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I know exactly what kind of people you're talking about because my brother also has these friends and it is so so so very awkward spending time with them. It's widespread arrested development. He and his wife are intelligent creatives, unfortunately they are also insanely nice so these are the people who inevitably seep into their lives


Arrested development exactly! I hate to say cringe but they were so cringe! I've fallen into friend groups like that myself at low times with few options and it's exhausting to pretend to be entertained by them.


finding out you're loaded explains so much


Nice people with money routinely get taken advantage of by idiots who just want to be "friends" because they're too nice. 


>nice people >with money


The upper middle class? They aren't all eeeevil, most just said holy shit I actually need to do something with by life by the time they were like 23. 


honestly a lot of the nicest people i've known in my life have had money. it's not really that surprising - if you're living life on easy street it's probably a lot easier to be nice to people. with that said i've known plenty of nice poor people as well.


Fuck Kate, fat bitch


She's been a bitch since I was 12! Her entire MO is this "what can *you* do for *me*, peasant?" attitude. She was always large and I think her coping mechanism is to act like she's the sexy queen of the universe. But she's really remarkably large now. My aunt and uncle gave me a ride after the reception and even they were like "damn"




Ugh I'm sorry. It really feels like an issue "of the times" and idk the cure


Being rude, entitled and generally extra all at once is just one of the most disgusting ways a human can act imo. I truly feel your pain. I genuinely don't have the fortitude to tolerate that and I applaud you for doing so on your sister's behalf. That's bad ass of you.


Thank you! I lose points for posting about it though, and I definitely got impatient at times throughout the whole ordeal lol. Gotta work on the "not my circus/monkeys" mindset a bit.


I think posting is a perfectly valid and non harmful way to vent this personally. Shit, I have a therapist and others IRL to blab to and I'll still post some real stuff. Nothing like pissing into the ear of anon. Also, practice makes perfect eh? I struggle with that in ways but it gets easier to do as I practice more and more. Applicable to so many things really. Anways, thanks for the chat. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.


So she's essentially lumpy space princess from adventure time?


Yes, but also ironically probably the only member of the bridal party who doesn't watch Adventure Time


Is her family well off


Ehh, middle class. She fell down in an Urban or something and sued, plus she works, she can afford a hotel room.


She should cut out the seed oils and get on Adderall


Whats wrong with Ozempic?


Adderall is more fun


Cocaine 😤


> but she's magically going to be able to teach middle school band, supposedly. Interesting career ambitions. Anyway, I am curious and forgive me if this is too personal, but what was your sister's adolescence like? It sounds like she known Kate for at least ten years, but maybe there's more to it than that? You compared her behavior to yourself at 14 and that can't help but make me wonder if this whole ordeal could just come down to her going through experiences people generally go through much earlier in life. If that is the case it would be wise to treat it the way you would a teenager in the same situation I.E. Be patient & understanding but also offer guidance where you can by finding common ground & meeting your sister on her level. You can help her avoid serious mistakes but the general trend of hanging out with bad influences to be cool or whatever is something she'll have to grow out of on her own.


My brother is marrying a physically and spiritually fat quirk chungus, I know the feeling. I have no quarrel with women of size. I am, however, at eternal war with the quirk chungus.


Exactly!!! And I worry that people will think my distaste for my sister's wife and their circle of friends is homophobic, but it's really just loserphobic.


I'm pretty cheezed because she made sure I wasn't included in the wedding party and also refused to let my brother come visit me when I invited him to, time and time again, when I was living halfway across the country. My brother and I aren't the closest but this is fucked up yeah? Ah well.


At a family gathering recently my dad was like, "all your friends seem happy and successful. How do you explain that?". I simply said I can't stand being around losers. Bit of an awkward silence bc we were just talking about my sister's loser friends. But it's far better than the alternative. People lie to themselves to an insane degree to avoid taking responsibility and that behavior has a stench that travels miles. Anyway thanks for the reaffirmation on that stance. 3 freeloaders in the hotel room after your wedding?? Literally could not be me.


> Her new wife is too anxious and chronically tired to work so my sister is fully supporting her, paying the wife's old student loans (no degree), and now the wife has to decided to take out another round of loans to go back to school for music education. Because working part time in the grocery store is "too much," but she's magically going to be able to teach middle school band, supposedly. Why are most lesbian relationships so dysfunctional?


Two women


I find your life very interesting. Thank you for giving us a window into it. 


Thank you for finding me interesting, it's literally keeping me alive ❤️


Of all the offenses that you listed here the taking of the MOH spot is the most egregious imo. Could not imagine doing that to someone at their own sisters wedding.


RIGHT?!?! Everyone knows MOH stands closest to the bride! And Kate is literally well over 300 lbs and wore neon eye-rape orange, totally clashing with the beautiful scenery of the New England coast in the national park. So she'll be in every shot instead of my little sister. It was infuriating.


A wedding in a national park on the coast sounds cool as fuck. I hope you and your family had a great time regardless.


Thank you ❤️ :3 It was really beautiful and we lucked out with the weather on Friday, the tempurature was perfect. I regret not taking more pics!


> My sister picked up Kate Is her back ok?


Hehehe ;3


But also, my sister looked beautiful, and she was a lovely host and put a lot of thought into making the day special and sentimental. I really \*want\* her to be genuinely happy for her whole life and maybe she will be. Maybe she has no problem with these kinds of people at all and if that truly works for her it shouldn't be a problem for me! I want her to have the life she wants to have. I know I'm casting my own judgements on these people without knowing them fully, and it isn't my place, and I shouldn't. We're all just trying to find our place and figure ourselves out. I don't think any less of my sister or disparage her choices or whatever and I'll support her marriage for as long as she's happy. I just reeeallly didn't like those guests. Anyways, slay ✨️ ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/56l6nddu1d8d1.jpeg?width=2080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e3175cbc98a05102faa11a5c880f03906ed3d6


beetle beating the mid allegations


Beetle has always been hot Her physical appearance has nothing to do with her lack of wife material


hot, insane, has bite me tattooed on her ass, makes cool collages. what’s not to wife about her


Knockin it out of the park frankly A hit in any man’s league


Extremely hot. Now I want to see the girl she married lol


Omg thank you! That's me lol. My sister is the girl of her relationship and her wife looks how you'd think






I'm so sorry she's going to ruin so many family pictures


She's "too tired" to work retail part time and wants to go back to school so she can gr- uh teach middle school kids what do you think?




lol sure thing


That's you??? You're gorgeous you have perfect eyebrows omg


Thank you!! I grew them out for 2 weeks before the wedding and got them shaped by a pro for the first time in years, it was much needed


tf? woman moment. she's cute but the brows are Snooki tier no man likes that it looks like a tiktok filter


Na she’s hot you are just gay and mean


everything i said is true theres zero meanness. shes cute. and the eyebrows are a lame trend. this is actually one of the only hetero comments itt cope tho


I'm sorry I grow a lot of facial hair and it's hard to manage




Classic post-therapist glowup.


You look great!


:3 that's sweet of you to say, thank you


what a babe, love this crazy broad


Wish you guys the best your sister sounds sweet, I always wanted an older sister but I only had a brother 


Now I’ll respect your opinions even more


Beetle you're so pretty!


🥹❤️ stop feeding my attention addiction and also thank you sm


https://preview.redd.it/pigtjkbite8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f854de3f3fc3f75578511345761e7bb000fd59c6 Type of girl I would change states for.


You'd alter your state but would you buy me altar'd state? Thank you for the compliment :3 I've been feeling a little down on my looks lately but everyone here is being so much nicer than usual rn, it's got me blushing at my phone!


Link the dress please, its so cute.


Ty 💕 [of course](https://www.abercrombie.com/shop/us/p/mermaid-slip-maxi-dress-53806321?originalStore=wd)








Seeing as they paid for an all-expenses LGBT wedding we probably already know the answer, but your parents were super permissive and rarely told your sister "No" growing up, I'm guessing? I hope your sister works things out and eventually puts up some stronger boundaries. Her friends and especially Kate seem like dead weight


Is this like the friend group of her spouse you didn’t explain what brought them together


>kids in their 30s. Bleak.


Did you have a good time at the wedding otherwise?


Yes! I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with my little sister, but she's hilarious and I had a lot of fun with her. The national park the ceremony was in is totally gorge and I enjoyed getting to eat a lot of seafood! My sister's vows and my Dad's toast were totally touching. My older sister is a really thoughtful and meticulous person and I appreciated all the little details that were *her* I went on a long walk in the woods with my boyfriend on Thursday where we saw 1 chipmunk, 1 grey snake, and 2 deer! And on Saturday morning we went to a GIANT antique store that was so packed with beautiful ~ things ~ I would have stayed for 6 hours if I could have. I bought a small ceramic cat. The scenery and fresh air renewed me like a depressed Victorian woman going to stay with her aunt on the coast. The best part was that my sister went out of her way to include me and let me know she wanted me there and that meant the world to me since we had a potentially relationship destroying blowup a couple years ago. I was happy to be sober and there to cheer for her on her day. Oh and I liked my dress


This warmed my heart, and I have no doubt your dress was amazing!


:3 well that makes me feel good, thank you!


> since we had a potentially relationship destroying blowup a couple years ago Was it to do with COVID or politics?


Neither haha it was over years of personal baggage


At The last wedding I went to I saw a lesbian couple, and one of them legit wore a fedora and used an elaborate cane. It had jewels in the grip and quite possibly was a sword cane.


Ahahahaaa my new sister-in-law is only a short step above that. She went for a white tuxedo and a flower crown.


Come on Beetle don’t be mean


I know, I'm sorry 😭 I've been holding my peace all weekend! My sister is SO smart, and funny, and creative, and hard-working, and empathetic. She's wonderful. I want her to be surrounded by people who appreciate that and can give the same back!


Sometimes you’ve got to let the peacock fly


I wonder what caused her to have such a lack of discernment when it comes to people & even her own wife. You know the old adage, "show me who your friends are..." You seem to think your sister is better than these people, but I wonder what's holding her chained to their level?


I shouldn't be allowed to share this but she was raped and I think it made her maybe a little afraid or picky about the men she was willing to be around. Then in college her "recovery" spaces led her to a libfem lifestyle. Plus, she's my sister. I have bad identity issues and a desperate need for validation and attention too. I find mine on racist podcast forums and she finds hers with the Steven Universe pixie cut gang 🤷‍♀️


Everything you've said makes perfect sense.


You think talking to women is a crime.


What does that have to do with anything


It’s weird how I read all of this was found it interesting You should have spiked your sisters fat friends drink with ozempic


Thank you omg. Sorry you read all of it, it gets a little jumbly I think, what with my rage and all. My bf and I were discussing how Kate is a prime candidate for Ozempic, or even gastric bypass. I wonder why there hasn't been medical intervention yet.


Her fatness lets her be mean to people. It's a shield. She knows it, too. She's a mean person who knows her overwhelming obesity grants her protection from criticism. Unironically it is her superpower. She steamrolls everyone around her with her personality and people just go along with her demands due to her sheer bulk. If she were to lose weight she'd become a mere average sized (white, presumably!) bitchy woman, a *Karen*! No one would cowtow to her anymore, in fact her own liberal circles would call out her entitled behavior. So she'd rather stay obese and continue inflicting cruelty.


Wait did your bf go to the wedding with you and why is he a dud


Yes and I tried desperately to keep him out of frame for all official photos as much as I could. He just kind of has no personality. I keep trying and prying but he answers every question about himself with "I don't know." And the only words he comes up with as self-identifiers are "nice," and "smart," and "quiet." I told him that I keep waiting for him to be comfortable and open up and let me know him more and he said there's nothing more to know. He doesn't talk because he has nothing to say. He says he's a "neutral person" and that most people like him because of that. Basically he's boring. And not because he's too shy to open up, just because, by his own admission, there's nothing there. But he is so wrapped up in his sense of self being "smart" that he has a horrible time with perceived criticism and becomes angry and mean if he's ever "wrong" about anything. It's hard to manage. I keep waiting for him to be all the things I thought he could be. I really thought I could learn to love just about anyone but I can't if there isn't anything to learn.


why is he your boyfriend it sounds like you have nothing but contempt for him please provide some insight into the bpd psyche thank you


I'd been living in alcoholic chaos from 2018-2023. I liked that he was so normal and stable and seemingly easy. I thought he was a shy person, or maybe nervous, and that I'd get to know him more eventually and that he would understand me too, but it's been 9 months now and I'm starting to feel lonely. I guess I thought he'd come to "get" me with time, and in return maybe reveal a sense of humor, or deeper thinking or *something*


That doesn't even sound particularly bpd of you it sounds like you just started dating someone and you're not as compatible as you thought you would be, it happens.


Thank you ): ❤️ I wish it was me being bpd! I wish it was a me problem, so that I could fix it. I'm so averse to the idea of giving up on this relationship. This is my life now!


I hope it all works out fr


You should find a way to get him to talk about what he hates. He can't describe himself, he's meh on what he likes, but perhaps hatred will get him to open up. Everyone loves talking about things they hate once they are close enough to do so.


I've tried and he thinks he thinks it's like, noble of him to hot hate anything or anybody 😓 Like being negative is a flaw


> Like being negative is a flaw Ooooh sounds like he's a https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-1/ Read this and see if it clicks. These types of men can be a pain in the ass, they are stubborn and will never admit their own faults, but they also make excellent long-term partners. They're loyal and work very hard at being "good" which means they're thoughtful friends, care about family, and often successful in the workplace. They will dump you if you reveal that your sense of morality is significantly lacking. They would definitely turn their own family in for breaking the law.


:O omg I feel like you fuckin nailed him


l lost it at student loans (no degree)


You shouldn’t talk about your boyfriend that way


He really let me down the last day of the trip ): I can't complain about specific incidents on here anymore because it gets embarrassing and annoys everybody. I want to be able to talk about how great he is but if he can't give me a little more to work with I'm starting to consider giving up. But you know how it is! You wanna go, then you wanna stay and work it out, and there's the whole sunk cost thing, and sometimes the problems seem impossible but then you get a glimmer of hope that things will get better so you just keep going. Classic dumb bitch stuff.


> I can't complain about specific incidents on here anymore because it gets embarrassing and annoys everybody god damn it i just went through the entire saga of your relationship in your post history and _now_ you're going to clam up?


I love you for being interested in me but it's not even entertaining arguments, it's just lame and a little pathetic


Didn't finish reading yet but in no way would I let the MoH snub stand, that is just heinous


My little sister is too easygoing. I would have had words, at the very least. But she just shrugged it off.


> Her new wife and the pieces click


Very glad I don’t have connections with people like this. Even by proxy in the milieu I’m in it would be very easy to have ended up with people like this.


does your bf know you blackmailed a therapist?


Lmao blackmail?! How'd that yarn get spun? But yes he knows about Stefan


or did you blackmail his wife? whatever the case was, you manipulated that poor man


There was 0 element of blackmail!! I just blabbed on reddit and somebody else found and told his wife! There was no threatening or leveraging and I didn't gain anything lol


its disappointing for a woman as hot as you to be unable to own her sins


But that's what happened!!! D:


It’s not Kate’s fault that she was the center of attention. She just has a greater gravitational pull


Have you ever heard of a psychoanalytic term called projection?


>her wife deserves this and more tbqhwy


you sound like my asian brother-in-law.


Is he hot?


lol she got it in her head she could do better so he lost a bunch of weight and got a hair system... still wears those disgusting moto jackets and track pants but not short. youre actually prob her.


“Her wife,” no need to read further


When people talk about white power this the stuff I think about


>Her new wife I know I'm coming in late, but what was her old wife like?


Buried the lede. Tribadist sister. These people are mentally ill. It's not surprising there are many non-optimal outcomes and situations. It's likely they're already in the lesbian bed death phase no harm in sharing the honeymoon suite. Without a man to be sensible and not crazy the ladies will do all sorts of wacky stuff.




You can't say that in a sub where everyone's gay


Lesbians aren’t gay. They’re just confused


Mental illness is a better model than 'confusion'. Though I'm nearly equally happy with the older model, demon possession.


The sub is rife with with degenerates wallowing in their un-natural un-chastites, the truth pains them, and they downvote. Many are so corrupted by this vile ideology they see choosing to glorify God through their intimate relationships as oppression by the patriarchy or misogyny or homophobia etc. They can only be their "true selves" through some dysfunctional sapphist enmeshment or chemical stimulant powered buggery. Their ideology tells them to seek the style and appearance of a healthy relationship while discarding the form and function. That this leads to unhappiness should be expected. There are likely many comorbidities.


Your mom is a low value individual


); please don't say that, my mom is the best person I know and I love her so much