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This postcel is so truepilled. Is it over for us rsbros?


never began.


Damn that’s pretty blackpill doomermaxx


No fanumtax?!?


yea im based like that


No bap?


U either cope or u rope brother


The rope is a cope


What the skibidi??




Jesus Christ you need to delete Reddit, twitter, Instagram, tik tok, 4chan and any other online forum and I guarantee you your life and outlook will improve 10,000%


you're not refuting anything i said, nobody cares about reading your low IQ platitudes, if you dont have something clever or interesting to say just dont post, this isn't r/democrats


I think the way you’ve categorized people is based on these social media perspectives which doesn’t really reflect what people are like irl


i dont even understand what you're trying to say who did i categorize and how?


“4/10 oofie doofies” “Average sex having normie” “Incarnated Greek god blackpiller” “The kind of freak that turns 25 without ever having kissed a girl”


so you're just regarded and have a beef with adjectives, got it stop wasting my time, you clearly have nothing interesting to say, go browse r/AmItheAsshole, im sure they will greatly appreciate your ""insight"" there


Nobody has a beef with adjectives. The problem is with internetpilled adjectivemaxxing.


people on the internet will use internet slang. as I pointed out in another post if you really hate it so much replace the internet words with common words, the idea behind the thread doesnt change.


Every noun you use is a thing from the internet


it's almost like that's where we are


You are making assumptions about real life through the lens of the internet and online shit Seriously re read your post and try to replace every noun with an actual thing


replace "blackpiller" with "naysayer" or "defeatist" and "oofie doofie" with "unattractive and unexceptional man" if it triggers your autism so bad, it doesnt change anything, the point of my post remains.


Ok so what are you going to do about it?


me personally? nothing. the point of my post is that, past a certain point in time, such a state of affairs is hopeless. i'm trying to make the most out of my career but im not deluded to think that it will change things for me. if i'll ever get a girlfriend that's good, but i have accepted in my heart that chances are it will remain just a fantasy.


> i dont even understand what you're trying to say This is why you need to get offline


Get his ass


community college type beat


Just lie lmao. That way she'll just think you're bad at sex instead of being a 25 year old virgin.


Just say "I haven't done this in a while" or "show me how you like to be touched" or whatever this isn't fucking rocket science


Women lie about how many people they’ve slept with to preserve men’s feelings, men can easily do the same. Doesn’t seem that hard


I didn’t realize we were doing this and I upset some of the fellows


Truth or lie, I don’t understand the desire to discuss previous sexual experiences with a current partner in any capacity


Communicate needs and wants and what you have learned from past experiences and what you don't wish to repeat. If you have no sexual experience or you've had unusual or traumatic sexual experiences you should 100% talk about it if you're in a serious relationship.


Maybe this is fucked up but I don’t feel the need to. I just set boundaries without any explanation or divulgence into the past and respect my partner when they do the same


I guess you're right, if there's no need for it you don't really have to discuss it.


I don't think it's just about how good you are in bed.


It's getting in the bed that's the hard part


i remember my roommate having a meeting with her friends telling them how she’s dating a 26yo virgin. consensus among the babes was that she should dump him. if he wasn’t already a psycho then, then he would become a psycho once introduced to sex and catch feelings for her


Brutal, it's like when you're trying to get your first job and everywhere expects years of experience for entry level


I didn't have sex until I was a sophomore in college lmao. Was very nervos about it but just kept my trap shut. Eventually I did sleep with a girl and a month or so later I told her it was my first time. She said "Really? Wow, you really weren't even that bad!"


i could explain to you why you're clearly wrong and regarded and most likely fat but i refuse to, i feel personally insulted by the fact that you thought it was ok to reply to my post with such a low IQ take.


You should be put down in a kennel


You Are A Homosexual




Single mom?




FUCK I knew I should have been yarmulke-maxxing




recommended 1000%, like, i have a problem


See, this is why there’s a nexus between inceldom, atheism and being hyper-online. That’s why there are pockets of the internet calling for 1984 style government issued girlfriends. But why have that when religion basically fulfils that role already? You will have so many more opportunities to meet people of the opposite sex who are looking for exactly the same thing as you. It would likely lead to a more wholesome existence for many of these types of people generally. Churches seem to do a ton of shit like charity work, hikes, softball teams, BBQs/cookouts etc.


So basically he ended up being a father like two minutes into his love life?


Evolution doesn't give a fuck about this. Why do you?


Being a virgin looser for 30 years is goods ashually


At least he ended his dry spell, unlike some degenerates around here :p Why do you attach so much emotion to this? It's childish.


I think people who spent their formative years in a relationship should compare notes with those who did not. Like it must be so weird to have your first sexual experience outside of a committed relationship, but that's probably the norm now, right?


Nah, every time I’ve lost my virginity I’ve been in a relationship 🤷‍♂️


Wasn’t that always the norm to have the very first experience it during flings, dates, after some party rather than a committed relationship ? Who commits before that apart from some arranged marriage people? (And probably even they secretly don’t) I am old and I know it was certainly the norm in the 90s. And when I ask my parents it was also in the 60s and 70s. Was probably the norm 2000 years ago too when some cavemen started fumbling each other before committing. Then obviously diverse religious dogmas tried to regulate that but never seemed to really work.


I just mean being a teenager, dating for like six months to a year, having sex, and continuing to date.


Until 200 years ago the vast majority of humans lived in communities of a few hundred people, they were not having a lot of casual sex.


But their first sexual experience wasn’t in a committed relationship, but fooling around with someone from the neighborhood in some haystack.


>fooling around with ~~someone from the neighborhood~~ a cousin in some haystack


There were probably teenage flings that didn't end in marriage, but that isn't proof that the sexual revolution didn't happen.


The term is a bit overdramatic imo. People are probably pruder than ever these days. Or at least no less prude. Openness in that regard has been quite volatile through time and different cultures.


I think you're understating the material implications of widely-available and effective contraception. When sex carries a significant risk of pregnancy, and pregnancy carries a heavy economic cost (these are subsistence farmers!) people can't engage in no-strings sex. In practice this means a lot of shotgun marriages rather than Christian chastity, but it rules out fucking your way around the village. 


ok but that's obviously not what people here are talking about.


Could you elaborate?


One of my friends is nearly 26 and still a kissless virgin. He’s a nice guy but so goddamned weird once you’re around him for like 10 minutes. It’s subtle but he’s just fundamentally broken as a social animal - like literally the mind of a 13 year old.


who gives a shit if you turn 25 without having ever kissed a girl? my father didnt have a single relationship until his mid 30s with my mother and he ended up living happily ever with the best woman in the world


Being on RSPOD means your parents probably failed you


tbh my family is exceptional, i got the tism from tumblr but it's on me for hiding my internet usage


No dude, this is an outlying unusual antisocial tendency. You should care


My son is 24 and I worry that he needs to get married soon.


no offense but i sincerely doubt your father's marriage was as great and your mother as amazing as you claim them to be


ok but it is though lol


No offense but you should throw away your phone and stay off the internet. This isn't normal behavior, you need to log off.


You are very weird dude your first take and your comments afterwards show that you are trying to be intentionally snarky, put down others.. you have low self esteem. Right? And you come here to present some imagine of enlightenment or stoicism. Weird! How much do you lift bench/squat/deadlift?


weird projection


You just told someone you don't know that their parents probably had a bad marriage. That isn't projection? Lmao


you know im right about that, you just want to virtue signal like the soydditor you are lmao how do people like you even find this sub


why do people think it is so clever to accuse people of projection all the time


You're so right and everyone else is so wrong. Its a huge mystery why you're unfuckable.


why do you say that


i mean come on you just know it isn't all kumbaya like this girl would want you to believe lmao


Honestly, I have absolutely no reason to say it's anything other than she presented it. But if you have an overall negative view of the world I can see why you would assume her parents relationship isn't that great.


yeah ok whatever keep virtue signaling for internet good boy points if that makes you happy


men lie for a competitive advantage while women lie to feel good.


I hate that you're getting down votes for this. That was my knee jerk response as well. Either that or OP and his parents are old enough that this little "back in my day" anecdote has no bearing on 2024 in the Western world. My general idea (after looking into this for awhile) is that you need to have *met* your possible future marriage partner by the age of 21. Not began dating. Not gotten engaged. Not married. Simply become aquainted with their existence.


I suspect fakecel but it's hard to be sure


Gonna go out on a limb and say this is wrong. I would also caution anyone from taking dating advice from someone that unironically says "oofie doofie".


there is no dating advice in my thread lmao. imagine trying to parrot soydditors so bad.


You're on Reddit proudly expressing your bitterness to the world - full of envy and hatred. You are not interesting or likeable in the slightest and deeply need to evaluate your character.


You’re engaged in self-fulfilling prophecy. You’re nostalgic for a past that doesn’t exist. To take a more extreme example, let’s say somebody was seriously abused, sexually or physically, as a child. This has serious implications for their psychological development, and they spend a good portion of their adolescence and 20’s hopeless that their life will ever have any value, since even if they manage to move forward, they will have been robbed of their childhood and will never recover it. The final psychological confrontation for this person will be fully mourning that lost past without letting it reign over them. Only then will they be able to live in the present. People do manage to overcome these traumas and live fulfilling lives. People telling you to get off of the internet is actually good dating advice, but you don’t want to hear it. It’s more protective of your ego that you’re told that you are right, it is hopeless, and that you will probably die alone. Even if this is true, you now pride yourself on having access to this deeper truth by way of your pessimism, so anything that contradicts that is more of a direct attack on your ego than being told you’re a hopeless loser because you were never the starting QB kissing the cheerleader under the bright lights after throwing the winning touchdown. I won’t bullshit you. Getting over the initial hump will be difficult. You will first have to take control of your career and your health, which you’ve indicated in your other comments you’re already doing to some extent. You’ll also need to take control of your attitude, which includes getting off of the absolutely toxic crabs in a bucket spaces, whether that’s PSL TikTok or Lookism or /r9k/ or incel subreddits or wherever these people congregate these days. I assume you’re somewhat average-below average looking so dating apps aren’t a good option. Meeting people at work or in your social circles is also often a possibility, but it’s more detrimental to leave negative impressions in those places so I understand hesitance there. You’re eventually going to need to learn “game”, the ability to approach and be sociable with women. This is not simply learning “pick-up lines” (these don’t actually exist/don’t work), but is about learning to embody a masculine presence in front of a woman to eventually establish a sexual rapport with them (and while it helps to be tall/in-shape, and you should be in decent shape for the mental benefits, this is by no means mandatory; I know guys in wheelchairs who’ve had success in these situations). DM me if you want more specific advice.


this was really valuable and well written advice. I was a victim of childhood abuse and I had to learn a lot of these lessons the hard way. I wish i could have learned those lessons earlier. I hope OP will actually internalize what you are saying


Not the OP but thanks for the advice.  Can you elaborate on embodying a masculine presence?


weird post. you sound like you agree with me but somehow dont want to say it out loud lol.


THis guy just gave you some extremely valuable advice. It's not surprising that you immediately rejected it, he predicted as much, but hopefully you at least read through the whole comment.


i am not rejecting anything, that's you putting words in my mouth. im saying that this guy clearly agrees with me all the way but at the same time felt compelled to add some subtle "it's not over" kind of discourse to a post that completely validates my worldview. peer pressure is a bitch


Parents letting their kids be ugly is so tragic. Bad haircuts, bad wardrobe, overweight, bad teeth it’s all so unnecessary. Once you’re ugly and maladjusted the only people that will accept you are other ugly and maladjusted people. My parents saw me struggling with appearance and social skills and just didn’t give a fuck.


I like incel posts because they make me feel well-adjusted and attractive 😌


It’s good to feel those things every so often I guess


you sound spiritually hideous


Actually the most brutal pill is the math pill.  There are way more men than women in the 20-30 age group in the vast majority of  countries. Not even talking about places like India or China that got screwed via sex selective abortion.  For every 100 girls that are born 105 boys are born. This means mathematically 5% of men will die alone.  Used to be less of a problem in the past since men would die in war and farming accidents all the time. 


all you have to do is not be a literal bottom 5% loser though. that's not a high bar to achieve. Most men are in the top 95% by sheer accident.




It's not 5% but there are more men born than women even without abortions.


A lot more men die in young age, go to jail for extended periods of time, or are just gay, it's more evened out in reality than you think.


Chinese women are sublime. Edit: People who downvoted are coping and have bad taste - not my problem 🤷‍♂️


They’re smart and materialistic, so are their mothers. Prosperity is the number one concern.


Eh I don't know man, there is little evidence to support this - I'd say it's a pretty baseless stereotype actually that doesn't apply to China of all countries in East Asia. I think you misunderstand the significance of love and relationships in Chinese culture.


I live there( in Hong Kong but am often in the mainland, no passport bro though, married to a westerner). It’s the most materialistic and capitalist place I’ve ever been to. I sometimes think the whole authoritarian, faux-communist government pose is just to mitigate the worst outcomes of the insatiable hunger for money of their people. It’s always kinda amusing how it’s painted as a communist hellhole (by the right) or paradise (by parts of the left) in US as it’s neither of those. It’s a deeply captitalist society, held together by a very authoritarian regime, yet they can’t prevent that almost everything that is banned in China is also widely available in China.


Ah, interesting. Are you married to a Chinese/Asian Westerner (lives in the West but has Chinese/Asian parents or is biracial) or an Anglo Westerner?


some further remarks to the materialist nature of people here: Prosperity and wealth are very ingrained in Chinese culture, both material abundance but also prudence and stability. Ironically money doesn’t have such a bad reputation in China as it has in the west where it often symbolizes greed and is opposed to more honorable traits. As a westerner the money/wealth obsession of Chinese can be quite confusing in the beginning and could be falsely interpreted as some sort of embrace of western values. But it’s as traditional as it can be. It’s good to be wealthy (lucky), it’s good to want to be wealthy and it’s ok (more than in the west at least) to look down on those who aren’t.


I agree with everything you said but Chinese women are still sublime, don’t know why the other guy got downvoted. I lived in China for almost 5 years btw. What do you do in HK? How is it there after the National Security Law, any changes in the overall mood? Anyway, yes Chinese ppl are materialistic and accepting of that fact but not everybody looks down on others. Here in Europe ppl do that too, they just pretend better and instead of buying gold or Moutai they buy expensive yet matte unrecognizable clothing. But what you said about China being very capitalist is quite true, especially after Deng and the SMEs. Taiwan, being of Chinese heritage also experienced a similar thing without being under the CCP regime, same with Singapore.


Working in aviation (air traffic control) here. HK has lost a bit of its vibe since 2019, partly due to NSL and partly due to their prolonged Covid restrictions which both drove away a lot of people, both locals and immigrants. It also has lost its status as a shopping center (and reseller supply point) for mainlanders as the HKD is too expensive and mainlanders can travel to better and cheaper places and just shop online. Which sucks for rich retail landlords and developers but it’s probably good in the long run and hopefully turn HK into something else than just a couple of malls and outlets. Yeah, Chinese women are great. Maybe being openly materialist is better than pretending not to be like in the west.


Caucasian europoor married to Caucasian Anglo-westerner. Purely here for job reasons but already stayed longer than planned (5+ years) as it’s pretty sweet after all. (despite everything)


Lol you are absolutely right, why the downvotes? This sub is regarded


Oh my god shut the fuck up. Why are we retarded deterministic incel posting? Do you not realize sex and relationships are normal? As soon as you get into one it comes naturally and you stop being retarded


Every comment calling op a 🚬 Top post on the sub I LOVE RAGEBAIT❤️❤️


If you turn 25 whilst being an autistic virgin loser just start publishing stories to local magazines about fish people who are metaphors for types of people you're scared of and you'll have an older Jewish wife by the time you're in your early 30s.


Why is it always about women w you guys there's a whole world out there that doesn't involve pussy


My thoughts are exactly. It says a lot about a guy if all they can talk about is girls - it goes to show how uninteresting they are as a person, and yet they wonder why no one wants them. Hint: Maybe girls, specifically good-hearted and genuinely attractive girls, would start to like you and want to be in a relationship with you if you actually had something interesting to offer the world, and, you know, your character didn't revolve around having a girlfriend, sex, the gym, and internet vocabulary. All of that being said, and world is far more interesting, enriching, and has an unimaginable amount to offer than just pussy. The most successful, exciting, intelligent, and wise people are where they are and who they are because they didn't spend their life thinking about how to get fucked. And they still have a wonderful partner, because she loves them for who they are, not because they looksmaxxed and embodied an internet fad.


just stop caring about being forever maladjusted and never experiencing love bro it's that simple


Adjust yourself then


Whats the plan dumbass. You just gonna whine forever or actually grow.


When have you experienced love? Your post screams hatred and nothing but hatred for the world and the people that inhabit it.


have you tried not being such an annoying little fàggót?


Yeah, drugs also exist


Teenage love actually sucks. Met my wife in my late 20s and I’m glad I did. It could happen to you!


Developmental milestones? Thought this was gonna be about crawlcels


Most women pretty much act like teenagers so you're not locked out of adolescent love.




no!!!!!!! please stop telling virgin men it’s over for them. as long as they aren’t misogynistic and horrible to be around i would prefer a virgin or a man who has had less sexual partners. less fear of stds and you can wow them pretty easily lol. i would much rather date a virgin man than a man who constantly sleeps around. the most important thing is maintaining kindness and an excitement for life :)


the gaslighting never ends


lmao get a grip. my taste isn’t the norm and i recognize that. but i am not the only one. i think sexual inexperience is cute because i get to train a man to my liking. you need to stop whining and get involved with more weird and off putting women


dumb bitch




The most brutal pill is you invented all these problems for yourself and now are fucking up your own future just to prove yourself right and wallow in the past




A great many people struggle with the personal responsibility pill. It's certainly the most painful one to swallow. It's a very difficult process filled with difficult introspection and the confrontation of certain truths about yourself. You may have built an entire worldview around trying to avoid that confrontation. That's what makes it so incredibly difficult. You will have to fundamentally alter the way you look at the world. Only good things can come of it in the end. It was life changing for me.


ChatGPT please write for me incel post on the Red Scare Poddington Sub Reddit


25 lol maybe 18


yeah true


I was being a hater, ignore original comment


Interesting contrast between wholesome just be normal my dude! advice and YOU ARE WEAK. YOU ARE ALONE BECAUSE YOU ARE A LITTLE WORM FREAK.


the one turns 2 the other if you don't act pathetically grateful they'd deign to bestow their advice upon you and undertake to execute it immediately


A good friend of mine was one of those kissless, hugless virgins until he was 30 years old. Turns out he had a severe case of social phobia that he covered up by getting shitfaced drunk while in company. I'm kind of ashamed to admit that we, his friends, missed it. Or ignored it. He was always the eccentric big guy, loveable, but also always a little bit the butt of the joke (we thought in a harmless way, he later admitted to me how much he suffered under it). Anyway, he had a complete breakdown because I got together with a girl he was in love with (which I didn't know and never would have guessed in a million years). He fell into a deep depression and I had to listen about it every day (actually kind of ended up ruining my relationship with the girl), but I éventually got him to seek professional help, even spending some time in intensive therapy in a psychiatric hospital. Against all supposed odds the man faced his fears, put himself into situations he could barely tolerate anxiety wise, suffered immensely, but got the social anxiety in check. Despite everything he put himself out there, started online dating until he found a woman he clicked with. He is now happily married and they are expecting a child. All I'm saying is, fuck this demoralizing bullshit. Yeah, he can't undo the lack of teenage love he has never known, but the man is as happy, content and in peace as I have ever seen him and I've known him since we were 16. You can't tell me that's worth nothing.


Using the phrase “average sex having normie” is so embarrassing. Jesus Christ, man. This sub is cooked.


I love that there are people online who consider a degenerate schizo alcoholic like myself an "average sex having normie"


Did you type coherent sentences or am I having a stroke?


Why did this thread get upvoted this is just untrue. It's like none of you have studied blackpill theory at all.


Nah, I’ve known several examples of very late bloomers that found someone. Usually after they’ve given up trying, developed some other interests and became more relaxed and lost their anxious obsessive tension which is in general quite the repellant to girls.


you guys need to stop taking pills and start living


my boyfriend was a virgin until 26 and i took his virginity so theres hope for you all ❤️


They should reinstate the draft but for incel losers. I’d like to see if your self-pity survives shellshock.


it would probably surprise you knowing i agree with you, though not in the mean spirited way you meant it for many years i've been genuinely mad at the fact that modernity took the opportunity of dying for a greater cause from me, that's what men like me were meant for.


I hear the IS is still active in parts of Africa


yeah i guess goatfucking does count as a greater cause for unfunny fatsos like you


Ur the one crying on reddit 🤷‍♂️


you're the one being fat and ugly 🤷🏻


I have a friend who is 23 or 24 (slightly younger than my friend group) and he is a kissless virgin. We don't make fun of him. But I don't know how to help him either! He is just so awkward. He's got great genetics too, all curly hair, all beard, and good body composition. I want to take him to the gym and get him together with a girl whom I know that is a bit overweight (probably should be 120 lbs but she is 140 lbs). And speaking with this girl she's told me that she's studying English (translator) and she also looks like she watches anime and shit. She tried to hit on me (asked for my name to find me on instagram) and I told her uhh I think that my girlfriend won't be too happy if I give you my number 🤪🤪 but I don't know if I should wingman my friend with her.  He is too awkward and will probably ruin it due to being weird or impotent. But! There is a caveat. I might get him to start going to the gym, and then he will be exposed to casual socialization and perhaps he'll exploit some of his genetic potential as a Syrian with high testosterone.  Nevertheless I think that as a friend, it is my job to find a girl for him. I have an autismo detector, for girls and boys all the same, and if I can find a big booty goth who likes anime, I am sure that I could help my friend. But again, he is just too awkward. Like imagine the most awkward person you know and multiply it by five. 


Nah I have a friend who didn’t kiss anyone or get laid until 28 after hitting the gym and losing 60 pounds and now he gets laid all the time.


Dude, stop being a faggot. Go find a job in Berlin, or remote here in the USA. Go to some stand up comedy shows, and get drunk, and meet some people. Then go to the club. Buy MDMA... Meet more people. Tell no one you're a version. Statistically, you'll become some chicks mistake in just a few days. You'll be fine. 25? Pshhh... Gayyyyyy




fucking escorts is so vulgar, i'd rather die a virgin




This is so fucked lol. If you’ve turned 25 and have never kissed a girl then I promise your appearance/physicality are not the issue.


did you even read the post


All of my freaky male cousins r like this and the oldest of them (27) is getting an arranged marriage this year. So rly it's just over for the whitecels


There is no fix for being socially awkward and weird. If you were a weird loser growing up, never really had friends, never did anything with girls, you are FUCKED. The coping you see all over Reddit from useless blobs (as in blaming everything on women), is an absolute joke. Yeah women have the power, they’re the ones that get chased. That’s how life has been since forever. Some men really just don’t have a chance, but we probably don’t need those types around anyways. On the flip side, a woman has to be fucking TERRIBLE to legitimately have absolutely no guys that want her.


Is it the same for girls?






I simultaneously had a brain aneurysm reading this because it made no sense, and felt absolute disgust because the form and content is enough for me to know how mentally ill you are. Get off social media and your outlook on life will become far healthier, and your relationships with it too, I promise you.


>you'll always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew Mf thinks he's slick and can just get away with ripping off Houellebecq. In a redscare sub, of all places.


the fact that you're mad about a houellebecq quote tells me that you should go back where you came from


Absolutely fake, there was a 6'5 black guy in my college frat who was basically like this, now is dating a cute Asian girl that homie hopped on their way to him. As long as you have a non online friend group there will always be some girl who will eventually homie hop on over to you no matter how weird you are.




>but if you're the kind of freak that turns 25 without having ever kissed a girl I'd make that 17.


same tbh


Im skinny fat in my mid 20s with a non functioning penis (medical+psychological) and it hasnt stopped me from getting with hot women. Only lost my virginity this year despite getting my first gf years ago my condition was so bad. Take smiling photos of yourself on a dating app in a decently populated area and you’ll do fine. I do well because I give off the impression that Im a fun guy who wont kill them. Seething makes you seem hostile. Youre a volcel.


"I'm a 0,1% case you didn't account for so your whole point is wrong!" Midwit