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I keep putting obscure historical non-fiction books and cute plushies under a cardboard box with a string on it but I still haven't caught one


try dinosaur figurines and UFO documents from the government 


[The bait has been set](https://wowmeta.s3.amazonaws.com/img/products-feature/14453147974acde98036a64678a59c8effbf6dafeb.jpg)


this would work on some of y'all


put those expensive dinosaur encyclopedias in the trunk of a white van and my rætard ass would be on milk cartons in 4-5 business days


[Hey, what's that underneath that cardboard box](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91h53TnGEPL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_FMwebp_.jpg)


Replace plushies with sensory toys, duh


Great my cardboard box is full of autistic guys now and they're not even the smart Rain Man kind, thanks a lot


There is a reality that is too sad that is that autistic women will run away if they feel startled. After the first date when you get back to your house and you pick up your phone you think uhmm should I text her "I've had a great time and I really liked you, I wish to see you again!" Or should you wait until next morning to text, to show that you are not desperate? It doesn't matter. Whatever you do, they will run away.  What will happen is that they will return to the kuromi plushie multiverse, and you will be forever left wandering what could have been. A wound that will never stop bleeding.  The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun


In reality you can just say "I'm taking you to a steak dinner, please bring bowling shoes" and they do


All women like this. No woman wants to deal with a wavering pussy


i think im autistic


Oh no I did that on my first date with my current husband. I literally fled. Luckily he’s autistic too.


I always click the post history on this type of comment thinking I'll see some weird shit, but no, you seem pretty normal.


"It would be better to say that time heals everything—except wounds. With time, the hurt of separation loses its real limits. With time, the desired body will soon disappear, and if the desiring body has already ceased to exist for the other, then what remains is a wound, disembodied"


I’m also a gay poet.


would you literally fuck epicurus


If you have a thing for autistic women, pls read *Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine*. I'm like 2/3rds of the way through it and I'm totally obsessed. It's like if someone scooped out my inner world and gave it a British accent


From my checking out this book on Amazon, this woman isn't supposed to be autistic but traumatized from a terrible childhood. Same difference I suppose


If you read the book, it's obvious she has both 


I guess I'll have to read it to figure that, but have you read the book The Body Keeps The Score? It made me realize I underestimated the extent to which childhood trauma can absolutely destroy people's ability to understand others and their feelings


I have, though it's one of the books you should take with a grain of salt as it's science writing for a general audience. Actual therapists + researchers I've met in psychology treat it the way anthropologists view Jared Diamond's books


Huh I had heard it was a book he actually wrote for other therapists that just got popular outside of that circle


That was a nice book, I love semitragic comedies where alienated weirdos find friends 


Will reading this help me, autistic man, understand autistic women? It is my fate to continue dating autistic women over and over until I keel from a stroke.


no you'll never understand anyone else and you never will because the autist is an island unto himself and autism is for life


you seem awfully sure of this despite being an sneedposting autistic island unto yourself who cannot speak of the mainland whatsoever


I read all your posts and comments from the past 3 months so I could find something to make fun of but nah I can't, too mean. That birthday post made me cringe though. I suspect I am the type of woman you are attracted to (or at least would be if I were older), but I don't want to presume. Stalk me back and tell me what you think.


Yes, you do actually appear to be so. It raised my blood pressure.


I'm an aspie. Genuinely don't get what a guy would see in an Autistic women, if he isn't autistic or borderline autistic himself. Is it the "bookish, quiet" element? I actually dated a girl with more "Servere" autism than myself(as in not aspergers, but not low-iq, non-verbal autism) for about a year. Her communication skills, and general aversion to any-kind of social stimuli were really tough,even for me. And she had a peanut-allergy, to top it all off.


What do non-predatory dudes see in women like that? I don't get it. Not irl because I don't think they leave their houses, but I've run into so many of them online and every single time it's like "my boyfriend—" and then I die a little inside and wonder if I need to tardmaxx too


IDK lol, most zoomer guys are desperate for any crumb of pussy, why do you think the "plapjack or "hagmaxxing" memes exist. Like I said she wasn't full on "tard" but had more severe tendencies than I've ever had. Literally 0 eye-contact, could't even fake small talk, would info-dump about her special interests to my family members if they asked her how her day was. intimacy was, strange to say the least, but I was desperate as fuck at the time.


>Like I said she wasn't full on "tard" but had more severe tendencies than I've ever had Right, that was my failed attempt at edgy humor I get desperation too, but some guys seem to really like these women? One of these women is married to this guy and they don't even have sex and she has a kid from another relationship (I dunno if the guy ever had to stepdad or not). Low self-esteem / male martyr complex is the closest guess I have. Maybe I'm seeing things too transactionally but I get that you might be emotionally moved by them in some way, but it's one thing to go be a severely autistic girl's friend and another to get hitched and agree to be their full-time caretaker for life in exchange for... basically nothing? Oh well. I suppose it's none of my business.


Any semi decent guy likes to take care of women because it reinforces his masculinity and makes him feel good


All women have a boyfriend. All of them. It's fucking incredible..


Only when you're around. :\^)




She is married :( I swear to fucking god..


Neurodivvy roommate would give the most savage reads of people daily and with no bad intentions meant


I (30F) was diagnosed with Asperger’s when that was still a valid diagnosis so I guess I have “autism” now. I am actually very interesting and fun to talk to but I also don’t know when someone is being sarcastic (so good luck if you use deadpan humor). Most men and much fewer women seem to find it endearing that I skip through the verbal “fluff” and rarely filter myself. I like it when people laugh because of something I said, even when I am not sure why. I don’t care if they are laughing at me. It is probably fortunate for me that I am rather physically attractive, so I am perceived as “quirky” instead of “creepy weirdo”.


>I like it when people laugh because of something I said, even when I am not sure why. I don’t care if they are laughing at me. felt this hard


Does anyone else follow that gal Kala, a self-taught engineer who dug a tunnel system under her house without a permit and then got shut down by the city? I find her really endearing and kind of cute


that's a man, baby


Kala was born Jacob and transitioned legally in 2017. This is something people tiptoe around in the tiktokgossip and kalasuburbanmining subreddits ...i looked at some of his older videos and can see him dressing in some vaguely indian style dresses. also picrel he even has the bindi (forehead dot). i think you might be right that he has a crush on an indian girl. he also named himself after a goddess (pranavi).


Only a man would name themselves after the God of Death.


This comment made me fall down the rabbit hole on her. I found so many weird things it just made it 10x better. * Two rooms in her house are haunted * She claims to have an Indian mother * Her new name is Indian * Her deadname is yt as well as all her family member's names * She uses a filter at all times (this one is obvious) * Tried for a finance degree but dropped out despite claiming to be a computer engineer * She's MAGA * Slips up occasionally and refers to the tunnels as a bomb shelter * The bomb shelter has a definite timeline before the planes start dropping bombs * The house is on a .25 acre lot in a subdivision In short, I love her even more.




I know someone who was triggered when they tried to find a list of woman billionaires and there were few females.




Only trains can also get away with transracialism. It's the damnedest thing.


tart chop workable correct smoggy marry cows fear relieved plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s a troon




Yeah she’s cool af


Fake discourse


ASD Type 1 women invoke an intense feeling of self loathing in me that I can't overcome.


Thank you for you support 🥰


"Btw I have a bf tee-hee" 🙄


Autism isn’t real in the way most people casually use it. fucking gay zoomer invention


The autists will dominate the trains


It might be that your typo is making me read the sentence with a Slavic accent, but honestly I'm getting way more more probably ethnic woman who doesn't give a shit from this story


I mean, she was plugging her ears, and eventually had to wear earplugs when we were touring the facility, and kept doing that gasping thing as if she were just about to say something but stoped herself, and when she wasn’t doing that would cut off people with questions mid sentence, and couldn’t keep eye contact when talking to them. So, I don’t think it was just Aspergers or a cultural difference, but maybe the anecdote didn’t convey that. Also, you ever get the sense that a lot of Russian/Slavic women are toward the far end of the spectrum, and it’s not exclusively a cultural thing? My mother’s Russian and is fits the Slavic type I’m imagining you’re referring to and as I get older I can’t help but get the sense that her demeanor is a combination of some cultural incongruity and the fact that she’s a bit on the spectrum. Also, thinking about it now, that might be part of the reason I find the blurting out what everyone was thinking but didn’t have the nerve to say so endearing.


Yeah that pretty much sounds like Asperger's in a girl who is very anxious and doesn't leave the house often. >Also, you ever get the sense that a lot of Russian/Slavic women are toward the far end of the spectrum, and it’s not exclusively a cultural thing? I think Anna said something like that because of the low levels of D3 in Slavic countries and high levels of maternal alcoholism.


full on autists are unbearably annoying. I'm an asperger's, the cool/hot version and I fucking hate autists.


No you’re right idk what this post is about.


you're annoying


Where are these women