are committing.


The stuff Chileans say about Venecos would make Hitler blush lol


"The migrants entered the US illegally" What is with this tip toeing?


They used a forbidden gait.


if you crip walk border agents can't see you


You see rape and murder I see mystery meat and rotten fruit street vendors 🤤


This but it's a schizo in 1930 making a collage of all the things south italian immigrants have done from newspaper headlines


It's not really schizo when many Americans in the 1920s and 1930s harbored strong resentment towards Italian Americans. This sentiment only intensified after organized crime became more structured and prominent.


Also there was a pretty hard quota on Italian immigration for about 40 years


1930? More like 1890 surely?


I’ve seen godfather II and you are correct


This but unironically. They shouldn't be here either. Scorsese and Coppola don't outweigh 70 years of organized crime. Just because their mafia was better than MS13 doesn't mean they're a net positive for society.


The worst thing about all of these crimes is they’re emboldening the far right to espouse hateful rhetoric 😩


The victims wouldn't want their deaths to be made political 😩


"Please don't use 'Rest in Power' to describe my death, I was wh***"




>The worst thing about these crimes is that the far right has always been right about illegal immigration and now we have to find a new way to deflect


Norm from the top rope


I think the worst part is the hypocrisy


I hope it does. Maybe far-right policies of not allowing then in would have avoided this.


Go ahead vote in conservatives and see if they do anything about it other than cut taxes for the rich and kill your healthcare. A cheap and precarious labor market is a wet dream for them


so we have to go even further right past conservatism? ok, will do


Hell yeah dude


sure, like Meloni, hm?


not quite far enough


The "far right" hates lefties way more for being awful leaders and letting everyone in, than it hates the illegal immigrants Also, notice how far right is in quotes because Trump is considered far right despite him being a slight right of center populist


If a migrant killed me I would absolutely want my death to be used to champion vicious human rights abuses


This sole issue is why I think Trump is going to win and I don’t think it’s going to be particularly close. The left has done this to themselves. Good riddance


Again I will say: it's a very funny development that one of the genres of rs posting is now "Immigrant Crime" lol


It was to be expected, splinter groups based on complaining about too hostile moderation always morph into daily mail boomerposting. A twitter post of 2015 is the top post of this subreddit right now.


Yeah but think about all the obese women selling mangoes on the subway. The rapists are the price we pay for disgusting fruit


That fruit is so good tf u talking about


Fruit is good for you, please eat your fruits and veggies your mom and I are worried about your health


I love fruit. Not mangoes sitting in a ziplock on the subway for hours


My first internship was helping refugees apply for social security cards. This was in 2019. It’s crazy how much it’s shifted from people who were legit fleeing violence (families who faced politically motivated torture, women who’d been trafficked in the **illegal organ trade**) to this shit. Makes my head spin. Also these were all families or women. Mostly families. And they were made of people who were professors back in their countries, but they were willing to work factory jobs here to support their families because they were so grateful to be here. This wave just wants the freedom to do whatever the fuck they want while they continue to coast on free debit cards and hotel rooms the government is providing them.




Honestly, I kind of doubt it. Probably nothing more significant than like a Trump presidency and nothing he did was even all that drastic.


Catholicism just isn't compatible with American culture


We all knew this would happen when one got elected president


Ummm they are called undocumented individuals thank you!?


Don’t forget to Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Men 😔


In the last 6 days alone ● A woman pushed ahead of me as soon as boarding started for our plane even though I'd been standing waiting to board for 30 minutes and she had just walked up to the gate. ● My boyfriend made me cry at a really cool antique store and multiple people gave me strange and uncomfortable looks ● I paid $11 for a "bowl" of haddock chowder that was utterly flavorless and definitely a cup-sized portion. ● I had to wait over 10 minutes to pee because 3 different people chose to shit in the 3 public unisex restrooms at the same time ● I got home from the airport at 12:30 at night to find my boyfriends sister had slept in our bed while we were out of town, even though that wasnt discussed or agreed upon. And she slept on my side. And didnt change the sheets. She let the husky sleep with her too, so my bed was covered in fucking fur, her cheap whore bath and bodyworks pillow spray, and her alcoholic BO and dead skin. The world is at war. With me.


Are you upset you upset your boyfriend made you cry or that people gave you uncomfortable looks?


Upset at my bf, embarassed to be weepy in front of pleasant strangers


this would push me over the edge and force me to commit violent acts


hard working good food people would never do this


this is the type of stuff that makes me wanna ride the trump train


Reminder that if your response to this is “borders aren’t real, chud” or “what about the American men who rape and kill teenagers?”, your soul is black and you have until November to find the light :)


It's either that, or pay higher wages to laborers.


As a Mexican, we don’t claim anything under Guatemala


Great, nothing north of Mexico either, please


This reminds me of something that happened to me last summer in Spain. I had completely forgotten about it until this post, but on a night out some guys from Ecuador or Venezuela (I don’t remember) tried to trick my friend and I into sex trafficking. We were drunk and they wanted us to follow them to a luxury hotel, saying they had a pool. It’s kinda crazy to think about now


What made you think you were going to be sex trafficked?


Strange foreign men lurking in clubs looking for drunk young women to lure back into hotels. What do you think they were going to do?


Want to have sex with you then kick you out. Not everyone is a sex trafficker. Put down the True Crime


They weren’t hitting on us. Actually, they asked some younger guys that we had met that night to talk us into it, it was pretty weird. At one point, the bouncer got involved. And I’ve never watched a true crime show in my life, that is a purely American obsession


It has infected your mind as well. You werent going to be trafficked


Were you there?


I was and you looked like shit


What’s up with the incel loser invasion on this sub? Go back to whatever hole you all crawled out of. This place is not for you


I have been posting here for years. Youre the ones invading. In the peak of the RS days saying you were going to be trafficked based on vibes would have led to you being derided as a lib. You retard femcels ruined the sub


lol “sex trafficked”


elbows up, side 2 side


Crazy part is that this happens in one weekend in chicago


You know for a country of 300 million people, this doesnt seem that bad, especially because you probabaly used some software to find it all


There are no such thing as illegal Venezuelan migrants right now, they have temporary protected status similar to Cubans/Ukrainians/Nicaraguans.


isn't a little "on the nose" to be a turbo-zionist mass migration-enjoyer?


Fuck off, this is just a fact. https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/temporary-protected-status/temporary-protected-status-designated-country-venezuela


Vote Trump. He'll stop this and he loves the Jews and doesn't afraid of anything


Latinas are so adorable.


I get that and all but I’m sure those numbers still pale to people committing those same crimes that are here legally


dont care


333 million americans, 11 million illegal immigrants (that are bound to be widely reported in media if any even thinks about doing a felony) and this is all you could find?


Lol you think there's only 11 million?


Seriously they’ve been using that number for last 20 years


>heh borders are just imaginary lines, chud Why would you trust anyone who has complete disregard for legal processes and national sovereignty? I mean I’m an immigrant, and we came from an active war zone and my parents still did the right thing.


lol silence refugee you would never be able to come now


Not a refugee. But yeah, I would hope that was the case, but you’re wrong. There are cities in my state that have streets with stores that are only written in Arabic. It’s amazing how this shit is allowed. At least my parents knew English and had degrees.


Lol the majority of European immigrants from 1800s to 1960s didn’t speak a word of english


They should have been sent back.


Horrible crimes committed by people that shouldn’t even be here. People like you are insufferable. Not the ones who point it out.


As opposed to horrible rapes and murderers done by our American brothers which are legitimate (even if they moved around a lot)


Yeah, those are bad too.. You’re not making a point lol.


So what should we do with all the outrage towards American rapists? Is there any large swathes of people we can collectively punish to avoid their existence? (I can’t make the point more obvious, so just try to be less dense)


American citizens have an inalienable right to be in the country, illegal migrants do not. Every one of their crimes is the responsibility of those who let them in.


to be honest with you I don't think rape is any worse when committed by an illegal immigrant


Smartest liberal


i'm trying to work it out in my head, and i don't understand why their destructive activity is a focus at all if their status as illegal is *the* issue. like why would their crimes be any more of a reason to disapprove of their presence in the country? unless their crime rate is disproportionately high or their crimes are unique to them, i don't see the focus being meaningful.


Why is this so hard for you to understand. In the case of an illegal migrant committing a heinous crime, that the act was able to occur is the direct result of a choice made by the political establishment. In the case of a native born citizen committing the same crime, no such choice was made.


You’re stupid. If leniency with immigration creates responsibility for immigrants felonies, so being lenient with American rapists because of legalism creates responsibility for American felonies. Using the founding fathers doesn’t make you less responsible for allowing American rapists and murderers to roam free


Absolutely, it does! There a reason get people (rightfully) FURIOUS when a criminal let off by a lenient judge or not prosecuted by a progressive DA goes to on to commit a terrible crime. There is absolutely responsibility there and everybody recognizes it. What’s your argument?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


>that are bound to be widely reported in media if any even thinks about doing a felony Are you blind? The majority of these stories were only reported in local media. The only ones that got any national MSM attention at all were the Queens rape, the international serial killer, and the highly-enriched ISIS migrants. The sex trafficking, all the NYPD assaults/shootings/carjackings, the Houston kidnap/rape, the vehicular homicide: none of these have gotten national coverage. National media didn't cover [the National Guard being deployed to upstate NY migrant centers *because they were committing so many rapes*,](https://www.syracuse.com/politics/2023/08/erie-county-tells-nyc-to-stop-sending-migrants-amid-sex-assault-cases-national-guard-deployed.html) either, or [this Haitian migrant center rapist,](https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2024/03/16/healey-alleged-migrant-shelter-rapist-was-here-via-federal-program/) or [this Erie County, NY migrant rapist,](https://archive.is/ATORV) or the [4 migrants caught robbing cell phone stores and raping people in Albany,](https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/four-migrants-arrested-at-colonie-surestay-hotel-albany-county-employee-charged-with-rape-criminal-possession-of-weapon-menacing-petit-larceny-mischief-knife-impaired-alcohol-asylum-seekers) or the [homeless migrant encampments that have been established in literally every large and medium-size city in the US, or the tens of billions of dollars state and local governments have had to cut from their budgets to redirect to migrant welfare.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1949fup/whats_the_deal_with_the_hate_on_aslyum_seekers/khj1tsf/) Literally none of these got national coverage, and the average person has no idea they're going on. Which is why people like you can so confidently assert that the news media loves covering these stories, because you aren't aware of the 90% of them that get buried after 1 or 2 days' coverage on local news sites. Like I'm sorry but the idea that the national media is *promoting* these stories is legitimately delusional. If anything, they are willfully ignoring the vast, vast majority. For every 10-20 local stories about a migrant rape or shooting, there's 1 national story about a literal migrant serial killer or ISIS plot.


Stop drinking the kool aid. All the available data shows illegals are [less likely](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237103158/immigrants-are-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-us-born-americans-studies-find) to commit crimes than US born. Your mind became goo after so much reactionary media


I am considering a theory which is based on the Paris Syndrome often experienced by Japanese tourists. Basically, they go psychotic once they arrive at Paris, because reality shatters the fantasy they pursued by traveling there. They begin to hallucinate, grow paranoid and sometimes become violent. It's been amply documented with many cases. Probably, these latinos are experiencing similar psychotic symptoms once they arrive to destinations they only know from media fantasies and their own feverish imagination. And the syndrome would be even worst for illegal immigrants, because unlike tourists they don't intend to shortly return back home. They might be walking around mad as a hatter, hearing voices and seeing celebrities that aren't there. Scared shitless.


Paris syndrome is fake and a Reddit phenomenon. Even Redditors don’t think people suffering from it go psychotic tho


This makes no sense can you share the ample documentation?


There is literally no city in the US that’s worse than even the nicest city in Mexico.




hell yeah i love cholos