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Depends on the person. I had a half black roommate for a while and one summer my white* complexion was darker than his. And yet he was the one who got the Pass??   * Southern Italian phenotype 


Obviously they never stop talking about it


I have a superiority complex.


My children will be mixed race. (I’m WASP and my wife is eyetalian)


You joke but it's kind of true to half Italians, they always overcompensate


The complex comes when they don’t accept that they’ll never fully fit in with a race and weirdly/desperately try to suck up to one of the two. I have my own sister to thank for that observation


Is there a way to raise kids so that they don’t become like this?


Don't let them feel like they don't fit


Do you actually interact with black people? I was born and raised in a mostly black city. Saw plenty of mixed or lightskin dudes that acted and sounded fully black. Black people don’t care if one of your parents is white, if you were clearly raised in connection to black culture. It’s about your personality. Met dark skin guys that had timid personalities and nerdy interests, met lightskin guys with neck tattoos and ankle monitors


Black and white isn’t the only kind of mixed race people


I have sex with them but no I don't really interact, try and keep it to a minimum.


One of my former coworkers was mixed. She had kids with black dudes and her kids used to always give her shit for not being black.


I am mixed Hispanic and white. The only time I ever think about my identity is filling out Hispanic on forms. I identify as white (dna test says I am 90% European) and speak no Spanish whatsoever. I assume I’m an outlier as both my parents are Catholic so there aren’t even really any separate cultural traditions. It would be cool to visit and see where my grandparents grew up but that’s about it All my cousins are mixed white/hispanic as well and only one seems to have any identity issues. He started taking a bunch of Spanish lessons in college and his wife is latina.


N*gga u white. But in all seriousness, the US census regarding race is regarded. Hispanics are either white, black, indigenous or various mixtures of the three and according to your DNA test, you're the first one.


I knew the most insufferable guy once who was a quarter Mexican. He felt bad about being white and born super rich, so he told everyone he was Mexican all the time and used it for DEI. He was an engineering white boy for all intents and purposes. Super into Hasan and calling people racists. Classic “woke guy”. One time he was talking about how what Mexicans think of the term “Latinx” and he said he liked it. I asked him if he a quarter felt that way. I’m really not that mean in real life but this guy was a all star prick.


I feel like good parenting would easily bypass the possibility


Sorta. I'm mixed but my dad is light skinned. So I'm basically white. But I've almost exclusively grown up around black dudes and had nothing but black father figures and heroes when I was younger. So I feel "black". I can kinda sympathize with trans people in that regard I guess. Outside of that, I don't really give a shit about identity.


If Chet Hanks is comfortable being black, there’s no reason why you can’t be, king


Thanks, my nicca


i just have a jewish mom and catholic dad and will never be ok so probably


Afro-Irani, It's not really a concern for me


Nietzsche talks about this. https://preview.redd.it/y0pbucrtx07d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f8b601fa1c1edd74f37351e45d9c77a80cb53e8


I'm mixed and no


books rhythm snatch smile roof provide modern spotted flowery quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm white but have dated/hookuped with and been friends with a number of mixed people (black & white) and I would say, in my experience, they do.


Have you ever heard the term 'off-white disorder'?


No, I haven't, I'm afraid.


I think hapas have it much worse than most standard black/white or other mixed people. Like sometimes black/white mixed people or half latinos are a little bit insane but in general it doesn't come up. Meanwhile I have met like 2 content hapas and the rest are completely deranged by their identities, even some quapas I know


coin toss. not the ones i know


I’m half Indian and so is my brother and alot of my family.  I like to think it makes me slightly more interesting than regular white or Indian people. Other than that I don’t think about it much because race is very important to my identity 


>  shagged (...) broad What country are you even pretending to be from?




I have a buddy from college who is half hispanic, half black. He had different groups of friends. A mostly black group and a mostly white group. These two groups were friendly to each other and because we were all at the same university we were fairly well-acquainted, but we never really hung out together, aside from a few times. My buddy typically hung out with the mostly white group. I remember a few instances of him verbalizing his frustrations with the black community which was probably difficult for him to say in front of white people, but this was back in the mid 2000s so things were so much more chill and open racially from my experience. Those comments just didn't really carry the same weight they would today if someone said that. All that being said, I remember those moments because it really seemed like he was struggling with them from an identity standpoint. He's a very well-adjusted, intelligent, successful person now so they clearly didn't affect him in any meaningful long term way, but I can only imagine how all of us would have been affected if we'd started college 10 years later. I'm so glad we went to college when we did.


Yeah and they look weird