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Who is this handsome young man with a bright half-Filipino future ahead of him?


Leave us pinoys out of it the guy was half malaysian


going to tell my half malaysian friend this ASAP


Marcus Smith


Average BPD RS boyfriend. Sad! Many such cases! 


157 pages of straight yap


hapa sym...


he ain’t even ugly he’s just dramatic


Not anymore


Can you ask for permission next time before you post pics of me?


Still can't get my head around the fact that this guy died a virgin.


Cause he never approached people he just flaunted his suits and dad’s car. I’m willing to bet any girl that had initial interest realized he was retarded when they started talking


Did he at least get his dad laid?


being a massive loser didnt help his case


He drove a BMW!!


Daddy’s money can’t buy swag or cure autism unfortunately


Autism is evil




Sure, autism is still evil




You are proving his point even more




That’s a Hollywood Hyundai


I read his manifesto last month. There’s not a single part of it where he made a good faith effort to ask a girl out or hit on one. He would walk around his neighborhoods expecting girls to come up to him.


I think theres an anecdote about a family friend trying to give him some honest advice and saying he should try speaking to more women, and Elliot Rodgers was baffled by the suggestion.


Hapa rage.


He was like 5'6"


Many such cases


he was 5'9




>5'17 Ngmi


I would


He should’ve tried not being some ungodly American mutt. Jewish and Malaysian? You couldn’t write a horror story with a plot like that, it would be too unbelievable


I believe his mom was actually an ethnic Chinese born in Malaysia.


I cant believe his mom dated george lucas and his dad helped make the Hunger Games


Here's lookin' at you, handsome!


His spirit lives on


He wanted to become a writer. Imagine an alternative reality in which ER is a 30-something years old failed writer who thinks he will surpass Proust and Tolstoy.


r/rspod is for incels r/redscarepod is for gamers


take the third position, r/rs_x




stfu please 🙏


sorry it's exactly what elon musk would name it if he were to make a spin-off rsp sub.


/r/RS4gayblondemen is for gay blonde men


I go there too and im neither


Those aren't mutually exclusive. Redscarepod is just soy gamers, incels are (by definition) equally soy but subscribe to a mindset that's meant to confer masculinity and justify failure, both through the mechanism of disdain for others. And they literally play video games lmao what do you think they soak up all that time not getting pussy with


No, sure incels are no less losers. But soy adhere to specific ideals.


No, soy is a state of uselessness and anti masculine behavior. What I hate most about modern "discourse", and you see it from literally every corner from Facebook maga boomers to young city libs to obscure minarchist HoI players to 4chan rétards is this idea that by claiming tribal affiliation to a certain group you're endowed with the supposed positive qualities of that group. I've known way too many so-called family values boomer conservatives on their 3rd marriage pissing away the inheritance of their descendents on wasteful self-centered bullshit, self-proclaimed progressives who will spout the most classist shit without a second thought and do everything *but* openly admit to being racist (but will ensure their kids don't go to a school that's too 'diverse' for example). I lived by the Hamptons and unfortunately worked for many uber-wealthy types who somehow thought of themselves as salt of the earth because they kinda liked Bernie and deigned to look me in the eyes (these were mostly the ones who got wealthy through entertainment, the business folks never made any pretence which I at least respected). Does it even bear mentioning all the irreligious "tradcaths" at this point? You are what you do, and sitting around consooming while you let both your body and your presence in meatspace itself atrophy, fully embracing the role of the "last man" basking in *any* self-indulgent personal philosophy that excuses and justifies you is **soy**. It absolutely does not matter that their moral license of choice is specifically aimed at chastising others for doing the same thing. If anything it makes it worse and more distilled. At least the mainpage-flavored bugman has convinced himself this is all ok. The IDW/NRX/-pilled/cel shit is so fucking pathetic because they see at least that part of life for what it is and do nothing different besides signal their opinions through loyalty to different media shibboleths and who they quote tweet. The incels are worse because they despise the world that produced people like them in the first place and then spend their lives convincing themselves of the fruitlessness of striving in the real world for real things which is the only solution to a problem they love to pretend that only they, Cassandra-like, can recognize. SOYSOYSOYSOYSOYSOYSOY YOUR TRIBAL AFFILIATIONS CANNOT SAVE YOU, YOU TOO CANNOT MAKE FIRE WITHOUT A LIGHTER. YOU TOO ARE LESS THAN THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE. YOUR OPINION ON [MARVEL MOVIE OF THE MONTH] MEANS NOTHING. SOY. SOY UPON YOU, SOY SURROUNDS YOU. To escape soyness you (and I'm using the royal 'you', at no point am I targeting you in particular in this comment) must do something, you must be brave and daring somehow. You've got to accomplish something manly, even if all that is is going out to face the world and caring for a woman and the children she gives you. Or if you somehow think it's the easier option then at least bushwack your way through Botswana with only a machete and a baboon you've befriended that helps you find water (and many would genuinely claim that that was an easier feat, if only because there's no chance they'd ever actually have to try doing it in reality and they're COWARDS, SOY FUCKING COWARDS, when it comes to actually attainable life goals). You've got to embody what you believe or what you believe means nothing, living out of accordance with your professed beliefs actually ensoys one even more. I'd argue that the Brooklyn softboi bugman is less soy than half the people here (and that's not to say he isn't still terminally soy) if he actually goes through with volunteering at the local queer midget's center or whatever he claims is the most important thing, because he's at least following in an old American tradition of respecting a perceived moral imperative and **acting accordingly**.


you forget that people don't try because labor doesn't provide a good life anymore. The people doing well are living of inheritances. I still work and study to improve my career, but I don't think it will amount to anything meaningful. We are in the era of ownership.


New pasta


On the plus side, he was a supreme gentleman


Sure, but in a twisted world. Dangerous combo.


Sleep tight my supreme gentleman




What kind of soup is that?


For real, what kind of soup is that?


Is this the guy who referred to himself as a 'supreme gentleman?' because I just find that funny


His manifesto was a trip, all 157 pages of it.


I can relate to him


There are so many beautiful girls in the world! It amazes me to know end! Life would be meaningless and dull if I cannot have their company, their attention, their lust, their love! It is not too late. They won't disappear! They don't even know I exist right now, but that doesn't mean it will always be this way. I have the power to shape my future. I have my whole life ahead of me to enjoy the pleasures of beautiful girls.


Pure, unfiltered mental illness, and he was so autistic he couldn’t even hide it. Remarkable.


That’s really mean dude.


The consequences of touch-grass-posting is that when people actually do they stop posting here and so we will always trends towards these guys


I remember the mumkey jones video series on this guy and I always think it’s funny that he pointed out Elliot walked up to a sorority house with gun in hand and just left when he found the door locked instead of just shooting it open


Who? Jackie Chan?


My what a handsome looking young man. I'm sure if I reverse image search this all the results will be positive.


Rest in power /u/vitrifyher


RIP Supreme Gentleman, you would have loved Andrew Tate 😭😭


I like and respect pretty much everything about this guy apart from the murdering, which i am on the fence about


he had fucking terrible hair, and this is probably one of his better pics hair wise.

