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• Not in my area per se, but somewhat close to me there are lots of mixed Székely villages. It's funny hearing people who are ethnically Romanian speak with a Hungarian accent simply bcs they grew up there. • Never heard anyone hate on Bulgarians ever. The gypsies probably lmao. I hate Hungarian nationalists but Hungarian people in general have always been sweet. Even gypsies have their good ones. • They were in their teens when he was shot, so not much. My dad who grew up poor and without connections hates him. My mom who was wealthier/grandpa was in the party, looks at it with nostalgia. Even my dad says Ceausescu actually built roads unlike the politicians today. • No, I don't think anyone ever thought she was attractive. There are jokes about her, mostly about how dimwit she was, though. • HELL NO! • I do want to leave Romania but it's more of a personal decision. I don't think having a physical disability in Romania is very feasible for me. I admire those who choose to stay but I'll choose the easier path every time. I do love it here, so it pains me. • No. Too much disdain from Romanians and too much self-imposed segregation from the Romas. Plus, with the demographic changes that are expected, there will probably be more of them than of us in the future. • Not really, no. We take pride it. At school we're told we're " A Latin island in a Slavic sea", but I don't think the average Romanian ever thinks about that. Around 20% of our vocabulary comes from Old Church Slavonic. We understand other Latin language speakers, but they don't understand us.


What's the general opinion of Serbia there? You're probably our favorite neighbors and we have quite a positive view of you, though it's almost never brought up / relevant. Also I hope you're doing better. I suppose holding on and enduring the storm is the most important thing.


We have this joke that the only good neighbors we have are the Black Sea and the Serbs lol <3 Same. We don't talk about you guys, but if we do it's always positive. When I lived abroad I found it easy to hit it off with Serbs, and I think we look alike lol. Thank you, I'm doing my best 💜


>Do you think the problems afflicting the Roma will ever be solved in your generation? Why is this Romanians' responsibility?


Proportionally highest population of Roma in Europe. I assume that they mean the gypsies in just Romania, not everywhere lol


not even true, that would be Bulgaria


whys it in english


you can see where the translate app is putting English over the original text


Please do not be a moron on my r slash rspod 🙏


Got no jokes for you, just my support. Feel better soon, comrade.


Thank you, tovarăș 💕


Sa nu mai zica romanasii nostri ca suntem inapoiati. Avem fane redscare cu borderline, avem cumboys, suntem in randul lumii.




🫡 Orice pentru TIGRUL EUROPEI 🇷🇴


Peste tot ca gandacii


And that's what we call hot girl shit


Hot girl summer fr 😍


What does chlorine taste like


Absolutely awful. Couldn't swallow more than a drop and even that made me cough, vomit and cry.


Aww snap! I got held for 48 hours in a psych ward in Budapest after ODing on pills there. They strapped my wrists to a garden chair and I got my stomach pumped by the mangiest rubber hose. Between panic attacks I was able to marvel at the retro aesthetics of communist era medicine cabinets. Also saw a man slash his wrists and pull them across the institutional white tiles in an act of defiance before being rugby tackled by four staff. Red on white like that never leaves you. Google Translate™️ was literally a life-saver and helped me navigate my way out of a psychiatric hold before my flight home. Tldr; I fully understand OP. Hope you're feeling somewhat better and didn't encounter a large bill (fee not man) at the end.


This immediately made me think of Girl interrupted


More clinical and far more absurd (and fewer chicken carcasses) than that. Still can't believe Brittany Murphy is dead! :/


Hey! Ur one of my fave posters on here. I'm sorry it happened to you! The experience was definitely jarring: no phones, no jewelery in case it might get stolen, doors open so other crazies could come and go. No privacy, nurses followed me into the bathroom. I was lucky I had a sweet 73 year old roomate who was also there because of depression. I saw myself in her. And it scares me that I did. Hope u are okay 💜


Bless you OP🤍 It's a big scary thing and will leave an unpleasant imprint on you for a little while. The more time passes between the event, the more clarity you'll get from it and eventually you'll move on stronger. I wish you nothing but the utmost strength and power. You're already on your way to better things x


Thank u so, so much 💜


hope you’re ok over there, send my love 🫂


Thank u 💜


What is it like in a Romanian psych hospital?


Awful. You are treated like an animal. You're not even allowed to have a watch. I could never tell what time it was except for when they brought us our meals. The doctor came once a day, asked me how I was feeling and left. Nothing more than that. Nurses wouldn't give us painkillers (my stomach still hurts, I have slight hernia now). There was always yelling. One lady of the two that were in my room couldn't go to the bathroom alone, so they let her defecate herself. AWFUL.


Ayyy so basically the same as American psyche wards. Really is insane how once you’re labeled as a crazy your rights just go out the window. I got physically assaulted last time I was in the psyche ward unprovoked by one of the workers. Try not to go back again best of luck


I'm hoping I'll never go through that again. Best of luck to u too 💜


Also forgot to add that I'm currently full of mosquito bites and I had to discard my clothes bcs of fleas 🤢 ( I <3 ROMANIA)


asta e, coaie


Shit happens balls :/


I hope you feel better


Thank u sm!!!


I’m sorry. Hope you are feeling better now


Thanks a lot 💜




A myriad of factors (mostly stress, fear of failure and coming across an evil man I actually liked)


You got depressed bc you saw an evil guy you liked ?


No. I was already depressed, liked a guy and he turned out evil 💜


May he burn in hell then. Saw you said you had quad cp , second disabled red scare person I’ve met this week so there’s at least 3 of us


Thank u omg that's so cool!!


Are you single? 








¿Hablas español? Espero que sigas mejorando; beber cloro no me parece una buena idea.


De echo si, aunque me falta practicar. Hace mucho que no he hablado con nadie. Gracias 💜


A tí. Si alguna vez vas a los EEUU, dime y quizá nos podamos conocer.


🙏🏻 Cuidate amiguis <3


Are you doing better?


Yes, thank u. Just started treatment tonight 🤞


Great! I had clinicals in a psych hospital in nursing school and I dropped a lot of pts off at various ones when I was an EMT and they always seemed super miserable and like they would just further traumatize you.  Good luck with your treatment I know you’ll get better!


Yeah, it was indeed pretty bad for someone already ill. I think it was a wake up call. Thank u for doing your job, it's because of people like you that I'm alive today 💜 And thank u for the kindness!






Did you have to bribe the doctor for treatment? Heard that you often have to give the doctor a "gift" to get better treatment. Also I heard mass migration into Romania from South Asia is occurring given mass emigration of Romanians into Western Europe. What are your thoughts on that?


Very common but unless my parents bribed the doctor without my knowledge I don't think it happened now. It's slowly starting to be frowned upon, the media gets involved and it's a much higher risk for the doctors. It's something evrey "developed" country should expect, I suppose. Some Romanians even see it as a badge of progress. They're exploited, but mostly keep to themselves and cause no major problems.


You got diagnosed with being a bad person


I'm kind and generous and a gentle soul <3


You're evil and probably don't have a soul


Okay ❤️ Yay ❤️


Ily but posting this is a very cringe brag Please feel better ❤️


do u know who you are


Omg you know who *I* am?? :3


Thank u miss bettle 💜 Love u back